SIMILE AGIT IN SIMILE. BY VINCENT BOURNE, CRISTATUS, pictisque ad Thaida Psittacus alis, Psittace mi pulcher pulchelle, hera dicit alumno; Nunc tremulum illudet fratrem, qui suspicit, et Pol! Respicit, et nebulo es, quisquis es, inquit anus. Quando fuit melior tyro, meliorve magistra! Quando duo ingeniis tam coiêre pares! Ardua discenti nulla est, res nulla docenti Ardua; cum doceat fæmina, diseat avis. IV. THE PARROT. TRANSLATION OF THE FOREGOING. I. IN painted plumes superbly dress'd, By many a billow toss'd; Poll gains at length the British shore, II. Belinda's maids are soon preferr❜d, To teach him now and then a word, As Poll can master it; But 'tis her own important charge, To qualify him more at large, And make him quite a wit. III. Sweet Poll! his doating mistress cries, Sweet Poll! the mimic bird replies; And calls aloud for sack. She next instructs him in the kiss; "Tis now a little one, like Miss, And now a hearty smack. At first he aims at what he hears; And, list'ning close with both his ears, Just catches at the sound; But soon articulates aloud, Much to th' amusement of the crowd, And stuns the neighbours round. V. A querulous old woman's voice His hum'rous talent next employs, He scolds and gives the lie. And now he sings, and now is sick, Here Sally, Susan, come, come quick, Poor Poll is like to die! VI. Belinda and her bird! 'tis rare, To meet with such a well-match'd pair, The language and the tone, Each character in ev'ry part Sustain'd with so much grace and art, And both in unison. VII. When children first begin to spell, We think them tedious creatures; But difficulties soon abate, When birds are to be taught to prate, And women are the teachers. TRANSLATION OF PRIOR'S CHLOE AND EUPHELIA. I. MERCATOR, vigiles oculos ut fallere possit, Lené sonat liquidumque meis Euphelia chordis, II. Ad speculum ornabat nitidos Euphelia crines, Cum dixit mea lux, heus, cane, sume lyram. Namque lyram juxtà positam cum carmine vidit, Suave quidem carmen dulcisonamque lyram. III. Fila lyræ vocemque paro, suspiria surgunt, Subrubet illa pudore, et contrahit altera frontem, Heu! fallendi artem quam didicere parum. |