
cified by their ancestors? And because this was the great question amogst them, they deferred the further consideration thereof until the next day.

shall be rebuilt again; and that What he then was that said he the nations shall be of their reli- was the Son of God, and was crugion, and worship God after their manner. For they hold, that the Messiah will not alter their religion, whensoever he cometh. And further, concerning his parentage, they did agree in this, "When meeting again, the that he should be born of a virgin, Pharisees (for some of this sect according to the prediction of the were amongst them, that were prophets; and they agreed also, always the enemies of Christ) that he may be born of such a they first began to answer this virgin, which might be of mean last night's question; and these note amongst their nation, as was by no means would yield that he the virgin Mary. And here some was the Christ; and these reaof them seemed to me to incline sons they gave for their opinion: to think that Christ was come. "First, because (said they) he Therefore, when they came to- came into the world like an ordigether again the next day, the nary and inferior man, not with propounder demanded of them, his sceptre, nor royal power; if Christ were already come, and wherewith they affirmed the who they thought he was? And coming of Christ should be gloto this demand they gave this rious. Secondly, they pleaded answer, That they thought Eliab against him the meanness of his was be, if he were come, because birth, in that his father was a he came with great power, which carpenter; and this, they said, he declared by slaying the priests was a dishonour that Christ should of Baal; and, for the fulfilling of not be capable of. Thirdly, they the Scripture, he was oppressed accused him to be an enemy to by Ahab and Jezebel: yet they Moses's law, in suffering his disciesteemed him to be more than a ples, and in doing works himself, mortal man, because he so that were prohibited on the Sabstrangely ascended up into hea-bath-day; for they believe that And because this opinion the Messiah will punctually and was contradicted by others, the exactly keep the law of Moses: day following they took into ex-and where the Gospel doth tesamination the same question, to tify of Christ, that he did fulfil the answer them that said Eliah was law, they reject the testimony not the Messiah. They of the thereof, because they do not own contrary opinion did urge the the Gospel. But I observed care and love of Eliah for the these reasons of the Pharisees good of their nation, in that he did not satisfy all that heard left them Elisha his disciple to them, but there still remained teach and instruct the people; some doubt in some of them conwhich they expect to be the care cerning Christ; for there stood of their Messiah. These were up one rabbi called Abraham, the chief arguments they had to and objected against the Pharidefend their opinion: and the sees the miracles that Christ same day, towards night, it came wrought whilst he was upon into question amongst them, earth, as his raising of the dead




to life again, his making the lame day played their parts against to walk, the blind to see, and the him; so did the Sadducees also dumb to speak. And the same endeavour (for some of that sect Abraham demanded of the Pha-were also of the council) to renrisees by what power he did der Christ vile and odious to the these miracles? The answer the rest of the Jews that were assemPharisees returned to him was bled there. I observed it was to this purpose: They said he with them, as it was once with was an impostor and a magician; Herod and Pilate; though they and blasphemously traduced him two could not agree betwixt of doing all his miracles by magic. themselves at other times, yet Thus, said they, he first caused could agree together to crucify them to be blind, to be dumb, to Christ: for the Pharisees and be lame; and then, by taking Sadducees, though they be much away his magical charm, they divided in opinion among themwere restored to their former selves, yet did they at this time condition. Nevertheless, this an- too much agree to disgrace and to swer gave little satisfaction to the dishonour Christ with their lies, said Abraham: but thus he re-calumnies, and blasphemies: for plied, That he could not charm the Sadducees, as well as the Phathose that were born in that con- risees, did in other times accuse dition, as blind, &c. and born also him for a grand impostor, and for before Christ himself was born; a broacher of corrupt doctrine; as it appeareth some of them in that in his Gospel he teacheth This seemed to him an the resurrection from the dead, absurd paradox; and truly the which they there denied to be pressing of this argument did true doctrine: but it is no new almost put them into a nonplus, thing to see factions dissenting, till at last they had this evasion, to agree in some evil design though weak and vile: They against others, as I found it by were (said they) by other mag-experience. Being at Rome in cians convinced to be so in their the year 1650, which was the mother's wombs; and that, al-year of their jubilee, there was a though himself were not then great strife between the Jesuits born when they were born with and the friars of the order of St. these evils, yet, he being a great Dominick, both which were dissembler, and more cunning against the Protestants and althan any magician before him, though their differences have power was given him by the de-been by the care and vigilance of vil, to remove those charms the Pope so smothered that the which others had placed. And world hath not taken much notice there was one Pharisee named thereof, yet this fire broke out Zebedee, who of the Pharisees into a flame greater than ever it there, did most opprobriously re- was before, (as they certified me vile him, and vehemently urge there,) both by public disputings these things against him; but I and by bitter writings one against conceive he did it not to the well-another, opening the vices and liking of many there that heard errors of one another's faction, him, even members of the coun- thus seeking to disgrace one the cil. And as the Pharisees that other; which caused the Pope to

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threaten to excommunicate the their idolatrous and superstitious authors of all such black and li- worship; all which they combellous books, that did tend to mended to the assembly of the the dishonour of his clergy and Jews, for the doctrine and rules religion, to make them infamous of the apostles. But so soon as to the world. But this by the the assembly had heard these way. things from them, they were ge"We are now come to the se-nerally and exceedingly troubled venth and last day of their coun- thereat, and fell into high clacil; and on this day, this was the mours against them and their remain query amongst them: If ligion, crying out, No Christ, no Christ be come, then what rules woman-god, no intercession of and orders hath he left his Church saints, no worshipping of images, to walk by? This was a great no praying to the virgin Mary, question amongst them: and be- &c.' Truly their trouble hereat cause they did not believe the was so great, that it troubled me New Testament, nor would be to see their impatience: they guided by it, they demanded some rent their clothes, and cast dust other instruction to direct and upon their heads, and cried out guide them in this point. There- aloud, Blasphemy! blasphemy!' upon six of the Roman clergy And upon this the council broke (who of purpose were sent from up. Yet they assembled again Rome by the Pope to assist in this the eighth day; and all that was council) were called in, viz. two done then, was to agree upon anJesuits, two friars of the order of other meeting of their nation St. Augustine, and two of the or- three years after, which was conder of St. Francis. And these cluded upon before their final being admitted into the council, dissolution. began to open unto them the "I do believe there were many rules and doctrine of the holy Jews there that would have been Ghurch of Rome, (as they call persuaded to own the Lord Jeit,) which Church they magnified sus; and this I assure you for a to them for the holy Catholic truth, and it is for the honour of Church of Christ, and their doc- our religion, and the encouragetrine to be the infallible doctrine ment of our divines. One emiof Christ, and their rules to be nent rabbi there did deliver me the rules which the apostles left his opinion in conference with to the Church for ever to be ob- me, that he at first feared that served, and that the Pope is the those who were sent from Rome holy vicar of Christ, and the suc- would cause an unhappy period cessor of St. Peter and for in- to their council; and professed stance, in some particulars, they to me, that he much desired the affirmed the real presence of presence of some Protestant diChrist in the sacrament, the reli- vines, and especially of our Enggious observation of their holy lish divines, of whom he had a days, the invocation of saints, praying to the virgin Mary, and her commanding power in heaven over her Son, the holy use of the cross and images, with the rest of


better opinion than of any other divines in the world: for he did believe that we have a great love to their nation; and this reason he gave me for the good opinion


ing account of the circum-
stances attending the death and
interment of the celebrated
philanthropist, HOWARD. By
giving it a place in your Maga-
zine, I think you will not fail
to gratify your readers.


of our divines, because he understood that they did ordinarily pray for the conversion of their nation, which he did acknowledge to be a great token of our love towards them and especially he commended the ministers of London for excellent preachers, and for their charity towards their nation, of whom he had heard a "The particulars of Mr. Howgreat fame. As for the Church ard's death were communicated of Rome, they account it an idola- to me by his two friends, Admiral trous church, and therefore will Mordvinof, then chief admiral of not own their religion and by the Black Sea fleet, and Admiral conversing with the Jews, I found Priestman, an English officer in that they generally think that the Russian service; both of there is no other Christian reli- whom were eyewitnesses of his gion in the world, but that of the last moments. He had been enChurch of Rome; and for Rome's treated to visit a lady twenty-four idolatry, they take offence at all Christian religion; by which it appeareth that Rome is the greatest enemy of the Jews' conversion.


miles from Cherson, who was dangerously ill. Mr. Howard objected, alleging that he acted only as physician to the poor; but hearing of her imminent dan"For the place of the Jews' ger, he afterward yielded to the next meeting, it is probable it will persuasion of Admiral Mordvinof, be in Syria, in which country I and went to see her. After havalso was, and did there converse ing prescribed that which he with the sect of the Rechabites, deemed proper to be administerliving in Syria. They still ob-ed, he returned, leaving direcserve their old customs and rules; tions with her family to send for they neither sow nor plant, nor him again if she got better; but build houses; but live in tents, adding, that if, as he much feared, and often remove from one place she should prove worse, it would to another, with their whole be to no purpose. Some time family, bag and baggage. And after his return to Cherson, a letseeing I find that by the Italian ter arrived, stating that the lady tongue I can converse with the was better, and begging that he Jews, or any other nation, in all would come without loss of time. the parts of the world where I When he examined the date, he have been, if God give me an op- perceived that the letter, by some portunity, I shall willingly attend unaccountable delay, had been their next council. The good eight days in getting to his hands. Upon this, he resolved to go with all possible expedition. The uous and very cold, it being late weather was extremely tempestin the year, and the rain fell in torrents. In his impatience to set out, a conveyance not being


prosper it. Amen."

To the Editors of the Evangelical

Guardian and Review.
IN reading Clarke's Travels in
Tartary, I met with the follow-

immediately ready, he mounted my mind from dwelling upon

death; but I entertain very different sentiments. Death has no terrors for me: it is an event I always look to with cheerfulness, if not with pleasure; and be as

an old dray-horse, used in Admiral Mordvinof's family to carry water, and thus proceeded to visit his patient. Upon his arrival, he found the lady dying; this, added to the fatigue of the jour-sured, the subject of it is to me ney, affected him so much that it more grateful than any other. I brought on a fever. His clothes am well aware I have but a short at the same time had been wet time to live; my mode of life has through; but he attributed his rendered it impossible that I fever entirely to another cause. should get rid of this fever if I Having administered something had lived as you do, eating heartito his patient to excite perspira- ly of animal food, and drinking tion, as soon as the symptoms of wine, I might, perhaps, by diit appeared, he put his hands be- minishing my diet, be able to subneath the bed clothes to feel her due it. But how can such a man pulse, that she might not be chill- as I am lower his diet, who has ed by removing them, and be- been accustomed for years to exlieved that her fever was thus ist on vegetables and water, a litcommunicated to him. After this tle bread and a little tea? I have painful journey, Mr. Howard re- no method of lowering my nouturned to Cherson, and the lady rishment, and therefore I must die. died. It is such jolly fellows as you, "It had been almost his daily Priestman, who get over these custom, at a certain hour, to visit fevers." Then turning the subAdmiral Priestman; when, with ject, he spoke of his funeral; and his usual attention to regularity, cheerfully gave directions conhe would place his watch on the cerning the manner in which he table, and pass exactly an hour would be buried. "There is a with him in conversation. The spot," said he, "near the village admiral, finding that he failed in of Dauphigny, which would suit his usual visits, went to see him, me nicely you know it well, for and found him weak and ill, sit- I have often said I should like to ting before a stove in his bed- be buried there; and let me beg room. Having inquired after his of you, as you value your old health, Mr. Howard replied, that friend, not to suffer any pomp to his end was approaching very be used at my funeral; nor any fast that he had several things monument or monumental inscripto say to his friend, and thanked tion whatsoever, to mark where I him for having called. The ad- am laid; but lay me quietly in miral finding him in such a melan- the earth, place a sun-dial over choly mood, endeavoured to turn my grave, and let me be forgotthe conversation, imagining the ten.' Having given these direcwhole might be merely the re- tions, he was very earnest in sosult of low spirits; but Mr. How-liciting that Admiral Priestman ard soon assured him it was other- would lose no time in securing wise, and added: "Priestman, the object of his wishes; but go you style this a very dull conver- immediately and settle with the sation, and endeavour to divert owner of the land for the place

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