
hand, several of the most respectable pastors, of various denominations, have not only from their respective pulpits zealously

tains of pure morals, and of genuine religion, but have devoted much time in visiting the Schools themselves; and imparting that spiritual instruction, which it is the great object of your system to extend. Con

must always have over the minds of youth, and the numerous instances on record of the good which has flowed from their labour and example, your Committee cannot but regret that the Sunday Schools have not had more of their personal attention.

yet it has not been neglected. The parents have in numerous instances been visited by those Teachers, who, never wearied in well-doing, have devoted the intervals of recommended the Sunday Schools as founschool hours, and their leisure in the week, to this benevolent object. From this much good has resulted. Parents have in most instances received their visits with gratitude; have evinced a growing attention to, and a more earnest concern for, their chil-sidering the weight which pious Ministers dren, and as the natural effect, exhibit an improvement in their own moral conduct. Your Committee are also gratified to report, that the discipline, so necessary and yet so difficult to establish in Sunday Schools, has much improved during the past year. The utmost order and attention One great feature in the Sunday School to the wishes of the Superintendents and system, and for which it has throughout Teachers, every where appears. This re-been distinguished, is the attention which gularity in discipline has been produced by has been paid to BIBLE INSTRUCTION. Like kindness alone. Persuasion forms the only the great BIBLE SOCIETY, which it preweapon of the Sunday School Teacher, and ceded, it has been its glory to bury sect, in it has been found all-efféctual. Even the its solicitude to make known the unadulmost obstinate have by this cause been sub-terated word of truth. To this duty the dued; nor have instances been wanting of some who appeared so hardened as to make their dismission from the School absolutely necessary, afterward returning, and emulating the most orderly in their future conduct.

attention of your Committee has been particularly called; and with feelings of affectionate gratitude, they express their thanks for the uniform and zealous manner in which their plans have been carried into effect by the Superintendents and Teachers.

It has been the desire of your Committee It has been made a duty of those as much as possible to interest the Clergy Scholars, who could read the Bible, to comof our city in promoting Sunday School in- mit certain portions of the Scripture to mestruction. They have looked to them as mory during the week, and repeat them the legitimate guardians of the morals and either to the Teachers or Visiters on Sunreligion of our unprotected youth. Not day. They have been rewarded by a only has their co-operation been sought, but ticket valued at one cent for each chapter they have been invited to spend at least one committed. To these have been added hour at the Schools, once a month, in ex-punctual attendance and good behaviour amining the pupils respecting their pro- tickets, 30 of which entitled the holder to a gress in religious knowledge, and in giving Testament, and 75 to a Bible. The ambithem suitable advice on those subjects con- tion which has been excited, and the signal nected with their présent and eternal wel- success of this part of the system, your Comfare. The important avocations, however,mittee deem it to be their duty, as it is their of many of the Clergy, have been such as to delight, to dwell upon for a few moments. prevent a compliance with the request of The instances are too numerous to be all your Committee--and the Schools conse-noticed-but a few shall be selected. One quently within their sphere have been left boy committed no less than 26 chapters in entirely to lay-instruction. On the other the course of four weeks. This may be

considered as extraordinary. There are ceeding Sunday. Your Committee regret few Schools, however, who do not report that the time will not allow their entering from 3 to 7 chapters. One School reports into detail on this part of their duty. Sufthat 54 chapters had been committed by 14 fice it to report-that the scholars have not Scholars-16 of which were repeated by only shown in their proofs an uncommon one Scholar alone, a boy but 8 years old. acquaintance with the Scripture, and a Since the last distribution, 7 tickets in one great aptitude in applying the proper texts, School, where but 150 Scholars regularly but many of them have been led to more attend, 550 chapters, containing nearly serious thoughts respecting their responsi17,000 verses, have been committed within bility to that God who searcheth the heart; a period of about six months! In another and have offered up their youthful petitions School, the highest class had committed to Him who is found of all those who seek 30 chapters in 3 months. A School con-him early.

sisting of 80 Scholars, committed in the last A short time previous to your last annual two months 57 chapters, making about meeting it was recommended to the Super2,000 verses; another of 60 Scholars had intendents and Teachers to hold a monthly repeated 112 chapters in 3 months. In a meeting of conference and advice on the School which does not particularly enume-subjects of their duty in general. At this rate, they report that the largest number of chapters committed by one boy since the distribution of tickets was 45. The last which we shall name is a School which has always been exemplary for its improvement: The Superintendent reports, that one boy, who had to work at a trade, had, notwithstanding, committed 300 verses in one week; and in 3 months, had committed 1,000 verses. During the last quarter, 6088 verses had been committed by the different boys.

meeting your Secretary, Mr. Lord, (who is now in Europe) presided with that sound wisdom, discretion, and Christian deportment, which render him an ornament not only to your Society, but to every thing connected with Christian benevolence. This association has continued with increasing interest to the present time. At this meeting some of your Committee have occa. sionally attended, and they can bear ample testimony to its beneficial effects. The different Teachers here become acquainted with each other; plans of improvement are proposed and discussed; difficulties which at first appeared insuperable are removed, and the hands of all are strengthened in

rily engaged. Your Committee therefore hope, that the Superintendents and Teachers will be encouraged to proceed in their uniting together for mutual support, and they ardently pray that the blessing of God may rest on all their deliberations.

Your Committee being convinced that the plan of committing Scripture to memory, though excellent in itself, would lose much of its effect if some mode was not adopted for giving it a more permanent impression, the great work in which they have voluntarecommended at a very early period the necessity of frequent examinations. They also advised that Scholars should bring Scripture proofs for the most leading doctrines of our holy religion. This plan, while it exercised their ingenuity and unYour Committee also find that meetings derstanding, was calculated, in the opinion of your Committee, to produce much higher for prayer have been instituted by the Sueffects. They have not been disappointed. perintendents and Teachers, to which both Short sentences, comprising the simplest scholars and parents are invited, and at elements of the religion of the Redeemer, and heads of doctrines in which all Christians could agree, have been given to the scholars, and proofs required by the suc

which many of them attend. Much good has been the result. The effect of religious instruction upon the scholar, which your Committee at the commencement ventured

to say would rise to the parent, is now be- fulfil their respective duties. To them the ginning powerfully to operate. Many of support and increase of the Sunday Schools the children having become deeply thought- is chiefly indebted; and it is a remark ful about their immortal souls, have con- which your Committee wish ever to keep veyed the sentiment and the feeling to the before the Society, that where the Schools parent. Some of them have evidenced the decline, it is generally to be traced to the conviction by repentance towards God and neglect of the Teachers, rather than to the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Others, by indifference of parents, or the reluctance a more moral course of conduct; greater of scholars; and where they are found in solicitude about their children, and an at- the most successful operation, there every tendance on divine ordinances. Thus has man is regularly found at his post, disGod watered the seed sown by feeble in charging his solemn obligations, and prostruments, which is producing fruit to his moting to the utmost in his power the dearown glory. est interests of those children which Providence has placed under his care.

Your Committee are happy to report, that the effect on the Teachers in general is not less striking than has been this system on parents and children. Morally, and intellectually, they are many of them new beings. It is in the very nature of benevolent exertion to refine and elevate the feelings. The constant exercise also of the mind on such subjects calls forth its latent powers, while it gives them both expansion and employment. But above all, the weekly recurring duty of religious instruction is calculated to produce serious reflections in the most careless-how much more in minds already prepared for the best impressions! Your Committee feel it, therefore, an exhilarating part of their duty to refer to the quarterly reports, in which the blessed effect of your system is so often noticed; and are well assured that they will be joined by every member of the Society in offering up grateful praise to that God whe has made his grace effectual to the enlightening of so many individuals, and bestowing on them the gifts of his own Spirit. One Church can number more than 20 Teachers, who have been added to its communion; and many others have received into their bosom living members from the same What encouragement, then, does this give for you to proceed in this your elevated course! You have blessed, and


shall be blessed.

The Superintendents and Teachers continue with the same zeal and steadiness to

Your Committee report, that since the last annual meeting they have ordered the following books, lessons, and tracts, to be printed :

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Alphabets and Small Lessons,
Large Lessons in sheets,
Spelling Book, Part I.
Do. do. II.

Class Papers,

Tickets for punctual attendance,
good behaviour, and commit-
ting the Scriptures,
Numerical Register,
Sunday School Rewards, No. 2,
Raffles's Sunday School Teacher's











The Second and Third Address of the Sunday School Committee to Parents, Plan for selecting Scripture, to be committed to memory by the Scholars, 200 Report, for the use of Sunday Schools in The sale of books since your last Annual this and other states, has been considerable, as will appear from the Treasurer's ac


Testaments. They also gratefully acknow.
Your Committee have purchased 1000
ledge liberal donations of Bibles and
Prayer Books, from the Auxiliary Bible and
Common Prayer Book Society of New-
York; of Bibles from the New-York Bible
Society; of Bibles and Testaments from

137 the New-York Auxiliary Bible Society; guished this city, to provide them with the and of a considerable quantity of the broken means of carrying on that system which resheets of the Bible, from the American turns in its moral effect, whatever may be Bible Society. These last having been contributed to its support. Your Commitbound up and used in several parts, have tee are further concerned to state, that the prevented a great expenditure to the Soci-annual subscriptions have fallen far short of ety, and have enabled your Committee also what they first promised. With the exto supply a number of them to schools in pense of collecting, and the number of those the country. who have neglected to pay the small pittance required from them, but very little has gone into your treasury: nor can your Committee conceal that this cannot be considered as a very adequate source for supplying the wants of the schools in future.

Your Committee are enabled to report on the establishment and progress of Sunday Schools in different parts of our country. This part of the Report, however, must generally be imperfect. The extent of territory, the various new settlements, with the difficulty of either conveying or of receiving information, must operate against a complete history; but with all these obstacles, the communications are numerous and interesting.

Your Committee have again to return their thanks to those gentlemen who have furnished them with school-rooms without any remuneration. Some congregations also have shown a noble example in the erection of buildings, in which accommodations for the Sunday Schools attached to their respective Churches have been particularly provided for. This example your Committee hope will excite many others to the same good work. The expense to any one Church is comparatively small; but the saving to the Society is great, and the benefit and comfort of the scholars lasting. It also reflects equal honour, and confers as lasting benefit on the Church itself. The children, educated as it were within its In July last a school was established at walls, nurtured by the affections of its mem-Petersburg, in Virginia, under the care of bers, instructed frequently by its minister, the Presbyterian Church, which reports on and trained up in its doctrines and its pre- its list 184 scholars, most of whom have cepts, are gradually imbibing those princi- given proofs of improvement both in morals ples which will ultimately lead them to re- and learning. A "Sunday School Union ceive the truth as it is in Christ; and thus Society" was formed in Cincinnati in Sepin the course of time to fill the places of tember last. One great object was to protheir benefactors. What a reward this vide for the education of those numerous offers for their pious exertions! The chil- families, who, in emigrating from the dren of the dust, the neglected, the vitious, northern states, have expended their little and the poor, redeemed by their instrumen- substance, and are often found in the largest tality-raised to a seat among God's peo- towns in a destitute condition. The Sociple, are destined to profess the truth, and to ety already report the opening of six schools support its cause, when the authors, under for white children in Cincinnati and its providence, of their happiness, shall be vicinity, containing nearly 500 scholars. sleeping with their fathers! The ladies also, with praiseworthy emulation, have opened an African school, into which they have admitted 124, from the age of seven to sixty five-years.

The expenses incurred by the Society will be found in the statement of the Treasurer, where also the present state of the funds will be seen. The resources, your "The "Boston Society for the InstrucCommittee are sorry to observe, are at pre- tion of the Poor," report in October last sent but small; but they rely on that gene- having admitted 500 into two schools, not rosity of character which has so long distin-one-fourth of whom could read words of one

syllable, and the greatest part did not even sit in darkness, and to restore to their moral know their letters. In Hartford, Connecti- elevation in society such as, without the cut, the subject is but just awakening the system which we now commemorate, would public attention; but in New London and have been its pests. From various quarFairfield, schools have been opened under ters your Committee have received the most very auspicious circumstances, and with encouraging reports; but they can only considerable success. In January last a present very brief notices of the most school was opened at Brownsville, in Penn-material. sylvania, with 109 children; which, on the The Presbytery of Niagara, in their Cirfollowing sabbath, increased to 150. In cular to the Churches under its care, dated the same month a school was opened by the Buffalo, 2d April, 1818, have, by a special Baptist Society in Pittsburgh, which admit- resolution of their body, recommended the ted, in a short period, 70 scholars. "The establishment of Sabbath Schools. Association for promoting Sabbath Schools this subject," says the Circular, " we in Pittsburgh," also report their having would say but little. Experience has fully opened eight schools, containing about 400 tested them. They are found to be the pupils. nurseries of the Church, and of good society; to serve the double purpose of enlarging and invigorating the tender mind, and of storing it with the knowledge of God and of Divine things. They are owned and blessed of God, wherever they are established."


In Fredericksburgh, (Va.) the Episcopal Society report 150 Sunday scholars, and in rapid improvement, under their care. The number under the superintendance of other denominations in that city, is about 250. A school which commenced in Fayetteville, In the village of Buffalo four schools have N. C. in October, 1816, with but three pu- been opened: one at Cayuga Creek, where pils, is now increased to 80, and is repre- one of the Buffalo scholars has become sented as in a flourishing state. The first the teacher; one at Lewistown; and anoquarterly Report of the Savannah Sunday ther about five miles east; which are atSchool numbers 126; and if your Commit- tended by the Elders of some of the Churchtee may judge from the zeal which, in com-es, who open the schools, and instruct the mon with other associations, distinguishes children in religious knowledge. In Fort this Society, much good will result from its establishment.

Niagara, Lieut. Becker, who has recently been brought to a knowledge of the truth, At Canonsburgh, in Pennsylvania, the has begun a school, which is now in successstudents of Jefferson College established a ful operation. In New Hamburgh, a school school in October last, which has continued of 58 scholars; in Thompson, two schools to prosper ever since. The example of containing sixty; in Rome, two schools of these pious young men deserves particular 50 each; in Smithtown, two schools; at notice, and your Committee hope that it Stoneridge, one for people of colour; and will soon be followed by similar institu- in Middletown, one school of great promise-have been formed, and are now shedding the rays of moral goodness on the surrounding population.


In the State of New-York, the system of Sunday School instruction has struck its roots deep in the opinions and feelings of The "Troy Association for Sabbath our citizens. Wherever its principles have Schools" are still proceeding with distinbeen made known, they have commended guished zeal, intelligence, and success. themselves to every man's judgment and They report one school in addition to their conscience. They have at once perceived former number, in the city, besides one in its provisions all that was necessary to each at Auburn, Schaghticoke, Peltstown, raise the depressed, to give light to such as Glensfalls, Whitehall, and Catskill. They

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