
this nature might have the appearance perhaps, of too highly raised expectations, whilst if just it could only anticipate what your affection for the caufe will fuggeft. We fhall therefore only add, join us, Dear Brethren, in thanksgiving to the Most High, for what he has thus done; and pray for us, that wisdom, zeal and energy may be imparted to us, that we may not neglect, or mifimprove the important talent thus apparently put into our hands.

Nor are we without encouragement from our other stations. The Lord is enabling our brethren to remain faithful, to abide the difficulties and temptations to which they are expofed, and if not in every inftance giving them immediate feals to their labors, affording them fuch profpects as are fufficient to caufe them to believe that, in due time they fhall reap if they faint not. We fhould be happy to enter into detail, did the limits of a letter permit it; and we abftain from it with lefs reluctance from the conviction that they are not unknown to you, through the medium of the Evangelical Magazine. It is moreover our defign to furnish the chriftian world with a more minute relation of our operations, by the publication of a Journal which will contain the chief incidents at our several miffionary ftations, and which we truft, froin the diligence and zeal of our

Brethren to whom the work is committed, will not long be withheld from the public expectation.

our tardinefs.

If we cannot altogether exculpate ourselves in this particular we will intreat our brethren not to be fo rigorous in the exaction of letter for letter; affuring them that they are not left out of our remembrance, altho' the variety and extent of our engagements do not leave us much opportunity of teftifying it. Did they know how much pleasure and frefhnefs of zeal fuch communications fpread over our meetings of business, they would not think their labor either ufelefs or loft. Let us exprefs our hope that our Dear Brethren at Connecticut will frequently, adminifter to us this confolation.

That the great head of the church may gladden and fanction your meetings with his prefence, give wifdom and zeal to your plans, energy and fuccefs to your endeavors, and afford you the fatisfaction of witneffing Zion's prof perity in your churches and country is our unfeigned defire and prayer. We falute you unitedly and individually, with chriftian love; and with fincerity affure you that we are, Dear Brethren, in our Lord Jefus Christ, your affectionate fellow laborers.

In the name of the Directors,


No. 3.

An Addrefs from the Miffionary Society in London, to their Breth ren throughout the world.

HE tender intereft which

It is to us a fubject of regret Tour foreign brethren thro'

that we do not hear more frequently from fome of our Brethren who are united as Societies for the extenfion of the Gospel. They may perhaps fay that they have the fame reafon to complain of

out Europe, America, and at the Cape of Good Hope, have expreffed, for the profperity of our Society, in their humble efforts to fpread the knowledge of the

truft, we have lately beheld some
beams of the fun of righteousness,
which promise the speedy ap-
proach of his kingdom in power,
and in the Holy Ghoft.
difk feems juft in the horizon,
and ready to fill the earth with
the brightness of his rifing. Could


blood-bought falvation of our incarnate God, revives our hearts, and calls forth anew our communications. The contents of this address, will, we are fure, excite their grateful acknowledgements to Him, who hath the residue of the Spirit, as the review of his gracious dealings with us, awak-you have been prefent at our late ens our own. Supported by his annual affembly, which was favorall-fufficient ftrength, and encour-ed with fingular unction, you aged by his great and precious promifes, we continue to go forward, animated by the hope, that we fhall ftill fee greater things than these.

would have joined in exultation with us, as in one of the days of the Son of Man. The minifters of the fanctuary by hundreds ftood forth as on the Lord's fide, and forgot all other diftinction, but the banner of the cross, whilst thoufands, more than our vast

The day of peace hath once more dawned upon us. The miferies we deplored in our own, and the neighboring nations, are alle-churches could contain, confeffed viated; and the wounds will, we truft, be healed, which the ravages of war had opened fo widely. Oh, for more of the Spirit of Jefus in all lands! that mutual love and tender compaffion might unite us as men of one blood, and the Holy Ghoft fhed abroad in our hearts, join us as Chriftians in one fpirit to the living head of his church, Jefus Chrift. When the temple of Janus was fhut under Auguftus, the Prince of Peace made his first gracious appearance in this lower world; and fhall we not hope and pray that when a like happy univerfal peace has united Christendom in one great community, and opened a friendly intercourfe between the nations of the earth and the ifles of the fea, that the glory of the Lord fhall be revealed, in correfpondence with his promises and prophecies; his word run, and be glorified to the ends of the earth; the Heathen be given to him for his inheritance; and all flefh fee the falvation of our God?

Brethren, with deep thankfulnefs and humble admiration, we

their union, and added their amen to our giving of thanks. All our folemnities were eagerly attended, and the laft affecting fcene, in one of our largest places of worship, left a deep impreffion on every heart. The minifters and ftewards of his myfteries waited at the table of their Lord, filled with the rich provifion of the emblems of his facrifice; five or fix thousand people were crowded around them, fpectators, or partakers with them of the folemn ordinance ;-among the number, a German, of the race of Abraham, called to preach the faith he once blafphemed, came forward with the cup of bleffing in his hands, and in broken accents, but in a language that made every heart to thrill, and the sweetest tears to flow, avouched his beautiful, but fimple confeffion of the crucified Lord.

Whilft we hear and deprecate the vaunts of infidelity in all lands, the impious fêtes of reafon, falfely fo called, and the reviving ftruggles of fuperftition, no truly chriftian eye could have beheld

municate to you, you will ftill continue to read with pleasure, hope and trembling. Poor worms as we are, our ftrength weakness, and our means very inadequate and infufficieut; yet if the Lord will work, none can let it: the jaw-bone or the ram's-horn will turn to flight the armies of the aliens, and caft down the strongest holds of error, ignorance, impurity, impiety and infidelity. Come then, Brethren, with us to the help of the Lord against the mighty!

Our two great stations for miffionary labor continue to afford us increafing hope of ftability and ufefulnefs.

this affociated hoft, avowing themfelves confeffors of the crofs, and determined to know nothing but Jefus Chrift, and him crucified, without brightening with the hope, that, amidst the blafphemy and impiety which lift up their banners for tokens, the kingdoms of the world fhall, ere long, become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Chrift; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.Thus closed our eighth annual affembly. The ftandard-bearers are difperfed, and returned to their various congregations, with fresh vigor to fulfil the vows of the Lord which are upon them, and to fpend and be spent in the fervice of immortal fouls, bought by the blood of the Lamb. Their report to us is greatly encouraging throughout the land-the number which are continually rifing up to testify the gofpel of the grace of God, is furprifing, when compared with the days within our remembrance. New and numerous congregations have within a few years been formed in hundreds of places, and thofe eftab-prehenfion of the turbulence of lished filled with increafing and attentive auditories. Whilft we thus labor and ftrive together in our prayers, that we may continue increafing with the increase of God, and every dark corner of our land be bleft with the light and life of gospel grace, furely all the angels in heaven rejoice at the fight, and every good man upon earth cannot but pray-" Thy kingdom come ! Lord haften it in our day!"

From our Brethren at OTAHEITE, we have lately received the pleafing account of their perfect health and fafety, and the high refpect in which they are held by the chiefs and natives. The difficulties they have met in the acquifition of the language, we hope, are nearly furmounted; and the fears they have at times been exercised with from the ap

fome Chiefs, difcontented with our friend Pomarree's dominion, are effectually removed by the arrival of a veffel, fent from Governor King at Port Jackson, and fhortly after by the more important reinforcement from the Royal Admiral. Captain Wilfon's advices are juft received from Canton, informing us that he had landed in health and safety all the Miffionaries entrusted to his care, who were received with cordial Our miffionary efforts abroad welcome by their Brethren and afford us great matter for thank- the Chiefs, and that their journals fulness. They are indeed at pre- and difpatches he hopes to deliver fent but as sparks; yet how great himself foon after this letter has a matter can a little fire kindle? reached us. He is daily expectThe fhort sketch of particularsed with the Eaft-India fleet; and which we have been used to com- we earnestly look for the vast body

after an abode of great danger among the Caffrees, and ftill greater on his return to Graff-Reinet, from fome turbulent colonists, unwilling that the Hottentots should

of intelligence, which we truft will gladden our hearts, and be communicated with joy to yours. To the Miffionaries before on the ifland, the Royal Admiral hath now added eight others from Eng-receive inftruction, and bear the land, and two have joined them Chriftian name, puts his life in his from Port Jackfon. As all our hand, and counts it not dear to advices affure us that the way was himself, that he may finish his never fo prepared for miffionary courfe with joy. Several of them, labor there, as at present, we truft we have reafon to believe, have the confidence they exprefs will been converted, fome of whom not be disappointed,-" that the are baptized in the name of the firft year of the commencing cenLord Jefus. He is gone with tury will be marked with the con- thefe, at the particular recomverfion of finners in that heathen mendation of the Governor, and land." The King of Huaheine, at the request of about two huna neighboring and populous ifland, dred of the fame nation, to form has vifited them, importuned them a little fettlement near Algoa-bay, to fend fome of the Brethren with where they may be removed at a him, affuring them he will himself distance from the ill ufage with attend to their inftructions, and which they have been threatened. ufe his influence and authority Dr. Vanderkemp's life and labors with his fubjects to engage their form an honorable display of mifattendance on, and attention to, fionary zeal. In fome other parts the Miffionaries. Our Brethren of the confines, or beyond the being then too few to feparate, bounds of the colony, different they promised him it fhould be fmall parties of our Brethren have done as foon as more Brethren ar- penetrated, at the earnest requeft rived to strengthen their hands. of the natives themselves, that This happy event hath taken they would come over and help place, and we hope to hear that them; and the Brethren from the light, diffufing thence as from Holland and Germany, with fome a focus, will overspread thefe af- natives of the Cape, and Englishfociated iflands :-then the hope men from our Society, labor to delayed, and the difappointments fpread the light of faith in these which afflicted us fo greatly, will regions of darkness. We have only tend more abundantly to just heard that, besides many feals mark the finger of God in the to their miniftry in the places fuller accomplishment of his own where they have refided by the purposes of grace towards the way, their profpects are highly Ifles of the Sea. promifing, their reception affec tionate, and the attention of the Heathen to their instructions gives hope of happy fuccefs. Seven others are on their way, or on the point of departure from Holland, to aid the miffion already eftablifhed, or to form new ones.

The CAPE of GOOD HOPE furnishes a vafter field, more eafily acceffible, and hitherto cultivated with the most promifing hopes of fuccefs. All our foreign Brethren who have been fent to us, have been dispersed through this extenfive region. Our eminently able and zealous Dr. Vanderkemp,

At the Cape, and its vicinity, the body of faithful men affeciated

with us for the miffionary work is greatly increased, as is the number of laborers, and the auditory of flaves, fome thousands of whom attend the miniftry of the word, and many are faid to be truly converted to God our Saviour, by his fpirit working mightily. From these we hope to procure farther means of diffufing the gofpel grace, by felecting the beft informed, and most approved for fidelity and exemplarinefs of conduct, and at no great diftance of time to redeem them from captivity, and send them back to their own countrymen of Madagascar and Mofambique with fome of your Brethren and ours, to carry the glad tidings of falvation to their feveral nations, and to behold the greatest good refulting from one of the greateft evils, flavery, overruled by the providence and grace of God for his own glory.

dence, tread in the fleps of the excellent Governor Dundas in this refpect, and encourage every effort that tends to ameliorate the manners of mankind, to introduce principles of godlinefs into the hearts of men, and in every place to make them thankful for the protection, and obedient to the authority of magtrates; engag ing within the bounds of the colony more confcientious obedience, and beyond them, among the Heathen, infufing a fpirit of peace and civilization, that fhall foften down the favage manners into a happier fyftem of order and cultivation.-Thefe being the objects of our inftitution, as we are confcious we deferve, fo we doubt not we shall obtain, the approbation and countenance of the powers that are.

A fuller detail of circumftances will be found in our difpatches In the vicinity of the Cape it communicated at large in the Egladdens us to report the exten-vangelical Magazine. We have five spread of the gospel at Roo-refolved alfo to give periodically a dezand and its neighborhood, particular and explicit view of our chiefly by the labors of the excel- | miffionary work, as materials fhall lent Mr. Vofs and others; under | arise. him is one of our Brethren as a teacher and catechift, and others folicited from Holland are ready to enter the miffionary vineyard. The change of government which the peace has made, will, we truft, make no change in the foftering hand which has been stretched out to encourage thefe philanthropic labors. English or Dutch, we have one Lord, one faith, one baptifm. The kingdom of Christ is not of this world, meddles not with its rule or politics, but is of the most effential service to the peace and profperity of every country, whoever are its governors, or whatever the form of their adminiftration. The worthy Governor Janfen will, we have confi

In a variety of other places, individuals of our body have gone forth to make an effay, at New, foundland, Canada, in the East, at Port Jackson, and Norfolk Ifand, from whom we receive accounts of fome bleffing on the gofpel word in every place, and of the falt of grace caft into the infalubrious waters for their healing. The day of small things is not to be defpifed. A fingle corn dropped into the ground, with the divine benediction, may fill the world with fruit.

You will fuppofe we met not without new plans and purpofes

for the extenfion of the Redeemer's kingdom, in addition to the fupport and enlargement of the

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