
Sins only which we are under little Temptation to commit, but to perform that Obedience alfo from which we are upon any of the forementioned Accounts moft averfe, and from which we would be exempted, if it were allowed us to pick and chufe which of God's Commands we would obey, and where we would be excufed. This Univerfality of Obedience, I fay, is that which is the plaineft and beft Mark of Sincerity in doing God's Will. For to do the Will of God fincerely, is to do it because it is God's Will, and that Principle will carry us thro' the whole Circle of our Duty, and make our Obedience in this Refpect like that of the Angels in Heaven, who perform their Maker's Will without difputing any Part of it. So that this Petition fhews us what we are to aim at in the Courfe of our Chriftian Converfation, which is no lefs than to grow up to the Perfection of obeying our Maker and Saviour in every Thing that he hath required of us, and that always, with-out the Interruption of any wilful Neglect of Duty, or Commiffion of Sin, and as much as may be, without the Mixture of any finful Frailty. And for this reason it is requifite for us to propound to our felves the most perfect Examples, fuch as the Obedience of the holy Angels. And therefore our Lord hath not taught us in this Prayer o pray that we may do God's Will upon

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Earth as it has been done upon the Earth by the holy Prophets, and the Apostles, and the like, for they have all failed in fome thing or other, but as it is done by, the Angels in Heaven, that never offended their Maker; and yet no question but we may and ought to pray to do the Will of God, as thofe holy Men have done it; for we are to be Followers of them who thro' Faith and Patience inherit the Promises; but not of them without Exception, not abfolutely of them, but in Things only wherein they have done well. Be ye Followers of me, faith St. Paul, as I am of Chrift. Therefore our Lord, to fhew us what we are 'to aim at in our Chriftian Race, hath taught us to propound the compleat Obedience of the Angels in Heaven to our felves, as the Pattern of our Obedience, and by confequence that we are to be growing always towards Perfection, and to mark the Failings of good Men, not as Patterns for our Imitation, but as Warnings, to make us more circumfpect against Temptation, to keep us from Folly, and not to excufe our felves if we do as they did.

2. This is to pray alfo that we may do the Will of God with great Readiness and Chearfulness of Mind, which is another fort of Perfection in obeying, wherewith God's Will is done in Heaven, the Angels being represented there to ftand about God, and

to do his Pleasure, and to hearken to the Voice of his Word, Pfal. 103. 20. Which Expreffions imply the Delight they take in obeying his Will, and difcharging all Duties committed to them, and their loving to do it. And this is that which we must endeavour after, as we have great reafon to do, till we have attained in fome measure to it. No queftion but they are much to be commended, who as it were force and constrain themselves to Acts of Righteousness, and Charity, and Piety, as they will find it neceffary, who having liv'd in a long Course of Sin, do at length apply their Minds to Repentance and Reformation. It will not be without fome Reluctance and Uneafiness at first that they refift Temptations, deny their own Appetites, and efchew Evil, and do Good. But this is commendable only in the beginning of or firft Entrance upon a good Life. It is a great and juft Accufation if a Man ftill finds that Averfion from his Duty which he did first of all; 'tis a Sign that he is not yet fully reconciled to it, that his Heart is not right in the Sight of God. For this is the Love of God, that we keep his Commandments, and his Commandments are not grievous. That is, that we do not complain of them, nor are troubled that we are thus bound up by Rules, but that we are fo convinc'd by the Experience of the Goodness of God's Laws, that if we were


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left to our own Liberty we would chufe to govern our felves by them. And this is one principal Rule by which we are to judge of that which the Scripture fo often requires of us, viz. to grow in Grace, and perfect Holiness in the Fear of God, and press forward towards the Mark of our high Calling; when we are more ready to do Works of Piety and Charity; when we can with greater Eafe and Satisfaction to our felyes refuse the Gains and Pleasures of Sin than once we could. By this we may know that we are improved in the Life of God, and are growing up towards the Perfection of those blessed Spirits in Heaven, that know no greater Pleasure than to perform their Maker's Will.

3. In confequence from hence we pray in this Petition that we may obey God from a Principle of Divine Love, which is that indeed that makes Religion and Virtue eafy and pleasant to a good Man. The Love of God is that which doth perfectly influence the Obedience of the holy Angels. And altho' we are to be moved by Hope and by Fear, yet we should aspire after the utmost Degrees of this Perfection that we can attain, viz. to love God with all our Hearts and Souls, and to ground our Obedience upon that as much as ever we can, which will be fo far from abating the Influence of that Hope and Fear, which are truly pious Affections,

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fections, that in my Opinion it does but help to make them more operative and effectual. For the more we love God, the greater will be our Defire, and confequently our Hope and Expectation of the second coming of our Lord. And again, the more we love God, the more we fhall be afraid of being feparated from him for ever; we fhall not be able to endure the Thought of our being one Day excluded from his Prefence, and fhut out of his Kingdom. And therefore above all Things we fhall avoid thofe Ways that will feparate us from him, who is our exceeding great Reward, and our Portion for ever. This Principle of Obedience is in it felf most perfect, and includes all others; it is that which will render our religious and virtuous Actions moft pleafing to our felves, and most pleasing to God, and is therefore to be nourish'd by Arguments and Confiderations of God's great Goodness and innumerable Benefits, by Frequency of good Actions, by Conftancy in our Prayers, and is it felf to be the Subject of our earnest Defire, and was by our Lord made the Matter of our Defire in this excellent Petition, that we might do the Will of God on Earth as it is done in Heaven.

4. This is to pray also that we may perform all our Duties with a reverent Senfe of God's Majesty, and an humble Opinion of our felves, and of all that we do, not afcri

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