
1820.] Charities of Duchess Dudley.-Antiquated Words. 311

"Having done all this in her lifetime, at her death she hath made these following bequests:

"For the redemption of Christian captives from ye hands of infidels, an hundred pounds a yeare for ever.

"To the Hospital! scituate neare the same church of St. Giles, for an augmentation thereto, she hath given foure hundred pounds, to purchase lands to be settled for that purpose. "For the placing out of poore children to be apprentices, she hath given two hundred pounds.

"Unto the poore of Stoneley, Mancetter, Leke-Wotton, Ashow, Kenilworth, Monks-Kirby, Bidford, Acton, St. Alban's, and Patshull, above exprest (to be disposed amongst them in such sort as her last will doth di

rect), she hath given an hundred

pounds per annum for ever.

"She hath alsoe given fifty pounds to be dealt, upon the day of her funerall, to poore people; viz. to each, twelve pence.

"And to each place where her corps shall rest in its passage from London to Stoneley in Warwickshire (which is neare fourscore miles), five pounds to the poore thereof; and lastly, to every poore body that shall meete it on the roade, six pence.

"There is already a very noble monument, which she hath caused to be made for herselfe at Stoneley above twenty years since, all of black and white marble, which cost neare foure hundred pounds.

"The corps lyes now in greate state at her house in Holburne; the roome wherein it is, being hung with velvet, and a chayre of state, cushion and coronet, according to her degree, and a great banner of her Armes empaled with her husband, as also eight banner-rolls, with empalement of matches above him, as is proper in such cases.

"There will be in the head of that solemne proceeding at this funerall fourscore and ten poore women (in regard she was of that age), who have mourning-gownes and white kerchiefes already provided for them.

"Sir, I believe that the most noble Countess of Pembroke, who exceeds all in her memorable workes of piety and charity, will be well pleased to heare, that there is one in the South, who hath in some sort imitated her in these excellent Christian duties; I

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25. LEVER. Johnson and Bailey wholly omit the word. Skinner derives it from the Teutonick. gives it as used by Spenser, but says it is obsolete. Now as Spenser uses it quite through his works in preference to the word rather, and both words are Saxon or Teutonick, I should contend for its continuance and more general use-supported as it is by the following quotations : "Thou shalt make no semblant whether thee were lever peace or warre."

Chaucer's Melibeus, 73. "And had lever to be absent from the body, and to be present with God." Cranmer's and Taverner's Bibles. 2 Corinthians.

"He that bindeth himself to the Pope and had lever have his life and soul ruled by the Pope's will," &c.

Tindal's Works, 174, "He had leaver shave us example of sobreness, meekeness, &c.

Erasmus on St. John, 14. 716. "And disdained that there should be so many which had leaver cleave unto Jesus." Erasmus on St. John, 716. "Sith lever I have with some edge tole, "To slee myself, than lyve in slander and dole." Bochas, 44, b.

"Lever I have my life now to lose "Rather than soyle my wydows chastitie." Bochas, 49, b. 26. LYTHER. It is very singular that Ash alone gives this word (but obsolete) from Cole, in the sense of lazy and sluggish. I have frequently met with it in that sense, but can now only call to mind the following quo tation from Romans xii. 11. Bishop's Bible.

"Not lyther in busynesse, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord."

27. MALLed. As Ash does not support the use of the verb transitive, mall, by any quotation, I will just mention one which will be found in Tyndal's Bible-Judges v.

"Then they malled the horses legges, then their mighty coursers left prauncing.”

I see no reason why it should be disused as thus spelled. The substantive mall (from malleus, a hammer) is of frequent occurrence, and an instrument well known. But why the spelling of it maul and the derivative verb mauled, is preferred, I know not.

[blocks in formation]

Ash very

29. MINGLE-MANGLE. properly calls this a kind of cant word. Skinner says it is from the Belgic or Teutonick; and though the expression is now totally disused, it was once fashionable, as may be found by the following quotations; and also in Latimer's third Sermon preached before Edward VI. where it frequently occurs. "The doctrine of the philosophers of this world is overmuch tempered with minglemangle," &c. Erasmus on St. James, cap. 1. "Here is a medicine more potent and more precious than was ever that mingle mangle of drugs which Mithridates builed together."

Decker's Gull's Hornbook.

"The main army consisting (like Dun

kirk) of a mingle mangle.”

Decker's Wonderful Year.

30. MUMPSIMUS. This cant-word I have only found in the preface to Gaulthere's Homilies, where, speaking of the Romish Divines forbidding the Scriptures to be read, he says, "If they urge such weak instances, &c. for their new mumpsimus, rather than they will yield to this old sumpsimus, then let us answer them with the words of St. Jerom," &c.

The word (in any sense) is not worth retaining.

31. NATTES. I have met with this word only in Lydgate's Bochas, 65, b. and do not understand the meaning. (Query. Is it a misprint for malls 9) Having nothing to wrap in thy head Save a broad hatte rente out of nattes old."



"The Paynems than bett hym with staves, and forbad hym that he shoulde not nempne the name of Jhesu Cryst."

Golden Legend, 181. "But whan you list to riden any where Ye moten trill a pin stant in his ere Which I shall tellen you betwixt us two Ye moten nempne him to what place also Or to what coutree that you list to ride." Chaucer. The Squiere's Tale. "And with such vigour and strength that it ne might not be nempned."

Chaucer, 1st Book of Boecius. Spenser (as well as Chaucer) uses the word nempt frequently. The word nempne being derived from the Saxon, should, I think, be retained and used; it would surely be as well to say nempne the name of Christ, as name the name, &c.

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Antiquated Words.-Leamington, &c. .

This old preterite of the Saxon word pitch should not be laid aside. It is very expressive and significant. In some counties a man's home buildings, domicil, or homestead, is still called "pightle."


"But the Lord queeleth it (the wild bine) agayne." Bishop Hooper on Jonas.

36. QUODGell. "Worthy of half a dozen good stripes with a quodgell." Pasquin in a Traunce. I take the above modes of spelling to be derived from the Northern part of our Island; the first may be merely the antient manner of spelling the word quelleth; but from the

37. QUONTIENT. Word quodgell (cudgel) above, and the word quonteint (for contained) in a Royal Grant to Edinburgh (1487) mentioned in Aust's Guide and other Scottish books; I do verily believe it was only the Northern habit of spelling words commencing with C. or K. 38. REAP.


Tarry patiently till God come which is ever ready to reap tyraunts from the

face of the earth."

Tyndal's Preface to Genesis. The words reap and rip are both Saxon. But Tyndal's word is more proper than rip, because the similitude of reaping corn (that is, cutting and taking it away) is the figure intended, and not merely cutting (that is, wounding.) [Skinner, ab. Anglo Saxon. Falx. Messor.]

39. REPRYSED. For begau again. I have only found it once in that sense, and it is therefore of no use. "And then he reprysed again his journey." Golden Legend.

40. SLENTES. "This pisto was very grave in weighty affairs, very pleasant in slentes and jests."

North's Dial of Princes, 102.

I am sorry that I cannot find this word in any of our dictionaries, for it sounds well, and is better than gibes, derived from the French.

41. SCANT. Although Johnson tells us this adverb is obsolete, I am for retaining it. He has given four specimens of its use, which are very sig nificant, and I will add fourteen out of a great many more which I have

met with.

"The soules there may scante have re-
[be found."
"But scante one amonge a thousand can
"From which they may scantly and with
great difficulty arise."
GENT. MAG. April, 1820.


"He speaketh not of them that be friends, indeed such be very scante."

"Slea all that came of him and not leve scant a dogge."

"Shall scant kepe himself from weeping." "So that scant the syxth part of that we had, is left us."

All from Bishop Fisher. "That scant can awake for any calling or noise." [in age "He that is nought yonge proceeding so "Shall scant ever his viciousness asswage." "So youth brought up in lewdness and in sinne [mind."

"Shall scant it scrape so cleane out of his
"For the moste parte doth them both two

"And yf he one hath, hard it is and scant."
"He that still borrowes shall scant him
quite or redd."
"Their wit scant worth a grote."

Ship of Fools. scant melt in their mouthes." Latimer's Sermons, 157. [To be continued.]

"Butter should


March 4.

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IT is a matter of surprize to travellers passing through Leamington, the new Spa, near Warwick, to notice its rapid growth of buildings, where is now to be found every convenience, with an elegant pump-room; respectable visitors; and, what adds to its honour, a new Church. There was a time when travelling on the heard it noticed, "The English build Western side of the Atlantic, I have taverns first at a new settlement; but recently had occasion to discover a Spaniards, Churches ;" and we have neglect in this particular at home; but, siness forward, and also to those whose thanks to those who brought the buliberal grants have met the evil-that it is likely soon to be altered. The neighbourhood of the pleasant town of Warwick, the pleasing scenery around its venerable castle, all tends to make Leamington a spot well calculated for the pleasure and advantage of the neighbourhood.

Passing onward to the busy streets of Birmingham, I could not avoid obHistorian, and noticed the two reams serving the shop of its well-known of paper on which he used to sit, and from long habit enjoy the busy stir that passed him.

Reaching Tamworth, the seat of the Mercian kings, Suuday became a day of rest, and attending at its venerable and respectable Church, cur better parts, it is to be hoped,


found advantage from the desk, that in. structed us in our devotion; and from the pulpit, from whence animating and pleasing improvement was ably and conscientiously inculcated. Its antient castle, of 900 years old, now abandoned to a gradual decay, gave rise to a comparison between it and Warwick, which is in the plenitude of its antient grandeur.

Nottingham afforded another bustling scene, with the agreeable infor mation of an improving trade.

Mansfield, a neat town; which, with its neighbourhood, claims an amiable nobleman for its proprie tor, whose virtues are spoken of gratefully and respectfully. In the neighbourhood, and about Worksop, the parks of five Dukes. Nature has sported with an unsparing hand; the rides are delightful, and the parks afford many pleasing views. The extreme heat of the weather, the thermometer being 78 in the shade, and the roads a continual cloud of dust, was found without intermission for many miles, through the Northern capital of England, when on the 4th of June we found ourselves parading the streets of Newcastle in the mail, attended by four others, and two men in new post-office uniforms to lead the way; and the cannon at 12 o'clock announced to the publick the termination of another year of the reign of our late venerable Monarch, whilst my friend, a Scotchman, who I jocularly said should represent Edinburgh, and myself, a citizen, should London, participated in those loyal feelings we were both pleased and indeed obliged to see so gene. rally felt.

Proceeding till we became Borderers-the town of Berwick-uponTweed was entered, the walls perambulated, the pier enjoyed with the sea breeze, and Sunday again became the day of rest and duty. The Church, somewhat like in point of situation the Garrison Chapel of Portsmouth, was attended, and its respectable congregation and minister joined in public worship.

Monday found us hastening on the banks of Tweed, and at Kelso it is equally pleasant with the Thames at Twickenham. The Cheviot Hills, a place memorable from the well known "Chevy Chase," had snow in various parts of its Northern aspect,

whilst we were breathing a West Indian atmosphere.

Through a wild country of Dumfriesshire and Lanark, we arrived at the interesting, the animating capital of Scotland, where I was not astonished to find judgment and public spirit, and where the money came from tó produce such improvements, such interesting memorials of it to a traveller's eye. One instance only may be mentioned. From a Gothic Epis copal Church, not yet finished, but lately consecrated by the Titular Bp. of Edinburgh, and which your old friend Carter would have been pleased to have seen, up to Calton-hill, on which is placed a monument to the immortal Nelson, a distance of upwards of a mile, is the beginning, continuance, and termination of as elegant a street as any city in Europe can produce. My ideas fled back to the times of John Knox, with the site of the antient city before my imagination, and again rushed forward to the present scene and liberal enlightened day.

To have quitted Edinburgh without at least a cursory glance of Holyrood House, would but ill accord with the feelings of any man who possessed the least taste for those venerable remains of Antiquity so frequently found in our Islands, and which have given rise to so many agreeable sensations. The Chapel, with its numerous deposits—the door where the unfortunate Mary entered from her closet,-the Picture Gallery where the 16 Peers are now elected— the Historical Paintings of all the Kings to James the Second, whose picture, with that of Mary, has been disfigured by the narrow feelings of those days (giving way in the present period to every thing more honourable to our Nature)—the chamber in which Rizzio was murdered-all tended to carry the thoughts back to times and to events that the page of history, it is to be hoped, will never be blotted again with.

Onward to Glasgow, brought us to another city which has renovated it. self twice in our time; and whilst, perambulating the city, I heard a bell call the attention of the neighbourhoodit was not until the next day that I found my disappointment, in not having heard the respectable Minister of the Iron Church, whose name and cha



Tour through Scotland.

racter is become familiar to the publick by his 9th edition of Sermons vu Astronomical Christianity.

At Lesmahagow, a place known to all your readers by name, as quoted in an old jocular work, we found ourselves incircled and embosomed in a wild, far from public view-enjoyed the very simple cottage, and waited till morning for a conveyance to Lanark and the Falls of the Clyde. Sir John Lockhart Ross, of famed notoriety, had the seat surrounding this romantic spot, rendered less interesting from the long and dry season experienced. The wildness of the spot, and the noise of the waterfall, could not fail of affording very pleasing sensations. The Clyde was crossed at least five times to Moffat, the Harrowgate of Scotland, a country that appears to have been dashed down from the hand of Nature, without having been even smoothed over by her palm. This rough aspect of Nature I could not help contrasting with the cultivated fields and green lanes of Middlesex. It was here my fellow traveller had built him his retreat on his native spot-after the toil of half a century, in which he

had encountered the difficulties of a man of business in the Torrid Zone and the chances of war from the military situation he had held-it was here he fixed the placid place of rest in the decline of life-and like many of his virtuous countrymen, returned to enjoy the evening of his days where the morning of them was first breathed. To reverence the Sabbath is inculcated on every Christian by his Catechism, his Prayer-book, and his Bible-it had again arrived-and the Englishman went to Kirk, for I was now in a country where an ob.. servance of the day was strictly at tended to. At the West door, placed on pedestals, stood two dishes, for the voluntary donations of Christian worshippers, corresponding exactly with the Divine injunction quoted inour own Sacramental service-" Let your light so shine before men," &c. Pleased with the mauner, and astonished at the effect, I entered the Kirk. Here I was in a country without Poor Rates, a country where public and private virtue prevented this pest of the best feelings of the human heart; where voluntary donations on the one hand, and a lau


dable pride on the other, render Poorhouses useless, and Pauperism unknown. Unless we go back to the times previous to the dissolution of the Monasteries, we cannot tracé a similar circumstance in England-it was at the gates of the Fathers the poor were relieved; and, fet the capricious Monarch, and his time-serving Ministers of that period assert what they may, I must and do believe that a great amiableness of manners generally took place, although arising perhaps from mistaken zeal; and those base accounts handed down as general were confined but to a very few wretches, who hypocritically assumed the Friars' Hood. The spirit of the present times is liberal, the mind is more enlightened, and we are now become better informed than to be led implicitly away by partial Historians.

But to return to my narrative. Satisfied of my own Catholicism, and wishing well to all Christians who look to a Saviour for eternal happiness, I entered the Kirk-attended public worship, heard an excellent discourse on a most excellent subject, the metaphorical allusion to living waters by our Saviour himself at the well, of Samaria; and a strong practical inforcement of the subject, that, if adopted by all, must make all happy. I quitted with great satisfaction this good man, and left the Kirk, reflecting on the sublime subject; and submit to your insertion the following lines, which may not have appeared before in your Miscellany, and 1 think are no way derogatory to it; for surely the Gentleman's Magazine may contain Christian sentiments, as well as an Addison (who was a Gentleman) wish to die like a Christian. At Jacob's well a stranger sought

His ardent thirst to clear:
Samaria's daughter little thought
The Font of Life so near.

This had she known, her panting mind
For living draughts had sigh'd;
Nur had Messiah, ever kind,


Those living draughts deuied. And Jacob's well (no glass so true) Britannia's image shews: Messiah travels Britain through,

But who the stranger knows? Yet Britain most the stranger know, Or soon her luss deplore: Behold the living waters flow,

Come drink, and thirst no more! (To be continued.)



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