
had made a profession of the Pro- Without entering into the detestant religion were now follow-bate, whether the Queen had ing the Queen, which he repre- been apprised of the intended sents was greatly strengthening death of her husband, it may be her party; for that if the Papists sufficient to observe, that Mr. only had espoused her cause, Spottiswood considered her as in they might easily have been one way or other highly culpable in that affair, otherwise he would not have applied to her the harsh epithets which appear in several parts of his pastoral letter.


"Therefore," says he, "in the bowels of Christ Jesus, I exhort all in general, and such as are under my charge in special, There is one other national who have communicated with her matter in which he is mentioned odious impieties, that they would as having been concerned. James deeply consider their fearful de- Hamilton, who bore the title of fection from God, and from his Earl of Arran, while he was relawful magistrates, who, by his gent or governor of Scotland, word and good order, are now during a part of the time of Queen erected within this realm: that Mary's minority, was afterward by condemnation and public con- raised by the French king to the fession of their folly, they would rank and title of Duke of Chatteltravel speedily to return again to herault. In his way from France the bosom of the kirk, and to the he visited in England Queen obedience due unto the magis- Mary, who was then held in a trates, from the which they have state of captivity in that country, most traitorously declined. and received from her an ample "Assuring such as shall be de-commission to act as her deputy prehended to remain obstinate in in Scotland. He arrived at his their wicked enterprise, that in castle of Hamilton, February 29, our next letters their names shall 1569, determined to espouse her be expressed, and proclaimed be- cause. fore all congregations; where- He wrote to the Assembly, comwith if they be not moved to plaining of the proceedings of the repentance, then will we, albeit Earl of Murray. He declared his with grief of heart, be compelled affection to the Church, and that to draw the sword committed to he was come with an intention to us by God, to cut them off from accommodate all disputes betwixt all society of Jesus Christ; and the Queen and her revolted subfor their stubborn rebellion, to jects. He requested the Assemgive them up to the power of bly to order intimation of his inSatan, to the destruction of the tention to be made to all the flesh; that they may be con- people; and at the same time founded in themselves, and turn mentioned, that he was willing to by unfeigned repentance from converse with any ministers their wicked ways, and so escape whom the Assembly should send condemnation in the day of Jesus to him.

Christ, whose omnipotent Spirit The Assembly, after having we pray to move the hearts of all consulted with the Earl of Murthat look for the life everlasting, ray, deputed three of their numto consider that his coming ap-ber, viz. Mr. John Spottiswood, proacheth! Amen."

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superintendant of Lothian; Mr. | of the Reformed Church, and was John Winram, superintendant of long successful in teaching the Fife; and Mr. John Row, minis-faith, and in inculcating the practer of Perth, to go to Hamilton, tice of true religion. and confer with the Duke.

I add a short account of his


These three ministers, instead of being gained by the Duke to The wife of Mr. John Spottisfavour the Queen, had so much wood, the superintendant, was influence with him, by the argu- Beatrix Crighton, who has the ments they made use of, that he character of having been "a grave professed his submission to the and a discreet matron." She was infant king, and to the regency of a daughter of Patrick Crighton, the Earl of Murray. of Lugton and Gilmerton, one of the ancient Scottish barons.

I willingly transcribe his son's account of his death and charac- John, his eldest son, who wrote ter. "How soon the troubles a history of the Church of Scotwere ended, (viz. in 1560.) he land, succeeded him as minister was chosen superintendant of the of Calder. Having afterward churches of Lothian, Mers, and become a convert to episcopal Teviotdale; which, during the government, he was made Archspace of 20 years," (N. B. This bishop of Glasgow in 1610; from was evidently an error of the whence he was translated to the press; the numeral figures should Archbishopric of St. Andrews, in have been 25,)"he governed 1615. He was invested with the most wisely. His care in teach-office of Lord High Chancellor of ing, planting of churches, re- Scotland, in 1635; and died at ducing people and persons of all London, in 1639. By order of sorts unto the right way, was King Charles I. he was interred great; and he was so successful, with great funeral pomp in Westthat within the bounds of his minster Abbey, near to the body charge none was found refractory of King James VI. whom he had from the religion professed. faithfully served. A marble mo

"He was a man well esteemed nument, with an inscription on for his piety and wisdom, loving brass, was erected to his memory. and beloved of all persons, chari- James, the superintendant's table to the poor, and careful second son, accompanied King above all things to give no man James VI. in 1603, when he offence. His happy life was went to take possession of the crowned with a blessed death, crown of England. In that same which happened the 5th of De-year he was appointed Rector of cember, 1585, in the 76th year Wells, in Norfolk, and in 1621, of his age." he was made Bishop of Clogher,

From all that is known con- in Ireland. He fled from the cerning him, the above character troubles occasioned by the Irish given of him appears to be just. Papists, and died at London, in He seems to have been a lover of 1644. He was interred in Westpeace; was pious, prudent, and minster Abbey, near to the body highly respected by his contem of his brother the Chancellor. poraries. He was serviceable in The superintendant had only promoting the outward interests one daughter, who was married


Tennant, laird of Lynn- |The final perfection and eternal

house, in East Lothian.


happiness of man are inseparably connected with the knowledge and the love of it. A man can have no lasting peace until he have SUPREME arrived at that state of mind in CONTRO- which he can say of the principles of religion, "I am verily persuaded."

"IF ye continue in my word," said the blessed Saviour, “ ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In order to attain to this persuasion, about the constitution and doctrine of the Church of Christ, we must apply to himself. Lord, This promise is replete with to whom shall we go? Thou hast instruction and comfort. Those the words of eternal life. The who sincerely seek for truth, Redeemer refers us to the vofrom the words of Christ, shall lume of inspiration for our infind it; and those who find it, struction. Search the Scriptures— shall have liberty from the "ele- they are they which testify of me. ments of the world whereunto others are in bondage."

The Bible is the infallible standard by which religious opinions The man, who knows the truth, are tried. Every sentence in the and loves it, shall not remain the Old and New Testament, both as slave of prejudice or passion. to matter and form, has been writHis time is not a burden from ten under the direction of an unwhich he seeks relief. He does erring Spirit. Holy men of God not continually chatter with the spake as they were moved by the creature; but, having access, with Holy Ghost. boldness to his heavenly Father,

The Holy Spirit, speaking in he converses with him upon sub- the Scriptures, is the Supreme jects delightful and important. Judge of all religious controMy meditation of God shall be versy. sweet; I will be glad in the Lord.

This proposition rests upon There is one consideration, two axioms. 1. There is no trihowever, which often disconcerts bunal to which we can appeal the peace of a benevolent mind. from the determination of God. Men entertain different senti- 2. God has determined in the ments about religion. When we Scriptures every thing respectperceive serious and learned men ing the doctrine and order of the defending opposite opinions about Christian Church. the one thing needful, what are we to do? Shall we conclude that all is a delusion, and become sceptics; or shall we not rather To mention this to a sober man give diligence to discover the is sufficient to procure for it his abode of truth, and having found unwavering assent. God is omit, point out the road to others? niscient, he cannot himself be misTruth is uniformly consistent taken-Truth, he cannot deceive with itself. It is the proper ob-others-Infinite majesty, all his ject of the human understanding.creatures are bound to submit.

I. There is no tribunal to which we can appeal from the decision of God.

The little portion of intelli- divine perfection, the nature of gence which God has communi-man, the plan of salvation, all cated to us, enables us, confi- that is connected with religion, he dently to decide about what we understands, and his understandperfectly understand. It serves ing excludes the possibility of also to let us know that he is error. Let us also recollect that, himself omniscient. God is truth-he cannot de

We are capable of knowing ceive us. Elevated infinitely high something about the system of above his creatures, he cannot be being. The different material ob- tempted to evil. It is no profit jects which come under our view, to the Almighty that we should the changes which they undergo, mistake falsehood for truth. As and the laws agreeably to which we cannot doubt his integrity we these changes take place, attract may rest assured that all his our attention, and we reduce our words are truth. ideas respecting them into a sysWisdom and faithfulness are in tem. Yet, how imperfect that God, invested with infinite majessystem! It is but a very small ty. It is madness as well as impart of the material world which piety to attempt opposition to his can be subjected to experiment. judgments. Accountable himself Some bodies by their grandeur to none, every one is accountable excite our astonishment, but baffle to him. He docth according to his our curiosity. Others are so mi-will in the army of heaven, and nute as to elude the most vigilant among the inhabitants of the earth; examination. And it is still more and none can stay his hand, or say difficult to understand the world unto him, what doest thou? His of spirits. That immense field decisions, although sovereign, are remains hitherto unexplored.-not capricious. The eminence We are too closely allied with of his perfection is the law by matter to speak even with accu- which he acts. We have no rearacy upon such a subject. Our son, no right, no power to appeal thoughts and our language are from his righteous tribunal. both incapable of a momentary abstraction from the qualities of body.

Finite creatures, it is little we see or know of the universe; yet we take pride in dignifying with the name of science, the few ideas we have formed concerning the very small part of the family of being to which we have been introduced.

II. God hath determined in the Scriptures every thing respecting the doctrine and order of the Christian Church.

Men frequently multiply disputes under the name of religion concerning many things which do not belong to that subject. They agitate questions which engender strife, but minister not to the use of edifying. Whether a garment God alone is perfectly acquaint- shall be of this cut or of that coed with every thing which exists. lour, whether I should eat flesh He created the essence and form- or fish on Friday, are questions ed the qualities of the creatures. which God has not determined in He is continually present with his word. But he has determined them, and all their changes are that they are not questions of reunder his direction. His own ligion. Let no man therefore judge

you in meat and drink. For the of the Fathers. Divine revelation kingdom of God is not meat and is intended to destroy the wisdom drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent, The Scriptures of the Old and who establish maxims of carnal New Testament are sufficient to policy, casting down reasonings, instruct us in every thing which it and bringing into captivity every is necessary to know respecting thought into the obedience of Christ. the plan of salvation. To the The command of God, and the Oracles of God nothing is at any example of Christ and his apos. time to be added by the inven- tles, require us to appeal, for the tions of men. The Holy Spirit, determination of every dispute from whom Christians have an relative to faith or practice, to unction whereby they shall know the inspired writings; and the all things, teaches them by the Pharisees and Sadducees are Scriptures. The inward light, condemned for departing from the which contradicts the written Scripture as their standard of word, is not the testimony of that judgment. Ye have made the comSpirit, but the suggestions of Satan mandment of God of none effect by transforming himself into an angel your traditions; but in vain they of light. To the law, and to the tes- do worship me teaching for doctimony: If they speak not according trines the commandments of men. to this word, it is because there is Ye do err, not knowing the Scripno light in them. The Spirit of tures. the Lord is not self-contradictory. The maxims which he inculcates on the soul are those which he has inscribed on the pages of the Bible. And these are sufficient to "perfect the instruction of the man of God."

[To be continued.]



The kindness of Jesus is too great to leave us at a loss for any IN the explanation of the cominformation which could be pro- mission given by Christ to his fitable to his Church; and as there ambassadors, the general nature is no further addition to be made of Christian baptism was unto the cannon of Scripture, we folded to our readers. This conclude with confidence that would abundantly suffice on this there is none necessary. The subject, was it not a matter of awful threatening, "if any man controversy among the followers shall add unto these things, God of Christ. Waiving the more mishall add unto him the plagues nute differences of opinion, we which are written in this book," shall confine ourselves to the denounces, not only the person two following, viz. First, The who should pretend to enlarge lawfulness of infant baptism; and, the Sacred volume by new reve- Second, The description or kind lations, but also him who should of infants who ought to be bapproclaim its deficiency, and pro- tized.

pose amendments from his own With a view of proving the reasoning, or from the authority first, which to us is of the ut

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