
the wide field covered in these lectures as could alone justify me in abandoning opinions which were not hastily formed. I have reason to believe that, in spite of its many defects, the book has been found helpful, and I trust that it may continue to be of service, as an introduction to the study of the Prophets of Israel. Through their words God still reveals Himself to us as the All-Sovereign Ruler of the world, Who slowly yet surely carries His purposes onward to their fulfilment. As we ponder reverently on the marvellous patience and manifold wisdom of the methods by which from age to age He prepared the way for the supreme revelation of the Incarnation, faith is strengthened to believe that profound mystery; strengthened too to believe that with equally marvellous patience and manifold wisdom, He is even now from age to age carrying forward to its complete accomplishment all that the Incarnation implies for the whole of humanity.

CAMBRIDGE, January 22, 1897.

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