


"The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple 99

WHY should we grudge the hour and house of prayer

To Christ's own blind and lame,

Who come to meet Him there?

Better, be sure, His altar-flame

Should glow in one dim wavering spark,

Than quite die down, and leave His temple drear and dark.

"But in our Psalm their choral answers fail.".

Nay, but the heart may speak,

And to the holy tale

Respond aright in silence meek.

And well we know, bright angel throngs

Are by, to swell those whisperings into warbled songs.

What if the world our two or three despise ?

They in His name are here,

To Whom in suppliant guise

Of old the blind and lame drew near.

Beside His royal courts they wait

And ask His healing Hand: we dare not close the




"I will not offer burnt-offerings without cost."

"WHY deck the high cathedral roof
With foliage rich and rare,

With crowns and flowerets far aloof,
To none but Angels fair?

"Why for the lofty Altar hide

Thy gems and gold in store? Why spread the burnished pall so wide Upon the chancel floor ?"

Nay, rather ask, why duteous boy

And mother-loving maid

Scarce in their filial gifts find joy,

If nought of theirs be paid:

Why hearts, that true love-tokens need

For brother or for friend,

Count not the cost with careful heed,

But haste their all to spend :

Ask why of old the favoured king
Enquired the Temple's price,
Not bearing to his Lord to bring
An unbought sacrifice.

Yea, lowly fall, and of thy Lord

In silence ask and dread,

Why praised He Mary's ointment, poured Upon His Sacred Head.



"The Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with Thee and it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark."

OFT have I heard our elders say,

How sad the autumnal hour,
How rude the touch of stern decay,
How fast the bright hues melt away
In mountain, sky, and bower!

Yet is it dear delight to me

The rustling leaves to tread,

To heap and toss them wild and free,

Their fragrance breathe, and o'er them see

Soft evening lustre shed.

And some will say, 'tis drear and cold

In holy Church to kneel

With one or two, Christ's little fold,

With blind and lame, with poor and old,

There met for Him to heal.

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