

Tour in France in 1818.

Nov. 80.
HE inclosed Letters are the two

Trst of a series, written from
the Continent, by a gentleman of
York, to a near relation. Besides
containing many important facts and
observations, they form a very
able appendix to Letters of a similar
kind, written about a century ago,
which you lately introduced into your
valuable Magazine*. If from the spe-
cimen which I have now sent, you
are of opinion that they will answer
your purpose, and be a source of en-
tertainment and instruction to your
Readers, I am permitted by the Au-
thor to promise you the remainder.
Yours, &c.

Dover, July 30, 1818. On the 28th July, we applied at the French Ambassador's office, in London, for passports. Having obtained then, we proceeded to Herries's Bank, St. James's-street, and supplied ourselves with a competent number of their bills of credit, which are convertible iuto cash by their correspondents at upwards of 150 of the principal towns on the Continent. At Thomas's, near the Royal Exchange, we procured a supply of gold and silver coin, for immediate use. 1814, I only received 18 francs for a one-pound note, or 158. in the pouud: in 1815, 20 francs, or 16s. 8d. in the pound: I now obtained 23f. 60c. or 19s. 8d. in the pound.


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Calais, July 31, 1818. We left Dover Harbour at five minutes past nine, and entered Calais Harbour at five minutes before twelve. The day was fine, and the wind (S.W.) fair. The packet-boat was the Chichester; the passage 108. 6d.

On landing, we left our passports at the proper office, and our luggage was taken to the Custom-house to be examined. If I had had any new cotton stockings, they would have been seized. We then proceeded to Quillacq's Hotel, and have ordered dinner. We are to procure new passports in lieu of those granted in London, which last will be forwarded to Paris: upon the new passports there is a stamp duty of two francs.

* See vol. LXXVIII. ii. 401; LXXXIX. i. pp. 29. 122. 204.

GENT. MAG. January, 1820.


This country smells of tobacco and burnt wood, as usual. The Pillar on the Pier was erected on the spot where the King landed from England, in April 1814.


Cambrai, Aug. 3, 1818.

As a specimen of French dinners, I will tell you what we had at Quillacq's, premising that the table was a deal board, set upon cross stickssoup, soles, mutton maintenon, veal fricandeau, potatoes, chicken and artichoke, pastry, cheese, cherries, gooseberries, and plums: this was the dinner for two; the tables d'hôte are on a larger scale.-The Duke of Wellington had announced his intention to sleep at Quillacq's on Friday night, and was expected at half-past eleven. I sat up considering whether I should go to bed (which I felt much inclined to do), or wait the arrival of the Conqueror of France. Whilst I was laid on a large sofa, debating the matter, considering that I might sleep any night, but could not see so great a man any night; on the other hand, what better should I be for having seen him? besides, he might not come, or might be behind his time, &c. 1 found my sitting up was not agreeable to the waiter, who every now and then made errands into the room to see if I was wanting to retire. At length, at eleven o'clock, he came into the room, blew out the two candles on the table, and was proceeding to blow out a third on the side-table; and on my calling out for him to leave one candle, he replied, • Tout le monde va se coucher.' This being the case, I was obliged to retire; for as all the world was going to bed, it was not for John Bull to introduce his bad customs of turning night into day. I could not, however, but suspect that my anxiety to see the Duke, and may having so repeatedly inquired about his arrival, might determine the waiter to baulk me; as the Duke


is no mighty favourite with Frenchmen. The next morning, at seven, I went down to the pier, and saw the Duke's carriage embarked aboard the Lord Duncan packet. He was to sail at high water (between ten and eleven). The wind, at W. N. W. was directly against him, and his passage would probably occupy seven or eight hours at least. The sailors were disputing




With Four Houses in front, built by the Founder on his place of his Birth.

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Gent. Mag. Jan, 1820. PL.II.p.17.

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1820.] Consanguinitarium, Leicester.-National Currency. 17

same principles, had almost totally disappeared, aud therefore it was not prudent to risk much with a possibility of the same effect being produced.

In 1797 the mint being found unequal to the conduct of a copper coinage of large extent, Mr. Boulton, of Birmingham was authorized to coin for Government. By this plan the fortune of an ingenious man was made, and the moniers were allowed relaxation from their labours

of stamping the head of his present: Majesty upon the neck of the King of Spain, in order to give his dollars currency here.

It was afterwards found to be expedient to put the dollars also into Mr. Boulton's Mint, in order to efface entirely the Spanish impression, and to convert them into Bank Tokens *. In the following year the subsisting Committee of the Council for coins was dissolved, and a new Committee was appointed, whose first determination went to sanction the currency of Mr. Boulton's heavy copper coinage with the lighter Tower half-pennies. About twenty years afterwards they changed their opinion, and all the Tower halfpennies were called in for the purpose of recoinage. (To be continued.)

[blocks in formation]

N vol. LXIII. p. 1046, you have


recorded the endowment of an Establishment in the Borough of Leicester, by the late John Johnson, esq. and named by him the Consanguinitarium. And in vol. LXXXIV. p. 296, the Institution is farther noticed, in an account of the death of its philanthropic Founder.

I request you to insert a View of this comfortable place of refuge; which is a handsome stone-building, consisting of five houses, in Southgate-street, near the Water-house pump. (See Plate II.) It is partly screened in the view by four neat

*These Tokens were declared by Dr. Darwin to be inimitable, from the superiority of their workmanship, and the power of the coining machine; and I do believe, that, by the help of a statute to protect them, and of steel gauges to detect the counterfeits, they have not been imitated to any very large amount.

GENT. MAG. January, 1820.

dwelling-houses, which bound the street, erected on the spot where Mr. Johnson was born. Each of the almshouses has a room on the groundfloor, and a chamber over it: the rooms are neat and convenient; and the windows glazed with beautiful stained glass. To each inhabitant is given a printed copy of the Rules and Orders *.


N. R. S.

Jan. 2.

THE Coinage of a Nation may be

it wears the badge of office, and from its splendour or meanness, may be judged the wealth or property of the State. Collectively, it is the servant of the whole community to which it belongs, but individually, each piece of coin is the servant of the possessor. Every body has its services, from the prince to the beg gar; and as every one employs it, so every one, according to the use he may be supposed to make of it, ought to contribute towards its formation. As it sustains a most important public function, so it ought, in all nations, to have a salary assigned to


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of a material that all men covet, it When nations are once possessed soon becomes obvious, that a convenient form is required for its circulation, and coins called money have been invented for that purpose. The prerogative of coining money, and fixing its denomination, is properly vested in the monarch or ruling power, and the denomination being once fixed, ought, on no pretence whatever, to be changed, because it would violate, all contracts; all the transactions of fair dealing between man and man being founded on the invariability of national currency. Yet there have been princes, who, mistaking price for value, have sometimes altered the one in hopes to obtain the other; but Providence has placed this beyond the power of man. A King may, by his prerogative, raise the denomination of a piece of coin, but that cannot in the least in crease its value, if its weight continues the same.

*These are printed in Nichols's History of Leicestershire, vol. I. p. 528. A com


A commercial people having no mines of their own, and not having by conquest exacted bullion from other nations, can obtain it only by having had something to sell, or having performed some service; hence it is, that the coin of such a uation, is exclusively the property of the people, except only such part of it as the executive Government may periodically require for the exigencies of the State, which again reverts to the people in ceaseless rotation. The coin that each man honestly possesses, be it little or much, is decidedly and distinctly his own; he has given value for it; and he will not part with it but on the same terms. such a nation coins must have crept by slow degrees, and being once formed and designated by the ruling power, it becomes the duty of the executive, to preserve them as near as possible in the same state as at their first is sue, which can be effected only by that prerogative, which first established their quality and weight, forbidding their circulation after they have become deficient; which determination of the ruling power involves a question of great magnitude."Who is to sustain the loss of exchange from old and light, to new and heavy?" The answer of State policy must be, that it should fall upon the individual in whose hands it happened to be found. This, at first sight, will appear not consistent with strict justice, and it can be defended only by the nature of the case; the deficiency when it does happen must fall some where, and how can it possibly be fixed under easier circumstances than amongst the many who will then have to share it? It is a servant who has become disabled, and his cure will cost but little; whereas if the light coins were suffered to continue in circulation, it would encourage further depreciation, and at last, if called in for recoinage, it must be at an expence to be borne by the nation collectively, and thus occasion a careless observ. ance of deficiencies; but if the charge falls individually, every individual will endeavour to guard against it, and thus become conservator of the coinage. Under such circumstances it will always be maintained in clegant purity; the executive power

will be relieved from the necessity of raising supplies for any deficiency in the old coins; and the nation relieved from what is of far greater consequence, the inconvenience that unavoidably must attend a sudden withdrawing and re-issuing a nation's currency. Where there is a settled salary raised for a constant coining, there will always be a supply for that which is continually withdrawing, neither loss nor gain being suffered on either side, nor any charge whatever made at the time of coining.

The practice of some nations is, to impose a seignorage to defray the expense of coining; but this certainly is both impolitic and unjust ;-impolitic because it tends to prevent coining at home, and holds out encouragement to foreigners to imitate it abroad; and unjust, because it throws the charge upon him who brings his bullion to be coined, and thereby performs a public service, and who uses each piece but once: for the moment it escapes from his hands, it enters into the service of the public, every one using it according to his dealings. When its career is stopped, it can be no great hardship to throw the loss upon the possessor, whose traffic will enable him to susLain it; but it would be the very height of injustice to throw upon him, at the same time, any loss that might be occasioned by a previous seignorage.

Thus the creation of coins (if I may so express myself) would become the charge of the whole nation: the renovation of them would be sustained by its commerce.

Where coinage is so established, it can scarcely ever happen, that a solvent debtor should not be able to find sufficient full weight coins, to satisfy the demands of his creditor; but if at any time it should so happen, it seems a principle of justice that he ought to have the power of doing it by a full weight of bullion. So on the other hand, it seems equally consistent with justice, that at any time when coins have become diminished below the standard of their currency, the creditor should be left to his choice to refuse the coin and demand the weight in bullion.

There are but three metals which the world has agreed to receive as



On National Coinage and Currency.

universal equivalents, and of which coins are made; namely, gold, silver, and copper. But copper, though most used, and most useful, in small payments for the internal traffic of a nation, is not acceptable to foreigners, and therefore has not ob tained sufficient consideration as a legal tender. Silver has been until lately the principal money of all commercial states; but as both that and gold are universally acceptable, and the mines are more productive of silver than gold, the latter has become the superior metal, and hence has arisen a question as to their relative value. On this subject much discussion has taken place, and endeavours have been made to fix a standard between them; but how can that be fixed by art, which is ever varying in nature? The mines themselves vary sometimes in the quantities produced, and nations vary at different times in the quantities they possess. Kings may, and ought to establish a relative price between the coins made of each metal; but their relative value is fixed by the dispensations of Providence alone. Should the silver mines become less, and the gold mines productive, then relative value must change, and silver might become the superior metal. The only way that nations can take is to abide by the standard prices they first fix upon, and leave commerce, by the exchange of the two metals, to adjust their value; it will be time enough for particular Governments to interfere, when general acceptance may, by reason of plenty or scarcity, have taken another bias:-if nature ordains a change, Governments will be forced to comply. However, there is not much to be apprehended on this score; for centuries have passed away, and no very material change has taken place in the production of the mines. The gold and silver coinage of some nations is as fourteen to one; of some, as sixteen to one; and of others (the greater part) as fifteen to one, which seems to be about the average. Those countries which have fourteen to one, must expect to receive their foreign debts in silver; while those of sixteen to one will be paid in gold; and thus are the metals always tending toward a


equilibrium. A little more than fifty years ago, the relative value of silver to gold was as nine to one in China:


consequently silver was continually travelling from Europe and South America to Asia, tifl, at length, the proportion has become nearly the


In the present state of the world, when commerce is so much extended, circumstances may occur, in which nation may not only fabricate her own national coins, but also find it convenient to imitate those of far distant nations, in order to tempt them into some particular branch of commerce. Thus the rude pagoda of the Indians, might be made in the same mint that has produced the most exquisite specimens of European coinage, and where it is done with fidelity, no evil can arise from it, though it ought to be prohibited to be done by individuals with as much caution as is used in national currency. It was said in France that during the last Bonapartean war,


vast quantity of twenty franc pieces, with the head of Louis the Eighteenth, was coined in England, in order to procure sustenance for the troops then serving in countries where that coin circulated, and to the ho nour of Great Britain, they were found to be equally valuable in weight and purity, and are now equally ac ceptable even in France itself. However, an example such as this, points out to all nations the absolute necessity of making and preserving their currency to the full amount of its several denominations for, if their currency is depreciated, foreigners will either pay them their debts in their own depreciated coins, or forge an imitation of them; in each case the debt will be discharged at a loss to the native and gain to the foreigner.

Nations who had heretofore accumulated large quantities of coin, may, by reason of a great dearth of bread corn in their own laud, or in support of a foreign war, be compelled to spend the whole of their coinage, and thus be reduced to the necessity of substituting an artificial currency; and the promise to pay must, for a time, supply the place of actual pay. ment. When thus reduced, nothing but time can restore to the people their antient standard; they can reobtain it only by the same means by which it was originally gained if the nation has mines of its own, it must wait the supply that the mines


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