

Almighty God in this mysterious But the most expressive of all
symbols, the most instructive, and
By all judicious commentators impressive of all typical actions,
Isaac is acknowledged to have was this filial sacrifice on Mount
been a type of our Lord Jesus Moriah. The way is now pre-
Christ. Before the light of the pared to explain the probable de-
Sun of Righteousness arose upon sign of the merciful God of Abra-
the world, the Church was often ham in this extraordinary, and,
instructed by types and emblem- apparently, this hard command.
atic actions, which were ap-It was a prophetic action, in
pointed as symbols of moral and which was exhibited, by the live-
spiritual ideas. This order of liest emblem, that the whole range
things naturally arose out of the of human existence could afford,
state of letters, and the progress the future sacrifice of Abraham's
of society in those early periods greater Son. So lively was the
of human improvement. As their figure, that our blessed Saviour
written communications were has said, with regard to this pa-
usually made by pictures of na- triarch, above all the other pro-
tural objects, which were made phets, He rejoiced that he might
to stand as representatives of ex- see my day; and he saw it, and
isting or of future events, and was glad. Isaac was a transcend-
sometimes even of general pro-ent type of the suffering Re-
positions or conceptions of the deemer, who was afterward of-
mind, expressive of certain princi- fered in sacrifice for the sins of
ples of religion: so predictions of the world upon the same mount,
the greatest revolutions in human who suffered under the hand of
society, and the most important a Father who loved him,—and
events in the Church, were fre- who, like this precious and filial
quently conveyed under symbo- victim, suffered with his own
lical figures or actions. A mode consent, and laid down his life of
of instruction which was pecu- himself.
liarly vivid and impressive to a But this mysterious transac-
people of that strong imagination, tion appears intended to exhibit
which always distinguishes the
periods of society anterior to the
improvement of the arts and the
invention of science.*

terraneous passage which he had made by great labour, carried out his household furniture with haste and trembling, to exhibit to the senses of the people an emblem of the straitness of the siege by which they should be distressed. Imparting moral * Many examples of this mode of com- instruction likewise, by picture and by acmunication are furnished, particularly tion, was common in the earliest ages of among the nations of the east, in history the world. An excellent account of which both profane and sacred. The Scythian we have in Warburton's Divine Legation of prince, when he meant to deter Darius Moses, Vol. II. p. 66, &c. It was followed from entering into a war against his hardy by writing in hieroglyphic symbols, which barbarians, sent to him a mouse, a pair of served the same purpose among them that wings, and a quiver of arrows; simply con- figures in discourse do in the eloquence of a veying, by this strange present, a warning, more improved state of society. Every that unless he could hide in the earth like a type in the ancient Church was the exhi mouse, or mount into the air like a bird, the bition of some symbolic character, or acScythian arrows would overtake him. Je-tion of the same kind, expressive of spiritual remiah sent yokes to the neighbouring kings ideas, or of important future events. Simiof Palestine, as a symbol of their approach- lar symbols are still retained even under ing subjugation. Ezekiel dug all night the Christian dispensation, in the ordiunder the city wall, and, through the sub- Inances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.

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more than a symbolic represent- the Messiah's age ever attained ation of the death of Christ. It by any patriarch or prophet, bewas fitted to convey to the mind fore his actual advent. of the holy patriarch, as far as If it be asked, how the holiness human nature is capable of re- of God can be acquitted in giving, ceiving the sublime impression, or the piety of Abraham be justisome image of the infinite love of fied in obeying, a command which God, who spared not his own Son, so palpably contradicts the first but delivered him up for us all. principles of the law of nature And how, Christian readers, could written on the hearts of all men? a stronger conception be conveyed I answer, that God, most merciful to the heart of man? All the and wise, did not design to require father, in the breast of Abraham, or permit his servant to violate a most tenderly yearned over this law so sacred, but by a hieroglybeloved child of promise. He phic or symbolical action, of the felt all the meltings of soul which most solemn and awful kind, to man could feel in a situation the impart to this holy man those pemost trying to his affections, in culiar, evangelic truths which which a parent was ever placed. could not be, in that age, so The whole transaction was de- clearly and strikingly conveyed signed to make him understand by any other symbols. Abraham the future mystery of the gospel, indeed could not penetrate the and the ineffable grace of God in ultimate designs of heaven, and the gift of his Son to die for the he must have believed that he sin of man. And, to render this was called by a divine command, revelation complete; to antici- to fulfil the dreadful office which pate the knowledge of this pre- the order seemed to require. cious truth by so many ages, it was Impelled by the authority of God, necessary to call into the strong-restrained by the voice of nature, est exercise all the tenderness, the the breast of this humble and deconflicts, the anguish of a father's vout believer must have been love, in the midst of trials the torn by the most afflicting conflict most difficult for human nature to of opposite principles, duties, and sustain. The divine mind, indeed, affections. O my God! thou cannot suffer such paroxysms of canst make thy command be felt affection as an earthy parent; but by the pious mind; thou canst all this, perhaps, was necessary carry the knowledge and convicin a mortal, in order to convey to tion of it, by unequivocal evihim any adequate conception of dence, to the heart. But in this the love of the everlasting Father, and of the value of that sacrifice which he yielded for the redemption of the world.

instance, reason and nature revolt against the order. I know the weakness of reason; I am conscious of the blindness of my naSuch, then, appears to have ture. The errors and contradicbeen the gracious purpose of Al- tions into which we daily fall, mighty God in this act, so aston- teach me to distrust my own ishing in its own nature, and so mind. It is incapable of fathomdifferent from all other examples ing the counsels of thine infinite in the sacred records. In it was wisdom. All that I know is, thon made the clearest revelation of hast commanded; and although

the command appears to contra- height, and the depth, the length, dict thy own most holy will, thy and the breadth of the love of God, wisdom can reunite laws, the which passeth knowledge! Our consistency of which my frail thoughts are lost in this unfathomreason cannot comprehend. Sure able ocean. Abraham! father of of the orders under which I act; believers! what a taste had you uncertain what modifications thou of the love of God! Full of this mayest admit in the laws which glorious idea, when you had rethou hast ordained; beholding ceived again your son from the every day operations of thy pro- dead, what transports of gratitude vidence which I cannot explain, did you not experience, what of1 obey, O my God! I obey this ferings of love did you not pour dreadful requisition, confiding in out to Him who had taught you thy goodness and mercy to save thus to estimate his love to a me from error; and, by ways in- fallen world! scrutable to my understanding, to educe good out of the bosom of this great affliction.

Believers! do you see the meek and obedient son of Abraham yield himself without a strugHaving endeavoured to illus-gle to the sacrificing knife? With trate this most mysterious trans- the deepest astonishment and action in the sacred history, we gratitude shall we not consider may solicit the attention of our Him, who is sovereign of the unireaders a moment longer to this verse, who holds in his hands the wonderful and emblematic vic-reins of its government, the tim which was just ready to be streams of a boundless benignity, offered on Mount Moriah, the and the thunders of eternal justype of one infinitely more glo- tice, who yet suffered himself to rious, which was actually offered be led like a lamb to the slaughter, on the same mount* for the sins and, as a sheep before her shearers of the world. is dumb, so he opened not his

In the severe conflicts of Abra-mouth! Who, when he assumed ham's soul over this beloved son, our humble nature, and for us we may learn, as the holy patri-submitted to the pains of dying, arch did, to estimate, in a feeble could still, in the midst of his degree, as our nature permits, greatest infirmity, strike his enethe love of the eternal Father, mies to the earth like dead men, who spared not his own Son, but could shake the world with his delivered him up for us all. What earthquakes, and cover the sun adequate image indeed, can the with darkness, yet patiently affections of any mortal afford of yielded his precious life to the that infinite and eternal grace hands of wicked men! Jesus! which embraced us in Christ Jesus Creator! we adore thine infinite before the world was, and which, condescension and grace, who, bein the fulness of time, yielded for our salvation the most precious victim in the universe? O, the

* It is rendered extremely probable, and almost certain, by many excellent critics and commentators, that Calvary was the same mount with the ancient Moriah.

ing in the form of God, didst become man! and, being found in fashion as a man, didst offer thyself a voluntary sacrifice for our sins upon the cross!

Christians! let his love constrain us, because we thus judge,

that if one died for all, then were celestial light and happiness. His all dead; and that he died for all, remains were interred in the that they who live should not burying-ground belonging to the henceforth live unto themselves, but English Factory. It was here anto him who died for them, and that I sought his tomb. It was rose again. with some difficulty that I found Delivered by thee, O Saviour it in a retired spot, and with a of the world! from eternal death; small and unambitious tombstone rescued by thy power from that at its head, with the following dreadful altar on which thou didst simple inscription upon it. place thyself in our room, let our renewed lives, and all the powers of a redeemed nature be consecrated to thee! AMEN!



Under this stone

Are deposited the remains of PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D.D. of the Town of Northampton, in the Kingdom of Great-Britain, who departed this life the 6th day of November, MDCCLI.

In the 50th year of his age.

I stood upon his grave; and

To the Editors of the Evangelical the spontaneous eulogy burst

Guardian and Review.


from my soul,

in this neglected spot is laid

A SHORT residence in Lisbon, A heart once pregnant with celestial fire. during the winter of 1814 and 15, afforded me an opportunity of Though no monumental pyraviewing many things extremely mid nor storied urn rear their interesting to an American tra- decorated fronts to arrest the atveller. Among others, I enjoyed tention of the passing traveller, the melancholy satisfaction of vi- yet about this place there hovers siting the spot where repose the a brighter glory and a mightier remains of the immortal DoD- fascination than encircle the reDRIDGE. It is well known, that mains of the most distinguished having been long afflicted with a of departed heroes and statesmen. pulmonary complaint, he went to It is the fascination of a good Lisbon for the purpose of restor- man's grave! A man, than whom ing that health which had been the annals of modern Christianity literally sacrificed in the service cannot boast a fairer example; of virtue and truth. The ex- whose active benevolence knew pectations and hopes of his of no distinctions of rank, or age, friends, who had advised to this or colour; whose wakeful symmeasure, were disappointed; his pathies for his fellow-men, outstrength rapidly decayed, and, in shooting the narrow limits of thirteen days after his arrival, his time, were constantly directed topure spirit took its flight from wards immortality; whose Chrisamid the glooms and horrors of tian intrepidity knew of no earthsuperstition up to the regions oflly dangers; and yet a man, whose

unaffected humility was a stranger chapter of the Acts of the Aposto pride and arrogance. In short, tles, the reader will find the words a man, whose genius, learning, of the commission constitute part time, and labours, were all devot- of Christ's last address to his dised to the noble purposes of dif- ciples and that whilst he was yet fusing the blessings of religious speaking to them on this occaknowledge, and exciting through- sion, he ascended up to the right out Christendom the fervours of hand of the Majesty on high. rational and enlightened piety. According to his direction in this I have sent you the foregoing last address, the apostles tarried inscription, because it is not con- in Jerusalem until the promise tained in the life of Dr. Dod- of the Father was fulfilled by their dridge published by Mr. Orton; baptism with the Holy Ghost and because I consider it a duty and fire on the day of Pentecost. to preserve every circumstance Then, and not till then, did they relating to a man so pre-eminent- commence baptizing in the name ly distinguished in the records of of the Father, Son, and Holy Christianity.

Your's, &c.


B. D.

Ghost. Having then received
the thing signified, they were
qualified, according to the new
order and dispensation of the
Church, to administer the sign,
i. e. washing with water. Their
baptism was preceded, in all

THE GENERAL NATURE OF CHRIS- cases, by their preaching the


Gospel in its purity and power : and the great work of teaching "GO ye, therefore, and teach and baptizing, which they perall nations, baptizing them in the formed in an extraordinary manname of the Father, and of the ner, as specially inspired, was Son, and of the Holy Ghost; continued after their death by teaching them to observe all men whom they clothed with things whatsoever I have com- ministerial authority, but who manded you." Such was the were uninspired. To these uncommission of the Redeemer to inspired men the commission of his apostles just before he as- the apostles extends, or else the cended on high. Heretofore right of preaching and baptizing the preaching and baptisms were ended with the apostolic period. confined to the lost sheep of the But the promise which is conhouse of Israel. But now the nected with the commission, wall of distinction is broken" Lo, I am with you alway to the down which separated Gentiles end of the world," proves clearly from Jews. "All nations" were that the Redeemer meant that to be in future the objects of the the authoritative dispensation of disciples' exertions; and to all the word and the administration nations the privileges of the of baptism, should be continued Church were to be extended. after their decease, and constiBy recurring to the last part of tute part of the pastoral office to the last chapters of Mark and the end of time. Hence Christ, Luke, together with the first after his ascension, is said to have

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