
to all who hear the gospel, if impenitence, are excluded from we would get right ideas of the any advantage from it, except greatness of the mercy of God while they are continued as protowards men. And here again bationers on trial. Should any the mercy of God appears great feel, because they do not receive unto the heavens. All the com- the comforts of religion, as tho' forts and privileges of this life, God were austere and hard with every thing better than the them, let them enquire whether wrath which we deserve, is they have quitted their rebellion, the fruit of this mercy. A and have come to Christ for greater mercy still is the offer mercy in the exercise of reof a full deliverance from sin pentance and faith in the Reand captivity to Satan. Sin is deemer, or whether they reject the worst of all evils, and a de- these terms of salvation? Perliverance from it, the greatest haps they have not made trial of deliverance we can receive. his grace, but are displeased Another benefit is deliverance with the holiness it demands. from the wrath of God, which | Let them make trial of it, or is due to us for our iniquities. But deliverance is not all that infinite mercy does for us; perfect holiness and conformity to God are offered us, and the inheritance of eternal glory.This far exceeds the original state of Adam. Divine grace does not rest in merely restoring us to the blessedness from which we fell, it brings us to heaven instead of paradise. These are infinite benefits.

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for ever acknowledge that they. have nothing to object against the evidence now given of the admirable riches of divine grace. How improper it is for men to think or speak of God as unmerciful, while they have invariably refused to receive his grace! Again,

Since, the mercy of God is so admirable, and such infinite things have been done in the exercise of it, beyond what have been done in the exercise of any other known attribute of the Deity, we have clear evidence that mercy is his delight. Let sinners then know that they may, without any risk, venture them

But the benefits of divine mercy are not confined to men. The holy angels desire to look into these things; and it is very much in the grace of God to men, that they behold the exceeding riches of divine good-selves for eternity, on the mere ness; for grace is the most wonderful expression of it. Their happiness is also increased, by the joy they have, over every sinner that repenteth. Thus the benefits of divine mercy spread over all heaven, and convey an eternal weight of glory to all who rely upon it among mankind. How wonderful is the mercy of God!

By the holy nature of divine mercy, all who continue in final

mercy of God in Christ, without seeking for any other foundation for justification. How affectionately are we invited to come unto Christ, that we may find rest to our souls! If we perish, it will not be through any defect in the mercy of God; but our blood will be upon our own heads.

The view we have taken of the astonishing fulness of divine grace, though infinitely unequal to the truth, is exccedingly en

couraging and supporting to all of the deceased, I presume will such, as are disposed to rely on meet the feelings of my audithe holy mercy of God. They ence, and subserve the imporneed not be dismayed at any tant end of gospel instruction. trials to which they may be ex- The task, therefore, I attempt posed, not though the earth be as a duty, and with uncommon removed, and the mountains satisfaction in the subject. carried into the midst of the sea. "Mrs. Abigail Lee, the belovIf they have enemies, this pro-ed and much lamented deceasmise may support them, "My ed, whose earthly remains now grace is sufficient for thee." No-lie before us, in her sphere of thing shall be able to separate them from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.

This view of the infinitude of divine grace, is an encouragement to us to abound in prayer. If God were less gracious, the encouragements would be proportionably less; but as it is, we may be sure that none shall seek the face of God in vain.

It may also be well to reflect, that as such infinite mercies are offered to us freely, we are bound to bless God for the offer, and are equally indebted to him for those proposals of grace, whether we accept them or not. Let us then take heed that we refuse not him that speaketh from heaven; but be thankful and bless his holy name.



life, the duties of which she discharged with respectability and usefulness, was, on many accounts, an interesting Christian character, one of those worthies who are to be holden, in everlasting remembrance. The tears, and sad countenances of this numerous assembly, give an unequivocal testimony of public


"She was born in Salisbury February 19th, 1770, and there she was brought up. Her parentage was respectable. Her father Joshua Stanton Esq. was a very wealthy farmer, and for a number of years past has lived in Chittenden County, Vermont. By her pious mother, she was early dedicated to God in baptism. Through the gay season of youth, she was distinguished for filial affection, sobriety of manners, and an amiable and steady deportment. Her person was pleasing, and an air of meekness and dignity was re

Memoirs of the life, character and religious exercises of Mrs. Abigail Lee, consort of the Rev. Chauncey Lee, of Cole-markably blended in her counbrook; who departed life Oc- tenance. She was lovely and tober 20, 1805, in the 36th, beloved. At the age of eighyear of her age. Extracted teen, she gave her hand in marfrom the sermon, delivered at riage to Mr. Chauncey Lee, her interment, by the Rev. then a young attorney, commenSamuel J. Mills, of Torring- cing business in the practice of ford, with some enlargements. law, now your worthy pastor, and most tenderly afflicted under his irreparable loss.

O give some brief, biographical sketches of the character, life and religious exercises

"As to her spiritual concerns, we may notice that God's deal

viour had fixed on, to bring her out of darkness into marvellous light. This too was gradual, as her preparation for it' had been. Awakened by the still, small voice of conscience, the hand of God was remarkably tender in her impressions. Her terrors and distresses were not great, and, though the change must have been instantaneous, yet her transition from darkness to light, was gradual, like the progress

ings with her, both before and since her conversion, have been remarkable. In the journey of her married life, she has been led through a series of the most trying scenes of untoward misfortunes and distresses, both before and since her residence with you, which there is not time to particularize. By the word and providences of God, and the tender and unwearied exertions of her husband, she was gradually led to adopt the great and dis-of day-break. Her enmity and tinguishing doctrines of grace. opposition were taken away, but This, however, was but in spec- she was not immediately blest ulation; but in this way she was with the comfort of hope. For instructed in the truth, and by several weeks before Christ was knowledge in the mind, a foun- pleased to reveal himself in her, dation was laid for divine grace the hope of glory, she was held in her heart, in God's appointed in one point of view, that is adtime. This, to me, accounts for miring and adoring the infinitely her setting a very high estima- perfect justice of God, by which, tion upon argumentative ser- as she considered, she must be mons upon the cardinal points, for ever excluded his kingdom and being peculiarly edified with and presence.-Herterrors were them, which is not common gone. She had no fears of wrath. even among Christian professors. All was right-all was just-she By the operations of the Spirit was a fit subject of eternal punupon her mind, in her unconvert-ishment-deserved nothing else, ed state, she became in successive seasons deeply impressed, when her attention and concern, for a short period, would be solemny drawn towards the things of eternity; and the tender solicitude and fervent prayers of her affectionate husband, be much awakened and excited. These solemn seasons, however, were short, and these serious impressions would soon wear off.

"We pass on to the period of her residing in this town, which has been the theatre of her religious life. She was not one of the fruits of the attention which commenced in Dr. Edwards' day, but a grape gleaned after the vintage. The winter of the year 1801 was the time her SaVOL. VI, No. 9.

and had nothing to object. She, however, felt as if she had lost her conviction, and was sinking into stupidity.

"God is pleased to work by means, though infinitely above the need of them, and to make his ministers workers together with him, in accomplishing the designs of his grace and mercy. The following is an example. The Rev. David Huntington, providentially sent on this errand of love, returning from his northern mission, took lodging for a night, under her hospitable roof. His conversation was spiritual and heavenly-upon the love of God-the fullness, grace and glory of Christ. quickening it was refreshing

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It was

to her, and like the cooling she been heard to say, with great stream to the thirsty fainting emotion, "Oh, had I but the soul. The light of Heaven beam-means, I would make the hearts ed upon her soul-she accepted of the poor sing for joy.” She of Christ, and rejoiced in his had a great attachment to the salvation. word of God, and made her Bible the man of her counsel. She was prayerful and conscientious in the religious duties of the family and the closet, and in the religious instruction of her children. She loved the sabbath, and the duties of it, and never was unnecessarily detained from the worship and instruction of the sanctuary.

"In the May after, she made a public profession of her faith in Christ, entered into covenant with God, and united with this Church.

"By their fruits, saith Christ, shall ye know them; and by this rule, the Christian character of Mrs. Lee has been particularly known and distinguished. It has appeared peculiarly amiable in the family and social relations. As the mistress of a family, order, carefulness, industry and frugality marked all her movements. These, which before were the fruits of a good education, now flowed from a religious principle. She was an affectionate wife-her husband's heart trusted safely in her, and reposed unlimited confidence. She was a very tender and affectionate mother to her children, and to the children of others under her family care. She manifested a benevolent regard for her neighbors, both in their temporal and spiritual interests, -often conversed with them upon the importance of religion, and warned them of the danger of neglecting it. She received her friends with generous kindness, and her house was the seat of hospitality. I speak this with confidence, for you all know it. She was charitable and forgiving towards every one's faults but her own-nor less was her charitable compassion to the poor. Often has she contributed to their necessities, with a liberality beyond the scantiness of her means; and often has

"I mention not these things, my friends, to give you any new information about her; but to hold up examples, so deserving of our imitation, that they ought not to be unnoticed, and by which, though dead, she yet speaketh. My acquaintance with her, since her becoming a disciple of Christ, and especially in her long last sickness, has been particular, and the statement now given of her life and character, is derived from the most authentic sources.

"I shall now advert to a certain trait in Mrs. Lee's religious character, very distinguishing and extraordinary, and which I can truly say, I never met with in the same degree, in any other person-and that is, such clear and full evidences of a gracious state, accompanied at the same time, with so small a degree of religious enjoyment. It is, undoubtedly, a correct scripture sentiment, that religion and its comforts, are not, in this world, inseparable; and that a man's religion cannot be measured by his joys and transports; but, in no other instance have I ever known, this principle so fully exemplified, as in

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the history of Mrs. Lee; and, cannot be made too publicly for the same reason, I conclude | known, in order to shew, that a her rest is the more refreshing person may be even very em-her heaven the more happy inent in grace, and yet possess and glorious to her. In her but a very small share of reliChristian journey, she has tra- gious enjoyment. The graces velled mostly by night-but of the Christian are the fruits though "weeping may endure of the Spirit-they are prefor a night, joy cometh in the cious pearls-and if Christ is morning," and her darkness we pleased to strew them in this trust is succeeded by the light sinful world, bidding us mark of eternal day. It is undoubt- the perfect man" shall we, thro' edly characteristic of the real motives of delicacy, scruple to Christian, to be diffident of his gather them, and lay them up own exercises, and have a godly among our jewels? God forbid. jealousy over his heart; but I It will not be making the subject never knew one maintain such cheap, but the more preciousa rigid scrutiny over her own for, the more grace there is in heart, and be so afraid to take the world, and the more it is up any evidence in her own fa-exhibited and distinguished, the vor, as was Mrs. Lee-though, perhaps, in the strength of holy desire she is equalled by few, who profess the Christian character. Many a time, has she been kept from sinking by that precious promise of Christ, conscientiously applied-" Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." It was adapted to her case.

more highly will it be valued, and the more glory will redound to God and the Lamb.

"Let us now attend to the interesting scene of her last sickness and death, which, like all her other exercises and sufferings, gradually progressed to their consummation. About the beginning of the last winter, she was suddenly seized with the disorder that finally terminated her valuable life—a distressing cough, with other symptoms of a pulmonary consumption. From her first sei

with the belief, that it was her last sickness, and she should never recover.

"It seems to have been the design of heaven, by her example, to exhibit the Christian character, in a new attitude. Thus to display God's holy sovereign-zure, her mind was impressed ty, and rebuke us for prescribing rules to him. This circumstance in her character, is to be accounted for, from one or both of these two causes-either from constitutional make, or from her setting up as her model and standard for examination, characters, eminent, not only for their religious exercises, but their religious enjoyments. It is for this reason, I feel, that the Christian character, and religious exercises of Mrs. Lee,

"With the history of her last sickness, you are all acquainted. No exertions were spared, and no means neglected, which a fond husband, and her benevolent friends could administer for her recovery. But the progress toward dissolution, was steady and sure. At times her friends were cheered with hopes of her recovery; and she herself, at a

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