
cohesion in the molecules of a liquid from distension by heat. I believe, from the close investigation I made into the subject, that (except with the metals, on which there is no evidence) no one has seen the phenomenon of pure boiling without permanent gas being freed, and that what is ordinarily termed boiling arises from the extrication of a bubble of permanent gas either by chemical decomposition of the liquid, or by the separation of some gas associated in minute quantity with the liquid, and from which human means have hitherto failed to purge it; this bubble once extricated, the vapour of the liquid expands it, or, to use the appropriate phrase of M. Donny, the liquid evaporates against the surface of the gas.

My experiments are, in a certain sense, the complement of his. He showed that the temperature of the boiling point was raised in some proportion as water was deprived of air, and that under such circumstances the boiling took place by soubresauts. I have, I trust, shown that when the vapour liberated by boiling is allowed to condense, it does not altogether collapse into a liquid, but leaves a residual bubble of permanent gas, and that at a certain point this evolution becomes uniform.

Boiling, then, is not the result of merely raising a liquid to a given temperature, it is something much more complex.

One might suppose that with a compound liquid the initial bubble by which evaporation is enabled to take place might, if all foreign gas were or could be extracted, be formed by decomposition of the liquid: but this could not be the case with an elementary liquid; whence the oxygen from bromine or the hydrogen from phosphorus and sulphur? As with the nitrogen in water, it may be that a minute portion of oxygen, hydrogen, or of water is inseparable from these substances, and that if boiled away to absolute dryness, a minute portion of gas would be left for each ebullition.

With water there seems a point at which the temperature of ebullition and the quantity of nitrogen yielded become uniform, though the latter is excessively minute.

The circumstances of the experiments with bromine, phosphorus, and sulphur, did not permit me to push the experiment so far as was done with water, but as far as it went the result was similar.

When an intense heat, such as that from the electric spark or voltaic arc, is applied to permanent gas, there are, in the greater number of cases, signs either of chemical decomposition or of molecular change; thus compound gases, such as hydrocarbons, ammonia, the oxides of nitrogen, and many others are decomposed. Phosphorus in vapour is changed to allotropic phosphorus, oxygen to ozone, which, according to present experience, may be viewed as allotropic oxygen. There may be many cases where, as with aqueous vapour, a small portion only is decomposed, and this may be so masked by the volume of undecomposed gas as to escape detection; if, for instance, the vapour of water were incondensable, the fact that a portion of it is decomposed by the electric spark or ignited platinum would not have been observed.

All these facts show that the effect of intense heat applied to liquids and gases is much less simple, and presents greater interest to the chemist than has generally been supposed. In far the greater number of cases, possibly in all, it is not mere expansion into vapour which is produced by intense heat, but there is a chemical or molecular change. Had circumstances permitted I should have carried these experiments further, and endeavoured to find an experimentum crucis on the subject. There are difficulties with such substances as bromine, phosphorus, &c., arising from their action on the substances used to contain and heat them, which are not easy to vanquish, and those who may feel inclined to repeat my experiments will find these difficulties greater than they appear in narration; but I do not think they are insuperable, and hope that, in the hands of those who are fortunate enough to have time at their disposal, they may be overcome.

To completely isolate a substance from the surrounding air and yet be able to experiment on it, is far more difficult than is generally supposed. The air-pump is but a rude mode for such experiments as are here detailed.

Caoutchouc joints are out of the question; even platinum wires carefully sealed into glass, though, as far as I have been able to observe, forming a joint which will not allow gas to pass, yet it is one through which liquids will effect a passage, at all events when the wires are repeatedly heated.

In some experiments with the ignited platinum wire hermetically sealed into a tube of glass, the end of the tube containing the platinum wire was placed in a larger tube of oil, to lessen the risk of cracking the glass. After some days' experimenting, though the sealing remained perfect, a slight portion of carbon was found in the interior liquid. This does not affect the results of my experiments, as I repeated them with glass tubes closed at the end and without platinum wires, and also without the oil-bath; but it shows how difficult it is to exclude sources of error. When water has been deprived of air to the greatest practicable extent it becomes very avid for air. The following experiment is an instance of this: A single pair of the gas-battery, the liquid in which was cut off from the external air by a greased glass stopper, having one tube filled with water, the other with hydrogen, the platinized platinum plates in each of these tubes were connected with a galvanometer, and a deflection took place from the reaction of the hydrogen on the air dissolved in the water. After a time the deflection abated, and the needle returned to zero, all the oxygen of the air having become combined with the hydrogen. If now the stopper were taken out, a deflection of the galvanometric needle immediately took place, showing that the air rapidly enters the water as water would a sponge. Absolute chemical purity in the ingredients is a matter, for refined experiments, almost unattainable; the more delicate the test, the more some minute residual product is detected; it would seem (to put the proposition in a somewhat exaggerated form) that in nature everything is to be found in anything if we carefully look for it.


I have indicated the above sources of error to show the close suit that is necessary when looking for these minute residual phenomena. Enough has, I trust, been shown in the above experiments to lead to the conclusion that, hitherto, simple boiling, in the sense of a liquid being expanded by heat into its vapour without being decomposed or having permanent gas eliminated from it, is a thing unknown. Whether such boiling can take place may be regarded as an open question, though I incline to think it cannot; that if water, for instance, could be absolutely deprived of nitrogen, it would not boil until some portion of it was decomposed; that the physical severance of the molecules by heat is also a chemical severance. If there be anything in this theoretic view, there is great promise of important results on elementary liquids, if the difficulties to which I have alluded can be got over.

The constant appearance of nitrogen in water, when boiled off out of contact with the air almost to the last drop, is a matter well worthy of investigation. I will not speculate on what possible chemical connection there may be between air and water; the preponderance of these two substances on the surface of our planet, and the probability that nitrogen is not the inert diluent in respiration that is generally supposed, might give rise to not irrational conjectures on some unknown bond between air and water. But it would be rash to announce any theory on such a subject; better to test any guess one may make, by experiment, than to mislead by theory without sufficient data, or to lessen the value of facts by connecting them with erroneous hypotheses. [W. R. G.]


Friday, January 29, 1864.




On the Glacial Epoch.

AMONGST the circumstances that have profoundly influenced the present physical condition of our earth, the action of ancient glaciers upon a scale of almost inconceivable magnitude has been gradually but irresistibly forcing itself upon the notice of philosophers since their attention was first called to it by Venetz and Esmark. There are few elevated regions in any quarter of the globe which do not exhibit indubitable evidence of the characteristic grinding and polishing action of ice-masses, although at present, perhaps, they are scarcely streaked

by the snows of winter. In our own country the researches of Buckland, and especially of Ramsay, have clearly shown that the Highlands of Scotland, the mountains of Wales and Cumberland, and the limestone crags of Yorkshire, abound in these roches moutonnés, which leave no doubt that the valleys of those mountain ranges were once filled with glaciers of dimensions unsurpassed, if even equalled, by those which at the present day stream down the sides of their gigantic Swiss rivals. Nor was this perpetual ice of a former age confined to localities where no such phenomenon is now seen, but numerous observations have established that the glaciers of the present age, existing in Switzerland, Norway, and elsewhere, are but the nearly dried-up streamlets of ancient ice rivers of enormous size. These glaciers have eroded the Alpine valleys, of which they once held possession, have carved out the lochs and kyles of Scotland, as well as the grander fjords of Norway, and have contributed in a most essential manner to the present aspect of our mountain scenery. Ramsay and Tyndall have recently called attention to this action of ancient glaciers, and have contended with considerable plausibility, the former that the lake basins, the latter that the valleys of the Alps, have been thus, in great part, scooped out. In no part of the world, perhaps, can the phenomena of the glacial epoch be more advantageously studied than in Norway, where the ice-scarred coasts and fjords are still fully exposed to the eye of the observer, side by side with the ocean, which furnished the crystalline material that formerly covered them. Two thousand miles of coast, from Christiania to the North Cape, afford almost uninterrupted evidence of the vast ice operations which, during the epoch in question, moulded nearly every feature of this remarkable country. Starting from Christiania, the traveller cannot fail to remark the peculiar appearance of the gneiss and granite rocks composing the coast, as well as the innumerable islands which, forming a great natural breakwater, protect the shore from the heavy seas rolling in from the Atlantic. These rocks, here rarely rising to the height of 800 or 900 feet, present nothing of that sharp and rugged outline which generally characterizes such formations. On the contrary, they are smoothed even to their summits, all their angles worn off, and every trace of boldness and asperity effaced. To the casual and uninstructed observer the action of the sea suggests itself as a sufficient cause of these appearances; but it does not require much scrutiny to be convinced that the ocean waves have had little to do with this smoothing and polishing of the coast, since it is the surfaces sloping towards the land that are most acted upon, whilst in some places, where the rock descends precipitously towards the sea, and is subject to the dash of the waves, it has been protected from the abrading action, and presents merely a weathered surface.

Rounding the promontory of the Naze and proceeding northward, the coast presents, with slight exceptions, the same general features until the Arctic circle is approached, when the character of the scenery

rather suddenly changes. The rocky hills acquire the dignity of mountains, and tower up in rugged, sharp, and fantastic peaks, contrasting strongly with the rounded summits of the lower latitudes. But these arctic peaks owe their immunity from the abrading action of ice solely to their height; around their bases, and even high up their sides, the slow surges of the moving glacial sea have made their unmistakable marks, grinding, and even undercutting, them into most extraordinary forms, as fine instances of which may be mentioned the Seven Sisters, and Torghatten, with its siugular tunnel, just south of the Arctic circle; the Horseman, standing on the circle; and the mountains of the Folden and Vestfjords, north of it; the latter having been justly described by the Rev. R. Everest, as resembling the jaws of an immense shark.*

To account for the advent and subsequent disappearance of such vast masses of ice, various hypotheses have been propounded. It has been suggested that the temperature of space is not uniform, and that our solar system, in performing its proper motion among the stars, sometimes passes through regions of comparatively low temperature: according to this hypothesis, the glacial epoch occurred during the passage of our system through such a cold portion of space. Some have imagined that the heat emitted by the sun is subject to variation, and that the glacial epoch happened during what may be termed a cold solar period. Others, again, believe that a different distribution of land and water would render the climate of certain localities colder than it is at present, and would thus sufficiently account for the phenomena of the glacial epoch. Finally, Professor Kämtz considers that at the time of the glacial period the mountains were much higher than at present-Mount Blanc 20,000 feet for instance--the secondary and tertiary formations having been since eroded from their summits.

The two last assumptions are attended with formidable geological difficulties, especially when it is considered that the phenomena of the epoch in question extended over the entire surface of the globe; they have therefore never acquired more than a very partial acceptance. With regard to the two first-named hypotheses, my colleague, Professor Tyndall, has recently shown that they are founded upon an entirely erroneous conception of the conditions necessary to the phenomena sought to be explained. The formation of glaciers is a true process of distillation, requiring heat as much as cold for its due performance. The produce of a still would be diminished, not increased, by an absolute reduction of temperature. A greater differentiation of temperature is what is required to stimulate the operation into greater activity. Professor Tyndall does not suggest any cause for such exalted differentiation during the glacial epoch; but he proves conclusively that both hypotheses, besides being totally unsupported by cosmical

The speaker was greatly indebted to his friend, B. F. Duppa, Esq., for beautiful coloured drawings of these remarkable objects, taken from the sketches of Professor James D. Forbes and Mr. Mattieu Williams.

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