
you ftrike me for? I did not strike you." "You ftruck me firft," fays Rivett.

2. Did you know any of the other perfons that were by


A. I did not.

2. Did you fee any person there with a bald head?

A. I did not take any notice of a bald head; I faw a gentleman with a black collar and a pepper-and-falt coat on. 2. What did that perfon do?

A. I did not fee him do any thing; he was in the paffage among the other perfons that were endeavouring to obftruct the officers from taking Mr. O'Connor; I called out to fome perfon to come forward to my affiftance, for he made a spring, and the wicket-door was opened again; I made a spring and shut it again, and then Rivett and Fugion came up.

2. How many perfons do you think there were between you and the officers Rivett and Fugion who were coming up? A. I cannot fay how many there were; there might be feven, eight, or nine; or there might not be quite fo many.

2. Do you know the perfons of either Mr. Thompson, Mr. O'Brien, or Mr. Gunter Browne ?

A. I do not.

2. Do you know the perfon of Lord Thanet?

A. Yes, I believe I do know him; I faw his Lordship give his evidence in Court.

2. When Mr. O'Connor was last stopped by you, what be came of him?

A. I delivered him up to two officers.

2. How near to the bar from whence he had escaped did you come with him?

A. I came quite up to the end of the bar with him.

2. At that time, what was the number of the people standing about?

A. They were directly oppofing the officers from coming, when I was at the corner of the bar with him.

2. Do you know the perfon of Mr. Ferguffon?

A. I do not.

2. Did you fee any perfon in a bar wig and gown?

A. Yes.

2. In what fituation was he?

A. He was one of those who wanted to obstruct the officers

from coming forward.

2. What


A. I cannot fay.

2. Had he a bald head? A. I cannot fay.

Henry William Brooke fworn, examined by Mr. Abbott.

2. I believe you have some fituation in the Secretary of State's Office?

A. Chief Clerk in the Alien department,

2. Was you at Maidstone at the trials?

A. Yes.

2. Do you know the perfon of Mr. Dennis O'Brien ? A. I do.

2. Do you recollect feeing Mr. O'Brien in Court during the time the Jury retired to confider of their verdict ?

A, I do.

2. Where did you fee him? where was he?"

A. I faw him near the dock, on the fide where Mr. O'Con nor flood.

2. Was he in converfation with any perfon that you obferved?

A. He was in converfation with Mr. O'Connor.

2. Do you recollect what happened immediately after the Jury had pronounced their verdict?

A. 1 recollect that Rivett, one of the Bow-ftreet officers, attempted to get up on the fide where the jailor fat.

2. Did he declare the purpofe of his attempting to go that way?

A. To the best of my recollection, he faid, " he had a warrant from the Secretary of State to arrest Mr. O'Connor."

2. Did you obferve that any attempt was made to refift this person who was endeavouring to come forward?

A. I obferved fome perfons endeavouring to pull him back. 2. Do you recollect whether any direction was given to the jailor with refpect to the prisoners, by either of the learned Judges?

A. Yes.

Lord Kenyon-It cannot be neceffary to go into that.


Mr. Erskine There can be no doubt of any of these facts. Mr. Abbott-Did Mr. O'Connor do any thing?

A. Mr. O'Connor placed, as far as I recollect, his left hand upon the fide of the bar where he ftood, and leaped over.

2. Did you hear any voices crying out any thing?

A. At that time the tumult became general: I heard fome cry out, Stop, ftop;" and others, "Run, run."

2. Are you able to identify any perfan who was refifting


A. I faw a perfon, to the beft of my recollection, who was dreffed in a grey coat and a black collar, and his head was bald on the top.

2. What did you fee that perfon doing?

4. He feemed to have hold of the officer's coat, 2. Of Rivett's coat?

A. Yes.

2. Did you afterwards learn who that perfon was?

A. I afterwards understood that perfon to, be a Captain Browne.

2. Did that perfon, after the tumult was over, prefer any complaint to the Court, that you recollect?

A. I cannot identify the perfon of the gentleman that en deavoured to make a complaint to the Court of ill ufage; but there was fome gentleman upon the table, who complained, whether generally, or to the Bench, I cannot fay, “ Am I to be ill-treated in this way?" or to that effect.

2. Was that the perfon with a bald head and black collar? A. I cannot fay.

Q. Did you know Mr. Ferguson the counfel?

A. I have not the honour of Mr. Ferguffon's acquaintance; but I had his perfon pointed out to me as being Mr. Ferguson. Q. Did you fee him do any thing?

A. He appeared to have SOMETHING in his hand; but whether it was a flick, or a feword that laid upon the table, or what, I cannot fay-but he was brandishing it over the heads of the people.

2. Was he in his profeffional dress at this time? A. He was.

Cross-examined by Mr. Erskine.

2. Where was Mr. Ferguffon ftanding when you apprehend, rather than exprefs, that you faw him brandishing fomething which you do not defcribe, but which you think was a stick or a fword?

A. He was ftanding near the fide of the Court' upon which Mr. O'Connor ftood.

2. Upon the ground, upon the bench, or upon the table ? A. He appeared to me, as far as I can charge my recollection,


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to have been upon a bench; he appeared to be elevated from the ground.

2. This was after the fentence had been pronounced, and after Mr. O'Connor had gone out of the dock?

A. It was about that time, as far as I can recollect.
2. At the time of the confufion in Court, was it not?
A. It was at the time of the confufion.

John Stafford called again, examined by Mr. Law.

2. I will not examine you to the preliminary circumftances 'which have been proved by feveral witneffes. Confine your felf now to the time that Mr. O'Connor was endeavouring to get over the bar. At that period of time, did you fee any of the defendants, and particularly Mr. Ferguffon or Lord Thanet, do, or endeavour to do, any thing?

A. At the inftant that Mr. O'Connor leaped over the bar, I faw my Lord Thanet and Mr. Ferguffon: I had been paying particular attention to Mr. Juftice Buller in paffing fentence; and the moment that he was done, I turned my eyes round to the bar, and faw Mr. O'Connor in the act of getting over; he had his left hand upon the bar, and his right hand extended: my Lord Thanet ftood next to him, to the right of him; Mr. Ferguffon, at that inftant, was in front of him, with his back to me, facing Mr. O'Connor.

Mr. Erskine Where did you fit at this time?

A. Suppofing this to be the Court at Maidstone, I fat directly under the Jury,

Mr. Law-You fat fo that you could obferve the whole of the tranfaction?

A. Clearly; but the whole of the tranfaction was of that fudden nature, that I was rifing part of the time; I rose, and feized one of the fabres which laid upon the table, and which was a part of Mr. O'Connor's baggage.

2. Did you fee Lord Thanet or Mr. Ferguffon do any. thing in aid of Mr. O'Connor in the act of escaping?

A. When Mr. O'Connor extended his arm, he either laid it upon Lord Thanet's shoulder, or Mr. Ferguffon's arm; Lord Thanet being between me and Mr. Ferguson, I could not diftinguish on which of them he put his hand.

Q. Did you fee any obftruction given by them to any perfons in palling from one part of the Court to the other?

A. I did not obferve Lord Thanet make any obftruction; Mr. Ferguson had his back turned to that fide of the Court from whence the officers were endeavouring to approach to the bar. 2. With his back towards the great street of Maidstone ? A. Yes. At the inftant I am now fpeaking of, I was upon the table.

Q. Did you fee any thing in particular done by Mr. Ferguson?

A. Mr. Ferguffon extended his arms in this manner, seemingly to me to keep the perfons back who were forcing themselves forward. I faw no other act done by him.

2. Then did Mr. Ferguffon appear to you to be putting himself in a pofition to ftop the way?

A. Certainly fo,

2. To ftop the way for who?

A. I faid before, to ftop the way of the perfons who were approaching that fide of the Court where the officers were.

2. Were any persons at that time attempting to come from the fide of the Court where the officers were, to the fide where Mr. O'Connor was?

A. Rivett and the Bow-ftreet officers were. I at this time ftood upon the table with a drawn fabre in my hand.

2. Did you fee any body, before that, have hold of the flap of Mr. O'Connor's coat?

A. Yes; before Mr. O'Connor got from the bar, I obferved that Mr. Watson the jailor had got hold of the tail of

his coat.

2. Was it at the fame period of time when you saw the of ficers rush forward, and Mr. Ferguffon attempt to stop the way in the manner that you have defcribed?

A. Yes; the whole transaction was of the shortest duration poffible: Mr. Ferguson forced himself between Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Watfon the jailor; Mr. Watfon the jailor reached acrofs; he fat on the other fide from where Mr. O'Connor the prisoner fat; he reached acrofs behind Binns, and feized the flap of O'Connor's coat, as he was getting over the table; the coat was extended for a fmall diftance between O'Connor and the bar, and Mr. Ferguffon forced himself in between the two, and Mr. Watson let go his hold.

Q. Do I understand you, that, by the action of Mr. Fergus fon, the jailor was separated from his prisoner?

A. That I cannot fay: the jailor might have let go his bold without the action of Mr. Ferguson; it appeared to me to be in confequence of the action of Mr. Ferguffon,

2. Do you know the perfon of Mr. O'Brien?

A. No, I do not; I faw a gentleman in Court who spoke to Mr. O'Connor two or three times; that gentleman I had previously feen in the witness's box, ftanding by Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Fox, and the other gentlemen that were there; and I saw him afterwards; but I do not know, of my own knowledge, who he was at all.

2. You mentioned standing upon the table with this fabre your hand-did you ftrike any body, or create any confufion?


A. I

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