
example of this Society, and from those accounts which it has been my felicity to hear from time to time of its success. Your zeal has provoked very many, encouraged many, and I trust will continue to do so, more and more. With respect to the motion that I am called to second, that it is the bounden duty, &c. I heartily concur in the sentiments expressed; I nevertheless think that the Ministers and Congregations, and Auxiliary Societies, &c. have already received a still higher reward than this resolution, however cordially passed, can confer upon them. They have had their re ward in their work.

came indeed for the same purposes which the publications of this Society, from the the audience in general has in view; I came to enjoy Christian pleasure-Christian edification. I came here to-day, because, on similar occasions in time past, I have derived, I trust, much permanent profit from attending your meetings. The question which it becomes me to answer, is, What apology can I make for my presumption in thus presenting myself before this assembly, when surrounded by such men as those who now surround me: and why I have taken any part at all in the proceedings of the meeting? It was by the merest accident I was introduced to the platform; and then the Directors of the Society did me the honour to re- The Gospel is essentially a Missionary quest that I would second the motion Gospel-a Gospel for all nations. And we which I hold in my hand. My heart would never enter fully into its spirit, till we are not allow me to refuse such a pleasure. I led to view it in this light, and place it in am glad to have this opportunity of testify- this light before our respective congregaing my respect for this institution; my ar- tions. And I am persuaded that, while the dent admiration of the zeal, industry, and congregations have so liberally assisted patient perseverance, which the Officers of your funds, and, as instruments in the hands this Society have manifested for now twen- of God, have been watering others, they ty-three years; and my unfeigned sympathy have been watered themselves. I trust that with it, in those successes with which its those to whom this refers, will consider the labours have been crowned in various parts acknowledgements which this Society an of the world. Neither could I resist the nually pays them, as a sort of additional inclination which I felt, to embrace this obligation to be 'steadfast and immoveable, opportunity for demonstrating my perfect always abounding in the work of the Lord." concurrence in those sentiments which Dr.It is no small honour to a Minister or ConBogue addressed to us in his opening gregation, or any Auxiliary Institution, to speech; particularly those sentiments which have the public acknowledgements of a Sorelate to a proper and becoming conduct in ciety such as this. And, as in other cases, Missionary Societies towards each other, where there is honour, there is obligation; who are all co-operating in the same field, it becomes every Minister, every CongreJabouring to accomplish the same great and gation, every Auxiliary Institution, to decommon object, by what are substantially serve, by additional exertions, the honour the same means. that is thus annually conferred.

I express with the greatest sincerity my Much has been done by Missionary Soearnest wish, that all Missionary Societies cieties in the cause of missions; much yet may follow his judicious and parental ad- remains to be done. Our various denomivice. I trust the time will come when nations have within their own power al⚫ Ephraim will not envy Judah, nor Judah most incredible means of enlarging their vex Ephraim.' It appears to me, Sir, that exertions, by increased contributions at the success of one Missionary Society is home. Sir, when it is a well-known fact, the success of every other that has Chris-that of the Drury Lane Theatre, the annual tian principles for its foundation. I am receipts have been 80,000. never falling sure I have received great advantage from 'below 60,000l.; when it is known, that the

lovers of those amusements in this metro- | commenced our mission at the time polis have contributed so largely to the appointed, and entered the province at funds of one theatre only, in the course of Prescot. We proceeded down the river one year; what cannot the friends of Jesus Christ do in all England, if their energies be but properly excited, and if they are but alive, as they ought to be, to the honour of God, and the salvation of their fellow-men? Sir, I feel that I ought to apologize-I offer to God my hearty thanksgivings for your past successes, and my fervent petitions that they may be multiplied in time to come, till the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.'

[To be concluded in our next.]

St. Lawrence to Cornwall, opposite to St. Regis. From this place we returned to Prescot, and went up the river to Kingston; thence along the north shore of Lake Ontario to York; from thence to Lake Sincoe, within forty miles of Lake Huron. From Lake Sincoe we returned to York; and proceeded around the head of the Lake to Grand River, and from that to Long Point on Lake Erie. From this we returned to the head of Burlington Bay, and passed along the south side of the Lake to Niagara, and thence up the Niagara River to Fort Erie, and crossed at Black Rock; and from this took the most direct rout home. The distance we have travelled is about thirteen

The Report of the Rev. Messrs. J. F. hundred miles. The time we were engaged Schermerhorn and Jacob Van Vechten, in the service of the Mission thirteen weeks, Missionaries in Upper Canada, has been we were received by the people with great put into our hands, for the purpose of hospitality and kindness, and they appeared making extracts for publication. This anxious to hear the word of God dispensed. report was made to the Committee of Many in different places, were deeply Missions of the Reformed Dutch Church, affected under preaching, and we can truly and by them transmitted to the General say, we have not preached to a single inatSynod, at their Session in June. No part tentive audience in Canada. On the Sabof this interesting Report was incorpo- bath we preached at separate places. We rated in the minutes of that Reverend were not always able to collect the people Assembly, except what related to the together for preaching in the week time, on Churches under their care. And as it account of their being engaged in harvest; contains important information, respect- still, besides preaching every Sabbath, we ing the state of Churches in other deno- have delivered from three to five sermons a minations, we shall give occasional ex-week; and in all we have preached up. tracts from it, in hopes that it may call wards of eighty sermons. It was not in our the attention of the several denomina-power to pay any special attention to visittions to the destitute condition of their ing of schools and families; though they own Churches; and with the view of informing Missionary Societies, and candidates for the Ministry, where they may find an extensive field of labour.


To the Standing Committee of Missions of
the General Synod of the Reformed
Dutch Church in North America.

Agreeably to our appointment,as Missionaries to the province of Upper Canada, we

have not been wholly neglected. The Lord's supper has not been administered by us while on our mission: but we have baptized four children, whose parents appeared to be sensible of the nature of the ordinance, and gave evidences of faith and piety. To give you a detailed account of each day's labour would necessarily occasion much repetition. We shall therefore lay before you a statistical view of Upper Canada, comprising the different towns, with the

number of inhabitants in each, according to the best sources of information we could obtain; the towns in each district, with the number of Ministers and Churches of the different denominations in them; the Missionaries of the different Societies who

labour in the province, accompanied with such observations and remarks as occurred, and as are applicable to the subject of Missions.

The civil divisions of the province of Upper Canada are districts, counties, and towns; but we shall take notice only of the districts and towns.

Lancaster town, 1 Presbyterian Church. Vacant. A Missionary from Scotland appointed for three years, and a Baptist Elder.

Charlottesburgh town, 2 Presbyterian Churches, Vacant. 1 Roman Catholic Church.

Cornwall town, 1 Episcopal Church, 1 Roman Catholic Church, 1 Presbyterian Church. Vacant. 1 Episcopal Rector, 2 Roman Priests.

Osnaburgh town, 1 Episcopal Church, 1 Reformed Dutch Church, 1 Lutheran Society. 1 Episcopal Rector, 1 Lutheran Minister.

Williamsburgh town, one Episcopal Church, 1 Reformed Dutch Church, 1 Lutheran Society. 1 Presbyterian Minister

The whole number of inhabitants does not exceed 100,000. The districts are ten. These are, commencing at the lower end of the province, Ottawa, Eastern, Johns-settled for one year. Preaching in the town, Midland, New-Castle, Home, Gore, Dutch Church. Niagara, London, and Western.

Matilda town, 1 Reformed Dutch Church. Kenyon town, 1 Presbyterian Society. Vacant.

Ottawa district is situated along the Ottawa River, which separates it from Lower Canada, and contains about 2,000 inhabi- Roxburgh, Finch, Winchester, and tants, and comprises the following town-Mountain towns. The American Methoships: Hawkesborough, Longuiel, Alfred, dists have a circuit through this District, on Plantagenet, Clarence, Cumberland, Glou-which are two itinerants; and a Meeting cester, which are situated on the River; and House in the town of Matilda. in the rear of them are Osgoode, Russel, and Cambridge, and these contain but few in

has formed a circuit from parts of the There is also an English Methodist who

Eastern and Johnstown Districts.

The last five-mentioned towns have comparatively few inhabitants; but the other towns in this District, being situated along the St. Lawrence, are well settled by able


habitants. The settlements in this district are principally on the Ottawa River. The settlers on both sides of the River are chiefly emigrants from the United States. The only religious instruction they have is from the Methodists, who have a circuit through this district, and one itinerant on it. The village of St. Andrews is situated on The inhabitants in the towns of Lancasthe Ottawa River, but in the lower pro- ter, Charlottesburgh, Cornwall, Kenyon, vince. It is principally settled by Ameri- Roxburgh, and Finch, are principally from cans, and they are anxious to obtain a Pres-the Highlands of Scotland, and continue to byterian Minister. This we are informed speak the Gaelic language. The other is an important station, where a Missionary towns are settled with loyalists and emimight be stationed to advantage, whose circuit might extend up the Ottawa to the Rideau River, beyond which the settlements are few and scattering.

Eastern District contains about 13,000 inhabitants, and the following towns, with the Churches and Ministers of the different denominations in each town.

grants from the United States. The late Rev. Mr. Bethune was the Pastor of the Presbyterian Societies in this District; but at present a young man by the name of Fletcher, who is well spoken of, preaches to them, but he has received no license to preach from any ecclesiastical judica: tory.

The Dutch congregation in Matilda has] The labours of our former Missionaries were a house of worship about 15 miles below still gratefully remembered and felt, and Prescot, and that of Osnaburgh has one the Circular sent out by the Committee in about 18 miles further. Williamsburgh 1801, had sensibly revived and strengthwill probably soon build one about half ened their attachment. They have resolved way between the other two. These con- to join in the formation of a Classis, and to gregations consist principally of High and use means to settle a Minister; and also to Low Dutch families, who moved from employ Mr. Taylor, a Burgher Minister Schoharie and the Mohawk, during, or im- from Scotland, for one year. They are mediately after, the revolutionary war, abundantly able, and we hope willing, to being loyalists. They were first formed support a Minister. There is a valuable under the care of Mr. Preffel, an Independ-parsonage lot attached to each of these conent German Reformed Minister. In 1806 gregations.

they were taken under the care of our Synod.

Literary and Scientific Intelligenee, ¿c.


by the British public. The present Encyclo

Our readers will doubtless be somewhat pædia is constructed on principles different surprised to find that the publication of a from all that have preceded it in Greatnew Encyclopædia, under the title of The Britain. It embraces the two-fold advanENCYCLOPEDIA METROPOLITANA, or Uni-tages of a philosophical and an alphabetical versal Dictionary of Knowledge, has just arrangement. The conductors state that been commenced in London. Amid the "much attention has been paid to the senumerous works of this description which curing, as far as possible, two objects-that have issued from the press, another one at each part should contain some interesting the present time was scarcely to have been and useful treatises, complete; and that the expected. The fact however may be con- connexion of the whole system of the arts sidered as indicative of the literary taste of and sciences should be preserved unimthe day, at the same time that it proves the paired." The following is an outline of the munificent patronage extended to literature general plan of the work.


GENERAL INTRODUCTION.-Being a preliminary Treatise on the Science of




Universal Grammar and Philology: or the forms of Languages.

Logic, particular and universal: or the forms of Conceptions and their


Mathematics (Geometry, Arithmetic, Algebra, &c.) or the forms and constructions of Figure and Number.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Metaphysics: or the universal principles and conditions of Experience,
having for its object the Reality of our speculative knowledge in
Morals: or the principles and conditions of the coincidence of the indi-
vidual will with the universal reason, having for its object the
Reality of our practical knowledge: (hence, in a lower stage, Poli-
tics and Human Law.)

Theology or the union of both in their application to GOD, the Supreme


[blocks in formation]


Biography CHRONOLOGICALLY arranged, giving the only real view of HISTORY, with Chapters of National History, Political Geography, and Chronology, interspersed and accompanied with correspondent Maps and Charts.


Alphabetical, Miscellaneous, and Supplementary, containing a GAZETTEER or complete Vocabulary of Geography; and a Philosophical and Etymological LEXICON of the English Language; the citations arranged according to the age of the Works from which they are selected.

THE INDEX.-A digested Body of Reference to the whole work; giving the English as well as the scientific name of every subject of Natural History.

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