
direction through all its convolutions, they attract each other. The coil is thereby shortened; its end quits the mercury with a spark; the current ceases; the wire falls by its own gravity; the current again passes, and the wire shortens as before. Thus you have this quick succession of brilliant sparks produced by the shortening of the wire and the interruption of the current as it quits the mercury.


Is it a fact, then, that an iron bar is shortened by the act of magnetization? It is not. And here, as before, we enter into the labours of other men.

Mr. Joule was the first to prove that the bar is lengthened. Mr. Joule rendered this lengthening visible by means of a system of levers and a microscope, through which a single observer saw the action. The experiment has never, I believe, been made before a public audience; but the instrument referred tof at the commencement of this lecture will, I think, enable me to render this effect of magnetization visible to everybody present.

Before you is an upright iron bar, two feet long, firmly screwed into a solid block of wood. Sliding on two upright brass pillars is a portion of the instrument which you see above the iron bar. The essential parts of this section of the apparatus are, first, a vertical rod of brass, which moves freely and accurately in a long brass collar. The lower end of the brass rod rests upon the upper flat surface of the iron bar. To the top of the brass rod is attached a point of steel; and this point now presses against a plate of agate, near a pivot which forms the fulcrum of a lever. The distant end of the lever is connected, by a very fine wire, with an axis on which is fixed a small circular mirror. If the steel point be pushed up against the agate plate, the end of the lever is raised; the axis is thereby caused to turn, and the mirror rotates. I now cast a beam from an electric lamp upon this mirror; it is reflected in a luminous sheaf, fifteen or sixteen feet long, and it strikes our screen, there forming a circular patch of brilliant light. This beam is to be our index; it will move as the mirror moves, only with twice its angular velocity; and the motion of the patch of light will inform us of the lengthening and shortening of the iron bar.

I employ one battery simply to ignite the lamp. I have here a second battery to magnetize the iron bar. At present no current is passing. I make the circuit, and the bright image on the screen is suddenly displaced. It sinks a foot. I break the circuit: the bar instantly shrinks to its normal length, and the image returns to its first position. I make the experiment several times in succession: the result is always the same. Always when I magnetize, the image instantly descends, which declares the lengthening of the bar; always when I interrupt the current, the image immediately rises. A little warm water projected against the bar causes the image to descend

*Rendered brilliant by the introduction of a coil of wire and a core of soft

iron into the circuit.

Very skilfully constructed by Mr. Becker.

gradually. This, I believe, is the first time that this action of magnetism has been seen by a public audience.

I have employed the same apparatus in the examination of bismuth bars; and, though considerable power has been applied, I have hitherto failed to produce any sensible effect. It was at least conceivable that complementary effects might be here exhibited, and a new antithesis thus established between magnetism and diamagnetism.

No explanation of this action has, to my knowledge, been offered; and I would now beg to propose one which seems to be sufficient. I place this large flat magnet upon the table; over it I put a paper screen; and on the screen I shake iron filings. You know the beautiful lines in which those filings arrange themselves-lines which have become classical from the use made of them in this Institution; for they have been guiding threads for Faraday's intelligence while exploring the most profound and intricate phenomena of magnetism. These lines indicate the direction in which a small magnetic needle sets itself when placed on any of them. The needle will always be a tangent to the magnetic curve. A little rod of iron, freely suspended, behaves exactly like the needle, and sets its longest dimension in the direction of the magnetic curve. In fact, the particles of iron filings themselves are virtually so many little rods of iron, which, when they are released from the friction of the screen by tapping, set their longest dimensions along the lines of force. Now, in this bar magnet the lines of force run along the magnet itself, and, were its particles capable of free motion, they also would set their longest dimensions parallel to the lines of force that is to say, parallel to the length of the magnet. This, then, is the explanation which I would offer of the lengthening of the bar. The bar is composed of irregular crystalline granules; and, when magnetized, these granules tend to set their longest dimensions parallel to the axis of the bar. They succeed, partially, and produce a microscopic lengthening of the bar, which, suitably magnified, has been rendered visible to you.*

Perhaps you do not see the magnetic curves from your present position, but I will enable you to see them. I have here an electric lamp turned on its back, and from it a vertical cylinder of light now issues. Over the aperture of the lamp I place two small bar magnets, enclosed between two plates of glass. The vertical beam is received upon a looking-glass which reflects it on to the screen. In the path of this reflected beam I place a lens, and thus obtain upon the screen a magnified image of the two small bar magnets. And now I sprinkle this fine iron sand on the plate of glass, and you see how it arranges itself under the operation of the magnets. A most beautiful display

My assistant, Mr. Barrett, has just drawn my attention to a paper by M. De la Rive in which this explanation is given. To him, therefore, belongs the entire credit of it.-J. T., June 16.

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of the magnetic curves is now before you. And you observe, when I tap the glass, how the particles attach themselves by their ends, and how the curves close in upon each other. They try to attach themselves thus and close thus up in the solid iron bar: the consequence is that the longitudinal expansion is exactly counterbalanced by the transverse contraction, so that the volume of the bar remains unchanged.

But can we not bring a body with movable particles within an electro-magnetic coil? We can; and I will now, in conclusion, show you an experiment devised by Mr. Grove, which bears directly upon this question, but the sight of which, I believe, has hitherto been confined to Mr. Grove himself. At all events, I am not aware of its ever having been made before a large audience. I have here a cylinder with glass ends, and it contains a muddy liquid. This muddiness is produced by the magnetic oxide of iron which is suspended mechanically in water. Round the glass cylinder I have coiled five or six layers of covered copper wire; and here is a battery from which a current can be sent through the coil. First of all, I place the glass cylinder in the path of the beam from our electric lamp, and, by means of a lens, cast a magnified image of the end of the cylinder on the screen. That image at present possesses but feeble illumination. The light is almost extinguished by the suspended particles of magnetic oxide. But, if what I have stated regarding the lines of force through the bar of magnetized iron be correct, the particles of the oxide will suddenly set their longest dimensions parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and also in part set themselves end to end when the current is sent round them. More light will be thus enabled to pass; and now you observe the effect. The moment I establish the circuit the disc upon the screen becomes luminous: I interrupt the current, and gloom supervenes; I re-establish it, and we have a luminous disc once more.

The apparatus, as I have stated, was really invented to examine whether any mechanical effect of this kind could be detected in diamagnetic bodies; but hitherto without result. And this leads me to remark on the large ratio which the failures of an original inquirer bear to his successes. The public see the success-the failure is known to the inquirer alone. The encouragement of his fellow-men, it is true, often cheers the investigator and strengthens his heart; but his main trials occur when there is no one near to cheer him, and when, if he works aright, he must work for duty and not for reputation. And this is the spirit in which work has been executed in this Institution, by a man who has, throughout his life, turned a deaf ear to such allurements as this age places within the reach of scientific renown; and it behoves every friend of this Institution to join in the wish that that man's spirit may continue to live within its walls, and that those who come after him may not shrink from his self-denial while endeavouring to merit a portion of his fame.

[J. T.]


Monday, July 4, 1864.

WILLIAM POLE, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. Treasurer and Vice-President, in the Chair.

General Sir Edward Lugard, K.C.B. and
John Ruskin, Esq.

were elected Members of the Royal Institution.

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The Chairman announced the following addition to "The Donation Fund for the Promotion of Experimental Researches (see page 151). Thomas John Kent, Esq.

£5 5 0

The PRESENTS received since the last Meeting were laid on the table, and the thanks of the Members returned for the same: viz.


Antiquaries, Society of-Proceedings.

No. 1-4. 8vo. 1861-3.

Second Series. Vol. I. No. 8. Vol. II.

Asiatic Society of Bengal-Journal, No. 293. 8vo. 1864.

Astronomical Society, Royal-Monthly Notices, 1863-4: No. 7.
Chemical Society-Journal for June, 1864. 8vo.

Editors-Artizan for June, 1864. 4to.

Athenæum for June, 1864. 4to.

[blocks in formation]

Technologist for June, 1864. 8vo.

Franklin Institute of Philadelphia-Journal, No. 460. 8vo.


Held, Dr. Joseph-Staat und Gesellschaft. 2ter Theil. 8vo. Leipzig.


Irish Academy, Royal-Transactions. Vol. XXIV. 3 Parts. 4to.
Proceedings. Vol. VIII Parts 1-6. 8vo. 1861-4.

Linnean Society-Journal and Proceedings, No. 23. 8vo. 1864.

Medico-Chirurgical Society, Royal-Proceedings. Vol. IV. No. 5. 8vo. 1864. Newton, Messrs.-London Journal (New Series): June, 1862. 8vo.

Petermann, A. Esq. (the Editor)-Mittheilungen auf der Gesammtgebiete der Geographie. 1864. No. 4. 4to.

Photographic Society--Journal, No. 146. 8vo. 1864.

Statistical Society of London-Journal. Vol. XXVII. Part 2. 8vo. 1864.

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