
tle at the lower end of the room soon | signal to "strike up," and the dance attracted my attention; and, having ing commenced. It was to me an seated my cousins, I moved down to awful moment; but fortunately I wards the door, to ascertain the stood at the side, and had an opporcause, when I found it was occasion- tunity of observing the figure; and it ed by the arrival of the sheriff and afforded me no trifling satisfaction to his party, who speedily made their see the careless manner in which the appearance. I looked for my charm- gentlemen moved along. At length er, and beheld her leaning on the my turn arrived, and I accomplished arm of a stylish young man, with the first part with a dexterity that abwhom she seemed very intimate. Her solutely astonished myself. Too coneyes inet mine as she entered the fident of my abilities, however, I was room, and a slight but most becom- not so watchful in my observance of ing blush overspread her features the second division; and imagine, as she courtesied to me, with all the gentle reader, my utter confusion, grace and elegance of fashion. I bow when I found myself twirling round ed and walked up to my cousins. alone, and in the middle of any par

I had fortunately engaged my el ty, staring as if just dropped from dest cousin's hand for the first set; I the clouds. There was, of course, say fortunately, because I did not a great bustle among our own set, then know that such was the eti- and a most provoking titter among quette; and a great consolation it was the young ladies who witnessed my to me, at all times, to find anyself awkwardness. Now a person of toright instead of wrong through ig- lerable address and assurance would norance. I was engaged in very have easily retrieved his error; while earnest conversation with my cousins my inexperience in such matters ren. and two or three other young ladies, dered it very evident to all, that I from whom I ascertained that the ob. was a coinplete ignoramus in dancing, ject of my inmost thoughts was a which was too truly the case; and I niece of the sheriff's; that her name am quite certain, that I felt as much was Louisa Belfour; that she was an horrified at my blunders, as I should orphan, and possessed of thirty thou have done had I been detected in sand pounds. In the midst of this picking the high sheriff's pocket. I interesting chat my blood was chill- gazed around me in terror, and one ed by the horrid scraping of the fid- of the first objects that met my view dles, their “ dreadful note of prepa- was Louisa Belfour, who was one of ration” being instantly followed by the next set, gazing at me with an the formation of two or three sets. expression replete with ill-suppressI was, of course, included in one of | ed merriment. She said something them, and rallying my scared and to her partner, who looked towards scattered faculties, I stood in my me and smiled, and I very cordially place more like one of the assize- | wished myself at the bottom of the culprits, before Baron Graham or Red Sea, or any where but where I Mr. Justice Best, than a young gen- | was. I contrived, however, to stumtleman about to participate in a qua- ble through the remainder of the set drille. The musicians received the with tolerable accuracy, and I led my

fair partner to a seat with a great | fered her my arm, and we walked deal more readiness than I led her to | round the ball-room. the dance.

I had every reason to expect a I.was standing and talking to a good deal of badinage from the young friend between the sets, when the lady; but, strange to say, I was disfollowing very interesting conversa appointed. She spoke on indifferent tion reached me, in which the melo- topics, with a grace and Auency dious voice of one of the speakers which evinced her superior educawas too well known to me to mistake tion and accomplishments. My alarm the person who spoke. “But rcally, and constraint wore off, and I openCharles, I think it a thousand pities !ed my lips with a volubility certainly that he should be so awkward, so not natural to me. At length our tery awkward. A young man with conversation became more interesthis fortune should be able at least to ing, because it became more immewalk a quadrille.”—“ So he should, diately allusive to ourselves. The my sweet coz; but where did you adventure of the morning was introever meet with a poet, who could ei- || duced, and duly commented upon: ther dance, or sing, or act in any way nay, by an infatuation almost mira. like a reasonable being? I will ven culous, I found courage to talk of ture to say that he was ' rapt in some my own deficiency in the graces; and sublime vision;' for his eye was cer what was still more marvelous, I containly ' in a fine frenzy rolling,'| descended to enter into a minute dewhich induced him to forget what he tail of all the causes of such a delinought to have been about."-"Well,” | quency. Louisa heard me with parejoined Louisa, and I fancied a soft tience, nay even with interest; and sigh escaped her, “ it is a thousand with a liveliness which became her pities, for he is really a good-looking most bewitchingly, she playfully reyoung fellow. But are you sure that monstrated with me on my neglect he is the author of ?"_" Posi- of such necessary accomplishments, tive: I had it from Lady Farming- and laid down a code of rules, which ham, to whom he sent a copy."— she begged me of all things implicit“Well then, I would rather be such ly to observe. I, of course, promisa poet, than the best dancer at the ed to do so, and have kept my word. Opera House. Are you acquainted I danced with Louisa Belfour with him?"-" I have met him oc- twice that night, and twice the night casionally at old Templeton's," - following; and a more divine crea“Then you shall introduce me forth- ture surely never existed. There with. I want a partner for the coun was a charm in her conversation try-dances, and he will be just the which was absolutely irresistible, and thing." I heard no more, but urg I found in her just such a spirit as I ing my companion forwards, was | imagined would pleasingly and prospeedily at the top of the room; | fitably amalgamate with mine. That where, before I had time to deter- she thought well of me I have evemine upon any thing, Louisa Belfour ry reason to believe; nay, she went was before me, and I was introduced so far as to hint as much; but cirto my inamorata in due form. I of- cumstances, which it is needless to

lol. VI. No. XXXIII,

relate, blasted in its very birth an And when the glory of the erimson sun, acquaintance which might have ri- ||

|| Tinging the boneysuckle flowers, breaks io,

There still it passes o'er the pulseless mind, pened into the warmest and dearest ll Revolving silently the by-past times, of all earthly attachments. I saw Quiet and lovely, like a rainbow gleam, her no more after the balls, for she | O'er tempests that have shower'd and pass'd set off for London the following day,

away. and the next news I heard of her

| And thus it is that life, however was-that she was married! I often | dull and monotonous may be its think of that memorable night, me- course, presents to us some

course, presents to us some " light, morable to me for many reasons; and

ning gleams that flash upon the although several years have since heart,” some bright green spots, and passed by, I have not forgotten a some few fragrant and blooming flowsingle incident relating to it.

ers; and these, from their rarity, Long years have pass'd; but yet, it silent

dwell in the memory long after their mood,

brightness and odour have disapWhen pleasure to the heart is but a dream,

peared. There are few of us who And life with cheerless gloom is canopied,

cannot remember some happy era in Amidst my musings when I stray alone Through moorland wastes, or woodland so-||

our existence, which, like a vision litudes,

that has passed, or a “ tale that is Or when, at twilight, by the hearth I sit

told," serves to feed the mind in afIn loneliness and silence, bursting through The shadow of my reverie, appears,

ter years; some In undecay'd perfection, the same smile,

treasure of the mind; The same seraphic and bewitching form; A picture in the chambers of the brain, It cannot pass away, it haunts me still : | Hung up and framed; a flower from youthFrom slumber waking on my midnight couch,

ful years Methinks I see it floating, beautiful,

Breath'd on by heavenly zephyrs, and preBefore me, still before me like a star

served O'er the dark outline of a mountain-steep; "Safe from decay in everlasting bloom!


No. III.

By John Count MAILATH.

(Concluded from p. 90.) The student at length arrived at || " this errand will cost you your life!" the residence of the wise bird Greif, | -" My dear good lady,” replied the who, however, was not at liome, but student, " if you will have the goodonly his housekeeper: she was not a ness to intercede for me, perhaps the little astonished at the sight of the bird Greif may spare me: see here, student, for during the space of eigh- I have brought a present for you." ty years not a single human creature With these words he gave her the had been there. “ What is your bu three silver pears, which the first siness with us?” asked she. " I want a feather out of the tail of the || with him." How did you come by wise bird Greif,” was his reply.- these pears?" asked the old woman; “ Alas! my son," said the old woman, 1 and the student related to her his

wise bird Greifs of the tail of the with him permitted him to take alone

whole history. She kept silence for the student heard these words he some time, and then said, “ You was overjoyed, crept from under the have unknowingly rendered a service bed, made a low obeisance to the to the wise bird Greif: it is possi- bird Greif, and thus addressed him: ble that he may comply with your “ O most wise bird Greif, it was I wish.” Scarcely had she finished who destroyed the toad. As you these words, when they heard a noise have had the goodness to promise to like the roaring of a tempest.“ What grant me three favours, I would reis that?". asked the student; and the quest you, in the first place, to inold woman answered, “ The bird form me, how long the old woman is Greif is coming; with each stroke doomed to ply on the Dead Sea in of his wings he flies seven leagues: her nut-shell."-" As long as she make haste and hide yourself, for if lives," replied the bird Greif; “ for he sees you, he will tear you in pie- her there is no redemption."-" In ces." The student crept under the the second place, be pleased to tell bed, and the old woman let down me, how long the two hills must yet the curtains, that he might not be fight together."-" Till they can get perceived. No sooner was this done a nan between them, and crush him than the wise bird Greif descended to death," answered the bird Greif. He looked extremely grave, and "In the third place, permit me to walked pensively to and fro. The pull a feather out of your tail, and old woman went up to him. “What to carry it away with me."-"Were is it that engages your thoughts so'|| not the service you have rendered deeply?" said she." You know," || me so important," said the bird Greif, replied the bird Greif, “ that my " I would tear you in pieces for the enemy the toad has been lurking | mere thought: but I have given my these seven years under the silver word, and I will keep it. Lay hold pear-tree, and has there made her-|| of one of the feathers of my tail, self a suit of silver armour: if she and when my old housekeeper says, can work for nine years at this ar- ||* Three!' pull it out." The wise bird mour it will be impenetrable, and Greif stuck his talons into two hills, great calamity will come upon me and thrust his head into a river; the and mine. I know well how she old woman counted one, two, three, might be killed, but I dare neither and the student pulled out the featell any one, nor even inquire after ther. The bird Greif roared like a her. The time will soon expire, and hundred peals of thunder; he had it is this that makes me so grave and crushed the two hills to dust, and thoughtful. But I smell human flesh!" || drunk the river dry, so violent was cried he.—“ You must be hungry his pain. But presently the houseafter your journey; here is some keeper brought his supper. The fruit for you.” At the sight of the bird Greif gave much good advice pears, the wise bird Greif was high to the student, and then they all rely delighted, and said, “ These pears tired to rest. Next morning he flew attest that my enemy the toad is abroad, to see what was going on in slain: whoever has done this deed the whole wide world ; but the stushall always be welcome here, and dent set out on his return. On may ask three favours of me.” When reaching the Dead Sea, the old wa

human files and crushed

nian inquired if he had brought an || THE HISTORY OF THE SNOW-MAIDEN. answer from the bird Greif. “Yes," There was once a king who had a replied the student, “ but first ferry queen, but no children, for which reame 'over." When the old woman son the queen was extremely sorrowhad ferried him over in the nut-shell,ful. One day as she was sitting at he ran as fast as he could up a high a window sewing, she pricked her hill, from the top of which he called finger, and a drop of blood fell upout to her, “ You will not be released on the snow, for it happened to be as long as you live.” The old woman the winter season. “Ah!" sighed was so enraged at this intimation, that the queen, “had I but a child of as she leapt into the sea, and drowned beautiful a white and red as this herself. The waves immediately snow and my blood!” Soon afterrose so high as to reach the student, | wards she had a little daughter, who so that he was obliged to travel se- was wbite and red, like snow and veral miles up to his neck in water. blood, and was therefore called the By and by he came to the fighting Snow-Maiden: but the queen was so hills, which cried,“ Have you brought ill that she dicd. an answer from the bird Greif?"- After seven years had elapsed, the “ Yes," replied the student, “but let | king married another queen, who me pass first.” The hills controuled often went to the looking-glass, for themselves as well as they could, and she was exceedingly vain, and said, let the student pass. He then call- “ Mirror, mirror, am I not the most ed out to them, “ You are doomed beautiful female in the world*?"to fight till you get a man between“ Your majesty," replied the mirror, you and crush him to death."- " is very beautiful; but the Snow. so Alas!” cried the hills, “ how long Maiden is seven thousand times as it may be till then!" and fell to fight-beautiful.” The queen was highly ining with increased fury.

censed, and ordered a huntsman to The student continued his jour-take the child with him into the ney, and arrived without accident at wood, and put it to death. The man the residence of the sorrowful king, took the Snow-Maiden with him, but made obeisance before his throne, could not find in his heart to kill presented to him the feather from her, for she was passing fair. “Go, the tail of the bird Greif, and said, || my dear," said he, "far, far away so Whatever you wish to know, this feather will write of itself; therefore

* The reader will not fail to be struck you are certainly the wisest of men.

by the resemblance between this part of The king replied, “ We will imme

the story and that of Richildu given in

the late Numbers of the Repository. diately put it to the test." He shut

Were these analogies in the popular tales himself up in his cabinet with the

of different countries to be traced with student, and said to the feather,

attention, we have no doubt that many s« Relate to me what I wish to know.”

of those traditions current among naThe feather instantly began to write

tions as widely differing in language and away, and then laid itself down to l manne

manners as they are distant from each rest, while the king and the student | other, would nevertheless be found to be drew near to the table and read what derived from one and the same source. follows:


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