
mistress, he entered by chance with-, “I cannot paint to you, my dear out being announced; she was writ- | friend, what I suffer lest Herbert ing. At sight of him she blushed || should discover the affair of Gustadeeply, started up in confusion, and vus; if he does, he is lost to me for snatching the paper from her desk, ever, and the merest chance may recrumpled it in her hand, and put it veal it to him. I know that I can into her pocket. Herbert had a || depend upon M-'s prudence, but strong spice of jealousy in his tem- | unfortunately it is known to others. per, but hitherto no circumstance I tremble yet in thinking of the narhad called it forth ; the agitation of row escape we had the other day : his mistress, the singularity of her it was not five minutes after you had action, and, above all, the confusion taken Gustavus away that Herbert which she vainly tried to conceal, came. Had he arrived only a few awakened his suspicions. All at once minutes sooner ". his manner became cold and con-| Reader, have you ever been in strained; an undefined sentiment of love? If you have, you will easily jealousy took possession of his mind; conceive what an effect this unfinishashamed of the doubts which forced led epistle produced upon poor themselves upon him, he rallied him- George; if you have not, I should self to dispel them in vain. He scru- strive in vain to paint it. His first tinized the looks and the manner of impulse was to upbraid his perfidious his mistress; the latter was more | mistress; his next to flee her for ever, than usually gay; he thought that without deigning to come to an exthis air of gaiety was forced, and planation. His sister, the only being that it was put on to conceal unhap- on earth to whom he could open his piness.

mind, was out of town; he hastened Twenty times he was upon the home, and in three hours, without point of asking her if there was not any preparation, without even a passsomething that weighed upon her port, he was upon the road to Dover. mind; as often he stopped, for fear 'In this state of mind he landed at of offending her by betraying his Calais, where he was compelled to suspicions. Already he had staid an stop from inability to proceed. Here, unconscionable time, and yet he could during a month that he was confined not prevail upon himself to move to his room, he had leisure to reflect when a servant came to tell Mrs. upon the past and the future: the Clermont that the poor woman whom | result of his reflections was a solemn she had appointed to call was below; resolution never to marry, and a deand she left the room with a slight termination to endeavour to wear apology, and a promise of returning | away in travelling the bitter sense of directly. Hardly was she gone when his misfortune. Herbert saw lying at the foot of her | He employed nine months in makchair the paper which had caused ing the tour of France; then, tired him so much unhappiness. Impelled with wandering, took up a temporary by jealousy, and without giving him- | abode at Tours. This city was once self time to reflect upon the base- famous for its hospitality, and it still ness of the action, he seized it, and retains enough of that virtue to renread as follows:

der it a particularly agreeable sojourn . Vol. VI. No. XXXV.


for strangers: but Herbert's mind , sister to themselves, when Harriet was still out of tune; he repulsed gravely said, “I have a commission with coldness the offered civilities of to you, brother." the inhabitants, shunned the English “ A commission!" replied he in an residents, and secluded himself so agitated tone. completely from all society, that he “ Yes, from Maria." soon began to be looked on as a de- “ Dear Harriet, have I not told termined misanthrope.

l you that name was interdicted ?" · From the time he quitted England. “ It would never have been mentill he stopped at Tours he had never tioned to you had not my friend's written even to his sister; he often character rendered it necessary for reproached himself with the pain you to hear it once more.” which he knew his silence would “ Oh! no, no! Could she think cause her, but he was utterly at a || so meanly of me as to suppose that loss in what manner to break it. He her character would suffer through felt the greatest unwillingness to ex- | my means? No; injured as I have pose his faithless mistress even to been, tell her, that with me it is and her: yet how else could he account | always will be sacred.” for their separation?

“Very well, that is no more than At last he determined to write to I expected from your generosity: her, and, without entering into any but, however, it is right you should justification of himself or his mo- know that Gustavustives, to make it a condition of their “ Sister, if you would not drive correspondence, that the name of me mad, talk not to me of that deMaria should never be mentioned || tested Gustavus, that minion of the between them. He did so, and as most faithless of women!" he received no answer, he began to “ It is certainly too true that she fancy that his sister resented so high- was at one time actually fascinated ly what she must consider his sup- with that Gustavus; but I can assure posed ill treatment of her friend, that you she is thoroughly cured of her she would not write to him. He passion; and although she neither was grieved and mortified at this; || expects nor wishes to see you more, his heart longed for communion with I am perfectly convinced you have one who was so dear to him; but he no longer a rival." . still shrunk from the idea of expos- | .“ A heart which can thus be given ing her whom, in spite of himself, and taken at will is unworthy of an he still too tenderly loved.

attachment such as mine." One day while he was ruminating “My dear brother, do not deceive on this very subject, he saw a tra- || yourself, Maria has neither the develling-carriage drive to his door, out sire nor intention to regain your of which stepped Mrs. Vincent and heart; you have treated her too her husband. We may easily ima- | ill " gine the scene of fraternal affection “I! I the most outraged, the most which ensued; the kind reproaches injured of mortals! Have I not the for silence, long absence, &c. on one acknowledgment of her perfidy unside, and the awkward apologies onder ber own hand? Has she not the other. Vincent soon took an op- avowed her passion even to you?" portunity of leaving the brother and “ It is, however, a passion not

without excuse, as you must, I am | amusement of her leisure hours, and sure, acknowledge if you will only would never, I believe, have thought permit me to present Gustavus to of stepping forth as an avowed auyou.”

thoress, but from the wish to benefit At these words Herbert, incens a family distantly related to her late ed beyond the power of language, husband. She has done for them started up, and was hastening away. | all that her limited income allowed “ Stop!" cried the mischievous Har- | her to do, and more than prudence riet, grasping his arm, while she would warrant; but it was still inheld up two small volumes, " if you sufficient for their wants. It was are positively determined not to be then that she thought of her pen. come acquainted with this rival of The plan of · Gustavus' had been yours, at least take a glance at him sketched before, and the work was en passant. Yes, this is really that soon completed. Her relation was formidable Gustavus of whom Maria charged to dispose of it; he found a acknowledges she was once much liberal bookseller, and a bargain was enamoured, and who bas caused you soon made for a sum sufficient to so many jealous pangs."

extricate his family from the tempo• What poor creatures, under some rary embarrassment in which they

circumstances, are the boasted lords were involved. Can we wonder that of the creation! Herbert forgot all he found · Gustavus' a charming his horror of female authors, and work? or that Maria, wholly unsusthought no more of his unalterable picious of your antipathy to female resolution, never to marry a woman authors, readily yielded to his enwho could be guilty of such an out-treaties that her name should grace rage upon the diffidence of her sex || the title-page, and even pleased heras to prefix her name to a book. self with the thought of giving you There it was sure enough, “ Gusta an agreeable surprise? Just as the vus, a tale, by Mrs. Clermont;" and work was printed, I went into the Herbert pressed it again and again country; she had taken care that two to his lips with transport.

copies should be given, before the “ And is this all?" cried he at last. rest of the edition, to be bound: one “ Fool, madman, that I have been! of these was presented to me; the Dear, dear Maria, how can I ever other was destined for you. When, make thee amends for the torment Ideath to all the literary glories of the have caused thee!"

fair writer! she learned by mere “ There is only one way,” cried chance, that so far from their increasHarriet, laughing, “ by giving her ing her hold on your heart, they the power of tormenting you in re- were likely to rob her of it for ever, turn; and truly you deserve that, as She instantly forswore pen, ink, and your wife, she should make a liberal paper; persuaded the bookseller to use of it. But come, since you have cancel the title-page; wrote to beg got over your horror of Gustavus,' that I would destroy mine; and, in let me tell you his history." || short, thought of nothing but re

.“ Maria had always a turn for pairing her involuntary fault, and composition; but she made it the concealing it from you."

"Dear, angelic creature ! how can || feet, and to receive her pardon. They I ever make her amends? Forgive were soon afterwards united; and be me, Harriet, but I must fly to her!" it recorded, to the honour of matri

And fly he did, as fast as steam- mony, that it has entirely cured the boats and post-horses would permit gentleman of jealousy and the lady him, to deplore his rashness at her of scribbling.


No. I.

Ham. Did you not speak to it?

Hor. My lord, I did;
But answer made it none; yet once, methought,
It lifted up its head, and did address
Itself to motion, like as it would speak :
But even then the morning cock crew loud,
And at the sound it shrank in haste away,

And vanished from my sight.- Hamlet. From the very earliest ages a be- || he conceives that the best supported lief in the existence of disembodied stories of apparitions may be comspirits has prevailed more or less for-pletely accounted for. Arguing upcibly among mankind; and there is, on this assumption, he proceeds to perhaps, no nation or tribe in the adduce examples in support of his world, that do not implicitly believe theory, all of which tend to prove, in the appalling influence of some that the foundation of all supernaspecies or other of ghost or goblin.tural appearances is entirely dependA modern writer, the predecessor of ent upon certain impulses and dispoDr. Hibbert, has endeavoured, by sitions of the human mind. In this the aid of physiology, to ascertain way he establishes a generic disease, whether these extraordinary and ter. | which he terms hallucinatio; and rific impressions cannot be explain- | which comprises all delusive impresed, from the acknowledged laws and sions," from the scarcely perceptible powers of the animal economy, inde- moat which floats in the sunbeam, to pendent altogether of supernatural the tremendous spectre which apcauses; and he has certainly manag-pears at midnight." ed his subject with much ingenuity. That the universal opinion alreaIt is well known, he says, that in cer- dy adverted to should spring merely tain diseases of the brain, such as de- from a delusion of the senses dependlirium and insanity, spectral delusions | ent upon a disordered imagination, take place, even for the duration of is a circumstance which I could nemany days. But it has not been ge- ver bring myself to acknowledge, and nerally observed, that a partial affec- | numberless are the scoffings to which tion of the brain may exist, which my scepticism on this point has exrenders the patient liable to such posed me. That the spirits of indiimaginary impressions, either of sight viduals have appeared after their or sound, without disordering his decease I have never doubted; and judgment or memory. From the pe- it has often occurred to me, that their culiar disposition of the sensorium," appearance was arranged and regu

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lated by Providence for the accom. I had formed an acquaintance with plishment of some purpose of more him during my wanderings, which than usual importance. Why should has since ripened into warm and sinwe not infer, from the unceasing cere friendship; and I give the regoodness of the Creator, that helation in his own words. would present to us so decisive a “ I had been spending a few days proof of the immortality of the soul? | in the neighbourhood of the little Rather let us adopt the beautiful town of Towyn, in Merionethshire, opinion of the poet, who has thus and had set off on my return to Dolsweetly advocated the benevolent so- gelley, about seven o'clock in the licitude of Providence:

evening. It was in the autumn, and

the day had been beautifully fine, and And is there care in heaven? and is there love

even sultry, but the sun had finally In heavenly spirits to these creatures base,

|| set amidst a canopy of glowing clouds, That may compassion of their evils move? whichan experienced shepherd would There is: else much more wretched were the

have said foreboded a tempest. But case Of men than beasts. But, oh! th' exceeding

a kind mother expected me at Dolgrace

gelley that evening, and these porOf highest God! that loves his creatures so, tents had no influence to retard my And all his works with mercies doth embrace, That blessed angels he sends to and fro,

departure. I rode on, therefore, To serve to wicked men, to serve his cruel

slowly and silently among the quiet hills, and thought only of reaching

my journey's end before night-fall. How oft do they their silver bowers leave,

of all the districts in the wild but To come to succour us that succour want! How oft do they with golden pinions cleave | beautiful county of Merioneth, unThe fitting skies, like flying pursuivant, doubtedly that which I was then traAgaiust foul fiends to aid us militant!

|| versing is the wildest. It may be They for us fight, they watch and duly ward, And their bright squadrons round about us

justly called the Highlands of Merioplant,

nethshire; and the peasants have And all for love, and nothing for reward : bestowed on this desolate tract the Oh! why should heavenly God to men have

name of Fordd ddu, or the black such regard ?

road. Being entirely out of the That very many instances of gross usual route of English travellers, its deception and palpable delusion have inhabitants have retained their lanoccurred, I do not mean to deny. Iguage and their customs almost in These every one has witnessed or has their pristine purity; and the rugged heard of; and, consequently, the ge- hills which inclose them have hithernerality of mankind ridicule any se- to presented an impenetrable barrier rious opinion upon the subject. But to the innovating effects of civilizathe following remarkable circum- tion. My road lay through a tract stance, of which a most intimate | as desolate as it was rugged and rofriend of my own was an eyewitness, mantic. A deep wood bounded the will prove that all speculations upon path on the left, while a long and this point are not to be treated with dreary ridge of heather-covered hills levity. The friend alluded to is a shut out the prospect in an opposite gentleman, now residing in Wales, direction; before me were the wood. whose veracity cannot be questioned. led mountains of Penniarth and Ce

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