
the bringing forward of the extinct animals towards our own time, as the carrying back of man in geological time. In making that observation I had chiefly in view the distance of time at which the last of the great extinct manimalia disappeared. If there should have been, between the modern valley alluvia and the latest quaternary beds, some intervening period of time of which we are ignorant, that distance may be materially prolonged. If, on the contrary, they followed in immediate succession, and I think we have evidence that such was the case, for there seems reason to believe that some of the large pachyderms still existed at the commencement of the alluvial period, whilst we know that many the ruminants lived on uninterruptedly from one period to the other, I do not, for my part, see any geological reasons why the great extinct mammalia should not have lived down to comparatively recent times, possibly not further back than 8,000 to 10,000 years.


"But this only brings us to the threshold of that dim and mysterious antiquity in which first appear those rudely-wrought flints,- those evident works of design-those palpable shadowings of man. Here our chronology fails us altogether. If we look at our broad and long valleys, and then at the comparatively small streams now winding through them, and suppose these streams to have been the same in past times as they now are, we could hardly avoid the conclusion that the time required to produce such excavations with such means must be almost incalculable. But if the view here proposed be correct, it would follow that with rivers so large in proportion to those now occupying the same valleys, with floods of a force now unknown in the same districts, with a cold so severe as to shatter the rocks, and to hasten the removal of their débris, we should have, I contend, agencies in operation so far exceeding in power any now acting in these countries, that it is impossible to apply the same rules to the two periods. The changes described must have progressed with a rapidity of which we, at the present day, can in these latitudes hardly form an adequate conception.

"But although I would shorten the Quaternary period by the extent of the differences here alluded to, it still remains of great length and importance, stretching back into a far remote antiquity, and it is far into this period that we have traced these works of man. Although at present we are without a scale or measure to determine that antiquity, we need not abandon the hope, that, by continued and careful observation, we may eventually succeed in forming some comparative estimate of it. The first men who, after traversing the plains of Lombardy, approached the Alps, could scarcely have failed to realize their vast dimensions, although without the means to determine their exact height; so we, from the relative magnitude of the phenomena and the variation of life, can sufficiently well realize the remoteness of the time in question, although we do not yet possess the data whereby to measure its duration, and determine its exact distance from our own time."

[J. P.]


Friday, March 4, 1864.

SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.D. D.C.L. F.R.S. Vice-President, in the Chair.


On the Discrimination of Organic Bodies by their Optical Properties.

THE chemist who deals with the chemistry of inorganic substances has ordinarily under his hands bodies endowed with very definite reactions, and possessing great stability, so as to permit of the employment of energetic reagents. Accordingly he may afford to dispense with the aids supplied by the optical properties of bodies, though even to him they might be of material assistance. The properties alluded to are such as can be applied to the scrutiny of organic substances; and therefore the examination of the bright lines in flames and incandescent vapours is not considered. This application of optical observation, though not new in principle (for it was clearly enunciated by Mr. Fox Talbot more than thirty years ago), was hardly followed out in relation to chemistry, and remained almost unknown to chemists until the publication of the researches of Professors Bunsen and Kirchhoff, in consequence of which it has now become universal.

But while the chemist who attends to inorganic compounds may confine himself without much loss to the generally-recognized modes of research, it is to his cost that the organic chemist, especially one who occupies himself with proximate analysis, neglects the immense assistance which in many cases would be afforded him by optical examination of the substances under his hands. It is true that the method is of limited application, for a great number of substances possess no marked optical characters; but when such substances do present themselves, their optical characters afford facilities for their chemical study of which chemists generally have at present little conception.

Two distinct objects may be had in view in seeking for such information as optics can supply relative to the characters of a chemical substance. Among the vast number of substances which chemists have now succeeded in isolating or preparing, and which in many cases have been but little studied, it often becomes a question whether two substances, obtained in different ways, are or are not identical. In such cases an optical comparison of the bodies will either add to the evidence of their identity, the force of the additional evidence being greater or less according as their optical characters are more or less marked, or will establish a difference between substances which might otherwise erroneously have been supposed to be identical.

The second object is that of enabling us to follow a particular substance through mixtures containing it, and thereby to determine its principal reactions before it has been isolated, or even when there is small hope of being able to isolate it; and to demonstrate the existence of a common proximate element in mixtures obtained from two different sources. Under this head should be classed the detection of mixtures in what were supposed to be solutions of single substances.*

Setting aside the labour of quantitative determinations carried out by well-recognized methods, the second object is that the attainment of which is by far the more difficult. It involves the methods of examination required for the first object, and more besides; and it is that which is chiefly kept in view in the present discourse.

The optical properties of bodies, properly speaking, include every relation of the bodies to light; but it is by no means every such relation that is available for the object in view. Refractive power, for instance, though constituting, like specific gravity, &c., one of the cha racters of any particular pure substance, is useless for the purpose of following a substance in a mixture containing it. The same may be said of dispersive power. The properties which are of most use for our object are first, absorption; and secondly, fluorescence.

Colour has long been employed as a distinctive character of bodies; as, for example, we say that the salts of oxide of copper are mostly blue. The colour, however, of a body, gives but very imperfect information respecting that property on which the colour depends; for the same tint may be made up in an infinite number of ways from the constituents of white light. In order to observe what it is that the body does to each constituent, we must examine it in a pure spectrum. [The formation of a pure spectrum was then explained, and such a spectrum was formed on a screen by the aid of the electric light. On holding a cell containing a salt of copper in front of the screen, and moving it from the red to the violet, it was shown to cast a shadow in the red as if the fluid had been ink, while in the blue rays it might have been supposed to have been water. Chromate of potash similarly treated gave the reverse effect, being transparent in the red and opaque in the blue. Of course the transition from transparency to opacity was not abrupt; and for intermediate colours the fluids caused a partial darkening. Indeed, to speak with mathematical rigour, the darkening is not absolute even when it appears the greatest; but the light let through is so feeble that it eludes our senses. In this way the behaviour of the substance may be examined with reference to the various kinds of light one after another; but in order to see at one glance its behaviour with respect to all kinds, it is merely requisite to hold the body so as to intercept the whole beam which forms the spectrum, to place it, for instance, immediately in front of the slit.]

The detection of mixtures by the microscopic examination of intermingled crystals properly belongs to the first head, the question which the observer proposes to himself, being, in fact, whether the pure substances forming the individual crystals are or are not identical.

To judge from the two examples just given, it might be supposed that the observation of the colour would give almost as much information as analysis by the prism. To show how far this is from being the case, two fluids very similar in colour, port-wine and a solution of blood, were next examined. The former merely caused a general absorption of the more refrangible rays; the latter exhibited two well-marked dark bands in the yellow and green. These bands, first noticed by Hoppe, are eminently characteristic of blood, and afford a good example of the facilities which optical examination affords for following a substance which possesses distinctive characters of this nature. On adding to a solution of blood a particular salt of copper (any ordinary copper salt, with the addition of a tartrate to prevent precipitation, and then carbonate of soda), a fluid was obtained utterly unlike blood in colour, but showing the characteristic bands of blood, while at the same time a good deal of the red was absorbed, as it would have been by the copper salt alone. On adding, on the other hand, acetic acid to a solution of blood, the colour was merely changed to a browner red, without any precipitate being produced. Nevertheless, in the spectrum of this fluid the bands of blood had wholly vanished, while another set of bands less intense, but still very characteristic, made their appearance. This alone, however, does not decide whether the colouring matter is decomposed or not by the acid; for as blood is an alkaline fluid, the change might be supposed to be merely analogous to the reddening of litmus. To decide the question, we must examine the spectrum when the fluid is again rendered alkaline, suppose by ammonia, which does not affect the absorption bands of blood. The direct addition of ammonia to the acid mixture causes a dense precipitate, which contains the colouring matter, which may, however, be separated by the use merely of acetic acid and ether, of which the former was already used, and the latter does not affect the colouring matter of blood. This solution gives the same characteristic spectrum as blood to which acetic acid has been added; but now there is no difficulty in obtaining the colouring matter in an ammoniacal solution. In the spectrum of this solution, the sharp absorption bands of blood do not appear, but instead thereof there is a single band a little nearer to the red, and comparatively vague [this was shown on a screen]. This difference of spectra decides the question, and proves that hæmatin (the colouring matter prepared by acid, &c.) is, as Hoppe stated, a product of decomposition.

The spectrum of blood may be turned to account still, further in relation to the chemical nature of that substance. The colouring matter contains, as is well known, a large quantity of iron; and it might be supposed that the colour was due to some salt of iron, more especially as some salts of peroxide of iron, sulphocyanide for instance, have a blood-red colour. But there is found a strong general resemblance between salts of the same metallic oxide as regards the character of their absorption. Thus the salts of sesquioxide of uranium show a remarkable system of bands of absorption in the more refran

gible part of the spectrum. The number and position of the bands differ a little from one salt to another; but there is the strongest family likeness between the different salts. Salts of sesquioxide of iron in a similar manner have a family likeness in the vagueness of the absorption, which creeps on from one part of the spectrum to another without presenting any rapid transitions from comparative transparency to opacity and the converse. [The spectrum of sulphocyanide of peroxide of iron was shown for the sake of contrasting with blood.] Hence the appearance of such a peculiar system of bands of absorption in blood would negative the supposition that its colour is due to a salt of iron as such, even had we no other means of deciding. The assemblage of the facts with which we are acquainted seems to show that the colouring matter is some complex compound of the five elements, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and iron, which under the action of acids and otherwise, splits into hæmatin and a protein substance.

This example was dwelt on, not for its own sake, but because general methods are most readily apprehended in their application to particular examples. To show one example of the discrimination which may be effected by the prism, the spectra were exhibited of the two kinds of red glass which (not to mention certain inferior kinds) are in common use, and which are coloured, one by gold, and the other by suboxide of copper. Both kinds exhibit a single band of absorption near the yellow or green; but the band of the gold glass is situated very sensibly nearer to the blue end of the spectrum than that of the copper glass.

In the experiments actually shown, a battery of fifty cells and complex apparatus were employed, involving much trouble and expense. But this was only required for projecting the spectra on a screen, so as to be visible to a whole audience. To see them, nothing more is required than to place the fluid to be examined (contained, suppose) in a test tube, behind a slit, and to view it through a small prism applied to the naked eye, different strengths of solution being tried in succession. In this way the bands may be seen by anyone in far greater perfection than when, for the purpose of a lecture, they are thrown on a screen.

In order to be able to examine the peculiarities which a substance may possess in the mode in which it absorbs light, it is not essential that the substance should be in solution, and viewed by transmission. Thus, for example, when a pure spectrum is thrown on a sheet of paper painted with blood, the same bands are seen in the yellow and green region as when the light is transmitted through a solution of blood, and the spectrum thrown on a white screen. This indicates that the colour of such a paper is in fact due to absorption, although the paper is viewed by reflected light. Indeed, by far the greater number of coloured objects which are presented to us, such as green leaves, flowers, dyed cloths, though ordinarly seen by reflection, owe their colour to absorption. The light by which they are seen is, it is true, reflected, but it is not in reflection that the preferential selection of certain kinds of rays is made which causes the objects to appear coloured.

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