
stable was called in, who broke it open, and found the man dressed, lying across inside the door, and the woman undressed, lying on the floor naked, both quite dead. There was some bread and butter in the room, and the man had one shilling in his pocket. They were very poor; but some persons used to bring them food. On Tuesday evening all the lodgers came to their room-door, in consequence of hearing them in the morning; and, finding the door shut, called to them to open it, but they made no answer, although the woman was heard to say to her husband, "where are you?" and he answered, "here I am."

The constable and the beadle, who opened the door, were of opinion that they perished in consequence of the inclemency of the night; they had uo bed nor firing. Mr. Taylor, one of the overseers, said, he gave the man a shirt, a pair of shoes and stockings, a shift and a pair of shoes and stockings for his wife, in November last; and during the last fortnight he paid them six shillings per week. The Jury thought as there was bread and butter in the room, they were not starved to death; but, not having clothing, bed, nor fire, during the inclement season, they perished.-Verdict to that effect.

Thursday, Jan. 6.

A wretched man named George Simpson, of Walthamstow, was this morning found in a ditch in the Homerton fields, where he had attempted to commit suicide (through distress), by hanging himself. He was taken care of, and afterwards sent to his parish.

Wednesday, Jan. 12.

A case of considerable importance to electors for Members of Parliament in all parts of the kingdom, but more immediately interesting to the householders of Westminster, was tried in the Guildhall of the city of London, before Chief Justice Abbot and a special jury. Mr. Cullen, a respectable householder of the city of Westminster, brought an action against Mr. Morris, the High Bailiff, for refusing to accept his vote, which he tendered at the last election of a citizen to serve in Parliament for Westminster, in the room of the late lamented Sir S. Romilly. It appeared in evidence, that Mr. Cullen had for many years uniformly and punctually paid his rates and taxes; but that, from some remissness on the part of the tax-gatherer, or other parish officer, some arrear was due at the period of the last election; and in consequence of this, when Mr. Cullen tendered his vote for one of the candidates, it was refused by the High Bailiff. Mr. Cullen immediately paid the arrear then due, and again tendered his vote; but the High Bailiff persisted in his original determination, and again refused to receive it. The Lord

Chief Justice was of opinion, that the vote had been improperly rejected; but he considered that an action was not sustainable against the returning officer, unless improper motives could be proved. Of that the Jury were the best judges. The Jury retired for an hour and half, but could not agree upon a verdict; and, at the Judge's suggestion, and by consent of the parties, a juror was withdrawn. This case remains undecided.

A debate took place at the East India House, in the Court of Proprietors, upon the subject of erecting a statue to Warren Hastings, to testify the respect of the Company for his memory, and the approbation of his services while Governor-General of India. The motion was warmly opposed by Mr. R. Jackson, and also by Mr. Charles Grant, whose residence in India at the period of Mr. Hastings's govern ment, and his official rank, enabled him to form a correct estimate of the proceedings that marked the administrations of that extraordinary man. The motion was, however, finally adopted by a very great majority.

As some workmen were felling timber in a wood called Cold-fall, situated to the east of Finchley Common, they discovered, under the stump of an old oak, within four feet of the surface of the ground, two large wooden chests, much decayed, in which were deposited several tin boxes, containing pistols, flints, remnants of wearing apparel, a quantity of brass buttons, and a few silver coins of George II. It is supposed, that they must have been placed there for safety, many years back, by some highwayman; a class of desperadoes who about 90 years ago greatly infested that particular spot.

Thursday, Jan. 13.

A meeting was held at Mr. Hick's warehouses, London-wall, to consider the propriety of adapting those premises to the reception of the indigent and houseless for the night, during the present inclement season. The meeting was respectably attended.-Among those who assembled on this benevolent occasion, were observed the Bishop of Chester, Archdeacon Nares, rector of All-Hallows, Sir C. Flower, bart. Mr. Rowcroft, Mr. D. Barclay, and Duncan Campbell, esq.

The Lord Mayor, having taken the chair, said, that every one must see the necessity of providing an asylum for the destitute and houseless poor during the present severe winter. The numbers of applications to Magistrates for relief were almost incredible to those unacquainted with such matters. The present meeting was convened to endeavour as much as possible to alleviate the distress of our suffering fellow creatures; and he was sure




Occurrences in London and its Vicinity.

that they would not suffer those who had fought the battles of their, country to lie about the streets in a state of wretchedness aud starvation. The Magistrates found much difficulty, he was sorry to say, in getting parishes to provide for their poor; but there were, besides those entitled to parochial relief, great numbers who had no claim on the poor laws of this country. It was, therefore, proposed to raise a subscription in order to afford them temporary shelter from the inclemency of the weather, until they could be otherwise provided for; aud in furtherance of this great object, Mr. Hick, of Cheapside, had generously given the use of his extensive warehouses in order to form that asylum.

The Bishop of Chester presented himself to the meeting, amid loud plaudits. His Lordship said, he had to apologize for trespassing on their time and attention, while he offered a few short observations. He did not know that such a meeting was about to take place till a few minutes be fore; when, taking up one of the newspapers, he saw it announced; and, as he highly approved of the plan, he immediately ordered his carriage. (Applause.) There were, he believed, some objections against this mode of charity: but, indeed, there was no species of charity against which objections could not be urged. He was, however, sure that the advantages of this plan far outweighed and counterbalanced its disadvantages; and, therefore, he was ready to bestow his mite on it. Indeed, he knew not how any man could sit down quietly in the enjoyment of wealth could lay bis head on his pillow with a clear and approving conscience, when thousands, many of them wretched females, were wandering through the streets, without a home to shelter, or a hand to succour them. He conceived his bounty was well bestowed on such a benevolent plan; and it had his best wishes for its perfect success. (Applause)

Mr. Bodkin said, that the premises which were to be devoted to this charitable object were in every respect fit for the purpose. There were four spacious floors, where the men and women could be separated, and the lower part of the building would answer for the preparation of food. Mr. Bodkin proposed a series of resolutions, relative to the intended objects of the meeting which were carried unani mously. A Committee was then appointed to manage the subscription, &c.; and the Mendicity and other charitable societies were requested to co-operate with them. Thanks were voted to the Lord Mayor, the Bishop of Chester, and Mr. Sheriff Rothwell; and to Mr. Hick, for his generous grant of the use of his premises. The subscription then commenced, and GENT. MAC. January, 1820.


upwards of 700%. were immediately raised ; and so active were the exertions in preparing the receptacle for immediate use, that many wretched wanderers the same night enjoyed comparative comfort within its walls, who, but for this arrangement, would have continued houseless, and suffering from the inclemency of the weather. Saturday, Jan. 15.

Abraham Van Brienan who had swindled Messrs. Rivingtou's, and numerous individuals, of property to a considerable amount, on the faith of his credit at bankers, where he had ingenuity enough to persuade them be kept cash, was tried and convicted at the Middlesex Sessions on three indictments. The Court apprised Mr. Van Brienau that he was too clever a man for a permanent residence in this country. He was, therefore, ordered to take up his residence for the next seven years of his life in Botany Bay. The prisoner, who is a dashing looking fellow, received his sentence with perfect composure.

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Prince Leopold has presented the family of the late Mr. Bird, R. A. with a purse of one hundred guineas, and also given the artist's picture of the Surrender of Calais, in his Royal Highness's possession, to be disposed of for the benefit of the family. This picture was presented to the lamented Princess Charlotte of Wales, when Mr. Bird had the honour of being appointed Historical Painter to Her Royal Highness.

Lately. At Ashford, a boy experienced so violent a fall whilst amusing himself at sliding, that he expired almost immediately.

Monday, Jan. 17.

A dreadful fire broke out this morning, at five o'clock, in the house of Mr. Kerr, a boot and shoemaker, at the corner of Norfolk-street, in the Strand. The flames were first discovered in the lower part of the house by the watchman and some passengers, aud an alarm was given. By this means the family were saved from untimely death. Mr. K. escaped with scarce an article of dress on him. Of all the property on the premises, a few of Mr. K.'s account books only were saved. The flames advanced with an overwhelming ra, pidity, and in a few minutes the house was enveloped in one aweful blaze. The firemen were successful in Norfolk-street in checking the progress of the flames; but in the Strand they were not equally fortunate. The flames soon caught the dwelling of Mr. Cary, the chart-seller, and in a short time that building added to the melancholy grandeur of the spectacle. Soon afterwards the roof and front of Mr. Kerr's house fell with a tremendous crash. The flames in Mr. J. Cary's premises soon advanced to the adjoining house of his brother,

brother, Mr. Cary, the optician, which
was also destroyed. At half-past ten the
fronts of these houses were precipitated
into the Strand, but bappily no injury was
sustained by the crowd which was collect-
ed. In the back of these buildings still
greater mischief is sustained. The amount
of property destroyed has been immense.
Mr. Kerr, whose house has twice before
been on fire within the last four years, we
A rumour
understand, is not insured.
prevails that the accident is attributable to
the gas.

Thursday, Jan. 20.

Between six and seven o'clock, a fire broke out at the sugar houses of Messrs. Martin and Co. in Bell-lane, Spitalfields. About half past eight o'clock it was subdued, but not till the interior of the building and a considerable quanlity of sugar

were consumed.

Friday, Jan. 21.

Between 10 and 11 o'clock, a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Taylor, a hatter, in Garden-row, London-road. The wind was high, and blew the flames into a court at the back, inhabited by poor people. Great confusion ensued in bringing out the furniture of the inmates; many were seriously hurt, and a great part of the furniture was destroyed; and by two o'clock the fire was subdued, as was supposed, finally, leaving four or five houses gutted completely; but about four o'clock in the afternoon the flames again burst forth with great fury; however, the firemen were on the spot, and succeeded in extinguishing it totally. The loss was considerable.' Sunday, Jan. 23.

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About half-past two o'clock the utmost confusion prevailed in the neighbourhood of Thames-street, in consequence of a most alarming fire which broke out in the premises of Messrs. Childe, porter and cyder warehouse, in Swan-lane, leading to the Thames, adjacent to London-bridge. The fire was discovered by the family residing in the opposite premises, who were alarmed by the flames issuing from the windows of the lower part of the house; the family at Mr. Childe's made their The fire escape with great difficulty.

spread with such rapidity that in a short time the flames communicated to the warehouse of Mr. Matthews (at the back part), and a stock of wood and other maCeria used in Mr. Matthew's trade (brushmaking), having caught fire, the whole of the front premises were in less than an hour completely burnt through into Thamesstreet. The engines by this time were on the spot, but owing to a great scarcity of water, in consequence of the frost and the water being turned off, the flames extended to several other houses at the back of Swan-yard, leading into Thames-street. After some time had elapsed, the supply


of water became plentiful, and the fire-
men played with great activity.
houses of Mr. Ronolds, cheesemonger,
Mr. Cudber and Mr. Simpson, of Thames-
street, shortly afterwards caught fire, and
were much injured; and the Bridgewater,
School, with four or five other houses in
Swan-alley and Black Raven-yard, were
completely burned to the ground. It was
anticipated several times that Fishmon-
gers'-hall would be destroyed; but the at-
tention of the firemen apparently was
fixed upon it; they played on the adjoin-"
ing houses, and it escaped with less injury
than was expected. At about half-past
four the roofs of Mr. Childe's and Mr.
Matthews's houses fell in with a tremendous
crash, and greatly spread the flames.
The iron manufactory office, on the bank
of the Thames, was surrounded by flames,
but escaped without injury. The fire con-
tinued burning at an alarming rate, until
half-past ten o'clock in the morning, when
an explosion, supposed from saltpetre, took
place, which tore off the roofs of several
of the houses, and caused great apprehen-
sion; tiles, bricks, and wood, were scat-
tered about in every direction. Some per
sons standing near the spot were much
hurt, in consequence of their falling on
them; a boy had his arm lacerated very
much, and some of his fingers torn off.
Shortly afterwards the whole of the houses
in Swan-lane fell down, and completely
blocked up the roadway; and the whole
of the other houses mentioned were, with
the furniture and property, a mass of
ruins. We are happy to add no lives
were lost, or any material accident occur-
red. The loss of property is estimated at

An official account of the total weekly amount of Bauk-notes aud Bank post-bills in circulation, from the 23d Nov. 1819, to the latest period to which the same can be made up, states the total for the week ending the 30th November, at 25,248,3401. of which 6,745,8501. are under 57.; for the week ending the 7th Dec. 22,536,6901. of which 6,694,040%. arǝ under 51.; for the week ending 14th Dec. 22,418,220. of which 6,621,9901. are under 57.; and for the week ending the 21st Dec. 22,194,6581. of which 6,569,560l. are under 57. Lt appears from this account, that the Bank has reduced its issue of Bank-notes within the last month, to the amount of upwards of one million.

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Jan. 1. Major-general L. Grant, to be
Governor of the Bahama Islands.

D. R. Graham, Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh.

9th dragoons-Major Wildman to be Lieut..col. and Capt. Hart, to be major. Rifle Brigade-Brevet Lieut.-col. Miller to be Major.

Hospital Staff Physician Short, from half pay, to be Physician to the Forces. 1st Foot-Brevet Major Wetherall, to be Major.


11th-Brevet Major Cooper, to be Ma

3d Veteran Batt.-Lieut.-col. Belford, to be Lieut.-col.

STAFP.-Brevet Major Prager, from the 19th Foot, to be Inspector of Militia in the fonian Islands.

BREVET. Capt. Henry Marquis of Worcester, to be Major in the Army.

Jan. 11. A. Barclay, esq. to be his Majesty's Commissioner for carrying into effect the 6th and 7th Articles of the Treaty of Ghent, in the room of John Ogilvy, esq. deceased.

Jan. 18. Right Hon. George Earl of Glasgow, to be Lieutenant and Sheriff Principal of the Shire of Ayr.

MEMBER RETURNED TO PARLIAMENT. Jan. 15. Clifton Darton HardnessC. M. Ricketts, esq. v. A. H. Holdsworth, esq. who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.



Rev. J. Bull, to be Head Master of the Free Gramniar School, Clipston, Notts.

Rev. T. B. Cole, rector of Warburton, Sussex, to be Master of the Grammar School, Maidstone.

Rev. R. Wood, D,D. to be Head Master of the Grammar School at Nottingham.


Rev. James Campbell, Church and Parish of Farquair, county of Peebles.

Rev. Henry Morgan, of Miskin, Glamorganshire, Brinsop Wear V. Hereford.

Rev. George Moore, late of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, to the Perpetual Curaçies of St. Peter and St. Margaret, Lincoln. Rev. C. Alfree, a Minor Canon of Rochester Cathedral.

Rev. T. G. Tyndale, M. A. (formerly of Trinity Coll. Oxford, V. Woburn Bucks, and Tadlow, Cambridgeshire,) Hotton R. Oxfordshire.

Rev. J. Thompson, M. A. (Vicar of Meopham) Lullingston R. Kent.

Rev. W. F. Mansell, B. A. (of Trinity College, Cambridge, Vicar of Sandhurst, Glocestershire,) Ashelworth V. adjoining. Rev. J. Harris, Lanthette R. Brecon, Rev. H. Craven Ord, Stratfield Mortimer V. Berks


Rev. W. C. Cumming, to hold the Rectory of St. Mary's, Bedford, with the Vi-. carage of Eaton Bray, in the same county.


Hannah Davison, a labourer's wife of Winningham, near Malton, Yorkshire, was confined on the 10th of March 1819, of two children, a boy and a girl, who both died; and on Dec. 28, was confined of three more, two boys and a girl, who, with the mother, are all likely to do well.

Jun. 1. At Paris, the Duchess of Orleans, of a Prince, who will bear the name of Penthievre.-2. At the Castle, Newcastle, the wife of Serjeant Snelling, of the

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40th regt. a daughter. This is probably the first child born within the old walls for several centuries.-4. At Bill Hill, the wife of Philip Francis, esq. of a daughter. -5. At Eton Lodge, near Liverpool, the wife of Joseph Walker, esq. of a daughter. -6. In Upper Wimpole-street, Lady Amelia Sophia Boyce, of a son.-7. At Farley Hill, Lady Lucy Stephenson, of a son.-8. In Portland-place, the wife of T. A. Curtis, esq. of a son.


1819. Oct. 16. At Rio Janeiro, John Fielding, esq. to Rita Loiza, daughter of the late T. Parq, Post Captain in the Portuguese Royal Navy.

Nov. 19. Rev. S. W. Pearse, M. A. only son of Samuel Pearse, esq. of Broomhill House, Ivy Bridge, to Elizabeth Hele Ford, daughter of the late John Pearse, esq. of Easton, both in Devonshire.

Dec. 12. At the Hague, Lieut.-col. Sir J. R. Colleton, bart. to Septima Sexta Colleton, daughter of Rear-Admiral Richard Graves, of Hembury Fort, Devon.

20. Mr. John Lord, of Bentinck-street, to Emma, daughter of the late John Glover, esq. of Montague-square.

21. At Dunster, Mr. Silk, Master of the Academy of that place, to Anne, da, of the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, of Minehead, and niece of General Sir T. Picton.

23. Andrew Forbes Ramsay, esq. Sur geon in the Hon. East India Company's Service, Bengal Establi-hment, to Isabella, dau. of the late J. Young, esq. of Bell Wood.

27. Henry, second son of Wm. Hayward, esq. of Watlington, Oxfordshire, to


Anne, daughter of Mr. Dodd, of Chenies, Buckinghamshire.

Robert Espinasse, esq. of the Inner Temple, to Emily, daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Espinasse, and the late Hon. G. Petre, of Bell House, Ongar, Essex.

Rev. Charles Arthur Sage, to Caroline, daughter of the late James Quilter, esq. of Hadley.

28. George Taylor, esq. Surgeon to Duke of Clarence, to Sarah, daughter of James Philcox, esq. of Burwash.

At Glanmire, Ireland, F.S. Hodder, esq. of Kingsabella House, to Alicia, youngest daughter of Wm. Martin, esq. of Johns


30. Rev. David Williams, of Avebury, Wiits. to Marianne, dau. of Rev. Wm. Bartlett, Vicar of Newark, and East Stoke, Notts.

Lately. Lord Viscount Kingsland, to Julia, daughter of John Willis, esq. of Walcot Terrace, Lambeth.

Jan. 1. James L. Cotter, esq. eldest son of Sir J. L. Cotter, bart. of Rockforest (Cork), to Helena, daughter of the late James Lombard, esq. of Lombard's Town.

3. Henry James Oakes, esq. eldest son of Orbell Kay Oakes, esq. of Newton Cottage, Suffolk, to Mary-Anne Porteus, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Porteus, grand-nephew of Dr. Beilby Porteus, late Bishop of London.

Rev. J. Hallward, Rector of Shotley, Parsonage, Suffolk, and Rector of Stanton on the Wolds, Notts, to Emily Jane, daughter of the late C. P. Leslie, esq. of Glasslough, Monaghan, Ireland, many years M. P. for that County,

Sir John Litchford, bart. of Boothby Pagnal, to Louisa Elizabeth, sister of Sir C. Egleton Kent, bart. of Little Pentou House, both in Lincolnshire.

4. C. R. Morgan, esq. of Charlottestreet, to Anne-Jaue, daughter of the late J. Ogle, esq. of Southampton-street, Bloomsbury-square.

Rob. Wm. M'Itree, esq. to Prudence, daughter of Rob. Levingstone, esq. of Wesport (Mayo), Ireland.

At Stonehaven, Scotland, W. Nichol, esq. surgeon, to Margaret, daughter of Dr. W. Nichol, of Findon.

Rev. William Thompson, of Queen's College, Oxford, to Emily, daughter of C. Pentland, esq. (Cork), Ireland.

At Norwich, Mr. Edward Gridley, to Emily, daughter of John Gillet, esq. of Harrowgate.

Thomas D'Oyly, esq. Serjeant-at-Law, to Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Ncholas Simons.

Robert Bill, esq. Barrister-at-Law, son of John Bill, esq. of Failey Hall, Staffordshire, to Louisa, daughter of the late Philip Dauncey, esq;

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5. Colonel Marsack, of the Grenadier Guards, to Jane, widow of R. L. Lateward, esq. of Ealing Grove, Middlesex.

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Mr. Noble, to Miss Luppino, late principal dancers at Covent-Garden Theatre. They left London directly for Paris, in their way to Bordeaux, where they have a handsome engagement.

6. Rev. H. Fardell, Prebendary of Ely, to Miss Eliza Sparke, daughter of the Lord Bishop of Ely.

Mr. Samuel Shepherd, of Chelsea College, to Mary, daughter of J. E. Halliday, esq. of Sloane square.

Mr. T. Moxon, jun. of Mincing-lane, to Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. J. H. Brown, of Hingham, Norfolk.

Capt. J. Jackson, 3d regiment Bengal Native Infantry, to Miss M. A. Gossett, of Great George-street,

Geo. Houlton, esq. of Grittleton House, Wiltshire, Captain in the 43d regiment, to Anna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr.' Cruickshank, solicitor, of Laura Place.

7. Capt. R. Muten, of the 7th Fusileers, to Fanny, eldest daughter of John O'Neil, esq. of Larch Hill, county of Dublin.

8. Mr. J. W. Adlard, printer, of Dukestreet, Smithfield, to Elizabeth, daughter of E. Roberts, esq. of Grove House, Brixton, Surrey.

10. J. E. Pearson, esq. of Sheffield, to Theresa, daughter of John Froggatt, esq. of Worksop, Notts.

C. T. Holcombe, esq. of Hatcham Manor House, to Margaret, daughter of T. P. Cummins, esq. of Milton, Kent.

11. D. Roxburgh, esq. to Miss Helen Henderson, of Edgware-road.

15. James Anderson, esq. of Montreal, to Mrs. Hewson, of Havering Bower, Essex. Rev. W. C. Smithers, of Greenwich, to Amelia, daughter of Mr. Robert Oldershaw, of Islington.

James Chapman, esq. of Rodney Buildings, to Mrs. Elizabeth Frith, widow.

19. Henry, second son of Thomas Penfold, esq. solicitor, of Croydon, to Miss Mary Wilson, of Great George-street.

The Hon. and Rev. Wm. Eden, to Anną Maria, widow of the late Lord Grey de Ruthyn.

At Leamington, Lieutenant James Maurice Shipton, R. N. son of the Rev. Dr. Shipton, Rector of Porkshead, Vicar of Stanton Bury, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Somerset, to Eliza, daughter of Robert Atkins, esq. of Leamington Priors, Warwickshire.

Henry Bankes, esq. to Miss Amelia Fitches.

W. Marshall, esq. of Ardwick, to Ann, daughter of Thomas Miller, esq. of Pres


T. Norris, of Liverpool, M.D. to Elizą, third daughter of John Pilkington, esy. OBITUARY,

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