
TAKE therefore no thought for the morrow.

ST. MATT. vi, 34.


UR not knowing what a day may bring forth does not forbid preparing for to-morrow, but

presuming upon to-morrow.

TO-MORROW I will seek the Lord,

The foolish heart will say;
To-morrow may no life afford,

So seek the Lord to-day.

Seek Him, and Him you soon shall find,
And own how blest are they,

Who cast the morrow from the mind,

To seek the Lord to-day.

WHO is among you that feareth the Lord, that

obeyeth the voice of His servant, that

walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the Name of the Lord, and stay upon his God. ISAIAH 1, 10.

A GODLY man's way may be dark, but his end shall be peace and everlasting light.

THE wondrous love that sought thee
Will keep thee to the end,
Will give a glorious morrow
To this thy night of pain,
And make thy dews of sorrow
Like "Shining after rain."

I HAVE learned, in whatsoever state I am, PHIL. iv, II.

therewith to be content.

IT T is a special grace in a low state not to lose our comfort in God, nor distrust His Providence, nor take any wrong course for our own supply.

GIVE me the pliant mind, whose gentle measure
Complies and suits with all estates;

Which can let loose to a crown, and yet with pleasure
Take up within a cloister's gates.

BLESSED is he that cometh in the Name of ST. LUKE xiii, 35.

the Lord.

ET us learn thankfully to welcome and to
profit by all who come in the Name of the
Lord, to call us to partake of His great salvation.

O LET me use all means of grace
Thy faithfulness hath given ;
And everything, and time, and place,
To make me fit for Heaven.

JUNE 29.-St. Peter.

LORD, Thou knowest all things; Thou knowest ST. JOHN xxi, 17.

that I love Thee.

I PRAY that I may hold St. Peter's faith with his devotion; but let me not need falls to

make me lowly and trustworthy.

He loves and is beloved again;
Can his soul choose but be at rest?
Sorrow hath fled away, and pain

Dares not invade the guarded nest.

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