

The Colony of SIERRA LEONE is not subject to the usual proportions of deaths occurring in the West Indies, while it has greatly the advantage of those islands in its freedom from hurricanes and contagious diseases. The national system of education has been introduced with good success into the Free-town schools, so that all the schools of the Colony, under the Church Missionary Society, are now conducted on one uniform plan. In January 1819 there were 574 scholars there, and 1530 in the country schools, which is an increase of 740 since the former return in 1817. At the end of February the total of the population of the Colony, including an increase of 449, amounted to 10,014, of whom there were 1554 negroes liberated from captured slave ships.

There were 321 marriages in 1819. The roads, and public and private buildings, were in a state of rapid improvement, all atchieved by the labours of liberated negroes, under the direction of their ministers and superintendants. The royal munificence and the national liberality have pursued, with great cost and perseverance, the generous object of the deliverance and civilization of the once devoted victims of barbarism and bondage: and we can anticipate with delight, the sublime gratification which the friends and supporters of this great cause will derive from seeing, so soon, such an excellent practical confirmation of their hopes and reasonings, such benign fruits of their zeal and exertions.

In respect to the distribution of the Holy Scriptures, we state from their last report, that the Committee, in visiting Free-town from house to house, found, of 240 Christian families, scarcely one without, some one who could read, and above 400 Bibles and Testaments were ascertained to be in use among them; they at the same time witnessed the domestic comforts and good habits of the people, affording the strongest inducements to all classes to aid in its more ample diffusion. A Missionary Society had been established there, and the objects of its care, its labourers and their negroes, were become so eager to assist, according to their means, as to have subscribed nearly 70%. for the sending the Scriptures to their countrymen which had proved such a blessing to themselves.

The sanction of the Governor has acquired great influence; for he has expressed his wish that the Colony should become "a focus of Christianity" for the benefit of the neighbouring tribes. They have in the Colony converts of almost all the nations about them. Even from the banks of the famous and unexplored river Niger, and from various countries beyond Tembuctoo. Mr. Johnson writes, that "an

European accustomed to the climate may go through any part of Africa, if he go as a beggar, and give no presents-an evil which has been too much countenanced." In Regent's Town alone, there are natives of 20 different nations, all varying from one another in language, but now holding intercourse among themselves, and with their Christian teachers, by means of that common tongue which they have imperfectly acquired in that state of freedom to which they have arrived. As the native tongues shall by these means become well understood, and shall be reduced to writing on fixed principles, and able teachers of them provided, so will the Christian institution come into most important action, in the propagation and printing of elementary books and the Scriptures, and the supply of competent teachers to the different tribes.

The cultivation of the Arabic language will be another important branch of labour in the Institution; natives well prepared in that tongue will be received with respect in all parts of the country, and will have a medium of communication with Mahomedans, wherever found, on the coast or in the interior; and being previously masters of the questions between' Christians and Mahomedans will be the means, doubtless, of preserving and rescuing many from the delusions of the Impostor. (See Church Miss. Rep.)

At Regent's Town the young men in the space of one month brought a road by a new line, avoiding the most steep descents and declivities, without much extending the course, as far as the Leicester mountain, whence it is to be continued to Free Town. This road is two rods wide, solid and level to a degree not easily attainable in that country: the work has been effected, under the direction of Mr. Jóhnson, by blowing up the rocks, which was suggested to him by a tornado, which one day extinguished a large fire kindled on a rock, and left the rock so split in many places, that the workmen found its removal greatly facilitated. It is not more than three or four years since the greater part of these men were taken out of the holds of slave ships. He states that the Church was always well attended; and the people, in general, were become more moral and industrious, upwards of 500 maintaining themselves, and much land being cleared and cultivated. A considerable improvement is manifested by their enlarging their Churches and building them of stone. The recent transfer of the Isles de Loss to the British, may afford, as Governor Macarthy suggested, superior advantages for communicating religious instruction to the natives at large, &c. A. H. ABSTRACT



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Q. In that supposition why did you attack the Duke de Berri in preference to the rest? A. Because he is the youngest Prince of the Royal Family, and seemed to be destined to perpetuate that race hostile to France.

Q. Do you repent your act? - A. No. Q. Had you any instigator-any accomplice? A. None.

Q. If the justice of man cannot induce you to tell the truth, reflect on the justice of God. A. God is merely a word; he never came upon the earth.

Q. What could induce you to commit an action so guilty?. A. I wished to have refrained from it, but it was beyond my power to do so.

Q. What was your motive? — A. It will serve as a lesson to the great men of my country.

Q. Do you persist in saying that no person inspired you with the idea of this crime? A. Yes! Moreover, it is in the hands of Justice; let her, therefore, do her duty, and let her discover those whom it is presumed are my accomplices.

These are the only answers that could be obtained from this wretch; he signed them, and was escorted back to the Conciergerie. It is impossible to convey an idea of his matchless sang froid, neither the aspect of the unfortunate victim, nor the presence of the Magistrates, caused in him the least emotion, even for an instant. As soon as the interrogation was concluded, they proceeded to open the body; four of the late Prince's valetsGENT. MAG. March, 1820.

de-chambre bore him from the state couch into an adjoining apartment, where were assembled the Doctors Portal, Dupuytren, and several others. From their observations, it appeared that the murderous weapon had penetrated six inches between the 5th and 6th ribs, and had pierced the membraneous muscles of the heart. The Physicians drew up and signed a very detailed attestation.

When the late Duke de Berri was near expiring, he mentioned to his wife that he had two children born in England and one in France, whom he wished her to take care of. The moment she was removed from the body, she desired to see the children; and on their being brought to her, she cut off some of her hair, and giving a lock to each of them, and also one to her own little daughter, she said they were sisters and brothers, and that she would be their mother. The Princess then went to St. Cloud, and took the children with her.

The Moniteur of the 21st ult. contains a Royal ordinance, declaring the King's acceptance of Count De Cazes's resignation, which had been tendered by him on the ground of ill health; another ordinance, of the same date, creates him a Duke of France; and a third announces the appointment of the Duke of Richelieu as President of the Council of Ministers. The official journal also contains a notification of the appointment of the. Duke de Cazes as Ambassador to the. Court of Loudon.

The Duke de Cazes's place of Minister of the Interior is filled up by Count and Baron Mounier succeeds Simeon ; him in the Police.

The most recent French papers bring. the particulars of several interesting discusssions in the Chamber of Deputies, on the important law introduced by De Cazes for authorizing the arrest of suspected persons (similar to our Habeas Corpus Suspension Act.) The debates have been exceedingly warm; the Liberals opposing the projet most strenuously; while the Ministerialists and Ultras vigorously defend it, as necessary to preserve the Throne of the Bourbons, and prevent the country again relapsing into anarchy and revolution. A specimen of the violence of party was presented in the sitting of the 13th inst. General Foy, while discussing the provisions of the law alluded to, touched, in a desultory manner, upon the Royalist persecutions of 1815; and said, that the nation tolerated the fac tion of that day, merely because it was overawed

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French papers to the 17th inst. have brought the important intelligence from Spain, that Ferdinand, yielding to the terrors of present danger, on the 7th of March issued a decree convoking the but this not tranquillizing or Cortes; satisfying the people, on the next day another decree was issued, in which he declared that he had resolved to accept, by oath, the Constitution promulgated by the General and Extraordinary Cortes in 1812.

The Moniteur states, that upwards of forty thousand men, soldiers and others, went to the Castle of Aranjuez, after the declaration of Ferdinand to swear fidelity to the Constitution; that the King appeared to them publicly, and declared he accepted the Constitution, on which the people shouted, "Long live the King! long live the Constitution."

In another Paper it is mentioned that the determination of the King was hastened by the defection of the Count d'Abisbal (O'Donnel), who left Madrid on the 4th, at the head of the Imperial Regiment of Alexander, and proclaimed the Consti'tution at Ocana, ten leagues from the capital. A regiment of cavalry is also said to have deserted to the Insurgents. It is further stated, that Gen. Ballasteros was on the 8th appointed Commandant of Madrid by the King; and that all who had been imprisoned for political causes were liberated, as also those who had been confined in the dungeons of the Inquisition. The city was illuminated in the evening, and likewise the Royal Palace. A Stone Pillar, on which the Constitution is engraved, and which was overturned in 1814, has been replaced in its former position. Saragossa declared itself on the 5th; and the Journal of that city published on the 6th, contained the form of oath to the Constitution which had been taken by the Authorities, at the head of whom were the Marquis of Laxan, Captain General of the Kingdom of Arragon; and Martin de Garay, Councillor of State, and ancient Minister of Finance; besides many Generals and Persons holding public situations of distinction. A Proclamation was addressed to the Arragonese

on the same day; and on the next the Arragonese addressed a Proclamation to the people of Spain generally, explanatory of their conduct iu adopting the Constitution. Letters from Bayonne mention, that Oviedo, the capital of the Asturias, as well as St. Andero, had followed the example of Galicia. On the same authority the kingdom of Murcia is said to have adopted the Constitution.

Other accounts inform us, that on the 7th inst. the Grand Inquisitor received from his Majesty a notice, that the Inquisition had ceased to exist.



Malta, Feb. S.-"This whole place, during the last week, has been in a state of agitation in consequence of the trial of the pirates (eight in number, including Captain Delanoe). The whole were found guilty, and are to be banged on-board the William, the vessel they were on-board of when the piracy was committed. Four of them are to be hanged in chains; viz. the Captain, the Mate, and two of the It appeared in evidence, that the William is a British vessel, and was bound for Smyrna. In the Mediterranean she fell in with another British vessel, which the sailors boarded; and having driven the crew below, they plundered, and then scuttled the vessel, and left her to sink, expecting thereby to conceal the whole transaction. The William then proceeded to Malta, there sold the plundered property, and afterwards pursued her voyage to Smyrna. Providentially, the men who had been left in the plundered vessel found means to get upon deck, and escaped in the boat to the coast of Spain; and soon after Captain Delanoe had sailed from Malta, they reached that island, and gave information of the circumstances. A swift-sailing vessel was immediately dispatched in pursuit of the William, and brought her back, with her crew, to Malta, where the pirates have, no doubt, suffered for their crimes."


Private letters from Vienna state, that there has been in the vicinity of that city an alarming overflow of the Danube; the adjacent country was laid under water, and several bridges were carried away by the violence of the inundation.


The herring-fishery has been unusually successful on the coast of Norway, On the 9th ult. between 50,000 and 60,000 tons, and of the best quality, had been caught and pickled.


Accounts from Alexandria state, that the great canal of Romanich, the most colossal


Foreign and Domestic Occurrences.

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The Senate has determined, by a vote of nearly two to one, that the Congress does not possess the right to impose upon the people of Missouri the proposed restriction as to the right of domestic slavery, as a condition of their admission into the Union. The question is still under discussion in the House of Represensatives.

The African expedition, consisting of the United States ship Cyane, and the ship Elizabeth, has sailed from New York. The Elizabeth, chartered by the Govern ment, proceeds to the Western coast of Africa. She carries out agen's and artisans, mechanics, and labourers, for the purpose of negotiating with the local authorities of the country for permission to land and provide for recaptured or liberated Africans; and to build houses and cultivate land for their use. This expe dition, it is said, has no direct or necessary connexion with colonization.



Cyane proceeds on a cruize on the Western coast of Africa against the Slave Traders.

An official report has been made by the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of prohibiting the importation of cotton, woollen, and iron manufactures; and he is not favourable to such a prohibition. He estimates that the revenue would lose by it six millions of dollars annually.

A dreadful storm occurred on the 17th of January, at New York, productive of very extensive damage to the shipping in the harbour, and to the buildings in the city. The storm was attended with heavy rain, and an unusual high tide, which had caused much damage by ioundation on the banks of the Hudson river, as well as to bridges and mill-dams in different parts of its course.

Subscriptions have been liberally entered into, at New York and other places, for the relief of the sufferers by a dreadful fire at Savannah. From an estimate presented of the injury sustained by the conflagration, it appears that 463 build. ings have been levelled with the ground, and property destroyed to the amount of 4,000,000 of dollars.



PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. The intelligence from Ireland is, we regret to say, of the most painful descrip tion. Some of the wretched men who have been concerned in the atrocious excesses committed by the Ribbonmen, and whose trials took place at the Roscommon Assizes, have been executed. Others are to be transported.

The whole of the Eastern wall and window of the chancel of Old Buckenham Church, in Norfolk, fell with a tremendous crash, during the late storm of wind and snow.

At the York Assizes, William Booth, and two of his companions, were found guilty of shooting a gamekeeper of Mr. S. Wortley's, while out poaching.-Booth (alone) was executed.

March 3. This morning, at two o'clock, a fire broke out at Mr. Hill's; a baker's, in the main street, Chatham; and the wind being extremely high, it spread with great rapidity, crossing the street, which is very narrow, and overwhelming the houses on each side in one common destruction. To add to the confusion and distress of the moment, a heavy sleet began to fall; which, aided by the violence of the wind and extreme cold, almost paralysed the exertions made to put a stop to the flames. At five o'clock, such was

the fury of the devouring element, and the apparent inadequacy of the means to check its progress, that an express was sent off to London to obtain engines, and experienced firemen to work them. Both these were dispatched; but before they could arrive the chief necessity for their assistance ceased to exist; as by 11 o'clock the flames were almost subdued, by taking down several houses on each side of the devouring element. Nothing was visible of the conflagration but a heap of smoking ruins. The whole number of houses destroyed amounted to thirty-six; among which were the Sun Tavern, with the dwelling-house and part of the brew-house belonging to Mr. Best. The violence of the wind was such, that large flakes of burning matter were conveyed to some hundred yards distance. One of those flakes fell upon a large stack of hay, about 150 yards from High-street, which consumed that, and two others which were close by.An unfortunate soldier, it is said, was killed by the front wall of one of the houses. The fire is supposed to have originated from the carelessness of one of the bakers near, who carried out some hot ashes which he emptied near a rick of faggots, and which was fanned into a blaze by the excessive high wind. It is something very remarkable, that a fire broke out in the very same spot

in June 1800 (see our vol. LXX. p. 782), and did nearly equal mischief.-Several horses, thirteen hogs, cats, dogs, birds, &c. fell a prey to the devouring element. The eutire amount of property destroyed is estimated at 100,000l. of which about 70,000l. are insured in the Hope, the Kent, the Norwich Union, the Phoenix, the Eagle, the Sun, and the West of England; among which the largest loss will fall upon the Hope, and the least upon the West of England.

March 5. A tremendous fire broke out this night, at Luton Lees Farm, near Nettlebed, which destroyed the house, a barn, and four ricks, in less than two hours, together with three valuable horses. The farm was occupied by Mr. Tidmarsh, whose son and three other youths set fire to the thatch of a wheat-rick close to the house, in catching sparrows with a clapnet, by which a candle is held up for the birds to fly into the net. A strong Northerly wind drove the flames directly upon the house, which was in one blaze before any water could be got, as it was built chiefly of wood. The premises were lightly insured. A boy was severely burnt in escaping from the attic, and his life is despaired of.

March 6. The Theatre at Exeter was destroyed by fire this night, with the scenery and wardrobe, on which a considerable sum of money had recently been expended. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the wadding of some muskets discharged in the melo-drama, of The Falls of the Clyde, which was the after-piece on that night.

March 10. Two horses, the property of Mr. William Cook and Mr. Hircock, of Whaplode, Lincolnshire, having rubbed open a door of a barn belonging to the latter person, ate so immoderately of some wheat which lay on the floor, that both died soon after.

March 13. A most alarming and destructive fire broke out in the village of Coveney, Bucks, at midnight, on the farm of Mr. Shorter; which was occasioned by the negligence of a boy, in setting fire to some straw in the stable, on the return home of his master. In less than ten minutes the stable was consumed, and seven pigs were burnt in a stye at the back. The flames communicated to two barns, which were also consumed in a very short time. A strong wind communicated the flame to the timber roof of the dwelling-house, and at this time the fire was seen miles off. A whole range of houses, seven in number, were burnt, but most of the furniture was saved. A man of the name of Bartholomew was dangerously hurt by some tim ber falling upon him.

March 15. About two o'clock, as Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, of Great Billing, near Northampton, was sitting in front of the Northampton coach, with a child in her lap, and a niece on each side of her, she was cautioned by the coachman to stoop while passing the gateway, at the White Hart, St. Alban's. Mrs. Wilson instantly repeated the admonition to her nieces; but, unhappily, forgetting herself to follow the advice, sie received a blow on her head, by which the spine of her neck was broken, and she died instantly without being heard to utter a sigh or a groan.

March 17. Mr. William Radcliffe, Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, was tried at the York Assizes, upon an indictment charging him with having, in the year 1801, forged, in the Parish Register of Ravensfield, in that county, an entry, purporting to be the marriage of Edward Kadclyffe and Rosamunde Swyfte, 24th of February, 1640; and with having set forth such false entry in a pedigree pre sented by him to the Heralds' College, whereby he had pretended to shew his own descent from the ancient family of Radclyffe, formerly Earls of Derwentwater, with a view to impose upon the College, as well as upon the Governors of Greenwich Hospital, in whom the forfeited estates of that noble family were vested. The Register was produced, and it appeared that the Rev. Thomas Radford, the Curate of the parish at the time of the interpolation, and since deceased, had, in February 1802, attested the entry to be a forgery. The persons who had bad the custody of the register proved the time and place of the forgery; and Norroy King of Arms and Register of the Heralds' College, and York, Richmond, Somerset, and Windsor Heralds, and Portcullis Pursuivant, were examined, and proved the hand-writing to be that of the defendant, and the circumstances attending the discovery. Mr. Locker, Secretary to Greenwich Hospital, produced two Memorials addressed by the defendant, in 1810 and 1816, to the Governors, for a beneficial lease of a considerable estate, anciently belonging to the noble family in question. There were also produced from Christ's Hospital a Memorial and Pedigree, presented by the defendant in 1809, whereby he had succeeded in obtaining admission for his younger brother upon the foundation of that charity, as being of kin to the founder, King Edward VI; and in which pedigree the said marriage, so forged, was asserted, and the descent of the defendant drawn from it.

Mr. Scarlett opened the case in a luminous speech, in which he pointed out the enormity of the offence, and a variety of other fabrications in defendant's pedigree,

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