CENSURA LITERARIA. CONTAINING TITLES, EXTRACTS, AND ΟΡΙΝΙΟNS OF OLD ENGLISH BOOKS, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHICH ARE SCARCE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED • NECROGRAPHIA AUTHORUM, OR MEMOIRS OF DECEASED AUTHORS; AND THE RUMINATOR, CONSISTING OF ORIGINAL, MORAL, AND CRITICAL ESSAYS, WITH By SAMUEL EGERTON BRYDGES, Esq. VOLUME V. BEING THE SECOND OF THE NEW SERIES, LONDON: PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT-COURT, FLEET STREET, FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, PATERNOSTER-ROW, PREFACE. A SPACE has been left for a Preface, and I am called on to fill it up; but, alas! I have little to say, but to thank my kind Correspondents, to whom the Bibliographical part of this volume is almost entirely indebted; more especially my liberal and learned coadjutor Mr. PARK, and his able friend Mr. HASLEWOOD, whose various articles in each number need not be pointed out to my readers. I will take this opportunity, therefore, of inserting another portion of a Poem, which I have been somewhat earnestly called upon to continue; and hope my readers may not deem it too much out of place. THE WIZARD. A KENTISH TALE. CONTINUED FROM VOL. 11. P. 127. The dusk of evening sail'd along; Hush'd was the last bird's warbling song; The feast was call'd; the table stor'd, And gaily look'd the lightsome board, When, taithtul to his plighted word, Knock d at the door the weary Bard; Long was the way, the chase was hard; Yet |