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same; but flowers are not so much in deau of pearls placed low on the use.

forehead, and partially seen through The hair is now dressed in small. |the curls, which has a very pretty efer curls on the forehead : they are fect upon dark hair. Toques and arranged high and full. Flowers, l turbans are not much in favour with mingled with knots of crèpe lisse 1 youthful belles; but the head-dressor ribbon, continue in fashion; but es which we mentioned some time they are not so much worn as flow- | since, arranged in the form of a ers only, which are disposed with toque, but so as partially to display great taste amidst the bows of the the hair, are still in request. hind hair: the front is either left Fashionable colours are the same without ornament, or else has a ban-ll as last month.


Paris, Aug. 18. but not so much so as these pointed My dear Sophia,

flounces. Rédingotes of every deA RETURN of temperate wea-scription are exploded. ther at length permits us to walk; Very young ladies, or those who our promenades are once more full; wish to pass for such, have no other and the dresses of our élégantes pre-out-door covering than a scarf, form.sent considerable variety both ined by a broad shaded ribbon, artrimmings and materials. Gros de ranged behind in a fichu, and falling Naples, a new material called mousse in front almost to the knee: the ends line orientale, barèges, and colour- || are finished either by an acorn of ed muslins of new patterns, are all || hard silk, or a fringe formed of the in request : jaconot and clear muslin ribbon; and it is ornamented on the are also fashionable; but perkale is shoulders with broad points of ribupon the decline. The bodies of bon to correspond. The ceinture gowns are now generally made plain, and the ribbon of the bonnet must or en gerbe: the blouse form is get be similar, though of a narrower ting out of favour, except for the width. sleeve, which is still large. The Young and middle-aged ladies apnewest style of trimming for white pear in fichu pelerines of clear musgowns is three deep tucks, placed at lin with long ends, such as I describa little distance from each other; or | ed last month, except that the collar bands of clear muslin arranged in is now supported round the throat puffs, of which there are also three by a shaded ribbon tied in a bow in rows. Coloured gowns are mostly front, or else canezons of the same trimmed with flounces cut in points; material. Shawls are not seen upon and as there are three or four rows any belle under forty. Lace scarfs placed at some distance from each and pelerines are still partially worn, other, and standing out from the but not so much as canezons and fidress, the effect is very whimsical. | chu pelerines. Ruches, bouillonné, and rouleaus are Hats of rice-straw and bonnets of still in favour for coloured dresses; white gros de Naples are trimmed Vol. VI. No, XXXIII.

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with a mixture of shaded ribbons, consist of oblong puffs of the same and flowers; they have no trimming material, arranged between a wreath at the edge of the brim, but a band il of oak or laurel leaves in satin of vaof ribbon passes both above and be- || rious shades of green. The epauneath it on the right side. Crape | lette corresponds: the corsage is fiand gauze bonnets are mostly trim- nished round the bust by puffs conmed with the same material, inter- fined by green satin cords. mingled with flowers. Bonnets are Ball-dresses (for no sooner did we of a very moderate size; but the cease to be scorched than we began brims, though not deep, are always to dance) are now of a very simple wide across the forehead. The demi || description: a clear muslin or white pelerine hats have disappeared; those crape dress over white satin, simply now worn are shallower in front and finished by four tucks, two of satin, deeper behind. White chapeaux and two of the material of the dress; are more fashionable than coloured the corsage ornamented on the bust ones. We see a few, and but a few, in the fan style with satin; a fold of in rose and in blue; jonquil and citron the same round the bosom; a very are more in request; and these last long waist and very short sleeves, colours are particularly in favour for made extremely full. Such is the pretrimminy gauze or crape bonnets. sent style of ball-dress, with the ad· Clear muslin over white sarsnet is dition of a ceinture clasped by a pearl a good deal worn in dinner dress : | buckle, and a sprig of myrtle, rosethese gowns are either trimmed with laurel, or a few knots of white riblace flounces, or else have a rich and bon in the hair. very deep embroidery at the bottom. Fashionable colours are, lilac, ciGros de Naples, shaded in stripes, || tron, bright ruby, and jonquil. Adieu, and plain barèges, particularly white, i my dear Sophia! Always your are in favour: the trimmings of these

EUDOCIA. gowns are extremely elegant; they


AN ORNAMENTAL AIR-STOVE. The economy of fuel and the, the benefit it offers will be duly apmeans of ventilating, and warming | preciated by the public. apartments have employed the at- The stove, which in fact is both tention of the scientific for some stove and chimney-piece, and reyears; and when, as in the annexed quires no other, is entirely of metal, design, these objects, so important to having suitable retorts at the back, health and comfort, are ingeniously through which the air passes from effected without damage to the build- || the apartment, and becomes heated ing wherein the means are employ. by the fire in the grate; and indeed ed, and at no greater expense than the stove: is altogether an air-chamis tlie common cost of fitting up fire- | ber, capable of benefiting in a very places with stoves and marble chim- great degree from every portion of ney-pieces, it may be expected that the fire with which it comes in contact.

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