
CARABUS, in zoology, a genus of infects be longing to the order of coleoptera, or the beetle kind. See Plate L. fig. 2. The feelers are briftly; the breaft is fhaped like a heart, and marginated; and the elytra are likewife marginated. There are 34 fpecies of this genus, moftly diftinguished by their colour. The most remarkable is

fine blue flates. Oats, barley, peafe, flax, and potatoes are its chief produce. Belides fupplying the inhabitants, it exports annually about 4000 bolls of barley. There are feveral villages in the parith, in one of which a ftamp-office is eftablished, where, in general, there are upwards 100,000 yards of linen ftamped annually. The population in 1801, was 2097. Thirlage ftill continues and is a bar to improvement.

CAPUTI. See CALEDONIA, 3. CAPYCIUS, or CAPECE, Scipio, an eminent Italian poet of the 16th century, defcended of an ancient family in Naples. His chief poem is a philofophical work on the Principles of Nature, printed at Venice, along with another on St John the Baptift; by Paulus Manutius in 1546.

CAPYS, the father of Anchifes.

(1.) CAR, or CHAR, a river of England, which runs into the fea at Charmouth, in Dorsetshire. (2.) CAR, a village near Prefcot, Lancashire. (3.) CAR, a lake of Ireland, in the county of Armagh, 14 miles SSE. of Armagh.

(4.) CAR, CHAR, in the names of places, feem to have relation to the British caer, a city. Gibson. (5.) * CAR. n. f. [car, Welch: karre, Dut. crat, Sax. carrus, Lat.] 1. A fmall carriage of burden, ufually drawn by one horse or two.--When a lady comes in a coach to our fhops, it must be follow ed by a car loaded with Wood's money. Swift. 2. In poetical language, any vehicle of dignity or fplendour; a chariot of war, or triumph.

Wilt thou afpire to guide the heav'nly car, And with thy daring folly burn the world? Shak. See where he comes, the darling of the war! See millions crowding round the gilded car! Prior.

3. The Charles's wain, or Bear; a conftellation.Ev'ry fixt and ev'ry wand'ring ftar, The Pleiads, Hyads, and the Northern Car. Dryden. CARA, a finall ifland of Scotland, lying W. of Kintyre, and 1 mile S. of Gigha, included in the county of Argyll. It is one mile long and half a mile broad, and abounds with iron ore, and every fpecies of fea fowls. By the rev. Mr Frafer's report to Sir J. Sinclair, it contained 22 inhabitants in 1792. Gigha and Cara conftitute one parith. See GIGHA.

CARABARA, a town of Georgia, in Afia. Lon. 43.40 E. Lat. 42. 45. N.

CARABAYA, or CARAVAYA, a district or jurifdiction of South America, in Buenos Ayres, about 40 leagues in extent; the country is mountainous, but in many places fertile in grain, fruit, and legumes; there are alfo mines of gold and fil


St Jean de l'Or is the capital. (1.) CARABINE. CARBINE. . . [carbine, Fr.] A finall fort of fire-arm, shorter than a fufil, and carrying a ball of 24 in the pound, hung by the light horse at a belt over the left shoulder. It is a kind of medium between the sidel and the mufket, having its barrel two foot and a half long.

(2.) CARADINES Ametimes furrowed fpiral ly within, which is faid to add to the range of the piece.

CARABINER. . f. [fros, caroline.] A fort of light horie carrying longer carabins than the re, and ufed fometimes en foot. Chalmers.

CARABUS CREPITANS, the bombardier, with the breaft, head, and legs, ferruginous or ironcoloured, and the elytra black. It keeps itfelf concealed among ftones, and feems to make little ufe of its wings: when it moves, it is by a fort of jump; and whenever it is touched, one is furprifed to hear a noife refembling the difcharge of a mufket, in miniature, during which a blue fmcke may be perceived to proceed from its anus. It may be made at any time to play off its artillery, by fcratching its back with a needle. Rolandet who first made thefe obfervations, fays it can give 20 difcharges fucceffively. A bladder placed near the anus is the arfenal whence it derives its store, and this is its chief defence against an enemy, al though the fmoke emitted feems to be altogether inoffenfive, except by caufing a fright, or conceal ing its courfe. Its chief enemy is another species of the fame genus, but 4 times larger: when pur. fued and fatigued, the bombardier has recourfe to this tratagem, by lying down in the path of the large carabus, which advances with open month and claws to feize it; but, on this discharge of the artillery, fuddenly draws back, and remains a while confufed during which the bombardier conceals himself in fome neighbouring crevice. If he does not find one, the large carabus returns, takes the infect by the head, and tears it off.

CARAC, a fmall ifland in the Gulf of Perfia, two leagues S. from the island of Cargen.

(1.) CARACALLA, M. Antoninus Baffianus, fucceeded his father Severus, on the imperial throne of Rome, A. D. 211, and put the phyficians to death for not dispatching him as he would have had them. He killed his brother Geta; and put Papinianus to death, because he would not de fend his parricides. He married Julia, his father's widow. Going to Alexandria, he maffacred almoft the whole of the inhabitants. See ALEXANDRIA,

4. In fhort, no fewer than 20,000 perfons were murdered by his orders. At laf, going from E. deffa to Mefopotamia, one of his captains flew him in the 7th year of his reign.

(2) CARACALLA, in antiquity, a long garment, having a fort of capuchin, or hood-a top, and reaching to the heels; worn among the Romans by both men and women, in the city and the camp. Spartian and Xiphilin reprefent the empe ror Caracalla as the inventer of this garment, and hence fuppofe that appellation was firft given him. Others, with more probability, make the caracala originally a Gallic habit brought to Rome by that emperor, who first enjoined the foldiery to wear it, and from whom the people alfo called it anto ninian. It was a fort of caflock, or furtout. St Jerom fays, the caracalla, with a retrachment of the capuchin, became an ecclefiaftical garnet. It is defcribed as made of feveral pieces cut and fewed together, and hanging down to the feet. CARACAO. See CURAÇAO, (1) CARACCAS,

(1) CARACCAS, a diftrict of Terra Firma in South America, belonging to the Spaniards. It is bounded on the N. by the Gulf of Mexico, E. by Communa, and S. by New Granada. The coaft is rocky and mountainous, interfperfed with final fertile valleys; fubjected at certain feafons of the year to dry NW. winds, but bleffed in general with a clear air and wholefome climate. A great illicit trade is carried on by the English and Dutch with this province, though the Spaiards have fcouts perpetually employed, and tra-works raifed in all the valleys. A vaft number of cocoa trees are cultivated in it. The Cop of cocoa amounts to more than 100,000 faTirgas, of 110 pounds each. The country of Santa Fe confumes 20,000; and Europe from 50 to 60,000. The cultivation of the plant employs 10 of 12,000 negroes. Such of them as have obtained their liberty have built a little town called NARVA, into which they will not admit any white people. This district alfo produces indigo, fugar, and tobacco.

1) CARACCAS, the capital of the above district, (1) Dampier fays it stands at a confiderable defiance from the fea; is large, wealthy, and poplous; and extremely difficult of accefs, by reafo of the fleep and craggy hills over which an enemy must take his route. The bay of Guaira at two leagues diftance ferves it for a harbour. Its commerce was long open to all the subjects of the Spanish monarchy, and is ftill fo to the AmeriCare; but the Europeans are not fo well treated. 128, a company was formed at St Sebaftian, which obtained an exclufive right of maintaining connections with this part of the new world. Fuar or five fhips, which they difpath every year, Sal from thence, and return to Cadiz. Lon. 67. 10. W. Lat. 10. 30. N.

1.) CARACCI, Antony, an eminent hiftory painter, born in 1583. He ftudied under Hannibal Caracci, (N° 4.) at Rome, where he died in

1618, aged 35.

were always decided by Lewis. Every body was well received; and though ftated hours were allotted to treat of different matters, yet improvements might be made at all hours by the antiquities and the defigns which were to be feen. The fame of the Caracci reaching Rome, the cardinal Farnefe fent for Hannibal, to paint the gallery of his palace. Hannibal willingly went, having a great defire to fee Raphael's works, with the antique ftatues, &c. The gufto which he took there from the ancient feulpture, made him change his Bolognian manner for one more learned, but lefs natural in the defign and colouring. Auguftin followed Hannibal, to aflift him in the Farnefe gallery; but the brothers not agreeing, Farnefe fent Auguftin to the court of Parma, where he died in 1602, aged 45. His moft cclebrated piece is the communion of St Jerom, in Bologna. In the mean while, Hannibal continued working in the Farnefe gallery at Rome; and, after inconceivable pains and care, finished the paintings in the perfection in which they are ftill to be feen. He hoped that the cardinal would have rewarded him in fome proportion to the excellence of his work, and the time it took him up, which was 8 years; but the cardinal, influenced by ignorance and avarice, gave him but a little above 2001. though he doubtlefs deferved more than twice as many thousands. When the money was brought him, he was fo furprised at the injustice done him, that he could not speak a word to the perfon who brought it. This confirmed him in a melancholy, to which his temper naturally inclined, and made him refolve never more to touch his pencil; which refolution he had undoubtedly kept, if his neceffities had not compelled him to break it. It is faid that his melancholy gained fo much upon him, that at times it affected his reafon. It did not, however, put a stop to his amours; and his debauches at Naples, whither he had retired for the recovery of his health, brought a diftemper upon him, of which he died in 1609, in his 49th year. His veneration for Raphael was fo great, that it was his deathbed request to be buried in the fame tomb with him; which was accordingly done in the pantheon at Rome. There are extant feveral prints of the Virgin, and fome other fubjects etched by him. He is faid to have been a friendly, plain, honeft and open-hearted man; very communicative to his fcholars; and fo extremely kind to them, that he generally kept his money in the fame box with his colours, that they might have recourfe to either as they had occafion. While Hannibal worked at Rome, Lewis was courted from all parts of Lombardy, efpecially by the clergy, to make pictures in their churches; and we may judge of his capacity and facility, by the great number of pictures he made, In the midft of thefe employments Hannibal folicited him to come and aflift him in the Farnefe gallery, fo earnestly, that he could not avoid complying. He went to Rome; corrected feveral things in that gallery; paintd a figure or two himfelf; and then returned to Bologna, where he died in 1619, aged 64.

CARACCI, Lewis, Auguftin, and Hannibal, 3 celebrated painters of Bologna. Lewis was born in 1555; and was coufin-german to Auguftin and Hannibal who were brothers, the fons of a tailor, who gave them a liberal education. They were both difciples of their coufin Lewis. Auguftin gained a knowledge of mathematics, natural philofophy, mufic, poetry, and most of the liberal arts: but, though painting was his principal purfuit, he learned the art of engraving from Cornelins Cort, and furpaffed all the mafters of his time. Hannibal never deviated from his pencil. Thefe 3 painters, at length formed a plan of affociation, and founded that celebrated fchool, called Carac t's academy. Hither the young ftudents reforted to be inftructed in the rudiments of painting; and here the Caracci taught freely all that came. Lewis's charge was to make a collection of antique ftatues and bas-reliefs. They had defigns of the beft matters; a collection of curious books on all fubjects relating to their art; and a fkilful anatomift to teach what belonged to the knitting and motions of the mufcles, &C. There were of ten difputations in the academy; and the literati as well as painters, propofed queftions, which


*CARACK. . f. [caraca, Span.] A large thip of burden; the fame with thofe which are now

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called galleons. In which river, the great carack of Portugal may ride afloat ten miles within the forts Raleigh.

(1.) CARACOLE. n. J. [coracole, Fr. from caracol, Span, a fail. An oblique trade, traced out in femi-rounds, changing from one hand to another, without obferving a regular ground. When the horse advance to charge in battle, they ride fometimes in caracoles, to amufe the enemy, and put them in doubt, whether they are about to charge them in the front or in the flank. Farrier's Dia.


(2) CARACOLE, in architecture, a ftair-cafe in Piral form.

To CARACOLE. V. n. [from the noun.] To move in caracoles.

CARACOLI, a kind of metal of which the Caribbees, or natives of the Leffer Antilles, make a fort of ornament in the form of a crefcent, which they alfo call caracoli. It comes from the main land; and the common opinion is, that it is a compound of filver, copper, and gold, fomething like the ancient Corinthian brafs. Thefe metals are fo perfectly mixed, that the compound, it is faid, has a colour that never alters, how long foever it femains in the fea or under ground. But this is quite incredible, if copper makes part of the compound. It is alfo faid to be fomewhat brittle, and that thofe who work at it are obliged to mix a Large proportion of gold with it, to make the compound more malleable. But no mixture of gold, filver, and copper will be brittle, unless fome other metal, or femi-metal be mixed with them.

(1.) * CARACT. CARAT. n.f. \carat, French.] f. A weight of four grains, with which diamonds are weighed. 2. A manner of expreffing the finenefs of gold.-A mark, being an ounce Troy, is divided into 24 equal parts, called caras, and each card into 4 grains: by this weight is diftin guifhed the different fineness of their gold; for, if to the fineft of gold be put two carats of alloy, both making, when cold, but an ounce, or 24 taras, then this gold is faid to be 22 caracts fine. Cocker

Thou beft of gold, art worft of gold; Cther, lefs fine in carat, is more precious. Shak. (2) CARACT (1. def. 1.) is alfo ufed to weigh pearis and other precious ftoncs. It is by fome derived from the Greek ie the liqua, or carab bean; each of which may weigh about 4 grains of wheat, whence the Latin filiqua has been used for a weight of 4 grains. The caract grains are fomething lighter than the grains of other weights. Each of thefe grains is fubdivided into 4, 4, 4, ,, and .

(3.) CARACT ( 1. def. 2.) is alfo written, carrat, carrat, karra, and karrat. Kennet derives it from cere&ta, a terin which anciently denoted any weight, and came not till of later days to be appropriated to that which exprefies the finencfs of gold and the gravity of diamonds. Thefe carats are only imaginary weights. The whole mais, be the weight what it will, is conceived to be divided into 24 carats; and as many 24th parts as it contains of pure gold, it is called gold of to many carats, or fi many carats fine. Thus, gold of 18 carats is a mixture, of which 18 parts is pure gold, and the other fix an inferior metal, &c. This is

the common way of reckoning in Europe, and at the gold mines in the Spanish West Indies, but with fome variation in the fubdivifion of the carat: among the Germans, it is divided into 12 parts; and by the French, into 32.

CARACTACUS, a renowned king of the an cient British people called Silures, inhabiting South Wales. Having valiantly defended his country 7 years against the Romans, he was at laft defeated; and flying to Cartifimandua, queen of the BRIGANTES, was by her treacherously delivered up to the Romans, and led in triumph to the empe ror Claudius then at York; where his noble behaviour, and heroic but pathetic fpeech, obtained him not only his liberty, but the esteem of the emperor, A. D. 52. Buchanan, Monipenny, and our other ancient Scots hiftorians, make this Leroic prince one of our Scots monarchs; nephew and fucceffor to king Meteilanus: and fay that te was elected general of the united army of Scots, Picts, and Britons.

CARAGACH, in commerce, a kind of cotten that comes from Smyrna.

CARAGANA, bitter vetch. See ERVUM. CARAGROUCH, in commerce, a filver coin of the empire, weighing 9 drachms. It goes at Conftantinople for 120 afpers. There are 4 forts of them, all of the fame value.

CARAGUATA, a name given by Plumier to a genus of plants, called by Linnæus TILLANDSIA. CARAITES. See KARAITES.

CARAMAN, a town of France, in the dep. of the Upper Garonne, and chief place of a canton, in the diftrict of Rivel, 5 leagues ESE. of Toulou CARAMANGCE, a Chinefe drug, much el teemed by the Tonquinefe.

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CARAMANIA, à confiderable province of A fiatic Turkey, in the S. of Natolia. It compr. hends the ancient Pamphilia, and a great part of Cilicia, Pifidia, and Cappadocia. It contains veral lakes, which abound with fish, and furth great quantities of falt. Bajazet II. united it to his empire in 1488. Satalia is the capital.

CARAMANICA, a town of Italy in the king dom of Naples, and province of Abruzzo Citra, 8 miles N. of Solmona.

(1) CARAMANTA, a province of S. Ameri ca, in Terra Firma, extended on both fides the river Cauca; bounded on the N. by Carthager, on the E. by New Grenada, on the S by Pepayand on the W. by Popayan and the audience of Panama. It is a valley furrounded on every by very high mountains.


(2.) CARAMANTA, the capital of the province, lies on the Cauca, 2c8 miles NNE. of Popayan. Lon. 72. 15. W. Lat. 5. 18. N.

CARAN, a river in Gloucefterfhire. CARANDA, in botany. See TAMARINDUS, CARANGA, an inland near Bombay, which affords rice, fowls, and goats, for that market.

CARANGES, a diftrict of Buenos Ayres, 4 leagues in length, and so W. from the river Plata. It has feveral valuable filver mines.

CARANTOCK, a village in Comwall, near



CARANUS, the first king of Macedon, and the gth of the race of the Heraclidæ. See EGEA, and MACEDON.

CARAPACE, the thick, folid fhell, which covers the turtle; and to which adhere thofe fine tranfparent fhells, called tortoise shells, of which fouf-boxes, &c. are made.

CARAPOPEBA, in zoology, a fmall fpecies of lizard, common in the Brafils, and efteemed poifonous. Its body is of a liver colour, and has feveral white fpots. There are marks of white on the tail, variegated with yellow. Its eyes are bright and vivid. Ray.

(1) CARARA, a town of Tufcany, in the princi. pality of Mafla, celebrated for its quaries of marbles of various colours. It is 5 miles NNE. of Maffa. (2) CARARA, a weight ufed at Leghorn and other parts of Italy, in the fale of wool and cod fish equivalent to 60 pounds of that country. CARASU, a river of Turkey in Natolia, which rifes in Caramania, croffes part of Aladula, and falls into the Archipelago.

CARASU MESTRO, a river of European Turkey, in Romania, anciently called NESSUS.

CARASUI, a lake of Bulgaria, formed by a branch of the Danube near its mouth containing feveral iflands.


CARATH, the Arabian name for ACACIA. CARAVACCA, a town of Spain, in Murica, feated among the mountains, near the river Segu ta, on the confines of Andalufia and New Caftile. CARAVAGGIO, a village of Italy in the MiLafe, and late republican dep. of the Adda.

(1)* CARAVAN. n. f. caravanne, Fr. from the Arabick.] A troop or body of merchants or pigrims, as they travel into the Eaft.-When Jofeph, and the Bleffed Virgin Mother had loft their moft boly Son, they fought him in the retinues of their kindred, and the caravans of Gallilæan pilgrims. Taylor.

(4.) CARAVAN. See KARAVAN. CARAVANIER, the leader of a karavan. (1.) CARAVANSARY. n. f. [from caravan.] A boufe built in the Eaftern countries for the reception of travellers.-The inns which receive the Caravans in Perfia, and the Eaftern countries, are called by the name of caravanfaries. Spectator. (5) CARAVANSARY. See KARAVENSERA. CARAVANSERASKIER. See KARAVANSE


(1) CARAVEL, a fmall veffel on the coast of France, ufed in fifhing herrings on the banks. They are commonly from 25 to 30 tons burden. (2) CARAVEL. CARVEL. n. f. caravela, Sp.] A light, round, old fashioned hip with a fquare poop, formerly ufed in Spain and Portugal. CARAVI, a small island in the Grecian Archi. pelago. Lon. 41. 22. E. Ferro. Lat. 36. 53. N. CARAVILLA, a town of Italy, in the kingdom of Naples and country of Molife, 12 miles NW. of


*CARAWAY. n. f. (carum, Latin. A plant; fometimes found wild in rich moift paftures, espe cially in Holland and Lincolnshire. The feeds are ufed in medicine and confectionary. Millar. CARAXERON, a name given by Valliant. to the globe amaranth. See GOMPHERNA CARBASA CARYSTIA, a term ufed by ancient writers for cloth made of the afbeflos.

CARA VIRZA, a town of Macedonia, in Eufopean Turkey. Lon. 22. 32. E. Lat. 40. 23. N. CARAUSIUS, a celebrated British prince, who rebelled against the Romans, under Carcalla, and fought for the freedom of his country, but was at lat lain by Alectus, about A. D.

CARBENSIS AQUA, a mineral water of Germany, of which Hoffman from Petzlerus has given a particular account.

CARBEQUI, a copper coin current in the proyince of Georgia in Afia; particularly at Teffis. CARBERRY HILL, a hill in Mid-Lothian, memorable for a battle fought between the adherents of Q. Mary and the associators.

CARBERTON, a town of Nottinghamshire, in the parish of Edenftow.

(1.) CARBON, a river of European Turkey, in the Morea, anciently called ALPHEUS.

(2.) CARBON, the radical of the carbonic acid. See CHEMISTRY, MINEROLOGY, &C,

* CARBONADO. nf [carbonnade, Fr. from carbo, a coal, Lat.] Meat cut acrofs to be broiled upon the coals--If I come in his way willingly let him make a carbonado of me. Shakespeare.

*To CARBONADO. v. a. [from the noun.] To cut or hack.

Draw, you rogue, or I'll fo carabonado Your thanks. Shakespeare. CARBONARA, a town of Italy, in the kingdom of Naples, and country of Bari, 2 m. SSE. of Bari. CARBONATES are neuteral falts, compofed of the carbonic acid, and certain bafes. See CHE


CARBONI, a town of Italy, in the kingdom of Naples, and province of Bafilicata, 16 miles SW. from Turfi,

CARBONIFIED, adj. or part, condemned; dif liked. This word which is not be found in any English dictionary, we infert upon the authority of the Earl of Buchan, who thus ufes it, in the introduction to his Efay on the Life of Andrea Fletcher; (p. xxiii) to women fomehow or other, we have been indebted from the beginning, for fortunate revolutions, faving in the cafe of Lady Adam; and even that is not carbonified by the fricteft theologians."-We have been affifted in difcovering his lordfhip's meaning by Perfius, who ufes the phrafe carbone notare, for, to diflike, or to condemn.

CARBONNE, a town of France, in the dep. of Upper Garonne, and chief place of a canton, in the diftrict of Rieux, 1 league N. of Rieux, and 7 S. of Touloufe.

CARBRIDGE, a town SW. of Wittney, Ox


CARBROKE, in Norfolk fhire, near Watton. CARBU, a town of Italy, in the territory of Genoa, 7 miles WNW. of Finale.

(1.) * CARBUNCLE. n. f. (carbunculus, Lat. a little coal.] 1. A jewel fhining in the dark, like a lighted candle. It is believed that a carbuncle does thine in the dark like a burning coal; from whence it hath its name. Wilkins.--Carbuncle is a ftone of the ruby kind, of a rich blood red colour. Woodward. 2. Red fpots or pimples breaking out upon the face or body.--It was a peftilential fever


but there followed no carbuncle, no purple or livid fpots or the like, the mafs of the blood not being tainted. Bacon.

(2.) CARBUNCLE, in heraldry, a charge or bear ing, confifting of eight radii, four whereof make a common crofs, and the other four a faltier

(3.) CARBUNCLE, in medicine. See ANTHRAX. (4.) CARBUNCLE, in natural hiftory, a very elegant gem, whofe colour is deep red, with an ad. mixture of fearlet. This gem was known among the ancients by the name of antharas. It is ufually found pure and of the fame degree of hardnefs with the fapphire. It is naturally of an angular figure, and is found adhering, by its bafe, to a heavy and ferruginous ftone of the emrey kind: its ufual fize is near a quarter of an inch in length, and two thirds of that in diameter in its thickett parts: when held up against the fun, it lofes its deep tinge, and becomes exactly of the colour of a burning charcoal, whence the name. It bears the fire unaltered. It is found only in the Eaft Indies, and there but very rarely.

* CARBUNCLED. adj. [from carbuncle.] Set with carbuncles.

An armour all of gold; it was a king's-
He has deferv'd it, were it carbuncled
Like holy Phoebus car.
4. Spotted; deformed with carbuncles.



*CARBUNCULAR. adj. [from carbuncle.] Be longing to a carbuncle; red like a carbuncle."

CARBUNCULATION. n. f. (carbunculatio, Lat.] The blafting of the young buds of trees or plants, either by exceffive heat or exceffive cold.


CARBUNTORIGUM, an ancient fort of Caledonia, mentioned by Ptolemy, and fuppofed to have been fituated on the S. fide of the parish of CAERLAVEROCK, where the veftiges of a moated triangular caftle may still be traced, though with Come difficulty.

CARBURY, a town of Ireland, in Cork.

CARCAJOU, in zoology, a fpecies of quadrupeds, in North America; fmall, but very strong and furious: defcribed by M. Saraflin, in Hift. Acad. Sc. 1713.

CARCALTON, or COLSTON, a town' in Nottinghamshire, on the N. fide of Bingham.

CARCANET. n. f. [carcan, Fr.] A chain or collar of jewels. I have feen her befet and bedeckt all over with emeralds and pearls, and a carcanet about her neck. Hakewill on Providence. CARCAPULI, the Indian yellow orange of Malabar; a fpecies of CITRUS.

CARCAK, a town of Spain, in Arragon on the Ega, 3 leagues from Calhora.

(1) CARCASS. n. f. [carquaffe, Fr.] 1. A dead body of any animal

Where cattle paftur'd late, now fcatter'd lies, With carcafes and arms, th' infanguin'd field, Deferted. Milton. The fcaly nations of the fea profound, Like shipwreck'd carcaffes, are driven aground. Dryden. 2. Body; in a ludicrous fenfe.-He that finds himfelf in diftrefs, either of carcass or of fortune, fhould deliberate upon the matter, before he prays for a change. L'Etrange 3. The decayed parts of any thing; the ruins; the remains.

A rotten carcajs of a boat, not rigg'd, Nor tackle, fail, nor mast. Shakespeare 4. The main parts, naked, without completion of ornament; as the walls of a houfe.-What could be thought a fufficient motive to have had an eternal carcass of an univerfe, wherein the materials and politions of it were eternally aid together? Hale's Orig. of Mank. 5. [In gunnery.] A kind of bomb, ufually oblong, confifting of a fhell or cafe, fometimes of iron, with holes more com. monly of a coarfe ftrong stuff, pitched over, and girt with iron hoops filled with combuftibles, and thrown from a mortar. Harris.

(2.) CARCASSES, (§ 1. def. 5.) are of an oval figure, and filled with powder, faltpetre, fulphur, broken glafs, fhavings of horn, turpentine, tallow, &c. They have 2 or 3 apertures out of which the fire blazes and they are intended to fet houtes on fire, and do other execution. The name carcafs is derived from the iron hoops which refemble the ribs of a human carcafs.

CARCASSONE, an ancient city of France, in the department of Aude, and ci-devant province of Languedoc. It is divided into the upper and lower town, by the river Aude, and both are furrounded with walls. The former is feated on a hill, and has a caftle. It is ftrong, not only by its fituation on a craggy rock, but alfo by feveral large towers which are joined to its walls, and render it of difficult accefs. The cathedral is ve ry ancient. The lower town is large, and built in the modern tafte. The streets are straight, and lead to a large fquare in the middle, from whence may be feen the 4 gates of the town. It has various cloth manufactures, and an aqueduct. This place fuffered confiderably during the crufade againft the Albigenfes in the beginning of the 13th century, which affords one of the most fingular inftances of fuperftition and barbarity to be found in the annals of the world. When the royal pow er was nearly annihilated, during the reigns of the laft kings of the Carlovingian race in France, moft of the cities of Languedoc were erected into little independent ftates, governed by their own princes. Carcaflone was then under the dominion of vifcounts. When Pope Innocent III, had profcribed the Albigenfes for herefy, Raymond the reigning viscount was included in that profcription. Simon de Montfort, general of the army of the church, invefted Carcaffone, in 1209. The inhabitants, terrified at the fate of other places where the moft dreadful maffacres had been committed, demanded leave to capitulate; but this act of mercy was only extended to them under a condition equally cruel, unparalleled, and indeed incredible, if we had not the unanimous teftimony of all the cotemporary writers. The people were all obliged, without exception of rank or fex, to evacuate it in a state of nudity; and Agnes, the vifcountefs, was not exempted though young and beautiful, from this ignominious and shocking difgrace. Carcaffone is 15 mile W. of Narbonne, and 400 S. of Paris. Lon. 2. 25. E. Lat. 43. 14. N.

* CARCFLAGE. n. f. [from carcer, Lat.] Prifon fees. Dia.

CARCERES, in the ancient Circenfian games, were inclofures in the circus, wherein the hories were reftrained till the fignal was given for ftart


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