
in the moral firmament, giving light to those who may be in darkness, and shedding health and comfort and the pure rays of truth upon all who may be about their pathway.

Set your faces as a flint against the corrupting influence of temporary popularity. Labor and trust; "for in due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not." "They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall, doubtless, come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." "Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days."



The Third Annual Session of the Massachusetts Teachers' Association was held in Hampden Hall, Springfield, commencing Monday evening, November 22d, 1847.

The Association was called to order by the President, at 7 o'clock. In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. Charles C. Dame was appointed Secretary, pro tem, who read the records of the last meeting.

The Throne of Grace was addressed by Rev. Mr. Buckingham, of Springfield.

Mr. Parish, of Springfield, then extended a cordial welcome to the Association, to which the President responded.

The usual courtesy was extended to reporters for the press.

Messrs. Thayer and Tower, of Suffolk, Vaill and King, of Essex, Sweetser and Tweed, of Middlesex, and Bowers and Parish, of Hampden, were appointed a Committee on the Nomination of Officers, and they were instructed to report in print.

Messrs. Bowers and Parish, of Hampden, Wells, Vaill, Northend, and King, of Essex, Thayer and S.

Bates, of Suffolk, and Sweetser, of Middlesex, on motion of Mr. Bowers, of Springfield, were appointed a Committee to hear the report of the publishing committee for the past year, and to report upon the same to the Association at half-past 8 o'clock on Tuesday.

Eleven o'clock was assigned as the hour for discussing the amendment to the Constitution, proposed at the last session by Mr. Thayer, of Boston.

Mr. S. W. Bates then delivered a lecture on the "Relation of Education to its Age; " after which, the subject of the lecture was discussed by Messrs. Thayer, of Boston, Wells, of Newburyport, Northend, of Salem, Tower, of Boston, and by the lecturer of the evening. The Association then adjourned, to meet at 8 1-2 o'clock on Tuesday morning.

TUESDAY MORNING, Nov. 23d, 1847.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Sherwin, of Boston.

The Committee to whom a hearing was assigned for this hour, reported progress, and a further hearing was appointed for 2 o'clock, P. M.

On motion of Mr. Northend, an invitation was extended to Mr. Page, Principal of the Normal School, Albany, Mr. Libbey, Principal of the High School, in Portland, and to all teachers present from other States, to join in the deliberations.

Messrs. Bowers, Thayer, and Northend, were appointed a Committee on enrolment.

Remarks were made by Mr. Philbrick, of Boston, on topics suggested by the last evening's lecture.

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