

Sed et aves nunc exfurgentes eriguntur ad cælum, -et dicunt, &c.

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"I think," fays the before-mentioned gentleman, we may venture to correct thus:

"Sed et aves, CUM exurgentes eriguntur ad cœlum, et alarum crucem pro manibus extendunt, dicunt aliquid, &c."

For nunc, perhaps it fhould be hinc; and then there will be no occafion to ftrike out the conjunction from et dicunt.

Above the last quoted paffage Tertullian writes thus,

"Cæterùm quanto amplius oratur oratio Chriftianorum, non roris Angelum, &c."

Here the gentleman strikes out oratur, and would read the paffage interrogatively; thus: "Cæterùm quanto amplius oratio Chriftianorum? NoN roris angelum, &c." But this feems to be too violent a remedy. I believe he will approve of this emendation: "Cæterum quanto [or quantum] amplius operatur oratio Chriftianorum?"-As afterwards; "Chriftus eam nihil mali novit [voluit] operari." See the Mifcellaneous Obfervations, Vol. II. 114, &c.



"Revolvuntur hyemes, ét æftates, verna et autumna, cum fuis viribus, moribus, fructibus."

The place is certainly corrupted; but how it fhould be mended is not fo certain. Perhaps-cum Juis nivibus, floribus, fructibus;-or, cum fuis imbribus, soloribus, fructibus.

Tertullian fays of Marcion the Heretick, that he corrupted all thofe parts of the New Teftament, of which he gave Examples, except St. Paul's Epiftle to Philemon.

Soli huic Epiftolae brevitas fua profuit, ut falfarias manus Marcionis evaderet. Adv. Mart. Lib. V. Cap. ult.

But Epiphanius fays juft the contrary:

Όμως ἀπὸ ταύτης τῆς πρὸς Φιλήμονα ἐδεν παρεθέματα, διὰ Τὸ ὁλοχερῶς αὐτὴν διαστροφως παρ αὐτῷ κεῖσθαι.

Cæterum nihil ex Epiftola ad Philemonem adnotavimus quod apud illum omnino depravata legitur. Hær. 42. p. 373.

Inftead of διαστρόφως, read διαςρόφως intemnerata; and then Epiphanius and Tertullian will be reconciled.


AD. NATION. I. p. 54.

"Delphos et Rhodos-peffum ierunt."

Either we must read Delos, as in the Apologetic, or we must suppose that Tertullian hath made a grofs barbarifm, in saying Delphos instead of Delphi; which is not to be imagined. In this Tract ad Nation. II. he useth Delphos in the accufative plural, like all other writers.



Lib. I. Epift. I. 3.

ME mea paupertas vitæ traducat inerti,
Dum meus affiduo luceat igne focus.

Broukhufius has well illuftrated and defended this reading: But he overlooked a line of The

ocritus, Idyll. XI. 51.

Εντὶ δρυός ξύλα μοι, καὶ

which was to his purpose:

ὑπὸ σποδῶ ἀκάματον πῦρο

Ib. III. 47.

In the Golden Age, fays Tibullus,

Non acies, non ira fuit, non bella: nec enfem
Immiti fævus duxerat arte faber.

* Extracted from Mifcell. Obfervat. Vol. I. 314.


Upon which Broukhufius obferves, "Locus, "ni fallor, corruptus. Conjiciebat Heinfius, non "acies ferrive fuit: fed fequuntur enfes; inutiliter "nominati, fi ferri acies præcedit. Fortè,

Non animi, non ira fuit, non bella.

"Ut ita gradatim ex animorum concertatione ira "exfiftat: Ex irá nafcatur bellum."

Neither of thefe conjectures is probable. Would it not be better to fay, that Tibullus neglected an exact order of Words, and put acies, ira, bella,for ira, acies, bella? Nothing is more common.

Ib. III. 63.

Defcribing the Elyfian Fields, amongst other things he fays,

Hic juvenum feries teneris inmixta puellis
Ludit, et affiduè prælia mifcet Amor.

I am against altering any thing here, without the leave of MSS. But if any of them had affiduus, I fhould like it rather better. Thus, fpeaking of the fame God, Propertius, II. 1x, 15.

Evolat, heu noftro quoniam de pectore nufquam,
Affiduufque meo fanguine bella gerit.

It would be easy to heap up examples.




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Ib. V. 45.

At tu, qui lætus rides mala noftra, caveto
Mox tibi: non unus fæviet ufque Deus.
Vidi ego qui juvenem feros desiffet amores,
Poft Veneris vinclis fubdere colla fenem;
Et fibi blanditias tremula componere voce,
Et manibus canas fingere velle comas.

Here, after citing ver. 47. thus,

Vidi ego qui juvenum miferos lufiffet amores,

"Non poffum, (fays Broukhufius) non am plecti correctionem Scaligeri, legentis

Vidi ego qui juvenem feros desiffet amores,

"Vidi juvenem, qui defiffet amores feros. Juvenem multi Codd. habent: Miferos corruptum, "fuit ex feros."

I take the true reading to be,

Vidi ego qui juvenis feros lufiffet amores:

And would explain it thus: "Tu, qui infelicem meum amorem ludis, cave tibi. Idem fortaffe malum ipfe experière. Sæpè ita evenit; et meritò. Vidi enim, exempli gratiâ, qui, cum juvenis effet, fenum amores deriferat, eundem ætate provectum illo ipfo intempeftivo amore laborantem."

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