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Acts, Chap. VI.-7. And the word of God in-creas-ed: and the num-ber of the dis-ci-ples mul-ti-pli-ed in Je-ru-sa-lem great-ly, and a great com-pa-ny of the priests were o-be-di-ent to the faith.

8. And Ste-phen, full of faith and pow-er, did great won-ders and mir-a-cles a-mong the peo-ple. 10. And they were not a-ble to re-sist the wisdom and the spir-it by which he spake.




11. Then they sub-orn-ed men, which said, We have heard him speak blas-phe-mous words a-gainst Mo-ses, and a-gainst GOD.

12. And they stir-red up the peo-ple, and the el-ders, and the scribes; and came up-on him, and caught him, and brought him to the coun-cil.

13. And set up false wit-ness-es, which said: This man ceas-eth not to speak blas-phe-mous words a-gainst this ho-ly place and the law.

14. For we have heard him say, that this Je-sus of Naz-a-reth shall de-stroy this place, and shall change the cus-toms which Mo-ses de-liv-er-ed us.

15. And all that sat in the coun-cil, look-ing stead-fast-ly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an an-gel.

Acts, Chap. VII.—55. But he, be-ing full of the Ho-ly Ghost, look-ed up stead-fast-ly in-to hea-ven, and saw the glo-ry of GOD, and Je-sus stand-ing on the right hand of GOD.

56. And said, Be-hold! I see the hea-vens o-pen-ed, and the Son of Man stand-ing on the right hand of GOD.

57. Then they cri-ed out with a loud voice, and stop-ped their ears, and ran up-on him with one accord.

58. And cast him out of the cit-y, and sto-ned him

and the wit-ness-es laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

59. And they sto-ned Ste-phen, call-ing up-on GOD, and say-ing, Lord Je-sus, re-ceive my spir-it.

60. And he kneel-ed down, and cri-ed with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell a-sleep.

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Acts, Chap. IX.-1. And Saul, yet breath-ing out threat-en-ings and slaugh-ter a-gainst the dis-ci-ples of the LORD, went un-to the high priest.

2. And de-si-red of him let-ters to Da-mas-cus to the syn-a-gogues, that if he found a-ny of this way, whe-ther they were men or wo-men, he might bring them bound in-to Je-ru-sa-lem.

3. And as he jour-ney-ed, he came near Da-mas



cus, and sud-den-ly there shi-ned round a-bout him

a light from hea-ven.
4. And he fell to the
say-ing un-to him, Saul!
thou me?

earth, and heard a voice Saul! why per-se-cu-test

5. And he said, Who art thou, LORD? And the LORD said, I am Je-sus, whom thou per-secu-test: it is hard for thee to kick a-gainst the pricks.

6. And he, trem-bling and as-ton-ish-ed, said, LORD, what wilt thou have me to do? And the LORD said un-to him, A-rise and go in-to the cit-y, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

7. And the men which jour-ney-ed with him stood speech-less, hear-ing a voice, but see-ing no


8. And Saul a-rose from the earth; and when his eyes were o-pen-ed, he saw no man; but they led him by the hand, and brought him in-to Da


20. And straight-way he preach-ed Christ in the syn-a-gogues, that he is the Son of GOD.

21. But all that heard him were a-ma-zed, and said, Is not this he that de-stroy-ed them which call-ed on this name in Je-ru-sa-lem, and came hith-er for that in-tent, that he might bring them bound un-to the chief priests?

22. But Saul in-creas-ed the more in strength, and con-found-ed the Jews which dwelt at Da-mas-cus, prov-ing that this is the ve-ry Christ.

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1. Pot-te-ry, or the art of ma-king ves-sels from clay or earth, is ve-ry old. We read of it in the book of Job and in other an-cient wri-tings. In Chi-na it has been one of the first of the arts from the ear-li-est a-ges.

2. There are va-ri-ous kinds of pot-te-ry, from the com-mon gar-den pot to the fi-nest tea-cup; yet all are made af-ter the same man-ner, that is, from a soft paste or clay, which is ei-ther dried in the sun or burnt in a kiln.

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