

NO. I.

Matt. 7.

Luke 19.

1 Cor. 9.

1 Cor. 9.

1 Cor. 9.

2 Cor. 9.

Gal. 6.

Gal. 6.

1 Tim. 6.

1 Tim. 6.

Heb. 6

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Not euery one that sayeth bnto me, lorde, lorde, shall entre into the kyngdome of heauen, but he that dothe the will of my father whiche is in heauen.

Zache stode furthe, and sayed bnto the Lorde: beholde Lorde, the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore, and yf I haue doen any wronge to any man, I restore foure folde.

Who goeth a warfare at any tyme at his owne coste ? who planteth a vineiarde, and eateth not of the fruite therof? Or who fedethe a flocke, and eateth not of the milke of the flocke?

If we haue sowen bnto you spirituall thinges, is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thinges?

Dooe ye not knowe, that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges, lyue of the Sacrifice? They whiche waite of the alter, are partakers with the alter? euen so hath the lorde also ordained: that they whiche preache the Gospell, shoulde line of the Gospell.

We whiche soweth litle, shall reape litle, and he that soweth plenteously, shall reape plenteously. Let euery manne doe accordynge as he is disposed in his hearte, not grudgyngly, or of necessitie, for God loueth a chereful geuer.

Let hym that is taughte in the woorde, minister bnto hym that teacheth, in all good thinges. Be not deceyued, GOD is not mocked. For whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall he


While we haue tyme, let bs doe good bnto all men, and specially bnto them, whiche are of the housholde of fayth.

Godlynes is greate riches, yf a man be contented with that he hath: For we broughte nothyng into the worlde, neither maye we cary any thing out.

Charge them whiche are riche in this worlde, that they be ready to geue, and glad to distribute, laying bp in stoare for themselves a good foundacion, against the time to come, that they maie attain eternall lyfe.

GOD is not bnrighteous, that he will forgette youre woorkes and labor, that procedeth of loue, whiche loue ye haue shewed for his names sake, whiche haue ministred bnto the sainctes, and yet do minister.

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To do good, and to distribute, forget not, for with suche COMMUNION Sacrifices God is pleased.

SERVICE. 1549.

1 John 3.

Whoso hath this worldes good, and seeth his brother haue Heb. 13. nede, and shutteth bp his compassion from hym, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Geue almose of thy goodes, and turne neuer thy face from Tobit 4. any poore man, and then the face of the lord shall not be turned awaye from thee.

Bee mercifull after thy power: if thou haste muche, geue Tobit 4. plenteously, yf thou hast litle, do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle, for so gathereste thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the date of necessitie.

He that hath pitie bpon the poore, lendeth bnto the Lord: Prov. 19. and loke what he laieth out, it shalbe paied him again.

Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and nedy, Ps. 41. the lorde shall deliuer hym, in the tyme of trouble.

Where there be Clearkes, thei shall syng one", or many of the sentences aboue written, accordyng to the length and shortnesse of the tyme, that the people be offeryng.

En the meane tyme, whyles the Clearkes do syng the Offertory, so many as are disposed, shall offer to the poore mennes boxe euery one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable myade. And at the offeryng daies appoynted, cuery manne and woman shall paie to the Curate, the Due and accustomed offerynges.

Then so many as shalbee partakers of the holy Communion, shall tarye still in the quire, or in some conueniente place nigh the quire, the men on the one side, and the women on the other syde. All other (that mynde not to receive the said holy Communion) shall departe out of the quire, excepte the ministers and Clearkes.

Then shall the minister • take so muche Breade and Wine, as shall suffice for the persons appoynted to receive the holy Communion, laiyng the breade vpon the corporas or els in the paten, or in some other comely thyng, prepared for that pur= pose: And putting the wine into the Chalice, or els in some faire or conueniente cup, prepared for that vse (if the Chalice wil not serue) puttyng therto a litle

n Harum et similium sententiarum ex Thobia, Proverbiis, vel Psalmis, una aut plures canantur.-Alex. Ales. [fol. 39.]

• Sacerdos [tot hostias calici aut corporali imponet, &c.]-Alex. Ales. [ibid.]

P Vide Joh. Lightfooti Hor. Hebraic. in Matth. cap. xxvi. 27. ["If he drinks wine pure and not mingled with water, he hath performed his duty;' but commonly they mingled water with

it; hence when there is mention of
wine in the rubric of the feasts, they
always use the word, 'they mingle'
him a cup... The rabbins have a
tradition, over wine which hath not
water mingled with it they do not say
the blessing, 'Blessed be He that
created the fruit of the vine,' but
'Blessed be He that created the fruit
of the tree' 'The wise agree with
R. Eleazar, that one ought not to bless
over the cup of blessing, till water be


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APPENDIX. pure and cleane water: And setting both the bread and wyne vpon the Alter : Then the Prieste shall saye.

NO. I.

The Lorde be with you.


And with thy spirite.


Lift bp your heartes.


We lift them bp bnto the Lorde.


Let bs geue thankes to our Lorde God.


It is mete and right so to do.

The Priest.

It is very mete, righte, and our bounden dutie, that we shoulde at all tymes, and in all places, geue thankes to thee, O Lorde, holy father, almightie euerlasting God.

¶ Here shall folowe the propre preface, accordyng to the tyme (if there bee any specially appointed) or els immediatly shall folowe. Therfore with Aungels. &c.

Propre Prefaces.

Upon Christmas daye.

Because thou diddeste geue Jesus Christe, thyne onely sonne to be borne as this daie for bs, who by the operacion of the holy ghoste, was made very man, of the substaunce of the Virgin Mary his mother, and that

mingled in it.'"-Lightfoot, Works,
vol. ii. p. 260, fol. London, 1684.] And
in 1 Cor. cap. xi. 25. [“That cup which
Christ used was mixed with water, if
so be He retained the ordinary custom
of the nation in this matter, which is
not in the least to be doubted, &c."—
Ibid., p. 777.] Just. Martyris Apol. i.
pp. 125, 128. Edit. a Joh. Ernesto
Grabe. Oxoniæ MDCC. [c. 65. pp.

82, D. 83, A; c. 67. p. 83, A. ed. Ben. quoted above, vol. ii. pp. 105, f, 106, g.] Ejusdem notas in Irenæi opera a se edita, lib. v. cap. ii. [quoted above, vol. ii. p. 106, h.] S. Cyprian. Epist. lxiii. edit. Oxon. [Ad Cæcilium, pp. 104, sqq. Ed. Ben. quoted above, vol. ii. p. 54, m.] Vide et, Dist. ii. de Consecratione, c. i.-v. [Decreti pars iii. ap. Corp. Jur. Can., tom. i.]

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without spotte of sinne, to make vs cleane from all sinne. COMMUNION Therfore. &c.

Upon Easter daie.

But chiefly are we bounde to prayse thee, for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Jesus Christe, our Lorde, for he is the bery Pascall Lambe, whiche was offered for bs, and hath taken awaye the synne of the worlde, who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his risyng to lyfe againe, hath restored to bs euerlastinge lyfe. Therefore. &c.

Upon the Assencion daye.

Through thy moste dere beloued sonne, Jesus Christe our Lord, who after his moste glorious resurreccion, manifestly appered to all his disciples, and in theyr sighte ascended bp into heauen, to prepare a place for bs, that where he is, thither mighte we also ascende, and reigne with him in glory. Therfore &c.

Upon Whitsondaye.

Throughe Jesus Christe our Lorde, accordynge to whose moste true promyse, the holy Ghoste came doune this daye from heaven, with a sodaine great sounde, as it had been a mightie wynde, in the lykenes of fiery toungues, lightynge upon the Apostles, to teache them, and to leade them to all truethe, gebyng them bothe the gifte of diverse languages, and also boldnes with feruente zeale, constantly to preache the Gospell bnto all nacions, whereby we are brought out of darkenes and error, into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee, and of thy sonne Jesus Christ. Therfore 9. &c.

Upon the feast of the Trinitie.

It is very meete, righte, and our bounden duetie, that we should at all tymes, and in all places, geue thankes to thee, O Lorde almightie, eberlastinge God, which arte one God, one Lorde', not one onely person, but three persones in one

In versione Alesii: Quapropter profusis gaudiis totus in orbe terrarum mundus exultat, sed et supernæ virtutes, atque angelicæ potestates hymnum gloriæ tuæ concinunt, sine fine dicentes, Sanctus, Sanctus, &c. [fol. 40.]

Versio Alesiana sic se habet: Qui cum unigenito filio tuo, et Spiritu Sancto unus es Deus, unus es Dominus; non in unius singularitate personæ, sed cum Trinitate personarum, in Unitate substantiæ. Quod enim de gloria tua revelante te credimus, hoc

SERVICE. 1549.

NO. I.

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APPENDIX. Substaunce: For that whiche we belebe of the glory of the father, thesame we beleue of the sonne, and of the holy ghoste, without any difference, or inequalitie: whom the Angels, (and Archangels, and also Cherubin, and Seraphin do praise, neuer ceasing to cry aloud with one continued voice, saying, holy, holy, holy, &c.3)

After whiche preface shall folowe immediatly.

Therfore with Angels and Archangels, and with al the holy companie of heauen: we laude and magnifye thy glorious name, euermore praysyng thee, and sayinge:

¶ Holyt, holy, holy, Lorde God of Hostes: heauen and earth are full of thy glory: Osanna in the higheste. Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde: Glory to thee, O lorde, in the highest. This the Clearkes shall also syng.

¶ When the Clearkes haue doen syngyng, then shall the Priest, or Deacon, turne hym to the people and saye.

Let bs praye for the whole state of Christes churche.

¶ Then the Priest turning hym to the Altar", shall saye or syng, plainly and distinctly, this prayer folowing.

Almightie and euerlyuyng God, whiche by thy holy Apostle haste taught vs to make prayers and supplicacions, and to geue thankes for all menne: We humbly beseche thee moste mercyfully to receyue these our prayers: whiche we offre bnto thy diuine Majestie, besechyng thee to inspire continually the vniuersall churche, with the spirite of truethe, bnitie and concorde: And graunt that all they that doe confesse thy holpe name, maye agre in the trueth of thy holye worde, and liue in bnitie and godly loue. Speciallye wee beseche thee to saue and defende thy seruaunte, Edwarde our Kynge, that bnder him we maye be Godly and quietely gouerned. And graunte bnto his whole counsaile, and to all that bee put in

de Filio tuo, hoc de Spiritu Sancto, sine
differentia discretionis sentimus, quem
laudant angeli atque archangeli,
cherubin quoque, et seraphin, qui non
cessant clamare, jugiter una voce di-

[The words now enclosed in paren-
theses are not in the original Prayer
Books of 1549, which ended with
"whom the angels, &c." Hickes has

supplied the concluding words which were to be added from the Latin Service previously in use, from which this preface was simply translated; they are given in full in Ales' version.]

"Chorus" præmittitur in versione Alesiana.

u Hæc verba nigra linea subducta notata desunt in versione Alesiana.

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