
concerning my behaviour, and who will renew to your Majesty all the sincere protestations of my zeal and respect, assuring you, that I intend to be all my life-time, &c.

No. 18.

The French King's answer to his Royal Highness the Duke of Savoy's Letter, dated May the 24th, 1690.

Dear Brother,

I UNDERSTAND with great satisfaction, by your letter which Monsieur Catinat has sent me, the resolution you have taken to put into my hands the citadels of Turin and of Verrue; and seeing that the Count of Provance is not here, and that if I should stay for his arrival, to hear what he has to say to me on your part, there would be wasted a considerable time, in which the march of my troops towards the dutchy of Milan would be put off; I thought fit to send to the Sieur Catinat, full powers to receive those places in my name; and, in the mean time, I am willing to assure you, by this letter, that I have been very much troubled to find myself obliged to give orders for my troops to enter your territories; and that as soon as I shall have no cause to doubt of your zeal for my interest, and of that constant affection for my crown, of which most of your ancestors have given many substantial proofs, I will render you my friendship with pleasure, and do that for you which your near relationship gives you reason to hope for.

I am, &c.

No. 19.

Letter from his Royal Highness's Chancellor to Mons. Catinat, June the 3d, 1690.


His Royal Highness has been extremely troubled to understand, by what I have told him of your invincible resistance to

accept the proposals I have made you in his name, the misfortune he has not to be able to satisfy his Majesty, and to see that so many extraordinary endeavours of his to please him, have been altogether unsuccessful. It is without doubt the effect of my little capacity to make them agreeable, which I am also heartily sorry for. But thinking that his Royal Highness's proposals concerning the places and troops, were so very liberal and just, that they wanted no art of rhetoric, I received with pleasure his orders to make them known to you. I wish with all my heart that you would be pleased to assist me with your great experience of the affairs of the world, to find out some other more successful expedient. I will do all that lies in my power to make them acceptable to his Royal Highness, as also to let you see, by my care, the honour I have to be really yours, &c.

No. 20.

Monsieur Catinat's Answer to the Chancellor's Letter, dated June the 3d, 1690.


I HAVE received the letter, you have done me the honour to write to me, which I find to be written with the same spirit as all his Royal Highness's ministers have discovered to me in our conversations. I have found nothing that has been positive in all the treaties I have had the honour to have about a business of so great consequence, except the promises that have been made to the King by his Royal Highness, in a letter which he has had the honour to write to him with his own hand.

I am, &c.

No. 21.

Monsieur Calinat's Letter to his Royal Highness, June the 16, 1690,


I HAVE to day received an express from his Majesty, with such orders as may furnish some means to your Royal Highness to help yourself out of those extremities which you yourself have drawn upon you. For this reason I beseech your Royal Highness to send to me two or three of your ministers, in whom you have most confidence, that I may make it known to them; for the going and coming of which I take the liberty to send you passports. I humbly beseech your Royal Highness to do me the honour to believe that I am, with deep respect, &c.

No. 22.

His Royal Highness's Answer to Monsieur Catinat's Letter, dated June the 17th, 1690.

You have as many witnesses as you have soldiers, of what I have suffered, to show my respect for, and readiness to serve, the King your master. You know I consented to your demand, about some of my troops going into France; that you shewed a great satisfaction about it to the Marquis Ferrero, as if it had been your only design in my regard, and that you told me we should henceforth look upon the king's troops as friends. Nevertheless, some few days after, you wanted some of my strong places; afterwards you desired that, contrary to your first proposals, my troops were not to go into France, but to join your army in order to act against the dutchy of Milan. After which you see that I have reason to wish, that in case you have any thing to propose to me, you would do it in writing, and I will

do the same.

This is all that I can say at present, in answer to your letter, and that I will always preserve those sentiments of esteem for you, with which I am, &c.

No. 23.

Monsieur Catinal's Reply to his Royal Highness's Answer, June the 17th, 1690.


I HAVE received the letter your Royal Highness has done me the honour to write to me, in which your intentions are so clear and evident to follow those engagements you have embraced a great while ago, that it is needless to propose to you any thing in writing that may furnish the means to recover the honour of his Majesty's favour. I am, with all the respect that is owing to you.




Adrian, the Roman emperor, i. 152. his letter to Minutius Fun-
danus in behalf of the Christians, 154.

Erius, endeavours to restore the simplicity of the Christian
worship, i. 275. denied the distinction between bishop and
elder, 276.

Albert de Capitaneis, appointed papal legate in France and
Piedmont, ii. 216. his sanguinary exploits in the valley of
Loyse, 218. invades Piedmont at the head of a crusading
army, 220.

Aguit, Mr. Francis, a Waldensian pastor, apostatizes from his
profession, ii. 331. his repentance and conversion, 332.
Agelius, pastor of the Novatianist church in Constantinople,
i. 268.

Alaric, the Gothic chief, besieges Rome, i. 297. and ultimately
sacks it, 303.
Albigenses, mistakes concerning them rectified, ii. 2. were the
same class of people as the Waldenses, 4. proceedings of the
inquisitors against them, 110. their extraordinary conduct at
the siege of Beziers, 118. are massacred by the crusading
army, 120, the sect nearly exterminated in that quarter, 135.
the manner in which they were treated by the inquisitors, 136.
the immense multitudes of them that were apprehended in
France, 137.

Albinus, state of Judea under his government, i. 112.
Alcuin, some account of, i. 376, note.

Aldegonde, Lord of, a Flemish nobleman, dictates the Com-
promise, ii. 272.

Alexander and Arius, how they represented each others views
of the sonship of Christ, i. 233.

Allix, Dr. his Remarks on the Churches of Piedmont, quoted,
i. 360. 372. 412. 422. ii. 30. 65. 442.

Alva, Duke of, his sanguinary proceedings in the Netherlands,
ii. 277.

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