
revised; as the committee of the British in favour of Christianity, that they seem at and Foreign Bible Society have judiciously least to feel less confidence than formerly in recommended should be done, before any the truth and doctrines of the Koran. Seof the paper which they have furnished for veral individuals, particularly from the gothe edition of the Old Testament be actually vernments of Penza and Kazan, and many employed. travellers to and from Persia, as well as

In this translation, Mr. Dickson will de-some pilgrims from Bucharia, including EFrive great assistance from the manuscript FENDIS, and even HAGIS, have listened with Tartar version, written in Hebrew charac- the most pleasing attention, and apparent ters for the use of the KARAITE Jews of the interest, to the instructions of the missionaCrimea, which Mr. Pinkerton, during his ries; while the eagerness and gratitude tour last summer, discovered and purchased with which they have sought and received at Bakcheserai, the ancient Tartar Capital copies of the New Testament afford the of that peninsula, and the whole of which strongest encouragement to hope that they he has already sent to Astrachan. Along may, ere long, be made to bow the knee to with the last volumes of this valuable work, he has also sent them the first four books of Moses of the Turkish Bible, now printing at Berlin; so that, to use his own expressions, the missionaries are "thus possessed of every possible help, almost, for producing a correct version of the Old Testament in


that JESUS, whom, even at present, they profess to acknowledge as a prophet, but whom as yet they obstinately refuse to ho nour as their Saviour and God.

The Persians, in particular, of whom multitudes are constantly resorting to Astrachan for purposes of traffic, or of passing through it on pilgrimage and other journeys, demand peculiar and immediate attention.

In addition to these proofs of the peculiar interest which Astrachan is at present cal- Messrs. Mitchell and Dickson, the proculated to excite, in regard to the printing sent missionaries, besides having abundance and circulation of the Scriptures, it must be of other and equally important work to occugratifying farther to know, that the Archbi-py all their time and exertions, from being shop of that city has applied to the mission- unacquainted with the Persian language, aries to undertake an edition of the Georgi- can hold but little communication with them, an Scriptures, of which country he is him- except through the medium of the Tartar self a native; and that he has communica-or Turkish; so that scarcely any thing has ted his anxious wishes on this subject to the as yet been done for their instruction, farcommittee of the Russian Bible Society. So ther than simply putting into their hands desirous is he to have this work accomplish-copics of the Persian New Testament, fured, that he has resolved to take the whole nished by the Russian Bible Society.

trouble of correcting the press on himself; and is determined to leave nothing undone, that shall be in his power, to expedite its accomplishment.

The directors regret that they cannot as yet speak with decided certainty respecting the conversion of any, either of the Tartars or of the Persians, with whom the missionaries have had intercourse at this station. The conversations of the Missionaries with them, however, together with the circulation of copies of the New Testament and Tracts, appear to have made so considera

[To be continued.]


GALWAY, Feb. 17, 1818. The Associate Reformed Presbytery of Saratoga, being met and constituted, read the letter to the Moderator from the directors of the United Foreign Missionary Society, which is as follows:


"The Constitution of a Society, styled

ble an impression on the minds of not a few, THE UNITED FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY,

having been submitted to the General As- "We hope and request that the judicasembly of the Presbyterian Church, the tory we address will order a collection to General Synod of the Reformed Dutch be taken up, for the benefit of this Society, Church, and to the Synod of the Associate in all the Churches under its care; and that Reformed Church, at their last Annual Ses-its members will individually adopt such sions, it received the sanction of those high other measures as to them, in their wisdom, judicatories of Christ, and provision was may appear best calculated to promote the made by them respectively for carrying the object we have in view. same into effect.

The Great Head of the Church is remind"With emotions of no common pleasure, ing his American people of the charge, "Go we now announce to you, Rev. Sir, and ye into all the world, and preach the gosthrough you to the judicatory over which pel to every creature."-They hear his you preside, that such a Society was actual- voice; they know it; it is enough-they ly organized, with great unanimity, in the are preparing to obey it. The command of city of New-York, on the 28th of July last. their Saviour, the uncommon exertions that Although printed copies of the Consti- are making at this day in other parts of tution, connected with an address to the Christendom, and the perishing state of the public, have been generally transmitted to heathen and anti-christian world, combine ministers of the three denominations, we to awake them out of a sleep which has lasthave nevertheless deemed it expedient re-ed for centuries. spectfully to lay herewith a copy of the same upon your table.

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"They look at their own situation, and recognize mercy to themselves and to their children, unparalleled and overwhelming. They look at the Pagan, the Mahommedan, the Jew, the nominal Christian, not far removed from the Pagans in ignorance and wretchedness-and how dreary, how appaling is the prospect?

"Let us put our souls, brethren, in their souls' place, and knowing as we do the terrors of the Lord, and the worth of the gospel, let us inquire whether we would deem any sacrifice of time, of treasure, of comfort, or even of life itself, too dear for our rescue ? Would we not cry, under such circumstances, with all the agitation, and with all the earnestness of the man of Macedonia to the apostle Paul, "Come over and help us!" If then there be reflection, if apprehension of the worth of souls, if bowels of compas

Jesus Christ, what must be our feelings?

"The Church only is competent to judge of the horror of living without God, or of dying without hope. In the Church, and insion, or a sense of what we owe to the Lord the Church alone, exists that interest in the name of Christ, and that compassion for the souls of men, which can give tone to public feeling, and excite to prompt and generous action in such a cause.

"To the Church then we appeal through all the Presbyteries and Classes connected with the denominations which are engaged in this work of the Lord.

"Brethren, we must no longer slumber over this awful state of our world. Loudly and imperatively called, as we are, to action, let us "provoke one another to love and to good works."

"Having, as we humbly trust, charged our own souls on this subject, we invite you, with all the earnestness, and with all the

emphasis of which we are capable, to aid us |lection in the church, or subscription be subin this great, this arduous, this important un-stituted in its place. dertaking.

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7. That all moneys collected for said so"Come, brethren, we entreat you, "tociety, in any form, in any of our congregathe help of the Lord against the mighty:" tions, settled or vacant, be transmitted to assist us with your counsels, your prayers, the Treasurer of the Presbytery, and paid your contributions. by him to the Society.

"Whatever may be the issue, the great Head of the Church will say it was well that such things were in our hearts; they will be a source of pleasing reflection in the solemn hour of dissolution, and when our disembodied spirits shall have been ushered into the presence of their Judge.

By order of the Board of Managers,

President: Corresponding Sec'y. New-York, Sept. 25, 1817.


The following Resolutions passed unanimously:

1. That this Presbytery highly approve of the formation of said society, and pledge themselves to encourage it to the utmost of their power.

2. That it be, and hereby is, recommended to every minister of this Presbytery, to preach on the subject of missions once a month, until the people are sufficiently informed.

3. That meetings for prayer be observed in all our settled congregations, at least on the first Monday of every month, and at said meetings there be read such documents as we possess respecting the success of the gospel at home and abroad.

4. That it be recommended to vacant congregations to observe these meetings for prayer, as far as circumstances will admit. 5. That it be recommended to all our congregations immediately to form Missionary Societies, Auxiliary to the United Foreign Missionary Society, and that different societies be formed among young and old, male and female, according to circumstances.

8. That the Treasurer of the Presbytery be, and hereby is enjoined, in transmitting said moneys, to give each congregation cre dit for the sums severally collected by themin' that this may appear in the printed reports of the Society.

9. That Mr. Forrest write a respectful letter to the Corresponding Secretary of the United Foreign Missionary Society, enclosing a copy of the above resolutions.

JAMES MAIRS, Moderator.

NEW-YORK MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The twenty-first Annual Report of the Directors of the New-York Missionary Society, presented at the annual meeting, held on Tuesday, April 7, 1818.

THE Society, at its last meeting, was informed of the unfavourable prospects of the mission among the Senecas, and of the conditional continuance of Mr. Hyde as a teacher among them. From the information they have received, the directors are satisfied that the school among them has, for some time past, been scarcely worth attention; that very few children have attended with any degree of punctuality or profit, and that their Indian parents seem anxious neither for personal instruction, nor the instruction of their children. In consequence of his want of success in his labours, and the great improbability of his future usefulness in that tribe, Mr. Hyde, in a letter dated Oct. 2?, 1817, tendered his resignation to the Board, as a teacher under their care, which they have accepted.

In their last report, the Directors stated that they had received under their care Mr. James Arbuckle, as a candidate for mission

6. That where it might be judged expe-ary service; but in consequence of some dient to adopt a different plan, a yearly col- misunderstanding, as to the terms and con

tinuance of his education by the Board, he has been released from all obligations to the Society, and is no longer under their direction.


The prospects of our mission among the Tuscaroras were never so flattering as at present. Immediately after the last annual meeting of the Society, Mr. Crane was liThe Board have no particular informa- censed and ordained by the Presbytery of tion to communicate respecting the mission New-York, of the Associate Reformed on Long Island. In the last accounts re- Church, and being furnished with credenceived from the Rev. Mr. Dickerson, who tials and instructions from the Board, was has been employed as their missionary, he forwarded without delay to the place of his states that, on the whole, the prospects of labours. He arrived among the Tuscarothe Society in that quarter are favourable-ras on the 31st of May last, and was receiv that he has preached one half of his time ated with a most cordial welcome. An inCold Spring, and the other half at the Forks, stance thereof, the missionary thus relates in Puspattock, and Montauk, and has met with one of his letters to the Board. "As I was considerable encouragement in his labours. for the first time entering Tuscarora village, The Board, however, have informed Mr. in search of the residence of Cusick, my inDickerson, that after the first of March last terpreter, I proceeded till I came to a large they would no longer require his services, company of Indians, who were sitting on the and the committee of missions have been in-grass, refreshing themselves during the heat structed to procure some other missionary of the day. I rode up to them, and inquired to labour in that station. if any of them could speak the English lan

It is with pleasure the Directors inform guage. A young man answered in the afthe Society, that since their last annual firmative. After receiving satisfactory inmeeting, they have taken under their care formation respecting Cusick, I took notice Mr. James Young, and have engaged him of the healthy, lively children, who were as a teacher among the Tuscaroras. The playing around their parents, and asked if Board being satisfied as to his Christian they understood English. He said they did character, his literary attainments, and his not. Having one particular object of my great desire of being useful among the Hea- mission in view, I then inquired whether he then, have sent him out under their employ, wished them to learn it, and would send at a salary of four hundred dollars per an- them to school, if they had a teacher. He num; and provided him with suitable books, answered that he would do it very gladly, &c. for the use of the school. Mr. Young I then made a few inquiries on the subject reached Tuscarora in the month of October of their having a missionary among them, last, and soon after his arrival, commenced He informed me that they were destitute of his school on the Lancasterian method, and a father at present, and had been so for from the information he has communicated some time. He observed, that the good Soto the Board, it appears that between forty and seventy scholars usually attend; that a general disposition prevails among the Indians of that tribe, to send their children to school, and to have them orderly in their deportment; that the chiefs and parents frequently call at the schoolhouse, and seem much interested in the instruction of the pupils; and that although many difficulties are yet to be surmounted, and the most deplorable ignorance yet to be removed, there is much to encourage our hearts, and stimulate our efforts in their behalf.

ciety in New-York had done many good things for them, and had long promised to send them a young father, to teach them about Jesus Christ; but that they were afraid that the good Society was discouraged with their wickedness, and would not do any thing for them. He added, that they had prayed lately very much for the great Spirit to incline the good Society to send them a minister. I then made myself known to him. He turned, and said a few words to them in his native language, and the whole groupe arose, with every expression


A large

of joy. The grayheaded, and the little who retain the principles, the rites, and
child, seized my hands, and endeavoured to ceremonies of their fathers, are few in num
manifest by their actions those grateful emo-ber, and their influence feeble.
tions which they could not express with their
lips. Having never witnessed such scenes
in Christian churches, I found it too affect
ing, and turned away from them, to give
vent to the tears of gratitude and joy, and
to express the petitions which the circum-
stances excited.

majority of the tribe assent to the truth of the gospel, and countenance the preaching of it by their presence. Two of their chiefs particularly, and several of the young men in the tribe, have manifested much concern for their eternal welfare, and made many inquiries respecting the way of salvation by “On Wednesday, the 4th of June, I met Jesus Christ. In expressing this concern, with the Council of the Tribe, and present- they showed a particular desire for baptism, ed my letter of introduction, which was in- and appeared to esteem that ordinance of terpreted by Cusick. The chief then arose, paramount importance; and, in some 'inand addressed the people. Afterward he stances, as almost superceding the necessity addressed himself to me, in a long speech: of repentance towards God, and of faith in to which I made a general answer, express-our Lord Jesus Christ. Immediate atten ing the good wishes of the Society; and in tion was given to rectify this their error, by general terms, the object of my mission. preaching and by conversation; and the The result was, a very cordial acceptance missionary trusts that he has succeeded in of me as their missionary, a dignified and the attempt. He has also endeavoured, and feeling expression of their thanks to the So- not without success, to excite the solicitude ciety and to myself, and a promise on their of those who are members of the church, in part to do every thing in their power to en-behalf of their brethren who are "without courage me." God, and without hope" among them; and

For some time after Mr. Crane's arrival the missionary states, that he has heard among them, he was prevented from devo- prayers from those illiterate converts, exting to their spiritual interests as much time pressing such heartfelt anxiety, such hope and attention as he wished, in consequence and confidence in the Son of God, as have of his being obliged to endeavour to relieve led him to anticipate the most pleasing retheir temporal distresses, (arising from sults. They who are professing Christians scarcity of provision during the last season,) among them, walk worthy of their calling, and the necessity he was under, of living at and are the first in all acts of national kinda distance from the village, from the want of ness, and the most prompt to render assista suitable mission house. Iminediate mea-ance in cases of individual suffering. sures were therefore taken for the erection In a communication recently made to the of a building to accommodate the missiona-Board, the missionary observes, "The atry and teacher; and for this purpose the tention to religion excited among many of Board have appropriated six hundred dol-the tribe, who have hitherto been strangers lars. The building is now habitable, and to the power of God's salvation,' has been will probably be finished in the course of the a source of great satisfaction to the Chrisensuing season, and many inconveniencies tians. Those who were capable of instructthereby removed, with which, at first, the ing others, encouraged the young people to labours of the missionary were embar- come to their huts, and spend their evenings rassed. From the information communicated to members of the church to assemble together in profitable conversation. I requested the the Board, it appears that the most deplora- on the afternoon of every Saturday, for the ble ignorance prevailed among the Indians, purpose of encouraging each other, and exon every important religious subject, al- amining and instructing those who might though the Pagans among them, i. e. those wish for it. This was followed by applica

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