
It is communicated through all men. But, lest it be supposed the earth. It is intelligible to that Paul entertained on this subevery rational inhabitant of this ject a different opinion from world. Will it be replied, the David, or rather that the Spirit apostle Paul gives a different ex- of inspiration gives contradicposition of this passage, Rom. x. tory testimony, we may quote 18. Yes, verily, their sound went a second passage of Holy Writ. into all the earth, and their words Rom. i. 19, 20. Because that unto the end of the world, referring which may be known of God is to the Gospel preached by the manifest in them; for God hath apostles of our Lord? showed it unto them. For the inThe writer of the Epistle to visible things of him from the crethe Romans, is, in this chapter, ation of the world are clearly seen, justifying, from the Old Testa- being understood by the things ment, the admission of the Gen- which are made, even his eternal tile converts into the church. power and Godhead. From these He quotes this verse from the words the following inferences are 19th Psalm, in order to give the deducible. 1. There are some Romans an idea of the general truths respecting the Divine spread of the Gospel already Being, which may be known by among the nations, and justify men. Το γνόσον το θες. 2. Men the preaching of the word among have actually understood these those to whom God preached by truths. It is manifest in them, his works. Again, we may be an- for God hath showed it unto them swered, the Apostle applies these pavegov 8511 Ev AUTOIS. 3. This words in a limited sense. We communication was made, not by are certain the Gospel had not supernatural revelation but by his yet met with a universal recep- works. For these things are tion; and therefore it may be clearly seen, being understood by supposed they are not intended the things which are made. Tois for universal application by the ποιημασι νούμενα καθοραζαι. 4. writer of the Psalm. Our reply The truths thus made manifest is, it is necessary to give force are the existence of a Deity, and to the Apostle's argument, that the Divine Omnipotence, even the words be understood in his eternal power and Godhead. the fullest extent. God speaks The apostle, then, teaches us unlimitedly to all men by his in this chapter, that those who works. Since the wall of parti- have been destitute of the aid of tion is removed, why should we revelation, have notwithstanding set any limits over which we been convinced of the existence shall not endeavour to preach the of an eternal and omnipotent BeSaviour. The Romans were in ing, by the works which they conno danger of mistaking the mean- templated. We shall only observe ing. They knew that the Gospel further, that this confirms our had not yet been actually preach- argument, drawn from that law ed to all men; and they also of our nature whereby we are knew that the works of náture irresistibly led to refer every efheld out the knowledge of a Crea- fect to some cause, supposed cator and Supreme Governor, to all pable of producing it; and prowho have the natural powers of ceed to quote one other portion

of Scripture. Rom. ii. 14, 15. knowledge of a Supreme Being, For when the Gentiles, who have and their consciences meanwhile not the law, do by nature the things are exercised in approving or discontained in the law, these having approving of their actions. As the not the law are a law unto them- former text corroborated our reaselves, which show the works of the soning from the ideas of cause law written in their hearts, their and effect, this is assuredly calcuconscience also bearing witness, and lated to confirm what has already their thoughts the meanwhile accus-been said on the nature of the ing or else excusing one another. moral sense.

The persons spoken of are These declarations of the aposthe heathen, Ta ovn. Of them tle cannot easily be misunderit is said they are without the stood, unless we be previously law, un voμor exovla. This law prejudiced in favour of contrary of which they are destitute can- sentiments.

[To be continued.]

not be the law of nature, for There are other testimonies it is afterward said they have of Scripture in favour of the bysome remains of this. It cannot pothesis which we have adopted; be the particular law of the Jews, but it is presumed those selected for they do by nature its com- are sufficient to substantiate its mands, but with respect to the truths; and unless we form the ceremonial law this would be im-impious thought, that the writers possible. The law, which they of the Scriptures were themselves have not, is the system of reve-in an error, or coincided in a comlation, and although without it mon sentiment of the age, we they perform some of its pre- cannot resist their force. The cepts a tous won. They Spirit who spoke by the prophets do things contained in the law, made the human mind, and is best not from the aid of a tradition-acquainted with its powers. What ary and obscure revelation, but he has published respecting them by nature-uri. The consti- must be decisive. tution of their minds is such, as impels them to consider themselves in some degree accountable to a Superior. Depraved as they are, their souls are instinctively led to form such sentiments as have the force of a law. It is the law of nature-the voice of God, speaking through the constitutional principles of the "I acknowledge that the Malaw. These having not the law, jesty of the Scriptures astonishes are a law unto themselves. If me, the sanctity of the Gospel this be the case, the conclusion speaks forcibly to my heart.-Exis obvious. It discovers, that the amine the works of the PhilosoHeathen have a natural capacity phers, and their pompous phraseof discovering their accountable-ology.-How poor, how very poor ness to a Superior. It shows forth in comparison! Is it possible, that the works of the law written in a book at once so sublime and their hearts. It implies their simple could be the production




of Man? Is it possible that the done; he only laid down in theory subject of it, the Person whose what they had exhibited in prachistory it comprises, could be a tice.-Aristides had been just beman, a mere mortal? Is such the fore Socrates had defined justice; tone of an enthusiast, of an am--Leonidas had shed his blood bitious leader of a sect? What for his country, before Socrates mildness, what purity in his had pronounced patriotism to be morals! What affecting grace a virtue. The morals of Sparta in his instructions! What eleva- were exemplary, before Socrates tion in his maxims! What pro- had panegyrized moderation; and found wisdom in his discourses! before he defined what virtue What presence of mind, what was, Greece abounded in virtuous precision, and what propriety in men. But from what source his answers! What an empire could Jesus have derived among over his passions! Where is the his couutrymen that elevated and man, where the sage, in whose pure system of morality of which actions, sufferings, and death, no He alone was the Author and the trace of weakness and ostentation Example? From the bosom of the can be discovered? When Plato most furious fanaticism the highdrew his imaginary just man, a est wisdom raised her voice, and character which he supposed to the simplicity of the most heroic exist only in idea, loaded with all virtues cast a lustre over the the opprobrium of vice, and still most abject state upon earth. deserving every reward that vir--The death of Socrates, contue can confer or aspire to, every versing in tranquillity with bis stroke of his pen exhibits Jesus friends, is the most eligible that Christ. The resemblance is so can be imagined; that of Jesus appropriate, so striking, that all expiring in torments, the object the Fathers and early Christian of the insults, mockery, and malewriters felt it; and, indeed, not dictions of a whole nation, is the to recognize it is impossible.- most horrible that can be conWhat, but deeply-rooted preju- ceived. Socrates taking the cup dices, but total blindness, could of poison, blesses the person who induce a writer to compare the with tears presents it: Jesus, son of Sophroniscus (Socrates) while enduring the most dreadful with the Son of Mary? How un- torments, prays for his inveterate like are the two characters! So- persecutors.-Yes, if the life and crates, dying without pain or ig-death of Socrates be those of a Sage, nominy, easily supported his cha- the life and death of Jesus are those racter to the last; and if this of a God!!

gentle death, unaccompanied by "Will you assert that the Gospain or sorrow, had not cast a pel is a fiction? Such, my friend, lustre round his life, it might be is not the language of imposture; matter of doubt whether So- and the actions of Socrates, which crates, eminent as he was, was no person doubts of, which are any thing else but a Sophist.-universally acknowledged, are not You will tell me he was the in- so well authenticated as those of ventor of morality. Others be- Jesus Christ;-in fact, such an fore him had reduced it to action, assertion would only postpone the he only related what they had difficulty; not surmount it-it

would be more incomprehensible, Happy, if he had stopped here; that several persons had conspired if the baneful and pestilential into fabricate this book, than that fluence of false philosophy had an individual should have fur- not steeled his heart against nished them with the subject of conviction! O that he had not it: never-never-could Jewish closed his eyes against the rays authors have attained its authori- of Revelation, which seem to have tative style, its sublime morality; poured upon them a flood of light! and the Gospel has internal cha- that he had not cast the cup of racters of truth, so totally inimita- faith, proffered by an invisible, ble, that the inventor of it would yet merciful and Divine hand, be a more astonishing character untasted from his lips! than the Person of whom it treats."

[C. Guardian.]

Religious Intelligence.


Received by the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, from the coast of Labrador.

From Hopedale, Aug. 20, 1817.


England last year, and on their return to us. The account of it is truly terrific.

From your kind letter of May 23d, we perceived, with what faithful care and concern you considered our situation here, when by circumstances, which, since the establishment of the Mission never yet occurred, the ship was prevented reaching apprehensions respecting her fate, especialthis place. We had indeed some painful ly before we received an account of her from Nain, but we suffered no essential deprivation on that account, though a few articles were wanting, not of much consequence. When in December a sledge from Nain brought us intelligence, that the cap

As our coasts are still beset with floating ice as far as the eye can reach, even when standing on the highest hill, we were quite unexpectedly overwhelmed with joy and surprise, when on the 7th suddenly a shout was set up by the Esquimaux, announcing the arrival of the Jemima on this side of the ice. Indeed we could scarce give credit totain had expressed his doubts, whether he the report. We ran up the hill, and our should be able to reach Hopedale, and on hearts were filled with thanksgiving to our that account had left some of our stores at merciful God and Saviour, when we beheld that place, we felt more easy, and trusted to her, at a great distance, approaching to- the mercy of the Lord, that He would conwards us. Early on the 9th she cast anchor duct the ship and company safe to England. in our bay, and we had the pleasure to Our Brethren at Nain supplied us with all welcome the Brethren Körner and Beck, necessaries, and also sent Brother Stock to and Brother Kmoch and his wife, with our our assistance. Brother Müller, who was worthy captain and mate. O what cause to have left us and gone to Nain, staid had we to render thanks and praises to the here. Lord for conducting them safely through so many dangers, both on their passage to VOL. II....No. 9.

who was to have been our fellow-labourer We are sorry, that Brother Christensen,


here, is not returned to Labrador, where and trade with them. This proved a great his services were very valuable. He had temptation, and disturbed their usual peacebeen eighteen years a most faithful labourerful course, for a great number of our Esquiin this part of the Lord's vineyard, and was particularly attentive to the young single men. May the blessing of our Saviour be upon him, wherever he is at rest.

The painful intelligence of the removal of our highly respected and beloved Sister Wollin, has given us very great concern. We feel her loss the more deeply, as most of us knew her as a truly faithful and diligent handmaid of the Lord, serving His cause with gladness. We have lost in her a mother and friend, and read your account of her departure with many tears. That Lord, to whom she was devoted with her whole heart, now grants unto her an eternal reward of grace.

maux lived formerly in the South, and there got a taste for European habits, and particularly for strong liquors; from which, however, since their removal to Hopedale, they had been weaned. We spared no exhortations and friendly remonstrances, but yet had the grief to see three families, consisting, with young and old, of eighteen persons, following their seducers to the South. Among them were six communicants and several hopeful young people. We cannot describe the pain we felt in seeing these poor deluded people running headlong into danger, and we cried to our Saviour to keep his hand over them in mercy, and not to suffer them to become a prey to the enemy of their souls. The women and children, and even the men, wept bitterly at parting, but the latter seemed ensnared, and forced their families to follow them.

We beg you to return to the venerable British and Foreign Bible Society our warmest thanks for their kindness, in printing for us the Acts of the Apostles in the Esquimaux language, and doubt not but the reading of this part of the Holy Scriptures Since the departure of the ship in the will be the means of much blessing in our year 1815, eight Esquimaux children have congregation. The Lord reward that So-been born and baptized; six adults were ciety for this and all other generous efforts baptized; and four departed this life in the made to spread His saving Gospel among mankind, and grant them abundant success. We heard the account of the safe and prosperous voyage of Brother Latrobe to the Cape of Good Hope, and his return to England, with great pleasure and thanks to our Saviour for all the mercies he has external maintenance of our people, we had perienced. no anxiety during these two years. Our

faith of Christ. Of our own family we have lost our venerable Brother Suen Andersen, who has served this Mission above forty years with exemplary faithfulness. His memory will remain precious both with us and our Esquimaux. Respecting the ex

We have had much cause for thankful-merciful heavenly Father provided a suffi ness in perceiving that our congregation of ciency of all they wanted for their subsistChristian Esquimaux, in this place, has, inence. Last year, they attended diligently general, grown in the grace and love of our to the fishery, being encouraged by the Lord and Saviour by the work of the Holy Spirit in their souls, though some painful occurrences have every now and then made us cry to Him for help and protection. During the last season four men from the south, with an Esquimaux family in company, spent the winter in our neighbourhood. They sent European provisions as presents to our people, and invited them to come

building of a storehouse for their use, which turns out a very beneficial arrangement, and secures their stock of winter provisions. The congregation of Christian Esquimaux at Hopedale consists, at present, of 42 communicants and six candidates; 13 baptized adults, not yet communicants; 10 candidates for baptism; 43 baptized children; and 24 persons under instruction. In all,

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