The Library Bulletin of Cornell University, Volume 2,Numéros 1886 à 1891

The University, 1891

Pages sélectionnées

Table des matières

Autres éditions - Tout afficher

Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 85 - Joel, L. A consul's manual and shipowner's and shipmaster's guide in their transactions abroad ; with definitions of nautical, mercantile, and legal terms, a glossary of mercantile terms in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish ; tables of money, weights and measures ; and forms of consular and notarial acts. L., 1879. 8°. pp. xvi + 388.
Page 12 - Tredgold, T. Elementary principles of carpentry; a treatise on the pressure and equilibrium of timber framing, the resistance of timber, and construction ; with rules and examples, tables of scantlings, specific gravity of materials, etc. ; added, an essay on timber. With appendix of specimens of roofs of stone and iron. 6th ed., by EW Tarn. L, 1885. 4°. pp. xx
Page 40 - pp. 146. Same. Amended to 1872. Cohoes, NY, 1872. 8". pp. 174+ (i). District of Columbia. An act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approved June n, 1878; with references to changes in its provisions ; and subsequent laws of general nature affecting said government, passed prior to March 3, 1885. Wash., 1886. 8°. pp. x
Page 111 - editor. La journée des madrigaux; suivie de La gazette de Tendre, et du Carnaval des prétieuses. Introduction et notes. P., 1856. 16°. pp. (5) + 104. Plate. Minto, W. A manual of English prose literature, biographical and critical ; designed mainly to show characteristics of style,
Page 104 - xxxii. Same. Prospectus and catalogue of plates. Nicholson, HA Manual of zoology for the use of students ; with a general introduction on the principles of zoology. 7th ed., rewritten and enlarged. Edin., etc., 1887. 8°. pp.
Page 87 - Elements of infinitesimal calculus; with examples and applications to analysis and geometry. Cin , etc., (cop. 1875.) 8°. pp. 441. Clifford, WK Elements of dynamic; an introduction to the study of motion and rest. Pt. I. L., 1878-87. i pt. in 2 v. 16°.
Page 41 - Proceedings. July i-Dec. 31, 1864. NY, Commissioner of Public Works. Synopsis Common Council. An act [of the State legislature] to consolidate into one act the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York ; being chapter 410 of the laws of 1882, with supplementary act, chapter 276, laws of 1883.
Page 150 - M. Histoire du droit municipal en France, sous la domination romaine, et sous les trois dynasties. P., 1829. 2 v. 8°. St. Louis, Mo. — City Council. The revised ordinance of the city, 1887. Prefixed, the constitution of the United States, constitution of Missouri, a digest of acts of the General Assembly relating
Page 302 - Dentón, JB Agricultural drainage. L., 1883. 80. pp. viii + 94. Map. Engineering estimates, costs, and accounts; a guide to commercial engineering; with examples of estimates and costs of millwright work, miscellaneous productions, steam engines, and steam boilers, and a section on the preparation of costs accounts ; by a general manager. L., 1890. 8°. pp. xii
Page 102 - Railway problems : an inquiry into the economic conditions of railway working in different countries. L., 1887. 8°. pp. xxviii + 560. Kotze, O., editor. Die preussischen Städte-Verfassungen für die sechs östlichen Provinzen, Neuvorpommern und Rügen, Westfalen, die Kheinprovinz, Frankfurt a. M. und Schleswig-Holstein; nebst allen bis auf die neueste Zeit in Bezug auf dieselben ergangenen Gesetzen,

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