
society. He was afterward called enter Columbia College in the to the Churches of Pompton and year 1794. His standing in his Totowa, in New-Jersey, where class was respectable, and his he continued to labour with much whole deportment strictly moral diligence, faithfulness, and suc- and religious. His principal ascess, until his death. His great sociates were the serious students, humility prevented him from being especially Effingham Warner, son as generally known as he deserv of George Warner of this city, ed to be; but those who were ac- a fervently pious young man, cut quainted with his worth, esteemed off in the prime of life in 1796, him as one of the best of men. the Rev. Mr. Duryea, now pastor He was appointed some years of the Dutch Church in Saratoga, afterward by the General Synod in this State, and the Rev. G. of the Reformed Dutch Church, Barkeloo, all professors of relia Professor of Oriental langua- gion at that time. He took no ges and a Lecturer Assistant to part in the youthful freaks and the Professor of Theology; and sports of his classmates, nor could as such he rendered very impor- their ridicule divert him from his tant services in preparing candi-integrity.

dates for the ministry. He died After he graduated in 1795, in 1791, without ever being able from a jealousy of his own spirito effect a reconciliation with the tual state, he entered into a store, church at Kingston, but greatly designing to follow the mercantile beloved and respected in all the profession. But he could not other Dutch Churches.* satisfy himself, until he devoted From such a father, who not himself exclusively to the service only experienced the power of of God, in the ministry of his Son. godliness in his own heart, but Having prosecuted his theological had suffered both in his feelings studies under the direction of the and his estate on account of it, Rev. Dr. Livingston, for two Mr. Meier, his son, received from years and upwards, he was lihis earliest years peculiar atten- censed on the 12th of Dec. 1798, tion. He was trained up in the to preach the gospel by the way in which he should go, with Classis of New-York. Within a vigilance, industry, and persever-year afterward, having accepted ance, so that his youth, through of a call from the united congrethe blessing of God, was not only gations of New Paltz and New unstained by open vice, but we Hurley, in the county of Ulster, have reason to believe was spent he was ordained by the Classis of to a very considerable degree in Kingston, on the 13th day of Oct. the fear of the Lord. At what 1799, to the office of a gospel period he received his first deci- minister over the said congregaded religious impressions, is not tions. His work of faith and laknown, but it was previously to bour of love among the people of his residence in Flatbush, under his charge in these places, though the care of Dr. Wilson, then prin- not successful according to his cipal of Erasmus Hall. By this gentleman he was prepared to

* Christian's Magazine, Vol. II, p. 10-12.

wishes, approved him to be a servant that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God. He was esteemed as a faithful ser

'vant, commending himself to every which terminated in his death. man's conscience in the sight of Its approach was gradual, its God, labouring in season and out symptoms deceptious, and even of season. Such was his reputa- its nature unknown, until 1306, tion at this early period of his when it proved to be the Tabes ministry, that the Reformed Dutch Mysenterica. It is due to the saChurch in Schenectady invited gacity of the late Dr. W. M'Clelhim to settle with them as col- land of Albany, to state that he league to their pastor, the late was the first man who perceived Rev. Dr. D. Romeyn, who was the nature of his complaint, and disabled from performing his duty predicted its termination. by a paralytic affection, which During the whole course of his ultimately terminated in his death. indisposition, the state of his mind This invitation Mr. Meier accept- was collected and composed. The ed, and on the 5th of June, 1803, writer of this article had many he was installed to the collegiate interesting conversations with charge of that Church. His ve- him, in which he manifested the nerable colleague, who had been steadfastness of his faith, and the the friend of his father during his substantial foundation of his hopes. life time, respected the son, not The prosperity of Zion at large, only for the father's sake, but for and especially the good of his his own merits. Between them own people, lay near his heart. there existed uninterrupted har- In these conversations, he more mony and esteem, until death re-explicitly than usual professed moved Dr. Romeyn on the 16th his entire belief that the doctrines of April, 1804, to the rest of his Lord, in the sixty-first year of his age.

and discipline of the Reformed Dutch Church were according to the word of God. For the interMr. Meier was now sole Pastor ests of that Church he felt more of one of the oldest, most nume-than ordinary engagedness. It rous, and respectable congrega-seemed as he drew nearer to "the tions in the Reformed Dutch narrow house," that his ChrisChurch in this country. His duty tian patriotism increased. But was more than ordinarily arduous, he displayed no bigotry, he felt not only on account of the labour no sectarian influence. He loved required by his congregation, but all of other denominations who because, from the character and loved our Lord Jesus Christ. standing of his predecessor, the After struggling long with a neighbouring congregations and prostrating disorder, he died in ministers had become accustomed Albany, on the 11th day of Sept. to resort to Schenectady for ad- 1806, in his 32d year. vice and direction. He however We shall conclude this sketch acquitted himself so as to escape with the following obituary notice censure from all, and secure ap- taken of Mr. Meier, in the Albany probation from the majority with Gazette of the 15th of Sept. 1806, whom he acted from time to time. written by a classmate of his, He was rising in public estimation, who was honoured by his friendand had gained solid footing among ship and affection; attended him his own people, when in 1805, he during his residence in Albany, was attacked by the disorder and performed the last act of at

tention by closing his eyes when covery. He had accordingly arranged death had called him hence. This his temporal concerns. Indeed, from

notice will supply whatever may be considered as wanting in the preceding narrative, so far as personal recollection, or the information of friends, extends.

his conversation with intimate friends

and his letters to his brother-in-law, he
expected he should die at least two
months back. He spoke of his death,
and gave directions about his funeral
with the utmost composure. His cove
nant Father saved him from the darts
of Satan. He gave him sensible sup-
port and comfort. He died without a
struggle or a groan. A few moments
before he became speechless, and only
about half an hour before his departure,
when asked if the state of his mind was
still comfortable, he answered yes.
Such are the consolations of the gospel
of Jesus. The latter end of his people
is peace."


"In Mr. Meier, his family and his friends have lost an affectionate relative, and the church of Jesus Christ a worthy and valuable servant. His talents and acquirements were both of the useful kind, and very respectable. Being cautious in his disposition and reserved in his manners, he displayed fewer mental resources in his intercourse with men, than he really possessed. His caution, however, did not sour his temper, nor his reserve unfit him for social enjoyment. The native benevolence of his heart always rendered him a welcome and acceptable companion to his acquaintances. He was esteemed as a THE sin to which the children preacher; but more especially excellent as a member of the several church judi- of Israel were more prone than catories, with which he was connected. any other, was that of idolatry. In them his loss will be long felt. His This did not arise from their igviews of church government were cornorance. God had revealed himrect; his judgment was sound; his passions controlled by his understanding. self clearly to Abraham, Isaac, He was rising in reputation; his sphere and Jacob. He had brought of usefulness was enlarging; his pros- their descendants out of Egypt pects of human happiness expanding, when it pleased an holy God, in his ado with an high hand, and an outrable providence, to take him to himself. stretched arm, for the express "His education being strictly reli- purpose of sanctifying to himself gious, he had from his earliest years a a peculiar people, zealous of deep reverence for divine things; at good works. He had hedged what period particularly he became a subject of special grace is not known, them in by his moral law. At the but it must have been early in life. To head of the decalogue stands the the writer of this he has more than authoritative command, "Thou once, and the last time only a few days shalt have no other gods before before his death, mentioned that his liveliest impressions of religion were me." And the whole system of when he was at the academy at Flat- divine precepts and worship was bush, about the year 1793. His exer- interposed between them and all cises, according to his own account, strange gods. But we find from though never very high, were never very their history, not only that they He had an abiding impression of divine truth on his heart. Jesus was were frequently drawn away the foundation of his hope; on him he from the Lord, forsaking the founrested, and was not ashamed or contain of living waters, and hewing founded in the last conflict. Death to out to themselves broken cishim, during his sickness, was no spectre, terns that could hold no water; no king of terrors. Before he finally


left his home, which was the beginning but that this was their easily beof August, he did not calculate on a re-setting sin; and all this was

against light and better knowledge.ment; and there never was a This is evident from Jeremiah sin pardoned except through the xliv. 4. for the Lord represents imputation of Christ's righteoushimself as rising early, and send-ness, received and appropriated ing his servants, the prophets, to by a living faith; the soul of the warn, admonish, rebuke, and Lord hates it, and his hand will threaten. punish it; it must receive its due Why they were particularly recompense of reward in the day addicted to this sin, it may be dif- when it is brought into judgment. ficult to determine; but this we We are perfectly aware that do know that this and every very different sentiments are enother sin is connected with an evil tertained by men on the subject heart of unbelief, which does not of sin. So different, that a vast like to retain God in all its majority of men make light of it; thoughts. Open and professed and if they account it a moral idolatry is the result of great de- evil, they account it a very small pravity and guilt. Men must one; they think but little of it and will have a god; and if unless it be open, notorious, and they have placed themselves in a immediately destructive. The situation in which the living God consequence of this sentiment is, is a burden and a terror to their that they live and die in it in the minds, they will make to them-vague hope that even God is not selves lying vanities, and put their much displeased at it, and will trust in falsehood. Every step very readily pardon it. That in sin leads to the final result, such notions are derogatory to a total abandonment of God. God's the character of God, and at war great displeasure against idolatry with his revealed will and the he declares in the above-cited dispensations of his providence, passage, O do not this abomina- it would be no difficult matter to ble thing which I hate." prove. Nay, it is declared conThis sin is particularly speci- cerning one sin, in the words we fied, because it is the top of the have cited, and plainly to be inferclimax; and was, in the days of red concerning all sins, that the Jeremiah, a prevailing sin. All soul of the Lord hateth them. We sin, however, partakes of the intend to show


same nature, and subjects trans- That all sin is hateful in the gressors to his righteous maledic-sight of God.-This proposition tion. Of God the prophet says, is a very important one, and it "Thou art of purer eyes than to ought to be a very interesting behold evil, and canst not look one, We hazard nothing by deon iniquity;" and he will by no claring, that all have a very deep means clear the guilty. With-interest in it.

out any exception or qualification Sin is the transgression of the law "The wages of sin is death." of God, and it respects the heart Every sin is a direct attack on and the life. It consists in doing God's majesty and glory, and what God has forbidden, or in proceeds from the enmity of the leaving undone what he has comcarnal mind. There never was manded. Any failure of perfect a sin committed that did not de- love to God, and our neighbour, serve eternal wrath and punish- or any failure of acting out that

love according to the law of God, appears abominable even to men is sin. who are very imperfect in their In the law of God his sove-nature, and who are sanctified reignty and holiness are eminent-only in part; and there are exhily displayed; and there are two bitions of it, at which even those things in all sins considered as the who are total strangers to holitransgression of God's law, from ness shudder; how then must it which their hateful and abomina- appear to him who infinitely ble nature appears. All sin is a transcends all his creatures in contempt of God's sovereignty; every perfection? We can cona throwing off of his authority;ceive of nothing which would apa declaring of ourselves indepen- pear so abominable in our sight, dent of him. The natural lan-as sin does in the sight of God: guage of all sin is, "Who is the he can have no fellowship with Lord that I should obey him?" it; it is infinitely distant from Viewed in this light, there is a every thing in his nature; it is of kind of equality in all sins; "He the very nature of sin to sepathat offends in one is guilty of all." rate between God and the sinner. What abominable presumption is This is the light in which we it in creatures who depend in all ought to view it, if we wish to things on the will of their Creator, have correct ideas concerning it. to refuse submission to his will? We should not then call it a small to fly directly in the face of his evil, an unimportant matter; we authority, and do all they can should not then make so many to destroy him? How odious must mistakes concerning its nature. they appear in his sight, espe- Through the perverted medium of cially when we consider that he our conceptions, we shall neither has done them nothing but good? see nor feel the nature of sin as and is infinitely worthy of their we ought. highest regard and most devoted obedience. In this light sin must considerations which will throw be viewed by us, in order to become acquainted with its nature, because this enters essentially into its nature.

But farther, there are other

light on this nature of sin. We are informed in the word of God, that there is a vast number of angels, (beings of an order and caNor does it appear less abomi- pacity greatly exceeding us,) who nable when we consider God as once dwelt in the presence of essentially and infinitely holy. God, beheld his glory, and enHe is so holy that the very hea-joyed his favour and communion. vens are not clean in his sight, and We are also informed that they he charges even his angels with have been cast out of heaven; folly. From this arises God's that they have lost the divine fahatred of sin, which is as essen-vour and communion, are already tial as his love to himself. The inconceivably wretched, are coninfinite purity and rectitude of his fined under chains of darkness to nature, infers the most perfect the judgment of the great day, abhorrence of whatever is oppo- and are to remain to all eternity site to it. "The righteous Lord outcasts from God, strangers to loveth righteousness, but the happiness and hope, and be imwicked his soul hateth." Sin measurably wretched. Why were

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