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The loveliest star of evening's train
Sets early in the western main,

And leaves the world in night.
The brightest star of morning's host:
Scarce risen, in brighter beams is lost,
Thus sunk his form in ocean's coast,
Thus sprang his soul to light.

Revolving his mysterious lot,

I mourn him, but I praise him not,
To God the praise be given,
Who sent him like the radiant bow,
His covenant of peace to shew,
Athwart the passing storm to glow, -
To vanish into heaven.


Henry Kirke White ward am 21. August 1785 zu Nottingham geboren, wo sein Vater als Metzger lebte und sollte anfangs dessen Gewerbe, dann das eines Strumpfwirkers ergreifen; da der Knabe aber ungewöhnliche Fähigkeiten zeigte, so gelang es seiner Mutter ihn bei einem Sachwalter unterzubringen. Er arbeitete nun unablässig um die Universität besuchen zu können und gab zu diesem Zwecke 1803 eine Sammlung seiner Poesieen heraus. Eine sehr scharfe Kritik derselben in einem Journal schien alle seine Hoffnungen zerstören zu wollen, da nahm sich Southey gerade durch dieselbe aufmerksam gemacht, des talentvollen Jünglings edelmüthig an und es gelang White nun nach Cambridge zu gehen, wo er sehr bald alle akademischen Ehrengrade erwarb. Sein rastloser Fleiss hatte jedoch seine Gesundheit untergraben; er starb am 27. October 1806 an der Auszehrung.

White's Hinterlassenschaft wurde von Southey zum Druck befördert und mit einer Biographie des früh Geschiedenen ausgestattet. Sie erschien unter dem Titel: The poetical Remains of Henry Kirke White with an account of his Life, London 1807, 2 Bde in 8. und hat seitdem wiederholt neue Auflagen erlebt. Alle darin enthaltenen Poesieen mit Ausnahme einiger Fragmente sind vor dem neunzehnten Lebensjahre ihres Verfassers geschrieben, meist lyrischer oder descriptiver Gattung, voll tiefen und zarten Gefühls, reicher Anschauung und edler, wahrhaft frommer Gesinnung und lassen es um desto lebhafter bedauern, dass einem so reichbegabten Geiste nicht vergönnt worden, sich hienieden in seiner ganzen Kraft vollständig zu entfalten.

Description ofa Summer's Eve.

Down the sultry arc of day
The burning wheels have urged their way,
And Eve along the western skies
Spreads her intermingling dyes;
Down the deep, the miry lane,
Creaking comes the empty wain,
And driver on the shaft-horse sits,
Whistling now and then by fits;
And oft, with his accustomed call,
Urging on the sluggish Ball.
The barn is still, the master's gone,
And thresher puts his jacket on;
While Dick upon the ladder tall,
Nails the dead kite to the wall.

Here comes shepherd Jack at last
He has penn'd the sheepcot fast;
For 'twas but two nights before
A lamb was eaten on the moor:
His empty wallet Rover carries,
Now for Jack, when near home, tarries;
With lolling tongue he runs to try
If the horse-trough be not dry.
The milk is settled in the pans,
And supper messes in the cans;
In the hovel carts are wheel'd,
And both the colts are drove a-field:
The horses are all bedded up,

And the ewe is with the tup.

The snare for Mister Fox is set,
The leaven laid, the thatching wet,
And Bess has slink'd away to talk
With Roger in the holly walk.

Now on the settle all but Bess
Are set, to eat their supper mess;
And little Tom and roguish Kate
Are swinging on the meadow gate.
Now they chat of various things, -
Of taxes, ministers, and kings;
Or else tell all the village news, -
How madam did the 'squire refuse,
How parson on his tithes was bent,
And landlord oft distrain'd for rent.
Thus do they, till in the sky
The pale-eyed moon is mounted high;
And from the ale-house drunken Ned
Had reel'd; then hasten all to bed.
The mistress sees that lazy Kate,
The happing coal on kitchen grate
Has laid, - while master goes throughout,
Sees shutters fast, the mastiff out;
The candles safe, the hearths all clear,
And nought from thieves or fire to fear:
Then both to bed together creep,
And join the general troop of sleep.

The Savoyard's Return.

O! yonder is the well-known spot,
My dear, my long-lost native home;

Oh, welcome is yon little cot,

Where I shall rest no more to roam!
Oh, I have travell'd far and wide,

O'er many a distant foreign land;
Each place, each province I have tried,
And sung and danced my saraband!
But all their charms could not prevail
To steal my heart from yonder vale.

Of distant climes the false report,
Allured me from my native land;
It bade me rove my sole support
My cymbals and my saraband.
The woody dell, the hanging rock,
The chamois skipping o'er the heights;
The plain adorn'd with many a flock,
And oh! a thousand more delights
That grace yon dear belov'd retreat,
Have backward won my weary feet.

Now safe return'd with wandering tired,
No more my little home I'll leave;
And many a tale of what I've seen

Shall wile away the winter's eve.
Oh! I have wander'd far and wide,
O'er many a distant foreign land;
Each place, each province I have tried,
And sung and danced my saraband!
But all their charms could not prevail
To steal my heart from yonder vale.


John Wilson ward 1789 zu Paisley in Schottland geboren, studirte in Glasgow und Oxford, wo er mehrere Preisaufgaben löste und wurde 1820 Professor der Moral an der Universität zu Edinburg. Seine Ferien bringt er meist auf seinem Landgute Elleray am See von Winander

mere zu.

Neben mehreren sehr geschätzten Romanen hat Wilson einige grössere romantisch-epische Gedichte veröffentlicht wie z. B. The Isle of Palms (1812), the City of the Plague 1816, ferner the Angler's Tent, ein descriptives Poem, viele kleinere lyrische Poesien u. A. m. Warme Menschenliebe, reiche Naturanschauung, Phantasie und Begeisterung für alles Schöne und Gute, Gedankenfülle und seltene Anmuth der Darstellung weisen ihm einen sehr hohen Rang unter den lebenden englischen Dichtern an.

[blocks in formation]

Is shining o'er the church-yard lone; While circling her as in a zone, Delighted dance five cherubs fair,

Stedfastly as a star doth look Upon a little murmuring brook, She gazed upon the bosom

And round their native urn shake wide their And fair brow of her sleeping son;

golden hair.

Oh! children they are holy things,
In sight of earth and heaven;
An angel shields with guardian wings
The home where they are given.
Strong power there is in children's tears, -
And stronger in their lisped prayers;
But the vulture stoops down from above,
And, 'mid her orphan brood, bears off the pa-

rent dove.

The young, - the youthful, - the mature
Have smiled and all past by,

As if nought lovely could endure
Beneath the envious sky;

While bow'd with age, and age's woes
Still near,

yet still far off the close

Of weary life, yon aged crone

Can scarce with blind eyes find her husband's


All dead the joyous, bright, and free,

To whom this life was dear!

The green leaves shiver'd from the tree,

• And dangling left the sere!
O dim wild world! but from the sky
Down came the glad lark waveringly;
And, startled by his liquid mirth,

I rose to walk in faith the darkling paths of


The widowed Mother.

Beside her babe, who sweetly slept,
A widow'd mother sat and wept

O'er years of love gone by;
And as the sobs thick-gathering came,
She murmur'd her dead husband's name
'Mid that sad lullaby.

Well might that lullaby be sad,
For not one single friend she had
On this cold-hearted earth;

The sea will not give back its prey, -
And he was wrapt in foreign clay

Who gave the orphan birth.

"O merciful Heaven! when I am gone, Thine is this earthly blossom!"

While thus she sat a sunbeam broke
Into the room; the babe awoke,
And from his cradle smiled!
Ah me! what kindling smiles met there,
I know not whether was more fair
The mother or her child!

With joy fresh sprung from short alarms,
The smiler stretched his rosy arms,
And to her bosom leapt;
All tears at once were swept away,
And, said a face as bright as day,
"Forgive me - that I wept!"

Sufferings there are from Nature sprung,
Ear hath not heard, nor Poet's tongue
May venture to declare;
But this as Holy Writ is sure,
"The griefs she bids us here endure,
She can herself repair!"

The three Seasons of Love.

With laughter swimming in thine eye,
That told youth's heart felt revelry!
And motion changeful as the wing
Of swallow waken'd by the spring;
With accents blithe as voice of May,
Chaunting glad Nature's roundelay;
Circled by joy like planet bright
That smiles 'mid wreaths of dewy light, -
Thy image such, in former time,
When thou, just entering on thy prime,
And woman's sense in thee combined
Gently with childhood's simplest mind,
First taught'st my sighing soul to move
With hope towards the heaven of love!

Now years have given my Mary's face
A thoughtful and a quiet grace;
Though happy still yet chance distress
Hath left a pensive loveliness!
Fancy hath tamed her fairy gleams,
And thy heart broods o'er home-born dreams!
Thy smiles, slow-kindling now and mild,

Shower blessings on a darling child;
Thy motion slow, and soft thy tread,
As if round thy hush'd infant's bed!
And when thou speak'st, thy melting tone,
That tells thy heart is all my own,
Sounds sweeter, from the lapse of years,
With the wife's love, the mother's fears!

By thy glad youth, and tranquil prime
Assured, I smile at hoary time!
For thou art doom'd in age to know

To calm that wisdom steals from woe;
The holy pride of high intent,
The glory of a life well spent.
When earth's affections nearly o'er
With Peace behind, and Faith before,
Thou render'st up again to God,
Untarnish'd by its frail abode,
Thy lustrous soul, then harp and hymn,
From bands of sister seraphim,
Asleep will lay thee, till thine eye
Open in immortality!


George Crabbe ward am 24. December 1754 zu Aldborough in Suffolk, wo sein Vater Zollaufseher war, geboren. Zum Chirurgus bestimmt, entsagte er jedoch diesem Beruf und ging um in der literarischen Welt sein Glück zu versuchen nach London. Hier nahm sich der berühmte Edmund Burke seiner an. Crabbe widmete sich auf dessen Rath dem geistlichen Stande, wurde 1782 ordinirt, dann Pfarrvicar in seinem Geburtsort, darauf Caplan des Herzogs von Rutland und später nach einander Prediger an verschiedenen Orten, zuletzt zu Trowbridge in Wiltshire. Er starb daselbst am 3. Februar 1832.

Die vollständigste Ausgabe von Crabbe's poetischen Werken besorgte sein Sohn unter dem Titel: The poetical works of the Rever. George Crabbe with his letters and journals and his life. By his son. London 1834. 6 Bde in 8. Sie enthalten: The Village; the Library; Tales of the Hall; the Parish Register; the Borough, kleinere Poesieen u. A. m.

Crabbe ist der Genremaler unter den englischen Dichtern; scharfe Beobachtungsgabe, genaue Kenntniss des menschlichen Herzens, warmes Gefühl und eine ruhige treffliche Darstellungsgabe sind ihm eigen, aber er gefällt sich zu sehr darin menschliches Elend und menschliche Verderbtheit zu schildern und hält sich nicht immer frei von Uebertreibung; der Arme kann nicht anders als schlecht sein nach seinen Begriffen, selbst die Schönheiten der Natur dienen ihm nur dazu den Jammer der Zerstörung durch ihre blinden Gewalten recht hervorzuheben. So sieht er Alles nur durch eine trübe Brille und so meisterhaft auch seine Schilderungen, so interessant auch seine Erfindungen sind, man wird von ihm stets angezogen aber nie befriedigt, und legt sein Werk stets mit einem schmerzlichen Gefühl wieder aus der Hand, denn das versöhnende beruhigende Element vermisst man schmerzlich fast überall bei ihm.

The Sands.

Turn to the watery world! - hut who to thee
(A wonder yet unview'd) shall paint
the sea?
Various and vast, sublime in all its forms,
When lull'd by Zephyrs, or when rous'd by In limpid blue, and evanescent green;

Its colours changing, when from clouds and sun
Shades after shades upon the surface run;
Embrown'd and horrid now, and now serene,


And oft the foggy banks on ocean lie,

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