



When Haydn was asked why his music was so cheerful, he replied, "I can't make any other. I write as I feel. When I think on God my heart is so full of joy that the notes dance and leap from my pen."


"We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs,
High as the heavens our voices raise."

"Lord, teach our songs to rise;

Thy love can animate the strain,

And bid it reach the skies."

"Learning here, by faith and love,
Songs of praise to sing above."

"The great salvation loud proclaim,
And shout for joy the Saviour's name."

"With calmly reverential joy,

Oh, let us all our lives employ

In setting forth thy love;

And raise in death our triumph higher,
And sing with all the heavenly choir,

The endless song above."

St. Augustine thus describes the effect which the music had upon him as he entered the church at Milan the first time after he was converted to Christianity: "The voices floated in at my ears, the truth was distilled at my heart, and the affection of piety overflowed in the sweet tears of joy."

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THIS popular song, which was the rallying cry of the great revival in Scotland and also of many in America, was suggested to Mr. Bliss by hearing very frequently the chorus,

"O how I love Jesus!"

He said to himself, "I have sung long enough of my poor love for Christ, and now I will sing of His love for me." He sat down and wrote the delightful and inspiring song of which the first verse is,―

"I am so glad that our Father in heaven
Tells of his love in the Book he has given;
Wonderful things in the Bible I see,

This is the dearest that Jesus loves me.

ONE Sunday a man came into our Sundayschool at the Boston North End Mission, drawn by the sweetness of the children's singing. He remained until the close, and came

again that evening to our prayer-meeting. When the customary invitation to seek the Saviour was given, he came forward and found "peace in believing." To a few of us who had remained to pray with the penitent seekers he said, "My friends, I feel that I'm a saved man, and I owe it to your children's singing 'Jesus loves me,' this afternoon. I couldn't realize it, I've been such a miserable sinner; but after I went away I thought it over, Jesus loves me ;' and then I thought of the next line,For the Bible tells me so,' and I tried to believe it, and I came here this evening to get you to pray for. me." He became a regular attendant at the Mission, and while with us gave the clearest evidence of a genuine change of heart.

This is but one of very many similar instances of almost weekly occurrence at this Mission. This same man soon after felt called by the Holy Spirit to prepare himself for the Christian ministry, and at present he is regularly occupying a pulpit in Massachusetts, spending much of his time during the week in lecturing upon the evils of intemperance.

E. Tourjée.

AT one of the revival meetings at Edinburgh a gay, giddy girl attended. She went late and was unable to get a seat, so she wandered about in the hall outside. Inside the church they were singing, led by Mr. Sankey:

"Oh, I am so glad

That Jesus loves me,

Jesus loves me,

Jesus loves me.

The words went to her heart and her conscience, and she said, "I cannot sing that." When that meeting broke up she went to the meeting for anxious inquiries, and is now a rejoicing Christian.

A MISSIONARY of the American SundaySchool Union in Missouri, after he had organized a Sunday-school recently, sang to them Mr. Bliss' delightful song,

"I am so glad that Jesus loves me,"

and followed it with the question, "Are you glad? If not, why?" He had hardly finished when a young man rose, and rushing up to him, threw his arms around his neck, sobbing, "Oh,

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