
That spoke so sweetly and fo well.

What paffion cannot mufic raise and quell!


The trumpet's loud clangor

Excites us to arms,

With fhrill notes of anger

And mortal alarms.

The double double double beat
Of the thund'ring drum

Cries, hark! the foes come;

Charge, charge, 'tis too late to retreat.


The foft complaining Aute

In dying notes discovers

The woes of hopeless lovers,

Whofe dirge is whifper'd by the warbling lute


Sharp violins proclaim

Their jealous pangs, and desperation,

Fury, frantic indignation,

Depth of pains, and height of paffion,

For the fair, difdainful, dame.


But oh! what art can teach,

What human voice can reach,

The facred organ's praise ?

Notes infpiring holy love,

Notes that wing their heav'nly ways

To mend the choirs above.


Orpheus could lead the favage rage;

And trees uprooted left their place,

Sequacious of the lyre:

But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder higher;
When to her organ vocal breath was giv'n,
An angel heard, and straight appear'd,
Mistaking earth for heav'n.


As from the pow'r of facred lays

The fpheres began to move, And fung the great Creator's praise

To all the blefs'd above; So when the laft and dreadful hour This crumbling pageant shall devour, The trumpet fhall be heard on high, The dead fhall live, the living die, And mufic fhall untune the sky.



LARENDON had law and fense,

Clifford was fierce and brave;

Bennet's grave look was a pretence,
And D-----y's matchlefs impudence
Help'd to fupport the knave.

But Sun--d, God-n, L----Y, Thefe will appear fuch chits in story, 'T'will turn all politics to jefts,

To be repeated like John Dory,

When fidlers fing at feasts.

Protect us, mighty Providence,

What would thefe madmen have?
First, they would bribe us without pence,
Deceive us without common fenfe,"
And without pow'r enslave.

Shall free-born men, in humble awe,
Submit to fervile fhame;

Who from confent and cuftom draw
The fame right to be rul'd by law,
Which kings pretend to reign?

The duke fhall wield his conqu’ring fword
The chanc'lor make a speech,

The king fhall pafs his honeft word,

The pawn'd revenue fums afford,

And then, come kifs my breech.

So have I feen a king on chefs

(His rooks and knights withdrawn,

His queen and bishops in diftrefs)
Shifting about, grow lefs and lefs,

With here and there a pawn.

The TEARS of AMYNTA for the Death of

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Na bank, befide a willow,

Heav'n her cov'ring, earth her pillow,

Sad Amynta figh'd alone:

From the chearless dawn of morning,
Till the dews of night returning,
Singing thus fhe made her moan:
Hope is banish'd,

Joys are vanish'd,

Damon, my belov'd, is gone!


Time, I dare thee to discover Such a youth, and fuch a lover; Oh fo true, fo kind was he! Damon was the pride of nature, Charming in his every feature; Damon liv'd alone for me; Melting kiffes, Murmuring bliffes:

Who fo liv'd and lov'd as we!


Never fhall we curfe the morning,

Never blifs the night returning,

Sweet embraces to restore :
Never fhall we both lie dying,
Nature failing, love supplying
All the joys he drain'd before:
Death come end me

To befriend me;

Love and Damon are no more.




YLVIA the fair, in the bloom of fifteen,

Felt an innocent warmth, as he lay on the green :

She had heard of a pleasure, and fomething the gueft By the towzing, and tumbling, and touching her breast : She faw the men eager, but was at a loss,

What they meant by their fighing, and kissing so close; By their praying and whining,

And clafping and twining,

And panting and withing,

And fighting and kissing,

And sighing and kissing so close.

Ah! The cry'd; ah for a languishing maid,
In a country of Christians, to die without aid!
Not a Whig, or a Tory, or Trimmer at least,
Or a Proteftant parfon, or Catholic priest,
To inftruct a young virgin, that is at a lofs,
What they meant by their fighing, and kiffing fo clofe!
By their praying and whining,

And clafping and twining,

And panting and wishing,

And fighing and kissing,

And fighing and kiffing so close.


Cupid in shape of a swain did appear,

He faw the fad wound, and in pity drew near;
Then show'd her his arrow, and bid her not fear;
For the pain was no more than a maiden may bear:
When the balm was infus'd, fhe was not at a lofs,
What they meant by their fighing and kiffing so close;
By their praying and whining,

And clafping and twining,

And panting and wishing,

And fighing and kissing,

And fighing and kiffing fo clofe.

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