That ere through age or woe I shed my wings I may record thy worth with honour due, In verse as musical as thou art true, And that immortalizes whom it sings: — But thou hast little need. There is a Book By seraphs writ with beams of heavenly light,... The Augustan review - Page 237Affichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | William Hayley - 1803 - 452 pages
...due, In verse as musical, as thou art true, Verse, that immortalizes whom it sings ! But thou hast little need : There is a Book, By Seraphs writ, with...eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright ! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary, shine, And since thou own'st that praise,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1803 - 442 pages
...verse as musical, as thou art true, . .).,-)/ Verse, that immortalizes whom it sings ! But thou hast little need : There is a Book, By Seraphs writ, with...heavenly light, On which the eyes of God not rarely look ; , . ttnj A chronicle of actions, just and bright ! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary, shine,... | |
 | William Hayley - 1803 - 330 pages
...true, Verfe, that immortalizes whom it fings ! But thou haft little need : There is a book, By feraphs writ, with beams of heavenly light, On which the eyes...of God not rarely look ; . A chronicle of actions, juft and bright ! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary, fhine, The delight that I derived from a perfect... | |
 | 1803 - 818 pages
...Verse that immortalizes whom it sings ! But thou hast little need: there is a book, Br seraphs wrtt, with beams of heavenly light, On which the eyes of God not rarely look; A chronicle of actions, just and bright! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary, shine, And iince thou own'st that praise I... | |
 | William Hayley - 1805 - 228 pages
...musical as thou art true, Verse, that immortalizes whom it sings I But thou hast little need ; Jhere is a book By seraphs writ, with beams of heavenly...eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions just and bright ! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary, shine, And since thou own'st that praise,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1806 - 490 pages true,— Verse that immortalizes whom it sings ! 394 But them Last little need : There is a bonk, By seraphs writ, with beams of heavenly light On which...eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary shine, And since thou own'st that praise, I... | |
 | William Hayley - 1806 - 484 pages
...that immortalizes whom it sings ! But thou hast little need : There is a book, By seraphs writ, wich beams of heavenly light On which the eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright! There all thy deeds, ray faithful Mary shine, And since thou own'st that praise, I... | |
 | William Cowper - 1808 - 328 pages
...honour due, In verse as musical as thou art true, Verse, that immortalizes whom it sings ! But them hast little need : There is a book, By seraphs writ, with...eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright ! There all thy deeds, mytfaithful Mary, thine, And since thou own'st that praise,... | |
 | William Cowper - 1809 - 486 pages
...immortalizes whom it sings ! 404 But tliou hast little need : there is a book. •By seraphs writt with beams of heavenly light On which the eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright ! There all thy deeds, my faithful Mary shine, And since thou own'st that praise, I... | |
 | William Cowper - 1810 - 312 pages
...due, In verse as musical as thou art true, Verse, that immortalizes whom it tings ! --.. But thou hast little need : There is a book. By seraphs writ, with...eyes of God not rarely look ; A chronicle of actions, just and bright ! Th.ere all thy deeds, my'.faithful Mary, shine, And since thou own'st that praise,... | |
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