
young and rifing generation fhun that rock, the fpirit of the world, on which so many have been fhipwrecked. I am clear in it, that there is a precious feed among them, who, if faithful, will shine forth in greater luftre and purity than many of those who have gone before them. O Lord, I pray thee, hold them in thy holy hand.

Second-day, 8th.-We attended the felect meeting, where I had fome small service: and after visiting about twenty families to take leave of them, I felt clear of the city.-9th-day, of 1ft mo. we left Philadelphia, and croffing the Delaware into WeftJerfey, had a meeting at Newtown: it was a painful and very low time for a season, but ended to a good degree of confolation. Now having left Philadelphia, I felt fuch a flow of love and affection towards many there, as perhaps words are inadequate to the full expreffion of, with living cries to the Lord to preserve them, and bring them on the way rejoicing, in the footsteps of the flock of the faithful companions of Chrift Jefus.-4th-day, 10th, we had a good meeting at Haddonfield, but clofe and searching were we led in teftimony, as Truth opened and enabled. Here divers beloved Friends from Philadelphia came over and met us at this meeting. I was truly glad to see them.

Fifth-day 11th. We had a meeting at Moorestown, which I am abundantly convinced would have been more eminently favoured, had not my imprudence prevented; for I felt the arifings of life, and fome fresh openings, but felt with all, that the fpirits of the prophets were fubject to the prophets, and that I could not get forward in my openings until fome exercised mind or minds were relieved of their burthen; and being too hafty, and fearing a backwardness would be given way to in fome one or other to the hurt of the meeting, I ftood up and


expreffed how it was with me, as if, because I clearly felt the danger, I muft fpeak of it: thus I hurt the meeting myself.-Oh! take heed when the ark joftles, left, putting forth thy hand in thine own time, like Uzza, thou bring death over thy own foul! Great was n'y diftrefs and humiliation; but the Lord at length in mercy opened the way again, which had quite clofed up on my unguarded motion. Oh his mercy endureth forever! how wonderful was his goodness to Ifrael, that even when Mofes provoked him at the rock, yet for their fakes he caufed the waters to guth forth from the flinty rock at the fmiting thereof. This meeting ended to good fatisfaction, though marred by my own activity and folly. Lord, correct me in mercy; bring down all in me that can move without a motion from thee; and when thou haft fully reduced me, then in judgment remember mercy, that my foul may praise thee for ever. Here I parted, in endeared affection, with Friends from Philadelphia, who now went homeward; the reft we parted with yesterday.

Sixth-day 12th.-We had a meeting at UpperEvesham; after fome time of waiting, a little light fprang up, Truth reigned, and we had a baptizing feafon together.-7th day 13th, we had another at Lower-Evesham to pretty good fatisfaction.-1stday 14th, we attended fore and afternoon meetings at Burlington, where, in the firft, after a feafon, ability was given me to found a very preffing alarm to fome among them, who I found were very much unaccustomed to the yoke of Chrift; which, together with a very open time wherein I largely cleared my mind in the afternoon, made me quite eafy to leave the place, feeling clear of a burthen I had long had to feel at times refpecting Burlington Lord, roufe fome there from their beds of ease, and comfort the honeft mourners among them. Second-day

Second-day 15th.-We attended a meeting at Ancocas, appointed for our friend Thomas Colley, from Old-England. He and my companion W. Jackfon had good fervice, Truth being in comfortable dominion after a time of close inward travail ; but I fat easy in filence. After meeting, we returned to Burlington, and on 3-day the 16th, we rode to Stony-brook; thence on 4th-day the 17th, to William Smith's near Rahway; and 5th-day 18th, were at Rahway monthly meeting; and being under great weight of exercise in the meeting for worship, and way not opening to relieve my mind, I requested another meeting, which was concluded to be held next day.-6th-day 19th, we attended the above-mentioned appointed meeting at the fame place, were shut up until time in common for meeting to end, when feeling some small opennefs, I dropped fome pretty close hints.

Seventh-day, 20th.-I mourned and left them with a heavy heart, intending for New-York, but often looked back at Rahway, and could not fee my way fo clear to go to New-York as I wifhed; but it being homeward, I rode forward to ElizabethTown Point, and there took boat for New-York; but providence prevented us; for foon after we put off, the large cakes of ice, floating with the tide, fhut us in for four hours, that the boatmen were very apprehensive the boat would be crushed to pieces; and we perifh; but my mind was inward, and ftaid on God, in the hollow of whofe eternal hand and power I felt perfectly fafe and eafy faith and confidence in him and in his never-failing providence were ftrong and quite unfhaken. I had not the leaft doubt but the winds, waves, and all the elements, were entirely at his command; and though the poor men kept crying out, the boat would be cut to pieces, and appeared in much anxiety, I felt a perfect serenity, and had no doubt at all but way


would be opened through the ice, either forward or backward, as the Lord pleased; and I was quite refigned to its being either way-but at length, after long looking and seeing no way, a way was opened, and we landed on the fame fhore, and rode contentedly back to Rahway,

First-day, 21ft.-We attended their fore and afternoon meetings. I had fome openings in the firft, but feeling no command to fpeak, the opening clofed up, and I fuffered among them in filence.

Second-day, 22d.-We had a meeting on StatenIfland, (where only one man Friend and his family live) among other focieties: this meeting was on my companion W. Jackfon's concern, and he had pretty good fervice among them. I had only a few words. There is an ear in fome there to hear the truth, and I hope, in fome degree, hearts to obey it.-3d-day, 23d, we got to New-York, and 4thday, 24th, were at their mid-week meeting: filent. 5th-day, 25th, we went to the select quarterly meeting at Westbury, where I was fhut up, though William had good fervice-6th-day, 26th, came on the quarterly meeting for worship and difcipline, and adjournment of the select meeting, in all which I felt no ftrength to open my mouth. Dear William was in fome degree favoured in fupplication and teftimony in the meeting for worship.-7th-day, 27th, I being clear of these parts, and about to return immediately home, we had a precious parting opportunity at Fry Willis's, wherein I had a few words in much tenderness to exprefs, and dear William was much favoured in fervent fupplication to the Lord for our prefervation and perfevering integrity to him, who firft gathered our fouls to an acquaintance with himself. The presence of the Most High was livingly felt, and reigned over all, to our unspeakable joy and confolation, for words are inade


quate to the full expreffion of it!-magnified and adored for ever be the Lord our God.

Here I parted with my dear companion William Jackfon. I have had to mourn in this journey over the declenfion from primitive zeal, as alfo the great departure from that commendable plainnefs, &c. which mine eyes have forrowfully beheld in fome places, especially in Philadelphia, and from thence too much spread in parts around them; yet the Lord hath a chofen remnant there may they ever love and live near him, and the others be brought home to the fold of reft, and weaned from all their vanities. I rode this day, accompanied by Jacob Willets, towards the east end of Long-Ifland, and next day, being tft-day 28th, we rode to Sterling,-and 2d-day 29th, took boat, and landed in the afternoon at Grotton in Connecticut, from hence, parting with Jacob, I rode to Abiel Gardiner's in Stonington.3d-day 30th, I reached Eaft Greenwich, and ift mo. 31ft 1787, and 4th of the week, got well home; and, to my joy and great thankfulness of heart to the Lord, found my dear wife and family in pretty good health, and much rejoiced to fee and receive me again; and I thought we were renewedly each others joy in the Lord.

I was out in this journey about fix months and ten days, and travelled by computation about two thousand miles.


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