I have gathered a posie of other men's flowers, and nothing but the thread FIFTH EDITION. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. 1868.. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1868, by JOHN BARTLETT, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., THE fourth edition of "Familiar Quotations" was published in 1863. The present edition embodies the results of the later researches of its editors, besides the contributions of various friends, and includes many quotations which have long been waiting a favorable verdict on the all-important question of familiarity. A few changes have been made in the arrangement, and the citations from Shakespeare have been adapted to the principal modern editions. The former edition has been freshly compared with the originals, and such errors removed as the revision has disclosed. The editorial labors have been shared with REZIN A. WIGHT, ESQ., of New York, who has been a generous contributor to the former editions. The editor takes pleasure in acknowledging his renewed obligations to PROF. HENRY W. |