

Friday, January 23, 1863.

SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.D. D.C.L. F.R.S. Vice-President, in the Chair.



On Radiation through the Earth's Atmosphere.

NOBODY ever obtained the idea of a line from Euclid's definition that it is length without breadth. The idea is obtained from a real physical line drawn by a pen or pencil, and therefore possessing width; the idea being afterwards brought, by a process of abstraction, more nearly into accordance with the conditions of the definition. So also with regard to physical phenomena; we must help ourselves to a conception of the invisible by means of proper images derived from the visible, afterwards purifying our conceptions to the needful extent. Definiteness of conceptions, even though at some expense to delicacy, is of the greatest utility in dealing with physical phenomena. Indeed it may be questioned whether a mind trained in physical research, can at all enjoy peace, without having made clear to itself some possible way of conceiving of those operations which lie beyond the boundaries of sense, and in which sensible phenomena originate.

When we speak of radiation through the atmosphere, we ought to be able to affix definite physical ideas, both to the term atmosphere and the term radiation. It is well known that our atmosphere is mainly composed of the two elements, oxygen and nitrogen. These elementary atoms may be figured as small spheres scattered thickly in the space which immediately surrounds the earth. They constitute about 994 per cent. of the atmosphere. Mixed with these atoms we have others of a totally different character; we have the molecules, or atomic groups, of carbonic acid, of ammonia, and of aqueous vapour. In these substances diverse atoms have coalesced to form little systems of atoms. The molecule of aqueous vapour, for example, consists of two atoms of hydrogen united to one of oxygen; and they mingle as little triads among the monads of oxygen and nitrogen, which constitute the great mass of the atmosphere.

These atoms and molecules are separate; but in what sense? They are separate from each other in the sense in which the individual fishes

of a shoal are separate. The shoal of fish is embraced by a common medium, which connects the different members of the shoal, and renders intercommunication between them possible. A medium also embraces our atoms; within our atmosphere exists a second, and a finer atmosphere, in which the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen hang like suspended grains. This finer atmosphere unites not only atom with atom, but star with star; and the light of all suns, and of all stars, is in reality a kind of music propagated through this interstellar air. This image must be clearly seized, and then we have to advance a step. We must not only figure our atoms suspended in this medium, but we must figure them vibrating in it. In this motion of the atoms consists what we call their heat. "What is heat in us," as Locke has perfectly expressed it, "is in the body heated nothing but motion." Well, we must figure this motion communicated to the medium in which the atoms swing, and sent in ripples through it with inconceivable velocity to the bounds of space. Motion in this form, unconnected with ordinary matter, but speeding through the interstellar medium, receives the name of Radiant Heat; and, if competent to excite the nerves of vision, we call it Light.


Aqueous vapour was defined to be an invisible gas. Vapour was permitted to issue horizontally with considerable force from a tube connected with a small boiler. The track of the cloud of condensed steam was vividly illuminated by the electric light. What was seen, however, was not vapour, but vapour condensed to water. Beyond the visible end of the jet the cloud resolved itself into true vapour. lamp was placed under the jet at various points; the cloud was cut sharply off at that point, and when the flame was placed near the efflux orifice the cloud entirely disappeared. The heat of the lamp completely prevented precipitation. This same vapour was condensed and congealed on the surface of a vessel containing a freezing mixture, from which it was scraped in quantities sufficient to form a small snowball. The beam of the electric lamp, moreover, was sent through a large receiver placed on an air-pump. A single stroke of the pump caused the precipitation of the aqueous vapour within, which became beautifully illuminated by the beam; while, upon a screen behind, a richly-coloured halo due to diffraction by the little cloud within the receiver flashed forth.

The waves of heat speed from our earth through our atmosphere towards space. These waves dash in their passage against the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, and against the molecules of aqueous vapour. Thinly scattered as these latter are, we might naturally think meanly of them as barriers to the waves of heat. We might imagine that the wide spaces between the vapour molecules would be an open door for the passage of the undulations; and that if those waves were at all intercepted, it would be by the substances which form 994 per cent. of the whole atmosphere. Three or four years ago, however, it was found by the speaker that this small modicum of aqueous vapour intercepted fifteen times the quantity of heat stopped by the whole of the air in which

it was diffused. It was afterwards found that the dry air then experimented with was not perfectly pure, and that the purer the air became the more it approached the character of a vacuum, and the greater, by comparison, became the action of the aqueous vapour. The vapour was found to act with 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 times the energy of the air in which it was diffused; and no doubt was entertained that the aqueous vapour of the air which filled the Royal Institution theatre, during the delivery of the discourse, absorbed 90 or 100 times the quantity of radiant heat which was absorbed by the main body of the air of the room.

Looking at the single atoms, for every 200 of oxygen and nitrogen there is about 1 of aqueous vapour. This 1, then, is 80 times more powerful than the 200; and hence, comparing a single atom of oxygen or nitrogen with a single atom of aqueous vapour, we may infer that the action of the latter is 16,000 times that of the former. This was a very astonishing result, and it naturally excited opposition, based on the philosophic reluctance to accept a result so grave in consequences before testing it to the uttermost. From such opposition a discovery, if it be worth the name, emerges with its fibre strengthened; as the human character gathers force from the healthy antagonisms of active life. It was urged, that the result was on the face of it improbable; that there were, moreover, many ways of accounting for it, without ascribing so enormous a comparative action to aqueous vapour. For example, the cylinder which contained the air in which these experiments were made, was stopped at its ends by plates of rocksalt, on account of their transparency to radiant heat. Rocksalt is hygroscopic; it attracts the moisture of the atmosphere. Thus, a layer of brine readily forms on the surface of a plate of rocksalt; and it is well known that brine is very impervious to the rays of heat. Illuminating a polished plate of salt by the electric lamp, and casting, by means of a lens, a magnified image of the plate upon a screen, the speaker breathed through a tube for a moment on the salt; brilliant colours of thin plates (soap-bubble colours) flashed forth immediately upon the screen these being caused by the film of moisture which overspread the salt. Such a film, it was contended, is formed when undried air is sent into the cylinder; it was, therefore, the absorption of a layer of brine which was measured, instead of the absorption of aqueous vapour.

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This objection was met in two ways. Firstly, by showing that the plates of salt when subjected to the strictest examination show no trace of a film of moisture. Secondly, by abolishing the plates of salt altogether, and obtaining the same results in a cylinder open at both ends.

It was next surmised, that the effect was due to the impurity of the London air, and the suspended carbon particles were pointed to as the cause of the opacity to radiant heat. This objection was met by bringing air from Hyde Park, Hampstead Heath, Primrose Hill, Epsom Downs, a field near Newport in the Isle of Wight, St. Catharine's Down,

and the sea-beach near Black Gang Chine. The aqueous vapour of the air from these localities intercepted at least seventy times the amount of radiant heat absorbed by the air in which the vapour was diffused. Experiments made with smoky air proved that the suspended smoke of the atmosphere of West London, even when an east wind pours over it the smoke of the city, exerts only a fraction of the destructive powers exercised by the transparent and impalpable aqueous vapour diffused in the air.

The cylinder which contained the air through which the calorific rays passed was polished within, and the rays which struck the interior surface were reflected from it to the thermo-electric pile which measured the radiation. The following objection was raised :-You permit moist air to enter your cylinder; a portion of this moisture is condensed as a liquid film upon the interior surface of your tube; its reflective power is thereby diminished; less heat therefore reaches the pile, and you incorrectly ascribe to the absorption of aqueous vapour an effect which is really due to diminished reflection of the interor surface of your cylinder.

But why should the aqueous vapour so condense? The tube within is warmer than the air without, and against its inner surface the rays of heat are impinging. There can be no tendency to condensation under such circumstances. Further, let five inches of undried air be sent into the tube-that is, one-sixth of the amount which it can contain. These five inches produce their proportionate absorption. The driest day, on the driest portion of the earth's surface, would make no approach to the dryness of our cylinder when it contains only five inches of air. Make it 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 inches: you obtain an absorption exactly proportional to the quantity of vapour present. It is next to a physical impossibility that this could be the case if the effect were due to condensation. But lest a doubt should linger in the mind, not only were the plates of rock-salt abolished, but the cylinder itself was dispensed with. Humid air was displaced by dry, and dry air by humid in the free atmosphere; the absorption of the aqueous vapour was here manifest, as in all the other cases.

No doubt, therefore, can exist of the extraordinary opacity of this substance to the rays of obscure heat; and particularly such rays as are emitted by the earth after it has been warmed by the sun. It is perfectly certain that more than ten per cent. of the terrestrial radiation from the soil of England is stopped within ten feet of the surface of the soil. This one fact is sufficient to show the immense influence which this newly-discovered property of aqueous vapours must exert on the phenomena of meteorology.

This aqueous vapour is a blanket more necessary to the vegetable life of England than clothing is to man. Remove for a single summer-night the aqueous vapour from the air which overspreads this country, and you would assuredly destroy every plant capable of being destroyed by a freezing temperature. The warmth of our fields and gardens would pour itself unrequited into space, and the sun would

rise upon an island held fast in the iron grip of frost. The aqueous vapour constitutes a local dam, by which the temperature at the earth's surface is deepened: the dam, however, finally overflows, and we give to space all that we receive from the sun.

The sun raises the vapours of the equatorial ocean; they rise, but for a time a vapour screen spreads above and around them. But the higher they rise, the more they come into the presence of pure space; and when, by their levity, they have penetrated the vapour screen, which lies close to the earth's surface, what must occur?

It has been said that, compared atom for atom, the absorption of an atom of aqueous vapour is 16,000 times that of air. Now the power to absorb and the power to radiate are perfectly reciprocal and proportional. The atom of aqueous vapour will therefore radiate with 16,000 times the energy of an atom of air. Imagine then this powerful radiant in the presence of space, and with no screen above it to check its radiation. Into space it pours its heat, chills itself, condenses, and the tropical torrents are the consequence. The expansion of the air, no doubt, also refrigerates it; but in accounting for those deluges, the chilling of the vapour by its own radiation must play a most important part. The rain quits the ocean as vapour; it returns to it as water. How are the vast stores of heat set free by the change from the vaporous to the liquid condition disposed of? Doubtless in great part they are wasted by radiation into space. Similar remarks apply to the cumuli of our latitudes. The warmed air, charged with vapour, rises in columns, so as to penetrate the vapour screen which hugs the earth; in the presence of space, the head of each pillar wastes its heat by radiation, condenses to a cumulus, which constitutes the visible capital of an invisible column of saturated air.

Numberless other meteorological phenomena receive their solution, by reference to the radiant and absorbent properties of aqueous vapour. It is the absence of this screen, and the consequent copious waste of heat, that causes mountains to be so much chilled when the sun is withdrawn. Its absence in Central Asia renders the winter there almost unendurable; in Sahara the dryness of the air is sometimes such, that though during the day "the soil is fire and the wind is flame," the chill at night is painful to bear. In Australia, also, the thermometric range is enormous, on account of the absence of this qualifying agent. A clear day, and a dry day, moreover, are very different things. The atmosphere may possess great visual clearness, while it is charged with aqueous vapour, and on such occasions great chilling cannot occur by terrestrial radiation. Sir John Leslie and others have been perplexed by the varying indications of their instruments on days equally bright-but all these anomalies are completely accounted for by reference to this newly-discovered property of transparent aqueous vapour. Its presence would check the earth's loss; its absence, without sensibly altering the transparency of the air, would open wide a door for the escape of the earth's heat into infinitude.

[J. T.]

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