
Arranged by Classes

The class mark of the book is given at the right


Radha-Krishnan, Sarvepalli.


The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. 1918. Macmillan. $3.25. "An eastern scholar's interpretation of the mystical philosophy of Tagore. It is sprinkled throughout with quotations from the subject's works as well as with those from western authors and critics, showing a wide reading. An illumination of the thought and life of India and its relation to Christianity and the West."-Booklist.

Hyslop, James Hervey.


Contact with the other world; the latest evidence as to communication with the dead. 1919. Century. $5.00.

"Less compact than his 'Life after death' this authoritative work is not adapted to as wide a circle of readers. Highly interesting experiences follow a summary of the history and theory of spirit communication, the closing twelve chapters comprising essays on various aspects of the subject. There are communications with James, Funk, Carroll Wright, Mark Twain and R. S. Gifford, which are interesting."-Booklist.

Gregory, Caspar René.

Canon and text of the New Testament. (International theological library.)



CBR $3.00.

"Lucidity of statement and cautious expression of opinion on open questions are prominent characteristics of this noble work."-Outlook.

Forster, Arthur Haire.

Four modern religious movements. $1.25. (Library of religious thought.)


1919. R. G. Badger, Boston.

Contents: Spiritualism.-Chrístían science.-Theosophy.-The Mormons or Latter day saints. Christ the Word. The value of death.-The religious opinions of Dean Swift.

McComb, Samuel.


A book of prayers for public and personal use. 1915. Dodd, Mead. $2.00.

Moore, Edward Caldwell.


The spread of Christianity in the modern world. 1919. University of Chicago press. $2.00. (University of Chicago publications in religious education: Handbooks of ethics and religion.)

"A survey of the history of modern missions and the mutual relations between them and political history. Besides the religious point of view it gives much of interest on the social and national developments, particularly between the east and west."-Booklist. Author is Plummer Professor of Christian Morals in Harvard University and President of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.


Clemenceau, Georges Eugene Benjamin, 1841


Lecomte, Georges Charles. Georges Clemenceau, the Tiger of France; tr. by Donald Clive Stuart. 1919. Appleton. $1.50.

"A Frenchman's intimate and enthusiastic sketch of the man who has been the inspiration to France during the war. He is pictured as strenuous, fiery, lovable and fun-making, losing no opportunity to restore courage to jaded deputies or poilus."-Booklist.

Parker, Carleton Hubbell, 1879-1918.


Parker, Mrs. Cornelia (Stratton). An American idyll; the life of Carleton H. Parker, 1919. Atlantic monthly press. $1.75.

"A memorable biography of a contemporary American liberal and a beautiful love story."-Dial.


Pershing, John Joseph, 1860

Tomlinson, Everett Titsworth. The story of General Pershing. 1919. Appleton. $1.50.

Roosevelt, Theodore, president U. S., 1858-1919.


Theodore Roosevelt's letters to his children; ed. by Joseph Bucklin Bishop. 1919. Scribner. $2.00.

"Many sides of the interesting character of Roosevelt are revealed in his letters to his children or to his friends about them. Most of all he is seen as an ardent big playfellow with interests wide enough to do crude picture letters for the little ones, as well as apologetically preachy messages to the boys away at school."-Booklist.

Wilson, Woodrow, president U. S., 1856

Halévy, Daniel.


President Wilson; tr. from the French by Hugh

Stokes. 1919. Lane. $1.50.

"A Frenchman's appreciation of President Wilson presented to the French people."Booklist.

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War in the garden of Eden; illustrated from photographs by the author. 1919. Scribner. $1.60.

"Readers of Kermit Roosevelt's 'War in the garden of Eden' will enjoy a vivid record of the dramatic Mesopotamian campaign as well as many interesting pages of narrative comment on the peoples and places that made the 'cradle of the world' so picturesque. As a captain in the Motor machine gun corps of the British expeditionary forces, Kermit Roosevelt fought on the Tigris front, did dangerous reconnoisance work and took part in skirmishes along the Kurdish front and was in the advances on the Euphrates and the attack on the Persian lines. Later, after being transferred to the American army as a captain of field artillery he was in the thick of the Argonne fighting."-New York times review of books.

Tunney, Thomas Joseph.

F30 Throttled! The detection of the German and anarchist bomb plotters, by Inspector Thomas J. Tunney-as told to Paul Merrick Hollister. 1919. Small, Maynard. $2.00.

United States. General staff.


The war with Germany; a statistical summary, by Leonard P. Ayres, colonel, General staff, chief of the Statistics branch of the General staff. 2d ed. 1919. Government printing office, Washington.

2F36 Italy, what she was, what she is, what she will become; a keepsake offered to their U. S. A. comrades in arms on land and sea, by the Italian sailors. 1919. Press of the Unione editrice, Rome. Balch, Thomas Willing.


The question of Alsace and Lorraine. 1918. Allen, Lane and Scott, Philadelphia. $1.00.

MacManus, Seumas.
Ireland's case.


1919. Irish publishing co., N. Y. $1.10.

Kerenskii, Aleksandr Fedorovich.


The prelude to bolshevism, the Kornilov rebellion. Mead.


"Will doubtless remain a valuable historical document in spite of rather difficult reading."-Booklist.

1919. Dodd,

Russell, Charles Edward.

Bolshevism and the United States.



Bobbs-Merrill. $1.50.

"His book is as authentic and authoritative as we are likely to have soon, and his style is vivid."-New York times review of books.

Singer, Isidore, comp.


Russia at the bar of the American people, memorial of Kishinef; records and documents. 1904. Funk. $1.50.


The Balkans; a history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey. 1915. $1.75.

Forbes, Nevill, Toynbee, A. J., and others.

"Accurate, singularly free from bias, and pleasant to read, it gives a surprisingly clear view of a confusing and often difficult subject."-Athenæum.

Fox, Frank.


The Balkan Peninsula. 1915. Black, London. $1.40. Seton-Watson, Robert William.


The rise of nationality in the Balkans. 1917. Constable. $5.00.

"Few more serviceable books on the Balkans have appeared in English than this one."New York times review of books.

Temperley, Harold William Vazielle.


History of Serbia. 1917. Bell. $4.00.

"Comprehensive history beginning with the coming of the southern Slavs, and ending with the first Balkan War in 1912."-Booklist.

Chekrezi, Constantin Anastasi.


Albania past and present; introduction by Charles D. Hazen. 1919. Macmillan. $2.25.

"The historical treatment of Albania and its people in this book is marked by careful research and painstaking devotion."-Boston transcript. Jastrow, Morris.


Zionism and the future of Palestine; the fallacies and dangers of political Zionism. 1919. Macmillan. $1.25.

"An illuminating study of the history and political grounds of Zionism with which the author takes issue. He opposes the narrowness and artificiality of the idea of Palestine as a future Jewish state at a time when oppression of the Jews is waning and Jewish national character has been obliterated, except in religion."-Booklist.

Trowbridge, Edward Dwight.

Mexico to-day and to-morrow. 1919. Macmillan. $2.00.


"The book is to be heartily recommended to everyone who is for any reason interested in Mexico. Those who have financial or commercial relations with the country will find

it of special use, as it is precisely in dealing with the effect of the revolution on business and finance that the author is most valuable."-Saturday review.

Hill, George Francis.


Historical Roman coins from the earliest times to the reign of Augustus. 1909. Constable. 10/6.


Harvard travellers club.

Handbook of travel. 1917. Harvard university press. $2.50.


"A handbook valuable for the traveller, the amateur explorer and for scientific expeditions. Information on equipment for any environment; methods of transport, determining positions by astronomical observations, surveying and mapping routes, camping, mountain climbing, and kindred subjects. The work of experts."-Booklist.

Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane.

Balkan home-life. 1917. Dodd, Mead. $3.50.


"The normal 'before the war' mode of living of the Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Osmanlis is presented in this study which records much that is interesting of their manners, morals, beliefs and superstitions."-Booklist. Peacock, Wadham.


Albania, the foundling state of Europe. 1914. Appleton. $3.50. "An interesting account by a sympathetic, well informed observer; but not a complete view of Albania, since it is devoted to the life of the wild tribes about Scutari and tells little of the more enlightened south. Largely concerned with the writer's residence as consul in north Albania during the last years of Turkish rule. The last chapters discuss the origin and prospects of the new state."-Booklist.

Finley, John Huston.


A pilgrim in Palestine; being an account of journeys on foot by the first American pilgrim after General Allenby's recovery of the Holy Land. 1919. Scribner. $2.00.

"Dr. Finley, commissioner of education of New York state and a student of the Holy Land, was chosen by the Red Cross as commissioner to Palestine. He is a close friend of General Allenby to whom he devotes a chapter in this book."-Book review digest.

Ferguson, Emily.

Open trails. 1912. Cassell. $1.20.


"Most of the book tells of journeys in the Saskatchewan country of Canada, but some of the later chapters discourse of trips to Canadian cities and into the United States."— Book review digest.

Stephenson, William B.

The land of tomorrow.



1919. George H. Doran company, N. Y.

"Alaska is the land of tomorrow. It is here shown as a land of economic opportunity, of scenic beauty, of interesting people and literature."-Booklist.

The author was formerly United States commissioner in Alaska.


Commons, John Rogers, and others.

History of labour in the United States. 2v. 1918.




"This probably is the final history of labor in our country during the centuries which immediately precede our own times. No individual is capable of the research in the original sources which is demonstrated by the results of the seven co-authors of these solid, useful, and handsome volumes."-New York times review of books.

Henderson, Arthur.

The aims of labour. 1918. Headley bros., London. 1.


"This pamphlet is a frank exposition of the aims and programmes for reconstruction of the British labour party."-Booklist.

Harris, Emerson Pitt, Wiers, E. S., and Harris, Florence. HH Co-operation, the hope of the consumer. 1919. Macmillan. $2.00. "Very complete study of the consumers' cooperative movement."-Book review digest. Bloomfield, Daniel, ed. HK

Selected articles on employment management; with an introduction by Meyer Bloomfield. 1919. H. W. Wilson company, N. Y. $1.80. (Handbook series.)

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Equal opportunity for all as against special benefits to a privileged few. 1919.

Library bureau.


Filing as a profession for women. 1919. Library bureau, N. Y. Moore, James T. M.


American business in world markets; our opportunities and obligations in securing export trade, the plans and purposes of other nations. 1919. George H. Doran company, N. Y. $2.00.

"The war period, in which the business man has shown himself to be a superior force for national benefit, has impressed the world with the importance of commercial men, says the author. How business men may organize their efforts to retain this rightful leadership he explains in this book. He characterizes the commercial policies of the European powers, especially Germany, and shows the opportunities of America for commerce in peace


Colcord, Joanna Carver.


Broken homes; a study of family desertion and its social treatment. 1919. Russell Sage foundation, N. Y. $.75. (Social work series.)

"A study of exceptional penetration and thoroughness, in which a clear insight into human personality and relationships and a warm appreciation of human values combine with an accurate knowledge of the various implications of the problem of family desertion and the skilled practice of a highly developed social case-worker."-A. B. Fox, in Survey.


Moore, Ernest Carroll.


What the war teaches about education, and other papers and addresses. 1919. Macmillan. $1.20.

"The war, says the author, has been the turning stage of two colossal experiments in education, both demonstrating the power of purposeful training. The German result was: national strength through trained subserviency; The American result: national strength through an aroused idealism. The responsibility rests entirely on education and the author thinks that we are 'upon the eve of the greatest educational revival that the world has yet seen.'"-Book review digest.

Crossman, Louis.


The aims of teaching in Jewish schools; a handbook for teachers; with an introduction by Dr. G. Stanley Hall. 1919. Teachers' institute of the Hebrew union college, Cincinnati. $1.75.

"In his introduction Professor G. Stanley Hall pronounces this book the best treatise on religious pedagogy that has yet appeared, taking adequate account of our latest knowledge of child life; and he commends the plan as a fitting commemoration of Rabbi Wise's centenary, aiming as it does, to preserve the racial culture and traditions. Carried from the kindergarten through the eighth grade, and designed as a teacher's handbook, but it has a broader interest."-Booklist.

Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson.


Public school administration; a statement of the fundamental principles underlying the organization and administration of public education. 1916. Houghton. $1.75. (Riverside text books in education.)

"Of the chapters on the selection and tenure of teachers, on their training and supervision, pay and promotion, courses of study, promotions, testing results, etc., I need not speak. These subjects are discussed in that large, wise way which characterizes the book as a whole. I know of no work in which this important subject is treated so profoundly and with such constructive helpfulness."-Educational review.

Judd, Charles Hubbard.


Genetic psychology for teachers. 1903. Appleton. $1.50. (International education series.)


The blind; their condition and the work being done for them in the United States. 1919. Macmillan. $4.00.

Best, Harry.

"This is an exhaustive but interesting report, covering the legal, economic and medical aspects, the provisions of different states for education, the opportunities for self-support and for recreation, concluding with recommendations for further improvements of the condition of the blind."-Booklist.

McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford.


The disabled soldier; with an introduction by Jeremiah Milbank. 1919. Macmillan. $2.00.

"The director of the Red cross institute for crippled and disabled men has organized into permanent form much material similar to that of the Institute's pamphlets. After a general history of the cripple, the author shows what the different countries which have been at war are doing to make possible self-support and self-respect for their disabled The photographs are very telling."-Booklist.



City managers' association.


Yearbook, 1919. v.5. Merrill & Webber co., Auburn, Me. $.25. Moody, Walter Dwight.


What of the city? America's greatest issue-city planning, what it is and how to go about it to achieve success. 1919. McClurg. $2.50.

"The movement of city planning in the United States, what it is, the need, how to go about it, and what it has thus far achieved. Chicago having undertaken a plan more comprehensive than that of any other city and having accumulated at great expenditure of thought, effort and means a body of data valuable for all city planners, is chosen as a concrete example."-Booklist.

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