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which I have planted, I will pluck up, even this whole Land.

5 And feekeft thou GREAT THINGS FOR thy felf? SEEK them NOT. For behold, I will bring Evil upon all Flesh, faith the LORD: but thy LIFE will I give unto thee for a Prey in all Places whither thou goest.


1 Jeremiah prophefieth the Overthrow of Pharaoh's Army. 13 The Conqueft of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar. 27 Jacob comforted in their Chafifement.

Ver. 28


EAR thou not, O Jacob my Servant, faith the LORD, for I am with thee, for I will make a FULL End of all the Nations whither I have driven thee, but I will not make a FULL END of thee, but CORRECT thee in Measure, yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.

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The Judgment of Moab, 7 For their Pride. 11 For their Security. 14 For their Carnal Confidence, 26 And for their Contempt of God and his People. 47 The Restauration of Moab.


The Judgment of the Ammonites. 7 Of Edom. 23 Of Damafcus. 28 Of Kedar. 30 Of Hazor. 34 And of Élam.

T is conceived, it may not be improper to infert in this

I place the story of the Jews, during their Captivity in

Babylon, as it is related in the Book of Daniel.





Of the Book of



So far as relates to what befel the Jews after their Captivity to Babylon.

The Conqueft of Babylon by the Perfians, and the Decree of Cyrus for rebuilding the Temple.


Jehoiakim's Captivity. 3 Appenaz taketh Daniel, Hananiah, Mihael and Azariah. 8 They refufing the King's Portion, do profper with Pulfe and Water. 17 Their ExcelLency in Wifdom.

Ver. 1


IN the third Year of the Reign of Jehoiakim King of Judah, came Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it.

2 And

2 And the LORD gave Jehoiakim into his Hand, with part of the Veffels of the Houfe of GOD, which he carried into the Land of Shinar to the House of his God, and he brought the Veffels into the Treasure.

3 And the King fpake unto Afhpenaz the Master of his Eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the Children of Ifrael, and of the King's Seed, and of the Princes;

4 Children in whom was no Blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all Wisdom, and understanding Science, and whom they might teach the Learning, and the Tongue of the Chaldeans.

5 And the King appointed them a daily Provifion of the King's Meat, and of the Wine which he drank.

6 Now among these were of the Children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah:

7 Unto whom the Prince of the Eunuchs gave Names: unto Daniel the Name of Beltefhazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mifhael, of Mefhach; and to Azariah, of Abed-nego.

8 But Daniel purposed in his Heart, that he would not defile himself with the King's Meat, nor Wine: therefore he requested of the Prince of the Eunuchs, that he might not defile himself.

9 Now GOD had brought Daniel into Favour and tender Love with the Prince of the Eunuchs.

to And who faid unto Daniel, I fear my LORD the King, who hath appointed your Meat and Drink: for why fhould he fee your Faces, worfe liking than the Children which are of your Sort? then fhall ye make me endanger my Head to the King.

11 Then faid Daniel to Melzar, whom the Prince of the Eunuchs had fet over Daniel, Hananiah, Mihael, and Azariah,

12 Prove thy Servants, I befeech thee, ten Days, and let them give us Pulfe to eat, and Water to drink.

14 So he confented to them in this Matter, and proved them ten Days.

15 And at the End of ten Days, their Countenances appeared fairer, and fatter in Flefh, than all the Children which did eat the Portion of the King's Meat.

17 As for these four Children, GOD gave them Knowledge and Skill in all Learning and Wifdom: and Daniel had Understanding in all Vifions and Dreams.

18 Now at the End of the Days that the King had faid he fhould bring them in, then the Prince of the Eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

19 And the King communed with them, and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah: therefore ftood they before. the King.

20 And in all Matters of Wisdom and Understanding that the King enquired of them, he found them ten Times better than all the Magicians and Aftrologers that were in all his Realm.

21 And continued even unto the first Year of King Cyrus.


1 Nebuchadnezzar forgetting his Dream, requireth it of the Chaldeans, by Promifes and Threatnings. 10 They acknowledge their Inability, are judged to die, 14 Daniel obtaining fome Refpite, findeth the Dream. 19 He bleffeth God. 24 He Staying the Decree, is brought to the King. 31 The Dream. 36 The Interpretation. 46 Daniel's Advancement.

: Ver. 1 ND in the second Year of his Reign, Nebuchad

was troubled, and his Sleep brake from him.

2 Then the King commanded to call the Magicians, Aftrologers, Sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to fhew the King his Dreams:

3 And the King faid unto them, I have dreamed a Dream, and my Spirit was troubled to know the Dream.

4 Then fpake the Chaldeans to the King in Syriack, O King, live for ever: tell thy Servants the Dream, and we will thew the Interpretation.

5 The King answered and faid to the Chaldeans, the THING IS GONE from me: if ye will not make known unto me the Dream, with the Interpretation thereof, ye fhall be cut in Pieces, and your Houses fhall be made a Dunghil.

6 But if ye fhew the Dream, and the Interpretation thereof, ye fhall receive of me Gifts and Rewards, and great Honour:

7 They answered again and faid, Let the King tell his Servants the Dream, and we will fhew the Interpretation of it.

8 The King anfwered and said, I know of Certainty that ye would gain the Time, because ye fee the Thing is GONE from ME.


9 But

9 But if ye will not make known unto me the Dream, there is but one Decree for you: for ye have prepared lying, and corrupt Words to speak before me, till the Time be changed: therefore tell me the Dream, and I fhall know that ye can fhew me the Interpretation thereof.

10 The Chaldeans anfwered before the King, and faid, There is not a Man upon the Earth that can fhew the King's Matter: therefore there is no King, that afked fuch Things at any Magician, or Aftrologer, or Chaldean.

11 And it is a rare Thing that the King requireth, and there is none other that can fhew it before the King, except the Gods, whofe Dwelling is not with Flesh.

12 For this Caufe the King was angry and very furious, and commanded to deftroy all the wife Men of Babylon. 13 And the Decree went forth, and they fought Daniel and his Fellows to be flain.

14 Then Daniel anfwered with Counfel and Wifdom to Arioch Captain of the King's Guard, which was gone forth to flay the wife Men of Babylon.

15 He answered and faid to Arioch, Why is the Decree fo hafty from the King? then Arioch made the Thing known to Daniel.

16 Then Daniel went in, and defired of the King, that he would give him Time, and that he would fhew the King the Interpretation.

17 Then Daniel went to his Houfe, and made the Thing known to Hananiah, Mifhael and Azariah his Companions.

18 That they would DESIRE MERCIES of the GOD of Hea ven concerning this SECRET; that Daniel and his Fellows fhould not perifh with the reft of the wife Men of Babylon.

19 Then was the SECRET revealed unto Daniel in a NIGHT VISION: then Daniel bleffed the GoD of Heaven.


Job xii. 17 He leadeth Counkilors away fpoiled, and maketh the Judges Fools.

20 Daniel anfwered and faid, Bleffed be the Name of GOD for ever and ever: for Wisdom and Might are his. 21 And he changeth the TIMES and the Seafons: he REMOVETH KINGS, and SETTETH up Kings: he giveth Wisdom unto the Wife, and Knowledge to them that know Understanding.

22 He revealeth the deep and fecret Things, he knoweth what is in the Darknefs,

18 He loofeth the Bond of Kings, and girdeth their Loyns with a Gir


19 He leadeth Princes away spoiled, and overthroweth the Mighty.

21 He poureth Contempt upea of the Mighty. Princes, and weakneth the Strength


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