
ous coincidences by suggesting, as might conceivably be done, that the word employed by the writer of these passages of the Acts is a manifest quotation put into the mouth of St. Paul in his earlier and unregenerate character of Jewish inquisitor, or adopted by him, as in the other passages in question, by way of convenient reference to the separatist tendency of nascent Christianity, felt even at that early stage of its mustard-seed growth. The remarkable thing is that the word with its pragmatic implications should have been used, whether by friend or foe, at all, when a less significant term like alpeats would have answered just as well. Its employment in any contingency points clearly to the existence of a prevailing and not yet fully rationalized obedientialism, inspired from first to last by a spirit of enthusiastic loyalty to that Leader, older than Abraham, greater than Moses, and wiser than the prophets, whose death and resurrection had proved that He was in truth the Way. †

This enthusiasm for an art rather than a theory of the Christian life was, then, an inheritance from our Lord himself, passed on in unbroken succession to historical Catholicism. And what Catholicism had thus legitimately received it fostered and expanded under the influence of an ever-deepening, because ever loyal, consciousness which can only be adequately understood by watching it at work. It is there, under the guise of the activities to which we alluded above as sacramentalism, sacerdotalism, and the rest, that we detect its true ethos, a something that makes for a Way, an ineluctable instinct for the practical, both in its mode of seeing things and in its bent for doing things, that issues in triumph always.

These are its obediences. Long before its apologists elaborate the metaphysic which seems to lay bare the secret of its energy to a generation grown devoutly curious, instead of religiously energetic, the victory has been spoken and the Church's best work for that generation would seem to have been done. Seton Hall, South Orange, N. J.

* On the sense of alpears in N. T. Greek consult the Encyclopædia Biblica, in verb. Vol. II., p. 2,019.

The argument, it should be remembered, is by no means invalidated by the most recent positions taken up by critics with reference to the authorship of the Fourth Gospel. The point is that sayings like those embodied in the Discourse at the Last Supper and in St. Matt. xi. 10, must have been current in Christian circles and familiar to the Christian consciousness long before they were committed to writing. Cf. Allen's St. Matthew in the International Criti

By Mgr. Le Camus.

The second volume of Father Hickey's translation of the classic life of our Lord by Mgr. Le Camus covers the period extending from the Sermon on the Mount to the healing of the ten lepers, and the interview between Jesus and the rich young man who declined to follow him. The original work is a monument of erudition and critical scholarship combined with apostolic zeal and simple, fervent piety.

The learned author, without losing sight of the ancient landmarks, does not hesitate to incorporate in his pages the wellestablished results of contemporary critical methods. This not too common union of prudent progress and equally prudent conservatism received the high approbation of the Holy Father, who holds up the methods of Mgr. Le Camus as the realization of that just medium which is inculcated in the recent encyclical. In a letter addressed to Mgr. Le Camus, on the publication of his work on the Apostles, the Holy Father said:

As we must condemn the temerity of those who, having more regard for novelty than for the teaching authority of the Church, do not hesitate to adopt a method of criticism altogether too free, so likewise we should not approve the attitude of those who in no way dare to depart from the usual exegesis of Scripture, even when, faith not being at stake, the real advancement of learning requires such departure. You follow a wise middle course.

Father Hickey's translation is excellent. In its pure, idiomatic English one finds none of those crudities which in so many of our religious books constantly remind us that we are reading a version made by somebody whose competence for the task was not beyond question.

Many priests declare that they are able to draw from volumes of sermons very little assistance towards the preparation of their instructions and discourses. Let them betake themselves to Le Camus, who will provide them with ample material, ready to hand, for sound, solid, and attractive preaching on the whole circle of our Lord's life and teaching.

"The Life of Christ. By Mgr. Le Camus. Translated by William A. Hickey. Vol. II.


By Trevelyan.

Opening with a description of the situation, immediately after the battles of Trenton and Princetown, in 1777, Trevelyan's third volume. follows the course of events down to the outbreak of war between France and England. The first chapter is chiefly concerned with the doings of Congress and the assemblies. The author handles the politicians contemptu. ously; and even Samuel Adams has to be content with a rather uncomplimentary rating. The meddling inefficiency of the members, and their jealous obstruction of Washington, are roundly castigated. As for Washington himself, no American writer surpasses Trevelyan in his boundless admiration for Washington, "the Chief and leader of heroic proportions and stainless reputation." Indeed, the most touchy of patriots can find nothing to complain of in the treatment measured out in this volume to the worthy American leaders and the Americans as a nation. Washington, Nathaniel Green, Colonel Morgan, Philip Schuyler, are names which, along with humbler ones, receive their full mead of eulogy; while Gates, Charles Lee, Conway, Dr. Rush, are judged with unbending severity.

The retreat of Sir William Howe, after Morristown, his vigorous conduct at Brandywine, the defence of the Chew Mansion at Germantown by Colonel Musgrave, are among the few events from which a little solace for British pride is extracted. The story of the contest for the Delaware, the occupation of Philadelphia, the winter of discontent at Valley Forge, with the contemporary gaiety of Philadelphia as the comfortable quarters of the British, offer a fine opportunity, which is not missed, for Trevelyan's picturesque pen. With all his uncle's contempt for "the dignity of history," he makes use of homely details and trivial yet significant incidents, to give his pictures life and concrete strength.

Then, too, there is no disquisition or tedious dissertation. If he has any philosophic reflections to offer, they are usually condensed into a terse, pregnant sentence or two. It is a pleasure, in these days when the scientific method is making most of the historical works that are coming out very hard reading, to take up Sir George's narrative, which runs along with unflagging life and verve.

*The American Revolution. Part III. By the Right Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan,

By Mgr. Le Camus.


The second volume of Father Hickey's translation of the classic life of our Lord by Mgr. Le Camus covers the period extending from the Sermon on the Mount to the healing of the ten lepers, and the interview between Jesus and the rich young man who declined to follow him. The original work is a monument of erudition and critical scholarship combined with apostolic zeal and simple, fervent piety.

The learned author, without losing sight of the ancient landmarks, does not hesitate to incorporate in his pages the wellestablished results of contemporary critical methods. This not too common union of prudent progress and equally prudent conservatism received the high approbation of the Holy Father, who holds up the methods of Mgr. Le Camus as the realization of that just medium which is inculcated in the recent encyclical. In a letter addressed to Mgr. Le Camus, on the publication of his work on the Apostles, the Holy Father said:

As we must condemn the temerity of those who, having more regard for novelty than for the teaching authority of the Church, do not hesitate to adopt a method of criticism altogether too free, so likewise we should not approve the attitude of those who in no way dare to depart from the usual exegesis of Scripture, even when, faith not being at stake, the real advancement of learning requires such departure. You follow a wise middle course.

Father Hickey's translation is excellent. In its pure, idiomatic English one finds none of those crudities which in so many of our religious books constantly remind us that we are reading a version made by somebody whose competence for the task was not beyond question.

Many priests declare that they are able to draw from volumes of sermons very little assistance towards the preparation of their instructions and discourses. Let them betake themselves to Le Camus, who will provide them with ample material, ready to hand, for sound, solid, and attractive preaching on the whole circle of our Lord's life and teaching.

* The Life of Christ. By Mgr. Le Camus. Translated by William A. Hickey. Vol. II.

By Trevelyan.

Opening with a description of the situation, immediately after the battles of Trenton and Princetown, in 1777, Trevelyan's third volume follows the course of events down to the outbreak of war between France and England. The first chapter is chiefly concerned with the doings of Congress and the assemblies. The author handles the politicians contemptuously; and even Samuel Adams has to be content with a rather uncomplimentary rating. The meddling inefficiency of the members, and their jealous obstruction of Washington, are roundly castigated. As for Washington himself, no American writer surpasses Trevelyan in his boundless admiration for Washington, "the Chief and leader of heroic proportions and stainless repu tation." Indeed, the most touchy of patriots can find nothing to complain of in the treatment measured out in this volume to the worthy American leaders and the Americans as a nation. Washington, Nathaniel Green, Colonel Morgan, Philip Schuyler, are names which, along with humbler ones, receive their full mead of eulogy; while Gates, Charles Lee, Conway, Dr. Rush, are judged with unbending severity.

The retreat of Sir William Howe, after Morristown, his vigorous conduct at Brandywine, the defence of the Chew Mansion at Germantown by Colonel Musgrave, are among the few events from which a little solace for British pride is extracted. The story of the contest for the Delaware, the occupation of Philadelphia, the winter of discontent at Valley Forge, with the contemporary gaiety of Philadelphia as the comfortable quarters of the British, offer a fine opportunity, which is not missed, for Trevelyan's picturesque pen. With all his uncle's contempt for "the dignity of history," he makes use of homely details and trivial yet significant incidents, to give his pictures life and concrete strength.

Then, too, there is no disquisition or tedious dissertation. If he has any philosophic reflections to offer, they are usually condensed into a terse, pregnant sentence or two. It is a pleasure, in these days when the scientific method is making most of the historical works that are coming out very hard reading, to take up Sir George's narrative, which runs along with unflagging life and verve.

* The American Revolution. Part III. By the Right Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan,

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