
ing of the Honourable Company's Regula- have since settled among them. These tions in Hindoostanee has been often object- towns are well settled with able farmers; ed to, on the ground that in that language and so are the towns of Bastard and Kitley; they would be unintelligible to the bulk of but most of the other towns contain but few the people in the various provinces of Hin- inhabitants; and in some of them the setdoostan. Had this idea been followed up, tlements are but just forming by disbanded it might have led to the knowledge of the troops, and emigrants from Europe. In fact, that each of these various provinces Edwardsburg is the village of Johnstown, has a language of its own, most of them which is rapidly declining, owing to the nearly alike in the bulk of the words, but seat of justice being removed to Brockville, differing so widely in the grammatical ter- and the trade centering at Prescott, a small minations, as, when spoken, to be scarcely village in the town of Augusta, opposite to intelligible to their next neighbours. Ogdensburg. Though there is no Presbyterian or Dutch Church organized in the towns of Edwardsburg and Augusta, there are many Scotch and Dutch inhabitants from about Johnstown, on the Mohawk THE REV. MESS. SCHERMERHORN river, who call themselves Presbyterians; AND VAN VECHTEN'S REPORT OF THEIR MISSIONARY TOUR IN UPPER CANADA.

(To be continued.)

[Continued from page 237.]

and if a Missionary was stationed at Prescott, he might establish a very useful circuit through the neighbouring settlements.

In Elizabethtown the Rev. William Smart, from the Missionary Society, London, was stationed in 1812, who has preached in this and the adjoining towns of Younge and Augusta, and has succeeded in gatherEdwardsburg, 1 English Methodist, ing a Church of about 32 communicants, who itinerates in this and the former dis- partly from the Reformed Dutch and Pres

Johnstown district contains about 12,000 inhabitants, and comprises the following towns, Churches, and Ministers.


Augusta town, 1 Episcopal Society. 1 Episcopal Rector, 1 Episcopal Missionary. Younge town.

byterian Churches which had been organized by Missionaries, and partly from the fruit of his own labours. Under these circumstances, we thought it would be wrong

Landsdown town. 1 Baptist Society. 1 for us to attempt to revive our congregation, Baptist Exhorter.

Leeds and Crosby towns.

even were it practicable, as this would only weaken by dividing, and abridge the in

Bastard town. 1 Baptist Church. 1fluence of a man who preaches, and seems Baptist Minister.

to love the true Gospel. Such conduct, in Kitly, Wolford, Oxford, North Gower, all sinilar cases, would be policy in those South Gower, Marlborough, Montague, who wish to build up the kingdom of Christ. Elmsley, Burgess, and Bathurst towns. He has succeeded in building a stone ChaDrummond town. 1 Presbyterian Minis-pel at Brockville, a flourishing village. The ter, 1 Roman Priest. pews which have been sold for a limited Buckworth, Goldsborough, and Nepean time, produce an annual income of $700,


which is appropriated to his support. In The towns of Edwardsburg, Augusta, the town of Lansdown is the village of Elizabeth, and Younge were settled by dis- Gowanaqua, where there was considerable banded troops that served during the revo- attention among the Baptists last summer; lutionary war, and American loyalists; and here we met with Elder William Carbut many emigrants from the United States, son, from Scotland, a Baptist Missionary.

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Elmsley, Burgess, Bathurst, Drummond,

Thurlow town, 1 Baptist Society. 4

Sidney town, 1 Reformed Dutch Church.

Beckwith, and Goldsborough have been Baptist Exhorter. lately settled by disbanded troops, principally of De Watteville's regiment, com- And Pittsburg, Loughborough, Camden, posed of men of almost every nation in Eu-Hungerford, and Rawdon, in which the rope, and even Mamelukes from Egypt, number of inhabitants are few. The other and Scotch, English, and Irish emigrants. towns are situated along the Bay of Quint; In Burgess are settled about 150 families of and the shore of Lake Ontario, which is pro Scotch, who were brought up Presbyte-bably the most flourishing part of the pro rians. In the other towns just mentioned, vince. Kingston is the most flourishing and lands have been located for 3000 families; populous place in the province, and from its and in July there had arrived, during the situation must always be a place of impor last season, 1069 settlers at Quebec. The tance. It has an Episcopal Church; the village of Perth is in the town of Drummond, Rector is George Ogill Stuart, who is also a on the river Tay, 45 miles north of Brock- Missionary to the Mohawk Indians on the ville. Here is settled the Rev. William Bay of Quinti. There is also a Chaplain to Bell, a Presbyterian Minister, from Scot- the Regiment stationed here, who officiates land, who is supported by the British gov-part of the Sabbath in the Episcopal Church. ernment, agreeable to a promise to the first emigrants. There resides here also a Roman Priest: and the disbanded troops are chiefly Roman Catholics.

The destitute situation of the inhabitants of this district shows this to be an ample field for Missionary labour.

The Methodists have a circuit through

this district, and two itinerants on it. Midland district contains about 20,000 inhabitants.

Kingston, 1 Episcopal Church, 1 Roman Catholic Church, 1 English Methodist Soaiety. 1 Episcopal Rector, 1 Roman Priest, 1 English Methodist Minister.

Ernestown, 1 Episcopal Church, 1 Lutheran Church, 2 Reformed Dutch Churches. 1 Episcopal Rector, 1 Reformed Dutch Minister.

Fredericksburg town, 1 Lutheran Church, 1 Dutch Reformed Society. Adolphustown, A Quaker Society. Marysburg town.

There resides here also another Episcopal preacher, who has the charge of the district school, but preaches in Ernestown. The English Methodist Missionary has resided here upwards of a year, and has gathered a Society of about thirty, half of whom were formerly in connexion with the American Methodists. His Society has erected, by the aid of the Presbyterians, a small frame Chapel; at which place the Presbyterian Missionaries and other preachers can have an opportunity to preach. Here we spent a few days, including a Sabbath.

The Presbyterians constitute about half of the population of Kingston, but they are of different denominations, from Great Britain and the United States. If they can be brought to lay aside their partialities and prejudices in favour of their particular denominations, and to act on catholic princi ples, they will probably soon be in a situation to enjoy the blessings and privileges of a

Hallowell town, 1 Baptist Society, 1 stated ministry. The prospect is fair that Quaker Society.

they may, in the course of next season, have

Sophiasburg town, 1 Reformed Dutch a commodious and elegant house for public Society. worship. Their subscription is liberal, and Ameliasburg town, 1 Baptist Church. 1 will probably be sufficient to finish their Baptist Elder.

Richmond town, 1 Lutheran Society.
Mohawks town, settled by Indians.

Church, so that the sale of the pews, and an annual rent on the same, will raise a sufficient sum to give an adequate support to a

faithful Minister. This place is now a very tions, receiving scarcely any support but important field for a Missionary station; from the toil of his own hands, and suffered and if a man of piety, prudence, and talents grievous assaults from persecuting sectawere stationed here, in all human proba- rians-that though alone, he stood firm bility, he would unite the different denomi- through the whole, and to this day remains nations of which this society is composed, steadfast, not only in his belief of the docand eventually be settled over it with an trines of grace, but in his attachment to our ample support. In this place is organized Church; we think he deserves high cona Bible and Common Prayer Book Society; sideration from the Synod. but was not in very active operation.

In the town of Hallowell is a thriving vilErnestown is a considerable village, si- lage of the same name, surrounded by extuated on the Bay of Quinti, about 18 miles cellent and well-settled land. The inhabiabove Kingston. Here, and in the sur-tants are mostly from New-Jersey and New rounding country, is the principal field of England. There is no organized congregaMr. M'Dowall's labours. His congrega- tion, except of Methodists, who also have a tions are scattered through the townships of decent building for a Church. The maErnestown, Portland, Campden, Richmond, jority however are Presbyterians. A few and Fredericksburg. He preaches stated- of them seem very pious, and all very dely in four places; in an academy in the vil- sirous of the ordinances. Besides preaching lage; in a Church, two miles north of the and exhorting among them, we proposed village; in a Church, lately built, in the that they should unite with the neighbournortheast corner of the township, and in a ing town of Sophiasburg to do something schoolhouse in the northwest extremity. for the support of a Missionary to labour in The remainder of his time he itinerates the two towns for three months. The meathrough the surrounding country. His la- sure we thought would cause them to take bours are a good deal of the missionary kind, a deeper interest in Gospel privileges, and in consequence of the scarcity of Ministers. lead the way to their permanently helping His congregations are not in that regular themselves. They readily fell in with the order which might be expected, if his charge proposal, and immediately put a subscripwas more compact, and his labours confined tion paper into circulation. We afterward to one or two places. There has been no proposed the plan in Sophiasburg, where change of officers for several years. They it was adopted with equal readiness. We meet but seldom. Their temporalities are have since heard by letter that they have in the hands of trustees. The number of made up $160. They are very anxious communicants is about fifty. Religion does that a candidate should come soon. In not seem to be in the most flourishing state. the last named town, there was once a Dutch There are, however, a few lively Chris- Church organized, but all the officers have tians, and lately there have been a few en- died. couraging cases of hopeful conversion, and there is at present an increased attention to the one thing needful in Portland and the north-east extremity of Ernestown. When

[To be continued.}


we reflect that Mr. M'Dowall separated at OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IN PRINCE

TON, N. J.

an early day from his friends, his country, and his prospects-that he struggled alone From a catalogue just published, it apin a country, at that time improved to but a pears that there have been educated in this short remove from a forest, till he succeeded Seminary, since its first establishment in in planting several Churches here-that 1812, one hundred and nineteen students, for several years he suffered great priva- of whom thirty-five are settled ministers;

nane are missionaries in different parts of the
United States. The number of students in
the several classes at present are as follows:
First class.
Second class

Third class




each side of the question; and their report, with resolutions, was favourable to the establishment of the institution, and its location at Auburn, provided, before the next stated meeting of the Synod, the county of Cayuga shall raise, by subscription, approved by the Synod, the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, and secure the donation of ten acres of land, at or near the village of Auburn, for a site to the Seminary; which shall go into operation when orginal contributions, elsewhere, shall have been made to such an amount, as to constitute, altogether, Second year.-Biblical Criticism; Didac- exclusive of the donation in land, a fund of tic Theology, and Ecclesiastical History. fifty thousand dollars. The resolutions, Third year.-Didactic Theology, con- recommended by the committee, after vertinued; Polemic Theology; Ecclesiastical bal modifications, were passed with one disHistory, continued; Church Government; senting voice. It is believed, that the conComposition and delivery of Sermons; Pas-ditions will be fulfilled within the time stipu

First year.-Original languages of Scripture; Sacred Chronology; Sacred Geography; Biblical and Profane History connected; Jewish Antiquities; The Scriptures in the English translation; Exegetical Theology.

toral care.

[blocks in formation]

Scholarship, founded

by an unknown individual, New-York.



The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions

3. The Lenox Scholarship, founded by have lately concluded their session in NewRobert Lenox, Esquire, of New-York.

4. The Whitehead Scholarship, founded by John Whitehead, Esquire, of Burke county, Georgia,

York. The object of their deliberations has been the establishment of a Theological Seminary on a large scale. They are calling in the aid of their Churches generally throughout the union, and have appointed several Ministers to travel through the States, and obtain subscriptions and collec

5. The Charleston Female Scholarship, founded by the Congregational and Presbyterian Female Association of Charleston, for assisting in the education of pious youth tions. The institution will go into partial for the Gospel Ministry.



operation the approaching fall and winter. In April next it is expected that it will be fully organized.


In August last the Synod of Geneva, in On Tuesday, the 8th of September last, the state of New-York, held a special meet- Mr. Peter Van Zandt, Jun. was ordained, ing at Auburn. There were present, in- in the Second Church, of the fourth ward, cluding corresponding members, about one in the city of Schenectady, Pastor over the hundred and ten persons entitled to vote. First and Second Dutch Reformed Churches The object of the meeting was the establish- in the third and fourth wards of said city. ment of a Theological Seminary in the The sermon on that occasion was preached western district of this state. After an in- by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Yates. The Rev. teresting debate, the business was referred Thomas Romaine gave the charge to the to a committee, consisting of gentlemen on Pastor-the Rev. Jacob Van Vechten to the

fered by the Rev. Robert Bronk. A large and deeply interested audience witnessed the solemn scene.

people; and the concluding prayer was of- | Who can tell how much good may, under the Divine blessing, result from this little ? Since we see what can be done by a few exertions, it is confidently hoped that no want of zeal in the good work in future, either among the managers or other members, will give occasion to any who may be unfriendly to the Society, to predict that it will be short-lived. This has been pre


Agreeably to an article of the constitution, this Society held its first anniversary on Monday, the 14th ult. and the following report was read by the Secretary.

The Board of Managers of the Cent Society of Bloomingdale meet the Society on this day with unfeigned pleasure, to present the first report of their proceedings. Soon after they were constituted the congregation was divided into districts, and a com. mittee appointed for each, to selicit subscriptions and donations, and to collect the moneys as they became due. From the commencement of their labours they have had abundant reason to bless the Great Head of the Church for the success with

which these labours has been crowned; for the promptitude and liberality with which the members and others have contributed to the objects of the Society. The Board have experienced some difficulties-and difficulties were to be expected; but they have all gradually vanished, and more has been realized in the short time which has elapsed since the formation of the Society than could have been reasonably expected from so small a congregation. The Society was formed the 17th November, 1817. The period that has elapsed is about ten months, and the number of ladies now belonging to it is sixty-eight; from whom the Board has received as subscriptions, $73 58, and from the members and others they have received $41 62, as donations, making in the aggregate, after defraying certain necessary expenses, $111 20; which sum they are ready to transfer into the hands of the Treasurer of General Synod. Surely we have cause for gratitude, that our humble endeavours have not been altogether in vain, and that we have done a little for the maintenance of our school of the prophets,

dicted; but certainly a regard for the glory of God, for the welfare of souls, for her own reputation, will prompt every one among us, who is concerned to promote the interests of the Church, to endeavour to prove the prediction false. If we prize the inestimable blessings of the Gospel which we enjoy, we cannot but feel disposed to lend a helping hand to convey these blessings to others, and to provide destitute portions of that Church which Christ has pur

chased with his blood with able and faithful Ministers. We owe much to the precious Redeemer. Let us not be weary in well

doing, but strive to do yet more and more; and then we may hope that, at some future day, the blessing of those who are now ready to perish, will come upon us as well as all others that have co-operated with us in this labour of love

By order of the Board,


Extract of a letter from Cincinnati to one of the Editors.

"Believing that you would rejoice to hear of the success of the Sunday Schools, I take the liberty of mentioning that, on my arrival in this town, I learned that a Society had been formed, but that the funds were so circumscribed that its advantages were very limited; seeing a wide field still open, a meeting was called, and a constitution adopted; I had the honour of being one of the committee to carry it into effect. Our success has been very great; the principal gentlemen, and the most wealthy, have signed the constitution, and we have the most flattering prospects of great success, and doubt not that our endeavours will be rewarded, by having it in our power to communicate instruction to many hundreds of our indigent fellow-beings."

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