Guide to the Study and Use of Reference BooksAmerican library association publishing board, 1914 - 147 pages |
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Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books Alice Bertha Kroeger,Isadore Gilbert Mudge Affichage du livre entier - 1908 |
Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books Alice Bertha Kroeger,Isadore Gilbert Mudge Affichage du livre entier - 1908 |
Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books Alice Bertha Kroeger,Isadore Gilbert Mudge Affichage du livre entier - 1908 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
alphabetical index American library AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION annotated arranged alphabetically atlas aufl authors Bibliog bibliographies biographical dictionary biographies Bost brary brief catalog census Century Chic church Command papers comp complete Contains Contents cumulated Debaters Dictionnaire documents Dutch E. M. Phelps earlier volumes edition encyclopedia encyclopedic articles English Everyman's library excellent small fasc foreign française French geographical German Gives Govt Guide handbook historical fiction Hoepli ical illus illustrations incunabula International Ireland Irish Irish literature Italian Library of Congress liographies literature Lond lustrated maps material modern N. Y. Dutton N. Y. Macmillan N. Y. Wilson ography omitted operas Paris periodicals principal printed printers publications published reference book revised Roman Rudyard Kipling sciences signed articles society statistics subject index Suppl supplement synopses tion tionary titles Univ Wash White Plains Who's words
Fréquemment cités
Page 32 - Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. Exhibiting, in a series of entirely original and authentic maps, the present condition of geographical discovery and research in the several countries, empires, and states of the world.
Page 24 - Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography, Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art, Archaeology, Fiction, etc. Edited by Benjamin E. Smith, AM I vol., 4°, pp. 1085 net $10 oo Champlin, John D., Jr.— Young Folks' Cyclopedia of Persons and
Page 32 - Wales, a series of 84 plates of maps and plans, with descriptive text, illustrating the topography, physiography, geology, climate, and the political and commercial features of the country.
Page 21 - Pronunciation, Including Dental, Veterinary, Chemical, Botanical, Electrical, Life Insurance and Other Special Terms; Anatomical Tables of the Titles in General Use, and Those Sanctioned by the Basle Anatomical Convention; Pharmaceutical Preparations, Official in the US and British...
Page 31 - STREETS London — County council. List of the streets and places within the administrative county of London, showing localities, postal districts, parishes, metropolitan horoughs, electoral divisions, ordinance and municipal map references, together wth the alterations in street nomenclature and numhering since 1856.
Page 14 - Parts of this series contain the finest material on the suhject puhlished in any language and the work as a whole represents the highest level of French Catholic scholarship. The price of the sets puts them heyond the reach of the small or medium sized lihrary and the work is too special to he of much use except in a theological lihrary, a large general reference lihrary or a lihrary which specializes in mediaeval and ecclesiastical history and literature. For historical suhjects the two dictionaries...
Page 14 - Letouzey, 1912. 1742 p. illus. maps. 28cm. 5 fr. per fasc. 203 Puhlication in fascicles was hegun in 1908; v, 1 was completed in 1912, and four fascicles of v. 2 have heen issued also, completing ahout half of the letter A, to Ampere. Scope of work covers all suhjects -in history of the Roman Catholic church, and other churches as they affect the Roman church, from the heginning of Christianity to the present time. The geographical material includes separate articles on towns and other small divisions,...
Page 21 - ... net. The Journal of Mental Science. Published Quarterly, by Authority of the Medico-Psychological Association.
Page 24 - Handy hook of curious information comprising strange happenings In the life of men and animals, odd statistics, extraordinary phenomena and out of the way facts concerning the wonder lands of the earth.
Page 15 - Churchman co. [1912] 672 p. 2 maps (in pocket) 25cm. 12s. 6d. $5. 283 Scope of this work is strictly that of the English Church, ie, the provinces of Canterhury and York, and does not include discussion of the church in Ireland, Scotland or America. Good signed articles with hrief hihliographies, on history, heliefs, controversies, architecture, decoration, costume, music, etc., of the Church of England. Many hiographies hut not of men still living. A special feature is the attempt to give a complete...