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ball, the most superb one, as the rose-colour of various shades, lilac, Parisians acknowledge, that has ever yellow, and different shades of green. been given here.

Adieu! Always your Fashionable colours are, azure, l!



A GOTHIC LANTERN. Every article that is used as the , of Louis XIV.; a style so little amenfurniture of a nobleman's mansion is able to good sense and real taste, now expected to have the benefit of that it would rarely meet with pachaste design, and not, as formerly, trons if it were not thrust before the to be manufactured according to the public by manufacturers, in consecrude notions of the mere workman: quence of its easy execution and dein fact, there is no trade that will ad-fiance of correct drawing, and by mit of the employment of the artist which the clumsiest workman will but he is called upon to exert his pass current for an accomplished one. talent; and thus the commonest ma The annexed design is for a Gothic terials are nade valuable by the lantern, intended for the hall of a art that is displayed by them; and nobleman, in the same character of which will be still more usefully en- | architecture; it is intended to concouraged when the fashion has pass- tain six Argand lamps. The whole ed away, so common at present, of is in lackered brass, and plate glass, making every thing in the old French | each square being twenty inches style of works executed in the reign" wide, and fifty inches high.

INTELLIGENCE, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, &c. In the press, and speedily will be pub- 1 from the works of Göthe, Schiller, Wielished, Sketches, Political, Geographical, || land, Tieck, Richter, Lafontaine, Muand Statistical, of the United Provinces of sæus, Hoffmann, La Motte Fouqué, &c.; Rio de la Plata; to which are added a with introductory essays, critical and bioDescription of the Mines in that coun graphical, by the translator of "Wilhelm try, and an Appendix concerning the Meister," will shortly appear in 3 vols. occupation of Monte-Video by the troops | post 8vo. of Brasil and Portugal.

A series of sixty engravings of HaSketches of Corsica, or a Journal of a noverian and Suron Scenery, from drawVisit to that Island, an outline of its ings by Captain Batty, is preparing for history, and specimens of the language publication. The publication of these and poetry of the people, by Robert views will be conducted on the same plan Benson, are in the press.

as those of the Rhine, &c. Wood-cut The Gipsy, a romance, from the Ger- vignettes will ornament the head of each man of Laun, is preparing for publica- || description; and for this purpose many tion by John Browning, Esq.

of those views will be appropriated, The Rev. Alexander Law is preparing | which, though not considered of suffi. a History of Scotland, from the earliest cient importance for a copper-plate enperiod to the middle of the 9th century. || graving, will be valuable as extending

The German Novelists; a series of the illustrations of the scenery of those Tales, Romances, and Novels, selected countries.

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