
and not moved by ftorms and tempefts.

fore, V. 245, fpeaking of a haven,

Interior medias finus invitatus in Edes
Inftabilem fixis aëra nefcit aquis.

Tibullus, II. vI. 27.

So be

Claudit et indomitum moles mare, lentus ut intra
Negligat hibernas pifcis adeffe minas.

Calm and ftagnating waters are a thousand times. called by the poets, pigræ, inertes, defides.

Martial, Epigr. IX. 101.

Multum, crede mihi, refert, à fonte bibatur,
Qua fluit, an pigro que ftupet und lacu.

Ver. 453.

In Volaterranum verò vada nomine traum
Ingreffus dubii tramitis alta lego.
Incertus gemina difcriminat arbore fauces,
Defixafque offert limes uterque fudes.
Illis proceras mos eft adne&tere lauros,
Confpicuas ramis et fruticante coma,
Ut præbente algam denfi fymplegade limi
Servet inoffenfas femita clara notas.

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For Incertus Caftalio reads Incertas; Barthius Infertus. "The fea being here, in most parts of it, not deep enough, that part which is navigable is marked out by pofts fixed in the water, between which ships may pafs: and this way being often covered with fea-weed, they have faftened great laurel branches to the top of the pofts, to ferve as a guide." This is what the poet means. I fancy, therefore, that he wrote,

Incertas gemina difcriminat arbore fauces,
Defixafque offert limes utrinque fudes.

"Incertas;" that is, incertas futuras, fine hoc indice.

By femita clara, in the

mapQavns, ealy to be feen.

laft line, he means

Vero, in the first line,

fhould not be taken for an adverb: it must be

joined with nomine.

Ver. 515.

Affurgit Ponti medio circumfluo Gorgon,
Inter Pijanum Cyrniacumque latus.
Adverfus fcopulos, damni monumenta recentis,
Perditus hic vivo funere civis erat.

A young gentleman,-probably a friend of Rutilius, was turned Monk, and had retired into the


little ifland Gorgon, which the Monks had chosen for a place to live in. This gave Rutilius a great deal of uneafinefs, for he hated the Christians heartily, as appears from many places in this poem. Adverfus fcopulos does not feem very intelligible. I conjecture

Avertor fcopulos, damni, &c.

Or, averfor :-That is, "I turn away with deteftation from the Rocks of Gorgon; which put me in mind of the lofs of a friend, who was fool enough to bury himself alive there." May I fancy that our Poet had thefe lines of Virgil in his mind;

En. III. 272.

Effugimus fcopulos Ithaca, Laertia regna,
Et terram altricem fævi execramur Ulixei.

Ver. 571.

Ante diu quam Trojugenas Fortuna penates
Laurentinorum regibus infereret,
Elide deductas fufcepit Etruria Pifus.

Perhaps, fedibus.

Y 2







HE judgment which learned men have paffed upon Seneca has been various. This Author has beauties, which have extorted commendations from his adverfaries, and he has faults which his patrons cannot excufe or difown.

Let us take a view of what has been faid againf him, and for him.

The Emperor Caius profeffed his contempt of Seneca's manner of compofing: "Lenius comptiufque fcribendi genus adeo contempfit, ut Senecam tum maximè placentem, commiffiones meras componere ; et Arenam effe fine calce, diceret." Suetonius, Calig. 53. But it fignifies little what that madman faid or thought.

See "The prefent State of the Republic of Letters," for Auguft, 1734. Article IX. in which thefe Remarks were first given.

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Quinctilian, who was certainly a good judge of compofition, has thus given us his opinion concerning Seneca:

"Ex induftriâ Senecam in omni genere eloquentiæ verfatum diftuli, propter vulgatam falfo de me opinionem, qua damnare eum, et invifum quoque habere fum creditus. Quod accidit mihi, dum corruptum, et omnibus vitiis fractum dicendi genus, revocare ad feveriora judicia contendo : tum autem folus fere hic in manibus adolefcentium fuit, quem non equidem omnino conabar excutere, fed potioribus præferri non finebam, quos ille non deftiterat inceffere: cum diverfi fibi confcius generis, placere fe in dicendo poffe iis, quibus illi placerent, diffideret. Amabant autem eum magis quam imitabantur, tantumque ab illo defluebant, quantum ille ab antiquis defcenderat. Foret enim optandum, pares, aut faltem proximos illi viro fieri: fed placebat propter fola vitia, et ad ea fe quifque dirigebat effingenda, quæ poterat. Deinde cum fe jactaret eodem modo dicere, Senecam infamabat: cujus et multæ alioquin, et magnæ virtutes fuerunt, ingenium facile et copiofum, plurimum ftudii, et multa rerum cognitio, in qua tamen aliquando ab iis quibus inquirenda quædam mandabat, deceptus eft. Tractavit etiam omnem ferme ftudiorum materiam. Nam et orationes ejus, et poëmata, et epiftolæ, et dialogi feruntur. In philofophia parum diligens, egregius tamen

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