
every means had been used to mistake, which she thought herrestore her, without being able to self happy in being able to corbring her to life, and, when the rect. "The jewel," she said, effusions of sorrow poured forth" which her sister wore, was not at her death, had for awhile presented to her by Mr. Gordier, ceased, all that were present be- but was a present to her some gan to speak what they thought years after his unhappy death, by of her behaviour in her last dy- Mr. Galliard, a very respectable ing moments. Mrs. Gordier, who merchant in Jersey, who had was totally unacquainted with the very assiduously paid his adsoft and delicate temper of the dresses to her, encouraged so to deceased, could not help drop-do, from a view, if possible, to ping some unfavourable expres-relieve her mind, by diverting sions concerning her manner of her affections to a new object; leaving the world, which, she that, as many jewels have the thought, plainly enough indicated same appearance, that purchased a knowledge of the murder. Her by Mr. Gordier and that preown parents, who were present sented by Mr. Galliard, might at this last afflicting scene, fired probably not be the same. Mrs. with indignation at the insult of Gordier very readily acquiesced; fered to the unspotted innocence and, having had time to recover of their darling child, could not her temper, fell again into tears, help resenting the ungenerous and in the most affecting manner interpretation put upon the clos-apologized for her late indiscreing scene of her blameless life. tion; adding, at the same time, A scene of trouble and mutual that if it was the jewel purchased reproach ensued, which it is easier by her son, his picture was artto conceive than to relate. When fully concealed within it, which, the commotion, however, was a by opening, would put the matter little abated, and reason began to beyond a doubt. Neither the take place of passion, the friends sister nor any of the family had of both families very cordially ever seen it opened, and knew interposed, and endeavoured to nothing of such a contrivance. reconcile the mothers by a cool Young Gordier in a moment examination of the circumstances touched a secret spring, and that occasioned the unseasonable presented to the company the heat. miniature inclosed, most beautiYoung Mr. Gordier recollected fully enriched. The consternathat he had heard his brother de- tion was now equal to the discoclare, that the jewel in question very. The mystery was unrawas to have been presented to velled. It was instantly conhis bride on her wedding-day;cluded that the horror of the and, therefore, as that had never murder must have struck the dehappened, his mother might be ceased, and the detestation of the justified in her suspicions; though, murderer overcame her. The perhaps, the lady might be in- contempt with which she wanted nocent. The sister of the de- to spurn the jewel from her, and ceased calmly replied, that she her desire to declare from whom believed that the warmth which she had it; all these circumstances had happened was founded on al concurred to fix the murder on

Mr. Galliard, who having been son. The old lady, on his enterformerly her father's clerk, the ing the room, in the vehemence last word she attempted to utter of passion, charged him abruptly was now interpreted to mean the with the murder of her son. Mr. cl-e-r-k. The clergyman, Galliard made answer coolly, that who was present, and who gave indeed he well knew her son, but this relation, being the common had not seen him for many days friend of Galliard and of the fami- before the day of his disappearly where he now was, advised ance, being then out of the island moderation and temper in the upon business, as the family in pursuit of justice. Many cir- whose house he now was, could cumstances, he said, may concur attest. "But this jewel," said to entangle innocence in guilt; the mother, (showing him the and he hoped, for the honour of jewel, open as it was)" is an inhuman nature, that a gentleman contestable proof of your guilt: of so fair a character as Mr. Gal-you gave the deceased this jewel, liard, could never be guilty of so which was purchased by my son, foul a crime; he therefore wished and was in his possession at the that he might be sent for on the time of his death." He denied present melancholy occasion, ra- ever seeing the jewel. The sisther as a mourner than as a mur-ter of the deceased then conderer, by which means the charge fronted him; and taking it in her might be brought on by degrees; hand and closing it, "This jewel and then, if innocent, as he hoped (said she) you gave to my sister he would appear, his character in my presence, on such a day, would stand fair; if guilty, care (naming the time and place) should be taken that he should pressed her to accept it, she renot escape. He added, in sup- fused it, you pressed her again, port of his counsel, that a man she returned it, and was not preonce publicly charged with mur- vailed on to take it until I placed der, upon circumstances strong it to her watch, and persuaded as the present appeared, though her to wear it." He now betrayed his innocence might be clear as some signs of guilt, but looking the sun at noon-day, to those upon it when it was closed, he who examined him, yet would owned the giving it, and, presentnever again be able to redeem ly recollecting himself, said he his character with the world, let knew it not in the form it was his whole life after be ever so first presented to him. 'But this irreproachable. trinket (said he) I purchased of The greatest part of the com- Levi, the Jew, whom you all pany seemed to approve of his know, and who has travelled these counsel and reasons; but it was islands for more than twenty visible by the countenance of years. He, no doubt, can tell Mrs. Gordier, that she, in her how he came by it.' The clermind, had prejudged him guilty. gyman now thought himself happy However, in conformity to the in the counsel he had given; and, advice that had been given, Mr. addressing himself to Mrs. GorGalliard was sent for, and in a dier, "I hope, madam, you will few hours the messenger return- now be patient till the affair has ed, accompanied by him in per- had a full hearing; Mr. Galliard

is clear in his justification; and passions were inflamed. But the Jew only, at present, appears thou, Father of mercies! who to be the guilty person; he is implanted in my soul those strong now in the island, and shall soon desires, wilt forgive one rash atbe apprehended.' The old lady tempt to accomplish my deterwas again calm, and forced to ac-mined purpose, in opposition, as knowledge her rashness, owing, it should seem, to thy Almighty as she said, to the impetuosity of Providence!" What infatuated her temper, and to the occasion language is this! O, how the that produced it. She concluded, god of this world blinds the eyes with begging pardon of Galliard, of the children of disobedience! whom she thought she had injur- Surely this tragic story confirms ed. Galliard triumphed in his the doctrine of an universal and innocence, hoped the lady would overruling Providence! Surely, be careful of what she said, and even an infidel must, in this matthreatened, if his character suf- ter, see the finger of God! May fered by the charge, to refer the every one that reads this, adore injury to the decision of the law. the God of Providence-reveHe lamented the sudden death of rence his authority-obey his the unfortunate young lady, and laws, and trust in him for all melted into tears when he ap-things! Amen. proached her bed. He took his leave, after some hours stay, with becoming decency; and every

one, even the mother of the mur- CURIOUS METHOD OF REFUTING A dered youth, pronounced him in



It was some days before the King James the Second hearing Jew was found; but when the that the Duke of Buckingham was news was spread, that the Jew somewhat out of order, thought was in custody who had mur- that a proper season for working dered young Gordier, remorse, upon his credulity, and making a and the fear of public shame, convert of him to Popery; and seized Galliard, and the night accordingly sent Fitzgerald, an preceding the day on which he Irish priest, to him, to use his was to have confronted the Jew utmost endeavours for that purbefore a magistrate, he was found pose. The Duke, who had been dead, with a bloody penknife in apprized of the intended visit, as his hand, wherewith he had stab-also of the motive to it, and was bed himself in three places, two consequently prepared for the of which were mortal. A letter reception of the priest, was no was found on the table in his sooner informed of his arrival, room, acknowledging his guilt, and than he gave orders for his introconcluding with these remarkable duction with great ceremony, words: None but those who which the father thought an happy have experienced the furious im- omen; and the usual compliments pulse of ungovernable love, will having been passed, he desired pardon the crime which I have him to sit down. An inquiry into committed, in order to obtain the the Duke's health followed then incomparable object by whom my of course; and he owning himself

answers the Duke:

indisposed, the father, after ex- what?" pressing himself greatly con-"What objection have you against cerned about his future welfare, him? you certainly have not sufdeclared the design of his coming, ficiently observed him." "Ah! my and by whose order he came. lord," replies the father," do not His Grace pretended great will- you see that it is but a cork? and ingness to be better instructed, do you not know, that you took it if he was in any error; but de- but a few minutes ago out of that sired that they might drink a glass bottle?" "A very pretty story, of wine together, previous to indeed," says the Duke. "What! their entering into a conference; would you persuade me that this to which the priest agreeing, a fine courser, whom I have been bottle was called for, and brought. so long commending and stroking, But, guess the poor father's sur- is but a mere cork, and that I am prise, when, after having drank a under a delusion?" "Nothing glass or two, the Duke (a man of more certain, my lord," answers incomparable sense, and a cele- the father. "I would not be too brated wit) taking the cork out of positive of any thing," replies the the bottle, and stroking it several, Duke calmly: "perhaps my illtimes with great gravity, asked him ness may have discomposed me very seriously, how he liked that more than I am aware of: but I horse. He was confounded to wish that you would convince me the last degree at such a question; that I am mistaken. I say this is and yet more so, when His Grace, a horse; you affirm it is a cork : finding him continue silent, re- how do you prove it to be so ?" peated it again without changing" Very easily, my lord: if I look his countenance in the least; but at it, I see it is a cork; if I take persisting, on the contrary, in it in my hand, I feel it is a cork; stroking the cork, in calling it a if I smell to it, I find it is but horse, and launching into the cork; and if I bite it with my most extravagant encomiums on teeth, I am assured that it is the its goodness and beauty: he at same: so that I am every way last, however, answered, he found convinced thereof, by the eviHis Grace had a mind to be mer- dence of all my senses.' "I bery, and that he had chosen an lieve your Reverence may be in unseasonable time, and he would the right," says the Duke (as just therefore come again, when His recovering from a dream)" but I Grace was better disposed to hear am subject to whims : let us, what he had to offer. "Merry!" therefore, talk no more of it, but cries the Duke, in a seeming sur- proceed to the business that prise; I'll assure Your Reve- brought you hither." rence, I was never more serious This was just what the father in all my days. Why, is not Your wanted, and he accordingly enReverence of the same opinion? tered upon the most controverted Do not you think it as fine a steed points between the Papists and as ever you saw in your life? us; when the Duke, cutting him What fault can you find with it?" short, told him, what was most "I beg Your Grace would com- difficult of digestion with him was pose yourself a little, and consi- their doctrine of transubstantiader," says the father. "Consider tion; and if he could but prove

that single article, all the rest he was got almost to the very would soon be got over. Here- edge of the scaffolding, without upon the Priest, not doubting but perceiving it: had he continued he should soon make the Duke a to retreat, half a minute more proselyte, enters upon the com- would have completed his demon topics used by all those of struction; and he must have fallen his persuasion on such occasions, to the pavement underneath. A insisting, above all, greatly upon person present, who saw the the words of consecration," This danger the artist was in, had the is my body," and "This is my happy presence of mind to sudblood," &c. To all which the denly snatch up one of the Duke replied, that these were brushes, and spoil the painting, but figurative expressions, and no by rubbing it over. Sir James, more to be understood literally transported with rage, sprang than those others, "I am the forward, to save the remainder of vine," and "I am the door ;" be- the piece. But his rage was soon sides which, continued he, the turned into thanks, when the perbread and wine still remain un-son told him, "Sir, by spoiling changed as before, after the the painting I have saved the life words of consecration. "No, my of the painter. You was adlord," cries the father, with hum-vanced to the extremity of the ble submission, "there is only scaffold, without knowing it. Had the appearance or form of those I called out to you, to apprize elements; for they are actually you of your danger, you would changed into the very real body naturally have turned to look and blood." behind you; and the surprise of Nay," says the Duke, "I finding yourself in such a dreadwill convince you to the contrary, ful situation, would have made father, by your own argument: Iyou fall indeed. I had, therelook upon it, and see it is bread; fore, no other method of retrievI touch it, and feel it is bread; ing you, but by acting as I did." and I taste it, and I feel it is but Similar, if I may so speak, is bread, mere bread still remem- the method of God's dealing with ber the cork, father, remember his people. We are all, natuthe cork." This answer silenced rally, fond of our own legal perthe father.

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formances. We admire them to our ruin, unless the Holy Spirit retrieve us from our folly. This he does, by marring (as it were) our best works; i. e. by showing us their insufficiency to justify us Sir James Thornhill was the before God. When we are truly person who painted the inside of taught of him, we thank him for the cupola of St. Paul's, London. his grace, instead of being angry After having finished one of the at having our idols defaced. The compartments, he stepped back, only way, by which we are saved gradually, to see how it would from everlasting destruction, is, look at a distance. He receded by being made to see, that' by so far (still keeping his eye in the deeds of the law no flesh tently fixed on the painting) that living shall be justified."

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