
The said bill was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House, to-mor


Mr. John G. Jackson, from the committee appointed to inquire into some method of ventilating the hall of the Representatives, made a report, which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

The House proceeded to consider the amendments of the Senate to the bill, entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of an agent for the land office at Kaskaskia, and allowing compensation to the com. missioners and clerk."

A motion was made by Mr. John G. Jackson and seconded, that the said amendments, together with the bill, be committed to a committee of the whole House.

And the question being taken thereupon, It was determined in the negative.

On motion of Mr. Morrow.

Ordered, That the said bill and amendments be committed to the committee on the Public Lands.

On a motion made, and leave given by the House, Mr. Cutts from the committee appointed on that part of the message from the President of the United States, which relates to the naval establishment, presented according to order, a bill concerning the naval establishment, which was received and read the first time.

On motion,

The said bill was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House to-morrow. Mr. Cutts from the same Committee who were in structed by a resolution of the sixth instant to enquire into the expediency of selling such of the public a med vessels and gun boats as are not employed in actual service, made a report thereon, which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

The House, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole House, on

the report of the Committee of Elections upon the contested election of William Baylies, one of the members returned to serve in this House for the state of Massachusetts; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Pitkin reported, that the committee had, according to order, had the said report under consideration, and made some progress therein, and directed him to ask leave of the House to sit again.

The question was then taken that the committee of the whole House have leave to sit again,

And determined in the negative.

A motion was made by Mr. Macon, and seconded, that the said report be re-committed to the Committee of Elections,

And debate arising thereon,

An adjournment was called for; on which

The several orders of the day were farther postponed until to-morrow.

And the House adjourned until to-morrow morn. ing, eleven o'clock.

TUESDAY, June 13, 1809.

Mr. Smilie presented a memorial of the hat manufacturers resident in the city of Philadelphia, whose names are thereunto subscribed, praying that additional duties may be imposed upon hats imported from foreign countries.

Ordered, That the said memorial be referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures.

Mr. John G. Jackson, from the committee on that part of the message from the President of the United States, which relates to our foreign relations, presented an amendatory bill to amend and continue in force the act, entitled "An act to inderdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for

other purposes," which was received, and read the first time,

On motion,

The said bill was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House, on Thursday next.

On a motion made and leave given by the House, Mr. Stanley, from the committee appointed on the petition of John Kerr, presented, according to order, a bill for the relief of John Kerr, which was received, and read the first time.

On motion,

The said bill was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow.

Mr. Morrow, from the Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was yesterday referred the amendments of the Senate to the bill, entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of an agent for the land office at Kaskaskia, and allowing compensation to the commissioners and clerk," reported the disagreement of the Committee to the said amendments.

A motion was made by Mr. John G. Jackson, and seconded, that the report and amendments, together with the bill, be committed to a committee of the whole House.

And the question being taken thereupon,

It was determined in the negative.

The question was then taken upon concurring with the committee in their disagreement to the said amendments,

And resolved in the affirmative.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do acquaint the Senate therewith.

Mr. Lewis presented a petition of Alexander Williams, of the district of Columbia, praying to be allowed the balance of his pay as a soldier in the Virginia line of the continental army, during the revolutionary war with Great Britain.

Mr. Stanley presented a petition of Jacob Call, of the state of North Carolina, praying the liquidation and settlement of certain loan office certificates, the property of a certain Samuel Rosebrough, who was a minor and under the guardianship of the petitioner at the time the said certificates were issued.

The said petitions were read, and severally referred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Poindexter presented a petition of sundry inhabitants residing near the Tombigbee river, in the Mississippi territory, whose names are thereunto subscribed, praying, for the reasons therein stated, that certain goods and merchandises, which they import from the Spanish settlements, may be permitted to pass fort Stoddert free of duty.

The said petition was read, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. Whitman presented a memorial of the manu facturers of hats, in the town of Portland, district of Maine, to the same effect with the memorial of the hat manufacturers in the city of Philadelphia, presented this day.

Mr. Gardner presented petitions from the manufacturers of salt, in the towns of Orleans and Yarmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, praying that additional duties may be imposed on the importation of salt from foreign countries.

The said petitions were read, and severally referred to the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures.

Mr. Whitman presented a petition of sundry inhabitants of the town of Hebron, in the district of Maine, whose names are thereunto subscribed, praying the establishment of a post-route from the Minot post-office, to the academy in the said town of Hebron. The said petition was read, and referred to the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads.

On motion of Mr. Whitman, and seconded, Resolved, That the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads, be directed to inquire into the expe

diency of altering the post-route established from Portland, in the district of Maine, through New Gloucester and Turner to Paris; and from thence through Norway and Windham to Portland, by discontinuing the same, and establishing two others, viz. one from Portland, through Windham and Norway, to Paris, and back through the same towns to Portland; and the other from New Gloucester through Turner to Paris, and from thence back by Hebron academy through Minot to New Gloucester.

Mr. Love, from the Committee for the District of Columbia, presented, according to order, a bill for the improvement of the navigation of the river Potomac, which was received and read the first time.

On motion,

The said bill was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Friday the twenty-third of the present month.

The House resumed the consideration of the unfinished business of yesterday, and the question depending at the time of adjournment, to re-commit the report of the Committee of Elections in the case of the contested election of William Baylies, to the said committee, was again stated.

And after farther debate thereon,
The said question was taken,

And resolved in the affirmative.

A message from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their Secretary.

Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed the bill, entitled "An aet to continue in force An act declaring the assent of Congress to a certain act of the state of South Carolina, passed the twenty-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and four;" The Senate recede from the amendments to the bill, entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of an agent for the land-office at Kaskaskia, and allowing compensation to the commissioners and clerk," which

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